Should Trump let Putin invade Europe?

Decapitated in her cot: Horrific details emerge of how burka-clad nanny left four-year-old child's body in her bed before parading through Moscow streets with little girl's head
  • Eyewitnesses say they saw the woman holding the severed head of a child
  • She is said to have shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as she appeared close to station
  • Body of Anastasia Meshcheryakova was found at burnt-out block of flats
  • Child's nanny Gyulchehra Bobokulova, from Uzbekistan, has been arrested
  • The four-year-old's body, dressed in night clothes, was found in her cot
  • For more news headlines from Moscow visit
By Julian Robinson and Matt Hunter and Will Stewart In Moscow for MailOnline

Published: 04:54 EDT, 29 February 2016 | Updated: 11:32 EDT, 1 March 2016

Horrific new details of how a nanny beheaded a four-year-old girl and paraded through the streets of Moscow with her severed head have been revealed.

The woman, dressed in a burka, threatened to blow herself up as she walked near Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station holding up the little girl's head.

Investigators claim she murdered the girl, who is believed to have learning difficulties, after starting a fire at the child's family home in a block of flats.

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Poor girl....RIP :cry:
. Should have never happened... How come all the henious acts that are going on today, wasn't even heard of here throughout the 50's, and up into the late 60's when The Manson Family story broke ? It's been down hill in America ever since when it comes to seeing dispicable acts of perversion, and of extreme violence. How did we get so far removed from civility, that people started to have sympathy for the devil, and then they started making excuses for his profiled cases in which we have known in the past, and have witnessed over the years now ?? Then when we try to analyze it all, and to come up for where it all had gone wrong, the devil dispatches his minions to creat chaos in order to try and keep the causes and truth's hidden.
Putin has a good record in clearing out the terrorists, for example his record in Chechnya.

It would be a bloody affair but in the end the european Islamists would be the losers.

Putin should stand for the EU parliament become the President and do his work.

*sigh* if only this could happen. ;)
Putin has a good record in clearing out the terrorists, for example his record in Chechnya.

It would be a bloody affair but in the end the european Islamists would be the losers.

Putin should stand for the EU parliament become the President and do his work.

*sigh* if only this could happen. ;)

He's got a record of blowing up buildings in Moscow too.
Putin has a good record in clearing out the terrorists, for example his record in Chechnya.

It would be a bloody affair but in the end the european Islamists would be the losers.

Putin should stand for the EU parliament become the President and do his work.

*sigh* if only this could happen. ;)

Putin cleared out terrorists in Chechnya, or did Putin actually provoke them by asserting imperial colonial rule over Chechnya?
Trump and Putin seen riding through the Syrian countryside trying to figure out their next move:

Anti-Muslim refugee views are rather high in Hungary, Poland, Greece, Italy, Belgium, and Austria.

Views!!?? Only actions count. I bet all yurpeens act real nice to the muzzlers out of fear of being called a racist.!!! Diversity is code for white genocide.
Anti-Muslim refugee views are rather high in Hungary, Poland, Greece, Italy, Belgium, and Austria.

Views!!?? Only actions count. I bet all yurpeens act real nice to the muzzlers out of fear of being called a racist.!!! Diversity is code for white genocide.

Poland, and Hungary have seen some attacks on Muslims.

One thing is certain Moscow the heart of Russia, has far more Muslims than Poland, and Hungary combined, because of Putin's inability to help protect Moscow from Muslim invaders.

Russia has 4 million illegal immigrants, that's almost as bad as the USA, considering that Russia's population is about 40% the size of the USA. (But one big difference is that their illegal immigrants are largely Muslim)

Illegal immigration to Russia - Wikipedia

There's 11 million foreigners in Russia, and former Soviet countries like those in Central Asia who are Muslim, are even being encouraged to migrate to Russia.

Russia Wants Immigrants the World Doesn’t

Russia was #2 in the World for being an immigrant haven.

Russia: The World's Second-Largest Immigration Haven

Russia has also received many refugees over the last twenty years. In the early 1990s, Armenians and Azerbaijanis fled to Russia after the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict as well as Meskhetian Turks from Uzbekistan after ethnic violence there. Citizens of Tajikistan fled civil war in the 1990s, relocating to Russia as well as to other former Soviet republics. It is difficult to measure the true volume of refugees who entered during much of the nineties, but the number of ethnic conflicts in Central Asia certainly was the source of large flows. More recently, the 2005 Andijan Massacre in Uzbekistan also brought many refugees to Russia. Currently, there are many asylum-seekers in Russia from Afghanistan, Angola, Ethiopia, Somalia, and growing numbers of refugees from eastern Ukraine.
I say yes. All these pro-immigrant "leaders" in europe are destroying their countries by letting in millions of illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden and super-violent animals. Putin has made it clear he is opposed to all this multi-culturalism crap. Diversity means white genocide and a return to the stone ages.
Yes. Pull our troops out. If they can't defend themselves then they don't deserve a country to live in.
I say yes. All these pro-immigrant "leaders" in europe are destroying their countries by letting in millions of illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden and super-violent animals. Putin has made it clear he is opposed to all this multi-culturalism crap. Diversity means white genocide and a return to the stone ages.
Yes. Pull our troops out. If they can't defend themselves then they don't deserve a country to live in.

Everyone should have the right to self governance.

Besides, by your own logic Russia probably would have vanished in the 1600's without the help of Sweden during the Polish - Muscovite War.

Which would probably would have been better, anyways.

No Soviet fiasco.
I say yes. All these pro-immigrant "leaders" in europe are destroying their countries by letting in millions of illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden and super-violent animals. Putin has made it clear he is opposed to all this multi-culturalism crap. Diversity means white genocide and a return to the stone ages.
Wow, I guess you don't know muslims here have better Ed and earnings than you my dear. Hurry, you may be late for your KKK meeting

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