Should we switch to a herd immunity plan?

The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.
Chin up Ray, don't let the media get you down ~S~
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.
It’s not a left v right thing everyone makes it out to be. The lockdowns were so we didn’t overload hospitals. We’ve done that.

Here’s the big question. Would you take a chance on the virus , or An untested vaccine ?

It is the left vs right simply because Trump is geared towards opening up the economy. If Trump was for keeping the economy closed until next year, the left would be for opening it back up.

It's the same situation with hydroxychloroquine. Had Trump never endorsed it, the left would be asking why Trump isn't getting more of the stuff.

The left politicizes everything they possibly can.

The best is Joe shit his pants Biden saying the travel ban was xenophobic, then saying Trump didn’t do it soon enough.

What kind of assfuckery is that?
It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.
Herd immunity would be a good idea, but the problem with that is that people who have caught it once, have managed to catch it again.

Then we need to stay home forever because it will be with us for many years into the future. Possibly 100 plus years.
Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing.

the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

Actually it's more of different systems of government. Ours is loaded with bureaucracies like the CDC and FDA that Fd this thing up entirely. Besides all the red tape permitted, they dragged their asses on the potential solutions to the problems.

If you trust China and their reporting, then I have a bridge for sale if you're interested.
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.

It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.

If you think not one person was infected or passed away in China from the Rona since February 16th, I can’t help you.
The difference between herd immunity with and without a vaccine is about 2 million dead people
Those people already have one foot in the grave.

I"ve been an insulin dependent diabetic for over 35 years now. Although diabetes is the number one illness associated with Covid deaths, I would hardly say I've had one foot in the grave these last couple of decades.

Sorry to hear. Stay healthy Ray.


You have to do insulin shots? That sucks.

What do you with your diet?

My sons GF is a diabetic and I and worried about her
South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.
It’s not a left v right thing everyone makes it out to be. The lockdowns were so we didn’t overload hospitals. We’ve done that.

Here’s the big question. Would you take a chance on the virus , or An untested vaccine ?

I’d always pick a vaccine over the real disease.
Herd immunity would be a good idea, but the problem with that is that people who have caught it once, have managed to catch it again.

A small percent. And I bet they're better able to handle it
You "bet"? How gracious of you to bet other people's lives.
It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.

The notion that you honestly believe the bald face lies that came out of China completely undermines any point you might have made. They jailed doctors who tried to get the word out, they lied about their numbers, & they literally welded people inside their apartments.

Here’s the Chinese approach...this is why communism is barbaric...

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It’s just astonishing that liberals trust CHINA. China is lying about their numbers. You all know it. NOT ONE OTHER NATION ON EARTH HAS THAT GRAPH. Isn’t that odd? ... Huh?

Actually, it is your total inability to appreciate the scope of China’s success in stopping the spread of Covid-19 that is amusing. Trump has handled the pandemic incompetently, but the difference between the success of China (and also South Korea and Taiwan) and the failure of the U.S. to stop the spread of Covid-19 has much more to do with our different societies than with any one man.

China’s draconian policies and mass mobilizations, combined with modern electronic contact tracing, gave them a tremendous advantage in fighting this pandemic. Even a democratic society like South Korea, with its experience fighting the first SARS epidemic in 2011-12 and its own modern tracing and testing public health system, managed to stop the spread of the virus in its tracks. Maybe not forever, but for now. You can’t face simple reality.

The notion that you honestly believe the bald face lies that came out of China completely undermines any point you might have made. They jailed doctors who tried to get the word out, they lied about their numbers, & they literally welded people inside their apartments.

Isn’t it amazing.

Liberals actually believe that not one person from China has gotten infected or passed from the Rona since Feb 16th.

It’s so fucking bizarre.
Hey lefties, how many Americans have died from the common flu since March?

Why don’t you cowards tweak over that?
South Korea didn't have to resort to herd immunity. Why is that?

this wasn't their first rodeo. They got their ass handed to them with MERS a few years back....

Competent leadership sure would have been nice.

A loyal opposition party who didn't waste time on a sham impeachment & tried to derail our President's every move the last few years would be nice as well...

Oh. So it's their fault that he minimized the seriousness of this virus.

They were the ones calling him racist & every other -ist under the sun when he banned travel from China. That ridiculous impeachment sham was a distraction the country didn’t need. Though ultimately, this virus is the direct responsibility of the Beijing regime.

So people are mean to him and that made him minimize the seriousness of something very serious and completely unrelated.

Sounds to me like he's unfit for office. Maybe he should stop acting like a victim man-baby and try acting presidential.

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