Should we send the left a thank you card?

This latest circus was so over the top and embarrassing for them it may in fact help the GOP come November.
IF the GOP retains the House in November this is why. The house was easily theirs for the taking. All they needed to do was hide how unhinged they are for a couple months. They couldn't even manage that.
If the GOP wins in November everyone agree to first hug a lefty before you point and laugh.

Your dealing with people with no honor, no morals and who made Nike profits go through the roof.

And made a white 1%er even richer. The irony.View attachment 219128

Worth 250 million and counting.
Cheap, shitty and ugly overpriced shoes. Sold to the empty headed masses willing to fork hard earned money thinking they are making some type of pathetic social statement.
Dude is a fucking genius.
Gotta love being wealthy and white.

View attachment 219132

How dare he take risks, be white, and rich enough to have attorneys to protect his business? Who does this guy think he is? He should have to pay more taxes than most people. Oh he already does that. What a jerk.

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This latest circus was so over the top and embarrassing for them it may in fact help the GOP come November.
IF the GOP retains the House in November this is why. The house was easily theirs for the taking. All they needed to do was hide how unhinged they are for a couple months. They couldn't even manage that.
If the GOP wins in November everyone agree to first hug a lefty before you point and laugh.

Women who won't just shut up really put a dent in your day huh.

Might wanna look up "Year of the Woman". Thank me later.
Has nothing to do with women. Trying to shift the blame from your parties pathetic tactics to women might work with the board morons but not with me.

I'm afraid I don't have any "parties". But if I threw one it would be to mock your thread.

Has a TON to do with women, and what they experience and what they've been continually dismissed over. Maybe your shortcoming is that you don't know -- and I mean really know --- any women. I can't help you with that. Especially since you've barricaded yourself in this juvenilistic dichotomy-hole of "parties".

And btw my reference to "Year of the Woman" was one that ushered into the Senate women of both "parties" so at some point you're just going to have to face the fact that the earth is not comprised simply of "parties".

And hey congratulations on finding a way to post with a straight face the idea that a sexual assault story of a 15-year-old girl "has nothing to do with women". That musta taken some time.

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