Should we believe Trump's claim that Comey said Trump is not under investigation?

When the Office of Congressional Ethics conducts an investigation of a member, it doesn't disclose who is or or is not the subject of an investigation. It's hard to imagine a lower standard be in place for criminal investigations the FBI conducts; however, it's plausible that Comey did disclose that piece of information in the classified hearings in which he testified.
Might it be that Comey told Trump he's not the subject of the FBI's investigation? I guess anything's possible. For my part, I think it more likely that when, in a conversation between Trump and Comey, the topic of whom might be the subjects of the FBI's investigation, Comey demurred, and his doing so irked Trump in much the same way Trump was pissed that Comey would not give him a preview of the "Russia" testimony Comey intended to give to Congress.

One thing is very clear to me: Trump will say pretty much anything without regard to whether it's 100% true in fact, spirit, and context. Accordingly, I have zero confidence that Comey told Trump that Trump is not the among the subjects of the FBI investigation. If someone else "in the know" makes that assertion as directly as Trump did, I'd be more inclined to believe Comey did indeed tell Trump that.

Really, after all of this--I don't know how anyone could believe ANYTHING that Trump says or tweets. He is a Pathelogical liar. A person who actually believes the lies he tells.

A pathological liar is someone who compulsively tells lies or fabricates information. They may not be completely rooted in reality, believing the lies they tell.
How to Spot a Pathological Liar

"Donald Trump is in a different category. The sheer frequency, spontaneity and seeming irrelevance of his lies have no precedent. Nixon, Reagan and Clinton were protecting their reputations; Trump seems to lie for the pure joy of it. A whopping 70 percent of Trump’s statements that PolitiFact checked during the campaign were false, while only 4 percent were completely true, and 11 percent mostly true. (Compare that to the politician Trump dubbed “crooked,” Hillary Clinton: Just 26 percent of her statements were deemed false.)
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain


Those who have followed Trump’s career say his lying isn’t just a tactic, but an ingrained habit. New York tabloid writers who covered Trump as a mogul on the rise in the 1980s and ’90s found him categorically different from the other self-promoting celebrities in just how often, and pointlessly, he would lie to them. In his own autobiography, Trump used the phrase “truthful hyperbole,” a term coined by his ghostwriter referring to the flagrant truth-stretching that Trump employed, over and over, to help close sales. Trump apparently loved the wording, and went on to adopt it as his own."
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
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You know, during my time in the military, there was never an officer that asked me for my unquestioned loyalty.

Why? Because they swore the same oath that I did, as well as knew like I did that unlawful orders did not have to be obeyed. Matter of fact, they were supposed to be reported and ran up the chain of command.

My loyalty was never to one person when I swore in the military. My oath was to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic".

Same oath that Trump swore.

Only thing is, I kept mine, but apparently he's above the law.

NOBODY is above the law.
When the Office of Congressional Ethics conducts an investigation of a member, it doesn't disclose who is or or is not the subject of an investigation. It's hard to imagine a lower standard be in place for criminal investigations the FBI conducts; however, it's plausible that Comey did disclose that piece of information in the classified hearings in which he testified.
Might it be that Comey told Trump he's not the subject of the FBI's investigation? I guess anything's possible. For my part, I think it more likely that when, in a conversation between Trump and Comey, the topic of whom might be the subjects of the FBI's investigation, Comey demurred, and his doing so irked Trump in much the same way Trump was pissed that Comey would not give him a preview of the "Russia" testimony Comey intended to give to Congress.

One thing is very clear to me: Trump will say pretty much anything without regard to whether it's 100% true in fact, spirit, and context. Accordingly, I have zero confidence that Comey told Trump that Trump is not the among the subjects of the FBI investigation. If someone else "in the know" makes that assertion as directly as Trump did, I'd be more inclined to believe Comey did indeed tell Trump that.

It was confirmed by Grasslley and Feinstien.


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