Should we ban Muslims from gun ranges as well?

Intern and vet existing Muslim American citizens. Ones in security fields and the military have already been vetted and that's good enough for me. But people who've never been checked out should be. Ones wanting to come in will have to make other arrangements.

While it's true pleanty of 'red-blooded true blue Americans' have gone postal and been violent, Muslims pose an extra risk or treasonous positions and inclination towards radicalism we don't need.

So, the Ft. Hood shooter was vetted good enough for you because he was in the military (taking the Devil's Advocate position here)?

And, what are you going to do if the Muslims decide to buy their weapons at a gun show where a background check isn't required?

You know.....the muslim radicals don't exactly hide it.....the San Bern shooter didn't hide his hate....the Fort Hood shooter preached Jihad all over the place and handed out cards that said he was a warrior for jihad...

Why don't we start with the muslims actually calling for murdering people..that would be a good place to start...

I was expecting that your answer will be a big NO. Because if we ban Muslim in buying guns or gun that will be against your main goal
He's all for gun control, just not for his kind, even though guns, as we all know, are for protection.
so are condoms
Condoms are, guns are not.
So, the Ft. Hood shooter was vetted good enough for you because he was in the military (taking the Devil's Advocate position here)?

And, what are you going to do if the Muslims decide to buy their weapons at a gun show where a background check isn't required?

You know.....the muslim radicals don't exactly hide it.....the San Bern shooter didn't hide his hate....the Fort Hood shooter preached Jihad all over the place and handed out cards that said he was a warrior for jihad...

Why don't we start with the muslims actually calling for murdering people..that would be a good place to start...

I was expecting that your answer will be a big NO. Because if we ban Muslim in buying guns or gun that will be against your main goal
He's all for gun control, just not for his kind, even though guns, as we all know, are for protection.
so are condoms
Condoms are, guns are not.
true but excuse is the same.
Sales are not the issue….the issue is the Bill of Rights…I know, I know…you left wingers think that is just silly talk…..but we do have a Bill of Rights and some of us really do think they need to be upheld…..
The only right in the Bill of Rights you seem to be all for holding up is the Second Amendment, but here's a test, defend the right to wear this, in public?

The First Amendment…
Good. And this?

First Amendment......
Sales are not the issue….the issue is the Bill of Rights…I know, I know…you left wingers think that is just silly talk…..but we do have a Bill of Rights and some of us really do think they need to be upheld…..
The only right in the Bill of Rights you seem to be all for holding up is the Second Amendment, but here's a test, defend the right to wear this, in public?

The First Amendment…
Good. And this?

Defend the right to these...your turn...

San Bernardino was the last straw. Next time it happens pray you hear more from me. If you don't, may not hear from friends of your's either.
San Bernardino was indeed an awakening but it wasn't the last straw. The last straw will be followed by unchallenged calls for an armed uprising against Islam. I don't see that happening until there are a few more San Bernardino events.
San Bernardino was the last straw. Next time it happens pray you hear more from me. If you don't, may not hear from friends of your's either.
San Bernardino was indeed an awakening but it wasn't the last straw. The last straw will be followed by unchallenged calls for an armed uprising against Islam. I don't see that happening until there are a few more San Bernardino events.
I dont see that happening ever. The people that are the most vocal against the muslims are usually cowards. They wont get enough of them together to do anything. There may be an uptick in hate crimes but nothing more. Just ask that clown Rotatilla. He cant even start a race war he predicted last year.
So, we will allow Muslims to continue to buy guns (if qualified), as well as go to gun ranges, but we won't let them into the country because of their religion.

Got it.
who we need to ban from gun ranges is people who think they are John Wayne or Arnold Schwarzenegger
thats were people like that should be shooting...
you ever fuck up daws?...
sure all the time, just not here.
well that makes are a fuck up but are perfect here.....thats probably a matter of opinion...
The current talk in the country today is that we should ban all Muslims from coming to this country, that means tourists, students and those wishing to immigrate here, because a lot of people are scared that those Muslims who come to this country from terrorist hotspots are going to be terrorists themselves.

I remember a while ago where a woman who owned a gun range in Hot Springs Arkansas said that she would ban any Muslims from using her gun range.

Gun range's ban on Muslims draws fire

Since it has been proven that the female shooter was at the gun range in full Muslim garb, and she fired at the range while dressed that way, it is would be known that she is Muslim.

Since they were practicing at the gun range prior to the attack, does this mean that all responsible gun range owners should ban Muslims from using their range? Should we also have a box to check on the background check for gun purchase that asks their religion, and if it's marked "Islam" or "Muslim", should they be denied the right to purchase a gun, even if they are native born citizens of this country and have no priors?

Intern and vet existing Muslim American citizens. Ones in security fields and the military have already been vetted and that's good enough for me. But people who've never been checked out should be. Ones wanting to come in will have to make other arrangements.

While it's true pleanty of 'red-blooded true blue Americans' have gone postal and been violent, Muslims pose an extra risk or treasonous positions and inclination towards radicalism we don't need.
What we don't need is this sort of ignorance, fear, bigotry, and stupidity.
The current talk in the country today is that we should ban all Muslims from coming to this country, that means tourists, students and those wishing to immigrate here, because a lot of people are scared that those Muslims who come to this country from terrorist hotspots are going to be terrorists themselves.

I remember a while ago where a woman who owned a gun range in Hot Springs Arkansas said that she would ban any Muslims from using her gun range.

Gun range's ban on Muslims draws fire

Since it has been proven that the female shooter was at the gun range in full Muslim garb, and she fired at the range while dressed that way, it is would be known that she is Muslim.

Since they were practicing at the gun range prior to the attack, does this mean that all responsible gun range owners should ban Muslims from using their range? Should we also have a box to check on the background check for gun purchase that asks their religion, and if it's marked "Islam" or "Muslim", should they be denied the right to purchase a gun, even if they are native born citizens of this country and have no priors?

Intern and vet existing Muslim American citizens. Ones in security fields and the military have already been vetted and that's good enough for me. But people who've never been checked out should be. Ones wanting to come in will have to make other arrangements.

While it's true pleanty of 'red-blooded true blue Americans' have gone postal and been violent, Muslims pose an extra risk or treasonous positions and inclination towards radicalism we don't need.

So, the Ft. Hood shooter was vetted good enough for you because he was in the military (taking the Devil's Advocate position here)?

And, what are you going to do if the Muslims decide to buy their weapons at a gun show where a background check isn't required?

You know.....the muslim radicals don't exactly hide it.....the San Bern shooter didn't hide his hate....the Fort Hood shooter preached Jihad all over the place and handed out cards that said he was a warrior for jihad...

Why don't we start with the muslims actually calling for murdering people..that would be a good place to start...

Yes, the San Bern shooter DID hide his hate. Nobody knew anything about him, not even DHS or the FBI, because he didn't show up on any of their watch lists or radars.

As far as the Ft. Hood shooter handing out cards saying he was a warrior for jihad, got a link?

That's the first I heard about the Ft Hood shooter handing out jihad cards. 2a probably heard it from Drumpf.

Lots of people knew how crazy the PP shooter is before he went on his rampage.

When are we gonna ban ignorant, white, trailer trash, fundie nutters from gun ranges?

In order to be consistent, conservatives must also insist that Christians likewise be banned from gun ranges, as a consequence of terrorist attacks in Charleston and Colorado Springs, for example.

Or conservatives can acknowledge the fact that their 'argument' fails as a composition fallacy – that because a Muslim or Christian might commit an act of terror, he is not 'representative' of all Muslims or Christians, where it would be wrong to disadvantage an entire class of persons for the acts of the few.

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