Should we remove tax exempt status for Mosque?

Nice try, but show me where I used the word "only".

It's all you're talking about. A quick search on USMB shows nothing anywhere on your part extending it to any other religious institutions. Given your insistence on keeping it about mosques only - a rational person would conclude you're only interested in squelching this one religion.

By all means - prove me wrong, show me the threads or posts you've posted on revoking tax status or closing down churches and synagogues :)
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
Nice try, but show me where I used the word "only".

It's all you're talking about. A quick search on USMB shows nothing anywhere on your part extending it to any other religious institutions. Given your insistence on keeping it about mosques only - a rational person would conclude you're only interested in squelching this one religion.

By all means - prove me wrong, show me the threads or posts you've posted on revoking tax status or closing down churches and synagogues :)
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?

Have you?
I don't need to open a sewer lid to know it stinks.
It's all you're talking about. A quick search on USMB shows nothing anywhere on your part extending it to any other religious institutions. Given your insistence on keeping it about mosques only - a rational person would conclude you're only interested in squelching this one religion.

By all means - prove me wrong, show me the threads or posts you've posted on revoking tax status or closing down churches and synagogues :)
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. Guess what, dupe?
It's all you're talking about. A quick search on USMB shows nothing anywhere on your part extending it to any other religious institutions. Given your insistence on keeping it about mosques only - a rational person would conclude you're only interested in squelching this one religion.

By all means - prove me wrong, show me the threads or posts you've posted on revoking tax status or closing down churches and synagogues :)
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?

Have you?
I don't need to open a sewer lid to know it stinks.
Perfect hater dupe. ^^ lol.
Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. Guess what, dupe?
You're right.
There's no evidence of your claim

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
Well excuse the fuck out of me for wanting to keep it about the topic only. And if churches or synagogues were advocating violence against Americans I would want them shut down too. But I'm sure you'll ignore that statement since you're only interested in trolling my comments rather than discussing the topic honestly.

Most mosques are not advocating violence against Americans. You do realize that don't you?
How do you know, have you attended them?

Have you?
I don't need to open a sewer lid to know it stinks.
Perfect hater dupe. ^^ lol.
You have a very limited vocabulary. lol
How do you know, have you attended them?
You have no evidence, only fear mongered paranoia.
Hilarious, hater dupe. You people are unbelievable. No mosque leaders are advocating terrorism in the US.
How do you know that?
Which Mosques allow outsiders to sit in on their services?

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. Guess what, dupe?
You're right.
There's no evidence of your claim

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk
No evidence there's no evidence? LOL @dupe.
Our Constitution doesn't allow discrimination or favoritism toward any particular religion.
How about the Branch dividians? Heaven's Gate? The People's Temple? Scientology? Westboro Baptist Church?

What about them? I have no idea what the Branch Davidians did or did not do about their taxes. I wasn't their accountant. The People's Temple abided by the laws while they were in this country. Scientology still does, and is, if I remember correctly, a tax-exempt non-profit. Again, I'm not their accountant, so I can't say for sure. Ditto for Westboro.

Again, I point out that you're really not capable of wrapping your brain around "none of my fucking business as long as they obey the law". You're a bigot who thinks you should be able to pick and choose who gets rights and who doesn't according to your personal approval - GREAT conservative thinking, there - and you can't understand that the rest of us just aren't interested being bigots.
So, if the leadership tells the members to murder someone, and they do, the institution should be left alone because they didn't actually kill anybody?

And the stupid keeps coming.

Newsflash, tardboy: telling people to murder someone is ILLEGAL. That means it falls outside the "obey the law" standard we keep trying to beat into that rock skull of yours.
Fine, except you aren't willing to shut down the mosques who advocate violence. Now feel free to respond with another personal attack instead of substance.

I didn't say that. YOU said that. I'm not responsible for the dumb shit you make up and want to attribute to me.

Now feel free to respond with another attack based on what you WISH I had said instead of dealing with my actual words.

Or better yet, tell us more about how all Muslims are responsible for the acts of some Muslims, and then pretend to be confused that anyone thinks you're prejudiced against Muslims.
Property taxes.....payroll taxes....sales tax....
Just a few taxes that come to mind that aren't contingent on income or profit

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

And all should be paid

Even churches and charities benefit from government services that we all have to pay for so they should too
They repay us with the work that they do in charities

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You might believe that I don't
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such

Yeah, there are so many "big businesses" in the world who operate with the express purpose of helping people and not profiting from it.

Your definitions are skewed by your blind, ignorant hatred.
Where the fuck do YOU live, that water and sewer are paid for by taxes, rather than by utility bills?

Roads are paid for by property taxes and taxes on gasoline. Last time I checked, non-profit organizations pay the same prices for gasoline in their vehicles that everyone else does. Most non-profits also pay property taxes. Whether or not they don't depends on the laws of their state and municipality, and what type of non-profit they are. For example, a Catholic-run emergency shelter for children would not pay property taxes, as an exchange for relieving the government of some of ITS obligation for running that service (yes, I know that governments still run emergency shelters for children. However, the existence of privately-run shelters expands the facilities available to them without expanding the government's expenses). Whether or not a church's property is taxed or not depends on what the property is and what use it is put to.

And like I said, why in the hell would you make a charity spend more time and money on accounting as though they're a for-profit that simply had a bad year, rather than tailoring their accounting to what they actually ARE, a charity that has no intention of "profiting"? What the fuck kind of logic is THAT? Should an organization that exists to provide housing for the homeless spend its money on accounting staff to produce profit-and-loss, income, and equity statements, etc. simply to show that it doesn't engage in any of that, or should it spend its money on housing the homeless? People already get outraged by charities that spend half or more of every dollar on "administrative costs", and you're suggesting that that should be increased, to what purpose? Simply so that YOU can love your rump roast, knowing that churches aren't "special"?

A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as wellAnd by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

Yeah, yeah, you say it wouldn't be any more trouble, so it just wouldn't be, because you say so. Can you substantiate any of it? No, it JUST WOULDN'T BE! We just stop calling them special! That's all it involves! Because I say so!
Where the fuck do YOU live, that water and sewer are paid for by taxes, rather than by utility bills?

Roads are paid for by property taxes and taxes on gasoline. Last time I checked, non-profit organizations pay the same prices for gasoline in their vehicles that everyone else does. Most non-profits also pay property taxes. Whether or not they don't depends on the laws of their state and municipality, and what type of non-profit they are. For example, a Catholic-run emergency shelter for children would not pay property taxes, as an exchange for relieving the government of some of ITS obligation for running that service (yes, I know that governments still run emergency shelters for children. However, the existence of privately-run shelters expands the facilities available to them without expanding the government's expenses). Whether or not a church's property is taxed or not depends on what the property is and what use it is put to.

And like I said, why in the hell would you make a charity spend more time and money on accounting as though they're a for-profit that simply had a bad year, rather than tailoring their accounting to what they actually ARE, a charity that has no intention of "profiting"? What the fuck kind of logic is THAT? Should an organization that exists to provide housing for the homeless spend its money on accounting staff to produce profit-and-loss, income, and equity statements, etc. simply to show that it doesn't engage in any of that, or should it spend its money on housing the homeless? People already get outraged by charities that spend half or more of every dollar on "administrative costs", and you're suggesting that that should be increased, to what purpose? Simply so that YOU can love your rump roast, knowing that churches aren't "special"?

A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as well

And churches aren't special and by having laws on the books that gives special treatment to churches is a violation of the fist amendment

And by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

In other words, "I don't hear any points, because I don't want to address them. I'm right, and no amount of proof will refute that, I'm just right and all I have to do is say so!"

We're done here. You can no more debate a bigot than you can debate a pig, and for the same reasons: they're not very bright, and they enjoy wallowing in their own muck too much to make them stop.

So it's your contention that non profits have fewer tax hoops to jump through than any other business?

Why don't you prove that?

Been there, did that, moved on from your willful blindness.

You can lead a bigot to facts, but you can't make him think.

You did no such thing you said charities have to jump through hoops to keep their charitable status

Get rid of that status and all they have to do is file their taxes like every other business

No, genius. I said non-profits have to meet certain requirements in order to retain their non-profit status, and they do. I also said that requiring them to keep their books as though they were for-profits that simply didn't make a profit - even though they're INTENDED not to make a profit - would require them to jump through unnecessary hoops and overcomplicate the system.

So by all means, suggest that they "just" make it needlessly complicated and onerous to satisfy your hatred. The more you repeat that they "just" need to do something ridiculous to make you happy, without ever explaining what purpose it serves OTHER than satisfying your bigotry, only points up the fact of your bigotry all the more.

Let me just save some time.

Skull: Just fuck things up because I hate religion and want to hurt religious people.

Me: What purpose does that serve besides being vindictive?

Skull: Just make life harder for charities because I don't know how things work, and it will make me feel good to know that religious people are screwed over.

Me: It will make the system more complicated and cost money that should go to charitable work.

Skull: Just do it because I want it.

There. Now the entire conversation for the next several pages is out of the way, and we can move on to you FINALLY answering the fucking question: what purpose is served in overcomplicating the actual practice of filing taxes BESIDES gratifying your vindictive hatred?
A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as wellAnd by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

Yeah, yeah, you say it wouldn't be any more trouble, so it just wouldn't be, because you say so. Can you substantiate any of it? No, it JUST WOULDN'T BE! We just stop calling them special! That's all it involves! Because I say so!
A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as well

And churches aren't special and by having laws on the books that gives special treatment to churches is a violation of the fist amendment

And by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

In other words, "I don't hear any points, because I don't want to address them. I'm right, and no amount of proof will refute that, I'm just right and all I have to do is say so!"

We're done here. You can no more debate a bigot than you can debate a pig, and for the same reasons: they're not very bright, and they enjoy wallowing in their own muck too much to make them stop.

So it's your contention that non profits have fewer tax hoops to jump through than any other business?

Why don't you prove that?

Been there, did that, moved on from your willful blindness.

You can lead a bigot to facts, but you can't make him think.

You did no such thing you said charities have to jump through hoops to keep their charitable status

Get rid of that status and all they have to do is file their taxes like every other business
You're dealing with someone whose only arguments are throwing out insults and name calling. Don't expect any honesty or substance.

Really? I hadn't noticed he was actually conversing with you, but perhaps I missed it in all your obfuscation.
Yeah, yeah, you say it wouldn't be any more trouble, so it just wouldn't be, because you say so. Can you substantiate any of it? No, it JUST WOULDN'T BE! We just stop calling them special! That's all it involves! Because I say so!
In other words, "I don't hear any points, because I don't want to address them. I'm right, and no amount of proof will refute that, I'm just right and all I have to do is say so!"

We're done here. You can no more debate a bigot than you can debate a pig, and for the same reasons: they're not very bright, and they enjoy wallowing in their own muck too much to make them stop.

So it's your contention that non profits have fewer tax hoops to jump through than any other business?

Why don't you prove that?

Been there, did that, moved on from your willful blindness.

You can lead a bigot to facts, but you can't make him think.

You did no such thing you said charities have to jump through hoops to keep their charitable status

Get rid of that status and all they have to do is file their taxes like every other business
You're dealing with someone whose only arguments are throwing out insults and name calling. Don't expect any honesty or substance.

I would like to know how wanting to end tax exemptions for big businesses makes me a bigot

"I would like you to accept my definitions and parameters for the debate, and then tell me when you stopped beating your wife."

Bad news: Your hatred has infected you with lib-think, and there's no medical treatment for that yet.

Still stupid, still enjoying the muck.
So it's your contention that non profits have fewer tax hoops to jump through than any other business?

Why don't you prove that?

Been there, did that, moved on from your willful blindness.

You can lead a bigot to facts, but you can't make him think.

You did no such thing you said charities have to jump through hoops to keep their charitable status

Get rid of that status and all they have to do is file their taxes like every other business
You're dealing with someone whose only arguments are throwing out insults and name calling. Don't expect any honesty or substance.

I would like to know how wanting to end tax exemptions for big businesses makes me a bigot
That's just it. It doesn't, but you will still be called a bigot in lieu of a valid argument from that moron. It's all he/she has.

Would you two like us to leave you alone to pump each other in private?
And all should be paid

Even churches and charities benefit from government services that we all have to pay for so they should too
They repay us with the work that they do in charities

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You might believe that I don't
Go ahead and remove all charities and let government tend to all of our needs. We all know that's the goal of the Progs.
Then see how much more of your paycheck disappears

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

You think I'm some sort of progressive?

You couldn't be more wrong

Religion and charities are big business they should be treated as such
I didn't used to think you were that progressive, no. But.....

Sent from my Y538 using Tapatalk

It's amazing how bigotry and "progressivism" go hand in hand.
this idea was floated around a few years ago by the left. The said it wasn't an attempt to destroy churches by cutting into their revenue. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Why not remove the tax exempt status of mosque?
donations to any religion should be of the books.

but they all charge for certain services, that business, that's profit and they should all pony up.

Your knowledge of church operations is breathtaking in its sheer lack of existence.

My parents and I used to be the on-site caretakers for our church. We lived in what used to be the parsonage, and it was our job to clean, repair, and make the buildings available for use. Like most churches, ours did not charge for use of the church by members of the church for weddings, which was the vast majority of the weddings performed. Obviously, most people who care about specifically being married in a church, as opposed to a rental hall or other venue, are at least somewhat religiously observant, and as such, are members of their own church.

For the fees charged to non-members who just liked our building for whatever reason, it was less than $500. That covered the time and effort of having at least one member of my family available every time someone involved with the wedding needed access to the building; having one of us on call the entire day of the wedding to help manage wedding planners, decorators, florists, caterers (if the reception was on-site), etc.; having us clean the sanctuary and/or reception hall prior to the event and after the event; the pastor's time and services, if he was performing the ceremony; and the costs of the utilities used by having the church full of people. You truly have no idea how much it costs just to run the lights and air conditioning for a big, open, two-story room like that, let alone the changing rooms, nursery, etc. And all those people running in and out of the bathrooms.

If you think that was a "profit", you're a moron. The fee is charged because buildings and the people who run them cost money.
We got charged to get married in the church my wife went to before she was born
we got charged for baptisms
and every other service

they charged so much, that 10 years ago, the top pastor made $80k a year.

so don't tell what I do and don't know

You want to decide what you will and won't be told, I suggest you log off your computer and go sit in front of a mirror.

You stay in here, you'll be told whatever the fuck I feel like saying. You don't like it, see above and run like a little bitch. Your choice.

That being said, what you know is one church. What I know is that unsubstantiated anecdotes about unnamed churches are representative of exactly nothing, mean nothing to me, and create no obligation in me whatsoever to respond to or defend them.

The law is the law. Not one fucking thing you've said changes that. When you have something to say about the written law and the millions of non-profits in this country to which it is applied, you come back and say it. If you have nothing to say but personal vitriol about one unverifiable thing, keep it to yourself and don't waste my time.
this idea was floated around a few years ago by the left. The said it wasn't an attempt to destroy churches by cutting into their revenue. I will give them the benefit of the doubt. Why not remove the tax exempt status of mosque?

We need more churches, not mosques! The US is a christian country founded by christians, not by muslims.By the way how many churches are in the entirely muslim world? Not much more as in Philadelphia.Closing of mosques and state support for churches is a better option.

Good to know all sides of the debate can have their retarded adherents.
Two words: Warren Jeffs.

I'm betting you have no idea who I'm talking about, and no interest in finding out.
I'm interested in discussing the topic of this thread...

And you've yet to make a convincing argument that mosques - and only mosques - should have their tax exempt status revoked because Reasons.

Islam is enemy of the western way of life, therefore all its bastions must be closed.Enough convincing?

That you have an opinion on the subject? Yes. That it's informed? No.

No blah-blah-blah! Close the mosques!Period.

Yeah, we don't need any of that "freedom" shit. That's only for people we personally adjudge to be worthy of it by agreeing with us.
A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as wellAnd by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

Yeah, yeah, you say it wouldn't be any more trouble, so it just wouldn't be, because you say so. Can you substantiate any of it? No, it JUST WOULDN'T BE! We just stop calling them special! That's all it involves! Because I say so!
A lot of that is subsidized by other local taxes

Non profits are exempt from property and sales taxes both of which are paid into the general fund of a state to pay for services everyone in the state uses so they should pay as well

And churches aren't special and by having laws on the books that gives special treatment to churches is a violation of the fist amendment

And by treating charities like every other business they would not have to jump through more hoops they would simply lose their special treatment and have to jump through the same hoops every other business does

In other words, "I don't hear any points, because I don't want to address them. I'm right, and no amount of proof will refute that, I'm just right and all I have to do is say so!"

We're done here. You can no more debate a bigot than you can debate a pig, and for the same reasons: they're not very bright, and they enjoy wallowing in their own muck too much to make them stop.

So it's your contention that non profits have fewer tax hoops to jump through than any other business?

Why don't you prove that?

Been there, did that, moved on from your willful blindness.

You can lead a bigot to facts, but you can't make him think.

You did no such thing you said charities have to jump through hoops to keep their charitable status

Get rid of that status and all they have to do is file their taxes like every other business

They do have to file taxes anyway, to show they are non-profit.

True. But there's quite a lot that a for-profit business does that a non-profit doesn't.

Skull's so busy hating on churches that he's convinced that having the IRS recognize that non-profits are different from for-profits is somehow "special privileges", instead of a simple recognition of fact.

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