Should ugliness be a protected status

Equality or equity George? They are quite different concepts. Have you read Harrison Bergeron?

Vonnegut himself has connected the story to recent attempts to make people equal using the language of political correctness. According to this argument, the respectful treatment of all marginalized groups may be a slippery slope, as “Harrison Bergeron” suggests. If we begin with the equal treatment of male athletes and their weaker female counterparts, for example, we may end with the insistence that ugly people should be treated as if they are beautiful, and so forth.

SparkNotes: Harrison Bergeron: Vonnegut
Balancing the scales for ugly people since America was invented.

Should the very attractive be a protected class?

They take nearly as much shit as the ugly do.
Yes we should be a protected class!! I know I like to clown around sometimes but the truth is i struggle daily with envious people who are jealous of my extremely good looks....and if not for my superior intelligence ,lightening reflexes,and awesome physical strength i know i would be victimized by hateful less attractive people like COLON.......:(

Yeah.......but if we had to judge your looks from what your posts sound like, you'd be a 3 1/2 ft tall cross eyed dwarf with a club foot.
Balancing the scales for ugly people since America was invented.


Yep, The ol' beer goggles work almost every time. But they have there limits. Sadly, Swamp Donkeys are immune.

swamp donkey,

of British origin, meaning a slobbering blob of a girl who hangs out at shady bars hoping for some action.
So I tell the swampdonkey to sock it before I give her a trunky in the tradesman's entrance and I have her lick me yardballs.


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It's not often I read an op-ed in the New York Times and confuse it with an article from The Onion. But, I did just that Sunday with Daniel Hamermesh's piece calling for government protections for "The Ugly."

Blog: Should 'The Ugly' Be A Protected Class?

Should the ugly of this nation receive perfered status in line with blacks or any other group in a protected status in this nation. If the anwser is yes, than how would one determine who was ugly enough to receive proctective status such as in job hiring, and how did President Lincoln get as far as he did without a program like this on the books at the time of his election?

Anyone, (butt)Ugly.
Every day I wake up and discover that I'm getting better looking.

It is terrifying.

As a VERY minor minority of such people that this getting more beautiful every day thing happens to, I want equal protection under the law from those jealous people who age normally.
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Every day I wake up and discover that I'm getting better looking.

It is terrifying.

As a VERY minor minority of such people that this getting more beautiful every day thing happens to, I want equal protection under the law from those jealous people who age normally.

[ame=]Mac Davis - Hard To Be Humble @ the muppets - YouTube[/ame]
What the hell is ugly anyways?

This notion is almost Orwellian....

What is the official standard for "ugly" now?

People who claim they're ugly or people that call them ugly....

Will we have a court on "beauty" that can define what is ugly?? Oh then put your 1-10 number on your drivers license?

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