Should we switch to a herd immunity plan?

I appreciate the well written post, but you are full of shit and one has to wonder why you trust China over your nation. Is it virtue signaling? Are you aware of the imprisonment of Uighars in China? How do you excuse it because ORANGE MAN BAD?

I have no “ORANGE MAN BAD” hang-up. My disliking Trump has nothing to do with my defense of the truth against your and Senator Cotton’s lies. I am better aware of the imprisonment of Uighurs in China’s Xinjiang Province than you are, and also of the Chinese government attacks on their Muslim culture and their Turkic language. I lived in China for eight years, learned basic Mandarin, even have family there still. I read many of the best and most reliable reports coming out of China, have traveled widely there, have old friends in several Chinese cities, and I and they are not big supporters of the CCP. I defend dissidents there and am opposed to XiJinping’s reactionary policies like restricting free speech. But when you pop off making ignorant or ridiculous claims, I will nail you.
South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.

So people are mean to him and that made him minimize the seriousness of something very serious and completely unrelated.

Sounds to me like he's unfit for office. Maybe he should stop acting like a victim man-baby and try acting presidential.

And again, banning travel from the origin source amidst an impeachment hearing is not taking something lightly. Here’s the thing, it was the Democrats who weren’t taking it seriously. Do you need reminded of Pelosi encouraging people to come & mingle or DeBlasio to do the same?
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .

The only other long term option is continued lockdown, even if minimal, until a vaccine is not only developed, but given to a large portion of the population.
Herd immunity would be a good idea, but the problem with that is that people who have caught it once, have managed to catch it again.

Some of that, or even most of it, could be due to false positives early on in the process.

Some of it could be mild cases that didn't provoke a full immune response.

The real question is even if you get it a 2nd time due to the latter, how bad is that 2nd infection?
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.
Another six weeks is not going to hurt the economy and it may keep you from dying
Herd immunity might be the only solution, since Trump and Co. have botched just about every aspect of this crisis, from lack of PPE to lack of testing, isolating, or contact tracing. South Korea, on the other hand, didn't have to rely on herd immunity at all -- they snuffed COVID-19 out early and aggressively.
Thank you
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .
Duh...I ve been saying this for weeks now. Virus doesn’t even spread outdoors
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.
Another six weeks is not going to hurt the economy and it may keep you from dying
Bullshit. Of course it will. Every week hurts a ton. Many businesses now will never reopen. You twit. No one is forcing you to go out but why should the rest of us suffer because you’re a coward?
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.
Another six weeks is not going to hurt the economy and it may keep you from dying

And then they ask for another 6 weeks, and another, and another.

And you have no basis to say another 6 weeks won't ruin the economy, at least for a short period.

People's reserves may be wearing thin, businesses may just decide "screw it" and get out of dodge.

Another supply chain issue could cause it to finally break.
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .

Are you a doctor? There is not a bit of evidence that supports herd immunity at this time.
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her

That's just one of my conditions. Because of it, I've developed others, so to the point the government ended my career. I honestly feel I could continue to do my job safely, but typical of government, they didn't leave that decision to the doctors that treat me, they forced me to see a government doctor that doesn't, and he stopped me from working.

Back to topic: yes, I am one of those people highly susceptible to death if I get this thing. I'm 60 years old, have several compromising medical conditions, and I would be happy if it was just one thing. Instead, it's several.

I have to take many more precautions than most people when out in public. It really sucks, but what else can I do? I guess it's a blessing and God's will that I was removed from working so I can appropriately distance myself from other people as much as possible.

However I'm a person that can walk in another's shoes. I understand both points of views: mine, and others who don't have my challenges. This is why my position on this thing is on the fence. There is no right or wrong decisions here. Cuomo is not right or wrong, Newsom is not right or wrong, President Trump is not right or wrong. Opening up the economy presents a threat to me, and keeping it closed down presents a threat to tens of millions of others.
Another six weeks is not going to hurt the economy and it may keep you from dying

Unless there is a cure or vaccine for this, or I otherwise get picked for a blood transfusion from a person who recovered from the virus, six weeks won't do me much good, but do the country considerable harm.
The Chinese are never to be trusted with their reporting. They are only looking out for themselves and not the world.


Not one liberal on this site has ever blamed China.

Not one. It’s Trump’s fault. Not China.

I blame China for being dishonest.

Trump also shouldn't have minimized the seriousness of this virus.

Trump takes advice from his medical staff. He only reiterates what they tell him. So who on the left was ahead of the curve?
Herd immunity might be the only solution, since Trump and Co. have botched just about every aspect of this crisis, from lack of PPE to lack of testing, isolating, or contact tracing. South Korea, on the other hand, didn't have to rely on herd immunity at all -- they snuffed COVID-19 out early and aggressively.

Korea doesn't have time consuming agencies like we do. They don't have an FDA that only approved one test kit, which was manufactured by the CDC, then turned out to be defective, and then we had to turn to the private market to save us and start from scratch. They don't have anti-Koreans like we have anti-Americans such as the Democrat party, who's House members spent the first two weeks of March trying to pass a bill to stop the President from issuing travel bans.

Cuomo sold all his spare ventilators, especially in NYC, because he wasn't expecting anything like this. DumBama never replenished the medical stockpile he used. When the WHO was finally honest enough to admit and warn the world about this pandemic, President Trump acted the very next day.

Placing all the blame on Trump will be an utter failure on your part for the informed voters.

I've been asking for days, maybe even a week, for a study or report from a valid reputable medical institution confirming COVID-19 is a viable candidate for "herd immunity". From what I have seen it is not because coronavirus easily mutates and adapts. Members of a herd that escape COVID 19 will be susceptible to the next mutation.
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .

Are you a doctor? There is not a bit of evidence that supports herd immunity at this time.

The is not a bit of evidence that there is no immunity, or at least resistance to a worsening infection once a person has antibodies.

Immunity isn't some magic event, it just means your immune system is geared to fight off the bug using an antibody defense, as opposed to the brute force defense used without antibodies.
I've been asking for days, maybe even a week, for a study or report from a valid reputable medical institution confirming COVID-19 is a viable candidate for "herd immunity". From what I have seen it is not because coronavirus easily mutates and adapts. Members of a herd that escape COVID 19 will be susceptible to the next mutation.

Are you asking for a study or report that proves your 2nd point? or are you just more accepting of the latter because it suits your political needs?
I've been asking for days, maybe even a week, for a study or report from a valid reputable medical institution confirming COVID-19 is a viable candidate for "herd immunity". From what I have seen it is not because coronavirus easily mutates and adapts. Members of a herd that escape COVID 19 will be susceptible to the next mutation.

Are you asking for a study or report that proves your 2nd point? or are you just more accepting of the latter because it suits your political needs?
The only reports I am seeing are speculative. I saw an interview with Sweden's health minister and he insisted Sweden's strategy has nothing to do with herd immunity. Other experts have also said away from the topic of defending herd immunity. So, other than FOX News knuckleheads, who is promoting herd immunity as a scientific solution?
I've been asking for days, maybe even a week, for a study or report from a valid reputable medical institution confirming COVID-19 is a viable candidate for "herd immunity". From what I have seen it is not because coronavirus easily mutates and adapts. Members of a herd that escape COVID 19 will be susceptible to the next mutation.

Are you asking for a study or report that proves your 2nd point? or are you just more accepting of the latter because it suits your political needs?
The only reports I am seeing are speculative. I saw an interview with Sweden's health minister and he insisted Sweden's strategy has nothing to do with herd immunity. Other experts have also said away from the topic of defending herd immunity. So, other than FOX News knuckleheads, who is promoting herd immunity as a scientific solution?

I doubt you would look hard enough to get an answer on that.

What proof do we have that the lockdown strategy is the best long term solution? All we know is it probably reduced cases over the time of the lockdown.
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .
How about you get it and then tell me how bad it was. Jus sayin. And what of those of us who have immune "issues?"
Many of us may have well had it and not even known....I had a really weird cold in February, before all this foolishness started.....Could have been the covid.

The point of herd immunity is that the virus has fewer places to land among the healthy population, to the point that it dies off faster, making vulnerable people a lot less so and for a shorter time span.
It works, but because Trump suppresses testingSTILL to avoid numbers of cases, we are going to have more deaths than necessary. And the gay caviller attitude of the Trumpanzees towards people who can live healthy and productive lives with things like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis is not what society should be based on.

Opening up is the only option, but it's not "so much winning."
The uncomfortable truth is that this is really the only option . The “good” part is that covid ain’t bad if you aren’t elderly or have immune issues, or unhealthy . Let’s protect them .

For the rest of us? Summer is a good time to get the sickness . We can’t hide from this .
Wow I agree with you, time to buy a lotto ticket.

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