Should we switch to a herd immunity plan?

South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.


CHina is not responsible at all.

Not one liberal on this board will blame China.
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.
South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.


CHina is not responsible at all.

Not one liberal on this board will blame China.

I blame China. I don't trust them and I don't think they had the world's, much less our, best interests in mind. They're not honest and we shouldn't take anything they say to be true. They're assholes and they've been assholes for a while.

With that said, I have zero say in how anything happens in China. What I do have a say in is how WE handled this pandemic. The fact that we're considering herd immunity while other countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.) appear to have this thing under control shows us one simple fact - we fucked this up. Terribly.
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.

I am so sorry. Are you provided for financially for your illnesss?
South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.


CHina is not responsible at all.

Not one liberal on this board will blame China.

I blame China. I don't trust them and I don't think they had the world's, much less our, best interests in mind. They're not honest and we shouldn't take anything they say to be true. They're assholes and they've been assholes for a while.

With that said, I have zero say in how anything happens in China. What I do have a say in is how WE handled this pandemic. The fact that we're considering herd immunity while other countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.) appear to have this thing under control shows us one simple fact - we fucked this up. Terribly.

I’ll go one further. Why did China not allow domestic flights from Wuhan, but allowed international flights from Wuhan?

My conclusion is this was intentional.
I’ll go one further. Why did China not allow domestic flights from Wuhan, but allowed international flights from Wuhan?

My conclusion is this was intentional.

It might have been. I personally don't think it was intentional, just mostly indifference. But I wouldn't put it past them to act directly against our best interest.

Now, with that said. What are we supposed to do about that? Maybe you and I can write them a strongly-worded letter. "Hey China. That's not cool. Please stop it." Because that's about the extent of control that we have over China.

What we CAN control is our own leadership, which should receive a heavy amount of criticism for how they have handled this pandemic. But yes, China is definitely greatly to blame as well, and unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about that.
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .

The uncomfortable truth is that if the coronavirus only killed people like you, we would have no problem. Letting as many people who will die to go ahead and do so to achieve "herd immunity" isn't the way to go about it. You know, a long time ago the bubonic plague killed around half the people of Europe. But as far as I have heard, even today, anybody can still catch it. So whatever happened to the "herd immunity."
The bubonic plague was a bacterial infection, not a virus.

A basic understanding of infectious diseases would have told you that.

You never get rid of a virus, your body just learns how to deal with it. There is no way that people are getting reinfected by COVID-19. That is a virology impossibility.

How is it that every liberal snowflake believes China over America?

Like who?

I don't believe much of anything China says.

The corporate press tells us every night that we keep spiking in COVID deaths, yet they say China has none

China reports that. Doesn't mean people believe that.

The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.

How is it that every liberal snowflake believes China over America?

Like who?

I don't believe much of anything China says.

The corporate press tells us every night that we keep spiking in COVID deaths, yet they say China has none

China reports that. Doesn't mean people believe that.

The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.


Not one liberal on this site has ever blamed China.

Not one. It’s Trump’s fault. Not China.
The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.


Not one liberal on this site has ever blamed China.

Not one. It’s Trump’s fault. Not China.

I blame China for being dishonest.

Trump also shouldn't have minimized the seriousness of this virus.
Herd immunity might be the only solution, since Trump and Co. have botched just about every aspect of this crisis, from lack of PPE to lack of testing, isolating, or contact tracing. South Korea, on the other hand, didn't have to rely on herd immunity at all -- they snuffed COVID-19 out early and aggressively.
The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.


Not one liberal on this site has ever blamed China.

Not one. It’s Trump’s fault. Not China.

I blame China for being dishonest.

Trump also shouldn't have minimized the seriousness of this virus.

Knowing it’s a communist regime, why do so many liberals believe China over America?
The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.


Not one liberal on this site has ever blamed China.

Not one. It’s Trump’s fault. Not China.

I blame China for being dishonest.

Trump also shouldn't have minimized the seriousness of this virus.

Knowing it’s a communist regime, why do so many liberals believe China over America?

Like who? You keep saying that but I don't see it. Can you give examples?
ColonelAngus and many others here are just ignorant fools who refuse to accept reality. They repeat lies found in American (conservative and liberal) press about China.

For example Angus repeats the old lie about Chinese domestic flights being banned from leaving Wuhan while supposedly regular international flights out of Wuhan were permitted. Never happened. All flights were canceled at exactly the same time. The only International flights out of Wuhan were later specially arranged flights evacuating thousands of U.S. and Western citizens trapped in the city by the sudden lockdown, organized jointly and at the request of the U.S. embassy. It was all covered in the newspapers at the time. Yet Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton and our own “Colonel” Angus blatantly repeat this “fake news” slandering China.

Otherwise Angus mostly just repeats his old lies, like that China says “not a single” new case arose in recent months. Actually quite a few new cases have been discovered and much publicized ... mostly among returning Chinese students or businessmen from the U.S. and Europe. I also of course never said everything China says officially is accurate. I just said the basics of their success in stopping the spread for now is undoubted. They even opened up Shanghai’s Disneyland. Nobody with any real knowledge of China today denies their success in this respect.

Another person here made my point when he commented on “the fact that we're considering herd immunity while other countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.) appear to have this thing under control.

Here are some of ColonelAngus’s comments that I have already responded to:

It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.

If you think not one person was infected or passed away in China from the Rona since February 16th, I can’t help you.
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ColonelAngus and many others here are just ignorant fools who refuse to accept reality. They repeat lies found in American (conservative and liberal) press about China.

For example Angus repeats the old lie about Chinese domestic flights being banned from leaving Wuhan while supposedly regular international flights out of Wuhan were permitted. Never happened. All flights were canceled at exactly the same time. The only International flights out of Wuhan were later specially arranged flights evacuating thousands of U.S. and Western citizens trapped in the city by the sudden lockdown, organized jointly and at the request of the U.S. embassy. It was all covered in the newspapers at the time. Yet Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton and our own “Colonel” Angus blatantly repeat this “fake news” slandering China.

Otherwise Angus mostly just repeats his old lies, like that China says “not a single” new case arose in recent months. Actually quite a few new cases have been discovered and much publicized ... mostly among returning Chinese students or businessmen from the U.S. and Europe. I also of course never said everything China says officially is accurate. I just said the basics of their success in stopping the spread for now is undoubted. They even opened up Shanghai’s Disneyland. Nobody with any real knowledge of China today denies their success in this respect.

Another person here made my point when he commented on “the fact that we're considering herd immunity while other countries (Japan, South Korea, etc.) appear to have this thing under control.”

Here are some of ColonelAngus’s comments that I have already responded to:

It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.

If you think not one person was infected or passed away in China from the Rona since February 16th, I can’t help you.

I appreciate the well written post, but you are full of shit and one has to wonder why you trust China over your nation.

Is it virtue signaling?

Are you aware of the imprisonment of Uighars in China? How do you excuse it because ORANGE MAN BAD?

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