Should we remove tax exempt status for Mosque?

You might believe that I don't
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such

Yeah, there are so many "big businesses" in the world who operate with the express purpose of helping people and not profiting from it.

Your definitions are skewed by your blind, ignorant hatred.
What's with all the hate shit?

I don't hate anyone it takes too much energy

I just want everyone to be treated the same under the law.

No person or business should be exempt from taxes I don't care what the purpose of the business is.

Religion and so called non profits have been scamming the system for years it's time we put an end to that

I have no idea what's with all the hate shit. I didn't realize you were such a hostile religiophobe, and I'm rather taken aback by it.

Everyone IS treated the same under the law, aside from recent digressions into political persecution by the Obama administration. Anyone who wishes to form a non-profit, or even specifically a religious organization with non-profit status, may do so under the same requirements and receive the exact same terms and application of the law.

Only leftists think "equal treatment under the law" means "pretending everyone is extruded from an indentical cookie cutter with no differences whatsoever." I'm not even going to dignify "We should take money away from charities and give it to the government to piss away JUST so that I can stick it to religions" with any more comment. And don't even start with your appalling ignorance of accounting practices again.

When some get special consideration in any laws then not everyone is treated the same are they

And you have no evidence that I am a religiophobe even though no such word exists (kind of like god)

I have no irrational fear of religion or of some god that can cast me into a lake of fire. It seems you religious folk are the ones living in fear for your immortal souls

And business is business

Religion is big business so are so called charities for Christs sake Harvard is a non profit so is the NFL and so are tens of thousands of other businesses that are actually for profit enterprises that you want to give special treatment
You might believe that I don't
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such

Yeah, there are so many "big businesses" in the world who operate with the express purpose of helping people and not profiting from it.

Your definitions are skewed by your blind, ignorant hatred.
What's with all the hate shit?

I don't hate anyone it takes too much energy

I just want everyone to be treated the same under the law.

No person or business should be exempt from taxes I don't care what the purpose of the business is.

Religion and so called non profits have been scamming the system for years it's time we put an end to that

I have no idea what's with all the hate shit. I didn't realize you were such a hostile religiophobe, and I'm rather taken aback by it.

Everyone IS treated the same under the law, aside from recent digressions into political persecution by the Obama administration. Anyone who wishes to form a non-profit, or even specifically a religious organization with non-profit status, may do so under the same requirements and receive the exact same terms and application of the law.

Only leftists think "equal treatment under the law" means "pretending everyone is extruded from an indentical cookie cutter with no differences whatsoever." I'm not even going to dignify "We should take money away from charities and give it to the government to piss away JUST so that I can stick it to religions" with any more comment. And don't even start with your appalling ignorance of accounting practices again.

BTW no one on this board would call me a leftist so you ought to take a few minutes to research my political leanings before trying to fit me into your 2 dimensional understanding of the world
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such
I didn't used to think you were that progressive, no. But.....

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

It's amazing how bigotry and "progressivism" go hand in hand.
If you think I'm a progressive then you haven't been on this board very long

No, dumb shit, that's the point. I know you're not normally a "progressive", which is exactly why the fact that your bigotry has infected you with "progressive-think" is so appalling.

They go hand-in-hand: you get consumed with unreasoning hatred for a group, and you start thinking and acting like a leftist. And right now, you sound indistinguishable from the dumbest leftists on this board. You've even adopted every single page of their debating instructions and style.

So wanting a business to pay taxes is now a hateful thing?

You have yet to prove I hate religious people. I don't. I don't care about you or your religion I am saying that religion is nothing but a business a very profitable business and should be treated as such
this idea was floated around a few years ago by the left. The said it wasn't an attempt to destroy churches by cutting into their revenue. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Why not remove the tax exempt status of mosque?

only after you remove tax exempt status for churches. :thup:

Right after you remove it for unions, groups like the Chamber of Commerce and Urban League, and credit unions, of all things.
As it should be for ALL businesses
Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

Lots of them. How do you think they attract new converts?

Although admittedly, Franco is as retarded as he always is in his belief that all mosques in the US are peaceful.
No evidence, brainwashed hater dupe.
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

Lots of them. How do you think they attract new converts?

Although admittedly, Franco is as retarded as he always is in his belief that all mosques in the US are peaceful.
No evidence, brainwashed hater dupe.
The evidence of you being retarded is in your post history for everyone to see.

The evidence that all Mosques are peaceful doesn't exist

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

Lots of them. How do you think they attract new converts?

Although admittedly, Franco is as retarded as he always is in his belief that all mosques in the US are peaceful.
No evidence, brainwashed hater dupe.
The evidence of you being retarded is in your post history for everyone to see.

The evidence that all Mosques are peaceful doesn't exist

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Show any evidence ANY mosque leadership advocates violence, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. You and your New BS GOP are a disgrace as well as a catastrophe. Thanks for NOTHING.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

Lots of them. How do you think they attract new converts?

Although admittedly, Franco is as retarded as he always is in his belief that all mosques in the US are peaceful.
No evidence, brainwashed hater dupe.
The evidence of you being retarded is in your post history for everyone to see.

The evidence that all Mosques are peaceful doesn't exist

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Show any evidence ANY mosque leadership advocates violence, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. You and your New BS GOP are a disgrace as well as a catastrophe. Thanks for NOTHING.
I never claimed that any Mosques advocate violence.
You claim that NONE have. You can't support that claim because, apparently, some if them somewhere do. People just don't take on this kind of behavior by spending $6 for coffee at Starbucks (though I couldn't blame them)

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

Lots of them. How do you think they attract new converts?

Although admittedly, Franco is as retarded as he always is in his belief that all mosques in the US are peaceful.
No evidence, brainwashed hater dupe.
The evidence of you being retarded is in your post history for everyone to see.

The evidence that all Mosques are peaceful doesn't exist

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Show any evidence ANY mosque leadership advocates violence, brainwashed functional moron hater dupe. You and your New BS GOP are a disgrace as well as a catastrophe. Thanks for NOTHING.
I never claimed that any Mosques advocate violence.

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Glad we agree lol...
Your ignorance? True. It may not be contagious, but it's messy.
Can't you just admit you have nothing to back up your claim?

Two words: Warren Jeffs.

I'm betting you have no idea who I'm talking about, and no interest in finding out.
I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread...

And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.
Where did I say "only mosques"? You're very dishonest, aren't you? And this thread is supposed to be about mosques, why don't you stick to the topic?
The topic is tax exempt status for MOSQUES. That's what I'm addressing. You don't speak for me.


Another example of the Right's war on religion.
Can't you just admit you have nothing to back up your claim?

Two words: Warren Jeffs.

I'm betting you have no idea who I'm talking about, and no interest in finding out.
I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread...

And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.
Where did I say "only mosques"? You're very dishonest, aren't you? And this thread is supposed to be about mosques, why don't you stick to the topic?
The topic is tax exempt status for MOSQUES. That's what I'm addressing. You don't speak for me.


Another example of the Right's war on religion.
Having trouble with your reading comprehension again?
Two words: Warren Jeffs.

I'm betting you have no idea who I'm talking about, and no interest in finding out.
I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread...

And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.
Where did I say "only mosques"? You're very dishonest, aren't you? And this thread is supposed to be about mosques, why don't you stick to the topic?
The topic is tax exempt status for MOSQUES. That's what I'm addressing. You don't speak for me.


Another example of the Right's war on religion.
Having trouble with your reading comprehension again?

Never have any difficulty comprehending your war on religion.
I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread...

And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.
Where did I say "only mosques"? You're very dishonest, aren't you? And this thread is supposed to be about mosques, why don't you stick to the topic?
The topic is tax exempt status for MOSQUES. That's what I'm addressing. You don't speak for me.


Another example of the Right's war on religion.
Having trouble with your reading comprehension again?

Never have any difficulty comprehending your war on religion.
I love how you liberals argue.

Someone criticizes Hillary - War on Women!
Someone criticizes Obama - Racist!
Someone criticizes tax exemption for terrorist recruitment centers under the guise of religion - War on Religion!

Have you ever had an honest discussion about anything in your life?
And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.
Where did I say "only mosques"? You're very dishonest, aren't you? And this thread is supposed to be about mosques, why don't you stick to the topic?
The topic is tax exempt status for MOSQUES. That's what I'm addressing. You don't speak for me.


Another example of the Right's war on religion.
Having trouble with your reading comprehension again?

Never have any difficulty comprehending your war on religion.
I love how you liberals argue.

Someone criticizes Hillary - War on Women!
Someone criticizes Obama - Racist!
Someone criticizes tax exemption for terrorist recruitment centers under the guise of religion - War on Religion!

Have you ever had an honest discussion about anything in your life?

LOL- I love how you Faux Right Wingers attempt to argue.

On the one hand- when someone proposes eliminating the tax exemptions of religions, you scream "The Left's War on Religion" and when someone points out that this OP is also a 'war on religion' you whine like a little girl.

After observing your posts here at USMB- I can't say I have ever noticed an honest argument by you.

Please, oh please, someone try to do this. No point in trying to educate the Trumpian fools as to why this would be unconstitutional. Let's just have someone do something asinine like this and let them get bitch slapped 9-0 by the Supreme Court.

Conservatives and tea partiers are only protective of the Constitution when it suits their agenda

I'm disappointed in hearing you say something like that. You're not the type to usually try performing brain surgery with a baseball bat.
Please, oh please, someone try to do this. No point in trying to educate the Trumpian fools as to why this would be unconstitutional. Let's just have someone do something asinine like this and let them get bitch slapped 9-0 by the Supreme Court.

Conservatives and tea partiers are only protective of the Constitution when it suits their agenda

I'm disappointed in hearing you say something like that. You're not the type to usually try performing brain surgery with a baseball bat.

Reality has no bearing on what I say or don't say
Think of the phrase, "Fat, ugly, and dumb is no way to go through life".

I do, indeed, think of that phrase when I read your posts, you're very perceptive.

Tax religious institutions if they operate in the black.

Thank you for demonstrating the level of comprehension that has made you so universally and justly an object of ridicule.

Non-profits, by definition, don't "operate in the black", not the way you're thinking. They expend most of their donated income on their stated purpose and operating costs. Most do retain an amount of liquid assets on hand in case of emergencies.

The idea that the government needs to punish non-profits that successfully raise donated funds by taking their money to piss away itself is ludicrous. If Donald Trump decides to write a big check to the local Salvation Army soup kitchen, should they be descended upon by tax collectors?
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such

Yeah, there are so many "big businesses" in the world who operate with the express purpose of helping people and not profiting from it.

Your definitions are skewed by your blind, ignorant hatred.
What's with all the hate shit?

I don't hate anyone it takes too much energy

I just want everyone to be treated the same under the law.

No person or business should be exempt from taxes I don't care what the purpose of the business is.

Religion and so called non profits have been scamming the system for years it's time we put an end to that

I have no idea what's with all the hate shit. I didn't realize you were such a hostile religiophobe, and I'm rather taken aback by it.

Everyone IS treated the same under the law, aside from recent digressions into political persecution by the Obama administration. Anyone who wishes to form a non-profit, or even specifically a religious organization with non-profit status, may do so under the same requirements and receive the exact same terms and application of the law.

Only leftists think "equal treatment under the law" means "pretending everyone is extruded from an indentical cookie cutter with no differences whatsoever." I'm not even going to dignify "We should take money away from charities and give it to the government to piss away JUST so that I can stick it to religions" with any more comment. And don't even start with your appalling ignorance of accounting practices again.

When some get special consideration in any laws then not everyone is treated the same are they

And you have no evidence that I am a religiophobe even though no such word exists (kind of like god)

I have no irrational fear of religion or of some god that can cast me into a lake of fire. It seems you religious folk are the ones living in fear for your immortal souls

And business is business

Religion is big business so are so called charities for Christs sake Harvard is a non profit so is the NFL and so are tens of thousands of other businesses that are actually for profit enterprises that you want to give special treatment

Oh, is that a fact? Okay, Chuckles, so by THAT definition, it's a "special consideration" for people 35 and older that they get to run for President, and discriminatory and unfair that 30-year-olds can't run. Right? It's a "special consideration" for people who haven't been convicted of violent felonies that they get to own firearms, while released felons cannot. Social Security benefits being paid only to people who are 65 and older is a "special consideration" that discriminates against young people. Any recognition that people and circumstances are different from each other is automatically a "special consideration", because "equal treatment under the law" OBVIOUSLY requires pretending that every single person in the country is exactly alike with exactly the same life circumstances.

Or maybe it means that the laws, including those recognizing different circumstances, must be applied equally to EVERYONE meeting those requirements. Our laws routinely specify conditions and exceptions for the law, and you know it as well as I do, so stop trying to pretend you suddenly don't.

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