Should Trump receive same treatment that Hillary received?

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It's not exactly rocket surgery to discern that you're a leftist shill, dude. Are we supposed to not know that or something? :uhoh3:

You are further left than me, of that there is no debate.

Okay, Mr. Marines weapon instructor, what SAW was in use before the M249?

I'm sure that's in the manual.

Fuck if I know, didn't know then, dont know now. It was not part of the course of instruction, all we learned about was the weapons we were firing.

Then we spent a week in the jungle outside of Subic Bay firing the shit out them.

That was the whole reason I signed up for the class, Subic Bay! 20 bucks got you fed, drunk and laid!

You're fulla shit.

Nope, it is a cold hard fact. The fact that you are a Trump zealot alone makes you further left than me since he is a liberal.

So no older people ever mentioned what used to be the SAW before m249, aye? What does SAW stand for?

If they did I was not paying attention to them. I was a young LCpl who volunteered for the class so I could shot some shit and spend a weekend in Subic Bay.

The week of classroom was boring as hell, but the next week was amazing. Did a day fire and then a night fire with each of the 4 weapons. Firing the .50 cal at night, taking the T&E off and just going to town was thrill. Sadly the ammo we were using was Korean War surplus so only about 1/3 of the tracer rounds still worked.

Squad Automatic Weapon.

What is the purpose of the Squad Automatic Weapon?

It's 5 words, non-jarhead.
NO!!! Trump should not receive the treatment Hillary received. Trump is a lying pig, but nobody deserves the bullshit that Hillary had to put up with.

So you believe that there was nothing improper about the DOJ investigation of Hillary and her transmissions of classified material on her private server?
You are further left than me, of that there is no debate.

Fuck if I know, didn't know then, dont know now. It was not part of the course of instruction, all we learned about was the weapons we were firing.

Then we spent a week in the jungle outside of Subic Bay firing the shit out them.

That was the whole reason I signed up for the class, Subic Bay! 20 bucks got you fed, drunk and laid!

You're fulla shit.

Nope, it is a cold hard fact. The fact that you are a Trump zealot alone makes you further left than me since he is a liberal.

So no older people ever mentioned what used to be the SAW before m249, aye? What does SAW stand for?

If they did I was not paying attention to them. I was a young LCpl who volunteered for the class so I could shot some shit and spend a weekend in Subic Bay.

The week of classroom was boring as hell, but the next week was amazing. Did a day fire and then a night fire with each of the 4 weapons. Firing the .50 cal at night, taking the T&E off and just going to town was thrill. Sadly the ammo we were using was Korean War surplus so only about 1/3 of the tracer rounds still worked.

Squad Automatic Weapon.

What is the purpose of the Squad Automatic Weapon?

The same as every other weapon, to shoot shit! Duh!
NO!!! Trump should not receive the treatment Hillary received. Trump is a lying pig, but nobody deserves the bullshit that Hillary had to put up with.

So you believe that there was nothing improper about the DOJ investigation of Hillary and her transmissions of classified material on her private server?

You think there was?
Should Trump receive same treatment that Hillary received?

Did Hillary commit treason? I must have missed that...

NO!!! Trump should not receive the treatment Hillary received. Trump is a lying pig, but nobody deserves the bullshit that Hillary had to put up with.

So you believe that there was nothing improper about the DOJ investigation of Hillary and her transmissions of classified material on her private server?

Oh, I think Hillary is dirty as dog shit in the desert. She was given a pass just like everyone else that came before her. I keep telling all these idiots that think Trump is going to go to jail that nobody ever goes to jail. I have been watching this shit go on since the days of the Iran/Contra and nobody important ever goes to jail.
In the OP of this thread. Thanks for playing! next?

I didn't write it. I simply shared it here. I thought the author made some fair points. The DOJ did things for Hillary that it would never do for other suspects. Hence, should Trump be afforded the same treatment. It's a simple and fair question. But rather than honestly addressing the topic, you went into full kunt mode.
NO!!! Trump should not receive the treatment Hillary received. Trump is a lying pig, but nobody deserves the bullshit that Hillary had to put up with.

So you believe that there was nothing improper about the DOJ investigation of Hillary and her transmissions of classified material on her private server?

You think there was?

Of course there was. She had classified material on an unsecure server, that is a big no me.
In the OP of this thread. Thanks for playing! next?

I didn't write it. I simply shared it here. I thought the author made some fair points. The DOJ did things for Hillary that it would never do for other suspects. Hence, should Trump be afforded the same treatment. It's a simple and fair question. But rather than honestly addressing the topic, you went into full kunt mode.

Ohh...was I mean to you? I am so sorry, here is a crayon, go to a safe space and have a time out. :290968001256257790-final:
(Courtesy of Sheryl Attkisson)

Re: Trump interview w/special counsel, perhaps all can agree it should be under same terms @TheJusticeDept gave Hillary Clinton:

1. An exoneration letter is drafted in advance.
2. Immunity is given to top Trump aides (and they’re allowed to sit in on interview).
3. Interview isn’t recorded.
4. Lead official (Mueller) doesn’t attend.
5. #2 official’s family has received large donations from Trump political friends.
6. Prior to the interview, lead official meets privately on plane tarmac with Trump's wife (to discuss grandchildren).
7. Main interviewer has expressed disdain for Trump’s opponents, such as discussing an “insurance plan” with higher-ups to undermine them. If the same terms aren’t offered...Was Clinton’s interview process unfair? Or is the one proposed for Trump unfair?
8. As long as they believe Trump didn't intend any harm, he's let off the hook for any violations.
9. If Trump becomes a target, it should be referred to as a "matter" not an investigation.
10. Trump aides should be permitted to destroy subpoenaed or relevant public records and wipe relevant servers with a cloth or something.

Is it your contention that there was nothing improper about how the DOJ conducted the Hillary investigation?
My contention with the graphic I posted is that your oversimplified presentation constitutes "spin."
My contention with the graphic I posted is that your oversimplified presentation constitutes "spin."

The so-called investigation was a sham - and you supported it. You're another partisan hack.

Incidentally, I thought I made it clear in the OP that I wasn't the author. I simply shared it here.
She was given a pass just like everyone else that came before her.

Who else, specifically, received the same treatment as Hillary?

Who hasn't? I do not recall anyone other than one Marine getting into any trouble when we were selling weapons to our enemy.

Haven't you figured out, NOBODY EVER GOES TO JAIL

It is all a game
Ohh...was I mean to you? I am so sorry, here is a crayon, go to a safe space and have a time out. :290968001256257790-final:

Like I said, you're a partisan hack and your only purpose here is to shill and parrot your liberal masters. You're not worth reading and that's why I'm putting you on "ignore". Good riddance.
Ohh...was I mean to you? I am so sorry, here is a crayon, go to a safe space and have a time out. :290968001256257790-final:

Like I said, you're a partisan hack and your only purpose here is to shill and parrot your liberal masters. You're not worth reading and that's why I'm putting you on "ignore". Good riddance.

Yeah, I am a partisan hack with no party you dumb fuck. You are more liberal than I am because you voted for and support a liberal president.
Who hasn't?

Typical kunt response. I ask a simple fucking question and you give a kunt response. Like I said, you're not worth reading, let alone engaging. On "ignore" you go. Bye bye kunt.
Looks like Crooked Hillary may be in big trouble.

BREAKING: AG Jeff Sessions Makes the Order - Hillary Corruption To Be Revealed!

Department of Justice Hurries Up Hillary Clinton Email Probe by Hiring Attorney

Someone must have lit a fire under Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ bum because he’s now taken an extra step to expedite the process by which documents related to the Hillary Clinton email investigation and other misdeeds are released to the public.

From the Daily Mail:

The Department of Justice has selected a U.S. Attorney to oversee the release of documents associated with the 2016 FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s emails and other controversial cases.

U.S. Attorney John Lausch was asked over the weekend by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and FBI Director Christopher Wray if he would handle the DOJ’s process of combing through and redacting thousands of pages of documents, to be handed over to Congress, according to the Washington Post.

Lausch, whom Trump picked to lead the U.S. attorney’s office in the Northern District of Illinois, was formally announced as the Justice Department’s pick on Monday.

Looks like Crooked Hillary may be in big trouble.

Hillary broke significant laws. The DOJ went out of its way to protect Hillary and then exonerated her. She skated. Not a single liberal on this forum has acknowledged in this thread that the DOJ investigation was done in a totally improper way.
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