Should We Teach Creation As Science In Public Schools?

Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
Creation science is backed by the scientific method, so it should be taught in schools. Part of the problem is science today only accepts what is natural in the physical world. It is based on the philosophy of empiricism, but today's science does not follow it nor is it backed by the scientific method. What today's science of evolution is backed by is consensus and circumstantial forensic evidence. Why only evolution is taught in schools is because today's science does not allow for a supernatural creator to be involved in the "creation" of the universe, Earth, and everything in it. This is not science when evidence can be provided for the supernatural in creation through the Bible. It is part of Genesis and how God created the natural world. The assumption that there was no supernatural occurrence during the beginning is unscientific. One of the most basic arguments for a creator is the universe began to exist, not an eternal universe, and we have Kalam's Cosmological argument.

Furthermore, we are here -- the universe and everything in it exists! Now, if evolution and its big bang could explain in detail of how the electromagnetic spectrum, the Higgs field, the cosmic microwave background, and how amino acids formed into proteins in outer space from nothing or invisible quantum particles, then they would have a better explanation and argument with big bang. We need to have the theory fit the evidence instead of the evidence made to fit the theory. Science should not just be based on empiricism, but also on a priori reasoning in addition to the scientific a posteriori reasoning. This is all part of epistemology. We need to use facts, reasoning, and historical truths in science since not everything can be proven by scientific method.

I've read Dr. John Morris' explanation for a creator -- Should the Public Schools Teach Creation? -- and today we have a more updated version from Lee Strobel -- Strong case, but flawed by compromise (Review of Lee Strobel, Case for Creator) - gives a brief overview without reading his book. Sorry, I haven't read his book, but have watched the video below.

No, it shouldn't, because to do so would violate the First Amendment (Edwards v. Aguillard).

Creationism is religion, devoid of fact and merit.

Not the first two books of Genesis. You didn't watch the vid either.

It is neither the truth nor is it supported by science.

That's just your assertion and nothing in science backs it. So far, your posts are meaningless.

That most conservatives have nothing but contempt for the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law comes as no surprise, of course.

And that conservatives would continue to advocate for something already ruled to be un-Constitutional is further confirmation of that fact.

We just leave the religion of Christianity out and discuss the science. The vid does not even mention religion. The evidence is for a creator who had intelligence in his designs like us. Secular science tries to explain it as it just happens. We're just an infinite multiverse and life just happens in this universe. Life doesn't just happen and the evidence shows it. It's not unconstitutional, but logical to teach it as such.
Creation science is backed by the scientific method, so it should be taught in schools.

I disagree.

Here's why. And just skip the first 3:50, if you don't wan't to get upset. At 3:50, the mop comes out and the floor gets cleaned. Very humbly and respectfully, I'd add.

Irrelevant of that, I think the state is the last entity I'd want teachng my kid faith. Ho lee sht. Are you kidding? Government is force anyway. Duh.

She's a secular scientist. Part of the Cosmos show. Too much bias. You should learn to make your own arguments. That's what most of us do. Carl Sagan died without finding aliens. What an idiot. There are no aliens. If there were, then we would've been contacted or found them already. Even evos have admitted life is rare now. It's so rare that it is only on this planet.
Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?
or it could be all the chemicals we are putting in the food,,,

sorry but that is not proof we all came from a rock

You’re an idiot. I didn’t say it was proof we can from a rock, and if you had any meaningful education you would know that evolution is not about the origin of man. It is about the changes that species go thru which are often caused by their environment, including what they eat.
it had to begin somewhere,,,

a change within species doesnt mean a dog changed to a cat or a monkey changed to a human which is what evolution claims

No, evolution does not claim that humans came from monkeys. Those are the misconceptions spread to the unwitting (people like you) by religious liars who think god and evolution can’t coexist.
See post #144. Whose birth canal did Lucy-type Australophithicuses come from? It wasn't a giraffe.

I am referring to monkeys/apes as we know them today. Humans descended differently than the monkeys and apes we see today. We didn’t come from monkeys, although we may have common ancestry.
Yes. God.
Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?

well there are the tens of thousands of written accounts along with the thousands of depictions in statues and paintings throughout history

how did they know what they looked like if they didnt see them
OH and what about the human footprints along side dino prints???

and of course there is the complete lack of evidence they didnt by evolutionist
You should learn to make your own arguments.

I would have said the same thing to you considering the content of the op. And then some. It's why I chose it rather than type it. I've seen dolts like you posting the same crap for years. It's just not worth the time anymore. If it wasn't for the lunacy of your faith in the government dictating faith, I wouldn't even have responded to your stupid thread. Ya statist hack.

And be careful what you ask for. You just might get it. Guaranteed you're not ready for it either. Gare awn teed. A smartass comment like that will get you stuck in the bull ring showing us all how smart you are with probably just about the very last person on this forum you wanna be stuck in it with. Heh heh. Oh, yes indeedy.
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Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?

First, just leave your fictional cartoons at the door.

How do you explain what I just showed you? They're very good representations of dinosaurs and they're all over the world. We have writings that describe them all over the world. It's in the Bible as behemoths and leviathans, one land, one water, or saurapods and plesiosaurs. We have evidence of dinosaurs and human tracks.

Genesis Park
Genesis Park | Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator!

Dinosaur and human tracks
Dinosaur Tracks

Human and dinosaur fossil footprints? -
Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
How is your pet dinosaur dino doing bam bam
You should be able to teach whatever you want.

This is why government shouldn't be in charge of education.
Local and then state government has ALWAYS been in charge of what is taught. How the feds got involved was special ed requirements, which no school wanted to pay for. The federal government only contributes about 10% of a school's funding, but budgets are so tight that schools need every penny of it. If the feds aren't paying it, your taxes will go up to make up the difference, or your schools will close.

This is not true.

Before the civil war, parents were all in charge of educating their own children.

Thanks for the educational video. :)
that should include the faith/relligion of evolution

I want to abolish the entire Department of Education, so. Like yesterday.
It needs to be placed back in the church, where it started out in the beginning, and/or private schools, whichever the parents choose. It should never have been put into the hands of people who retire and get out, but in the hands of the gifted people who love children on a platonic level who in addition to reading, writing, and arithmetic, also teach good citizenship and manners of kindness to children.

And the internet needs to be off-limits to people under the age of ~ fill in the blank, but vote on it first. :D
I would have said the same thing to you considering the content of the op. It's why I chose it rather than type it.

And be careful what you ask for. You just might get it. Guaranteed your'e not ready for it either. Gare awn teed.

Name one thing that I said that wasn't true to you? Formulate a logical argument instead of making empty threats on a forum. Make me do some work. Who knows? It may motivate me to get a PhD. This is how intelligent people and scientists discuss to repudiate someone or they may just discover new things. For example, Professor Stephen Hawking argued with Jakob Bekestein, a PhD student at the time, over his thesis stating that black holes have entropy and that it was proportional to the area of its event horizon. Hawking's argument against it was a black hole could not radiate energy and no entropy. However, this exchange got him to do some lengthy calculations and this lead to his discovery of Hawking radiation. Bekenstein got his Phd and the 2015 Einstein Prize from the American Physical Society for his "ground-breaking work on black hole entropy."


Jacob Bekenstein - Wikipedia

In Memoriam: Jacob Bekenstein (1947–2015) and Black Hole Entropy
Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?

First, just leave your fictional cartoons at the door.

How do you explain what I just showed you? They're very good representations of dinosaurs and they're all over the world. We have writings that describe them all over the world. It's in the Bible as behemoths and leviathans, one land, one water, or saurapods and plesiosaurs. We have evidence of dinosaurs and human tracks.

Genesis Park
Genesis Park | Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator!

Dinosaur and human tracks
Dinosaur Tracks

Human and dinosaur fossil footprints? -

This is from a creation journal.

You are grasping, give it up . . . .

"The colorations provide strong confirmation that all the trackways on the Taylor site are dinosaurian. Even before these colorations became more prominent, the tracks did not merit a human interpretation. Not only did the Loma Linda team, Booth, and others observe dinosaurian features soon after the original excavation but nonhuman features on the "mantracks" can even be observed in Taylor's film: if one watches carefully, the anterior splaying and indications of the color patterns are visible on some of the Taylor trail tracks in the distant shots of the upriver end of the site and in some of the close-up shots (of which few were shown of the Taylor site tracks). Morris states on page 97 of his book that the Taylor trail tracks showed no evidence of dinosaurian origin, yet photos of these tracks on pages 204 and 205 of his book show examples of anterior splaying and other problematic features.. . . "


". . . I am a Christian and believe in the Creator but have not yet formed definite conclusions about some aspects of the origins controversy, such as the exact age of the earth or the limits to biological change. However, on some issues that I have studied in depth, such as the Paluxy controversy, I have formed definite conclusions, as explained in this article. I chose to publish my research in Creation/Evolution not to attack creationism but to help set the record straight on the true nature of the Paluxy evidence."
A Summary of the Taylor Site Evidence
You should be able to teach whatever you want.

This is why government shouldn't be in charge of education.
Local and then state government has ALWAYS been in charge of what is taught. How the feds got involved was special ed requirements, which no school wanted to pay for. The federal government only contributes about 10% of a school's funding, but budgets are so tight that schools need every penny of it. If the feds aren't paying it, your taxes will go up to make up the difference, or your schools will close.

This is not true.

Before the civil war, parents were all in charge of educating their own children.

Thanks for the educational video. :)


If the OP had listened to it, which I don't expect him to anymore than he should expect others to listen to his over hour long video, he would have learned that the leader of the human genome project was a home schooled, born-again Christian.

I remember way back when I studied biology and anthropology, humans used to have their own phylogenic family, and biologists and anthropologists were debating whether or not to throw us in with the apes, as we were more similar, (except for language and culture,) than dolphins are similar to whales, yet those are in the same order?

Well, then they finished the genome project, which essentially ended the debate. The genome project just reinforced the "theory" of evolution. Now. . . humans are considered just another of the Great Apes, not any different or outside of the order that contains Chimpanzees, Gorillas and Orangutans.


Gatto is a luminary. I highly recommend his stuff.

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling : John Taylor Gatto : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
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How is your pet dinosaur dino doing bam bam

If I had a pet dinosaur, then I can move into the wealthy neighborhoods. There is a house on the lake that I've had my eye on for a while. It would one of those big ones with teeth and a meat eater. I would have to make a fast deal with Disney in case it got loose in the city. Of course, my pet dino would not be one of those festive ones with feathers. Those are ugly birds that look like reptiles, and for the atheists and their scientists. Yuck. Those idiots would not take it as evidence for God either, so who cares?

It could be a large water one, but I'd have no place to keep it. The lakes in the parks would be too small. Yassir, give me a big meat eater that I can keep in a cage until Disney can get it. It would become a star and main attraction at a theme park and catalyst for a reboot of Jurassic Park.
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Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?

First, just leave your fictional cartoons at the door.

How do you explain what I just showed you? They're very good representations of dinosaurs and they're all over the world. We have writings that describe them all over the world. It's in the Bible as behemoths and leviathans, one land, one water, or saurapods and plesiosaurs. We have evidence of dinosaurs and human tracks.

Genesis Park
Genesis Park | Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator!

Dinosaur and human tracks
Dinosaur Tracks

Human and dinosaur fossil footprints? -

This is from a creation journal.

You are grasping, give it up . . . .

"The colorations provide strong confirmation that all the trackways on the Taylor site are dinosaurian. Even before these colorations became more prominent, the tracks did not merit a human interpretation. Not only did the Loma Linda team, Booth, and others observe dinosaurian features soon after the original excavation but nonhuman features on the "mantracks" can even be observed in Taylor's film: if one watches carefully, the anterior splaying and indications of the color patterns are visible on some of the Taylor trail tracks in the distant shots of the upriver end of the site and in some of the close-up shots (of which few were shown of the Taylor site tracks). Morris states on page 97 of his book that the Taylor trail tracks showed no evidence of dinosaurian origin, yet photos of these tracks on pages 204 and 205 of his book show examples of anterior splaying and other problematic features.. . . "


". . . I am a Christian and believe in the Creator but have not yet formed definite conclusions about some aspects of the origins controversy, such as the exact age of the earth or the limits to biological change. However, on some issues that I have studied in depth, such as the Paluxy controversy, I have formed definite conclusions, as explained in this article. I chose to publish my research in Creation/Evolution not to attack creationism but to help set the record straight on the true nature of the Paluxy evidence."
A Summary of the Taylor Site Evidence

The article is by Glen J. Kuban. He's an atheist nut jobber and anti-Christian who will say anything to stay in the limelight.
Only retards like you believe that there were dinosaurs in jesus lifetime

You however will never comprehend your level of mental disease

You can't explain how dinosaurs came to be. You cannot think for yourself with that puny brain of yours so I have to explain it to you. The evidence shows that dinosaurs lived with humans. Why do you believe stupid shat like an asteroid killed them off? Everything has a relationship with something else. That's science.
James, other than the annals of Ally Oop and Fed Flintstone, I'd like to see that evidence that shows the dinosaurs lived with humans. Can you provide a link for those of us skeptics?

First, just leave your fictional cartoons at the door.

How do you explain what I just showed you? They're very good representations of dinosaurs and they're all over the world. We have writings that describe them all over the world. It's in the Bible as behemoths and leviathans, one land, one water, or saurapods and plesiosaurs. We have evidence of dinosaurs and human tracks.

Genesis Park
Genesis Park | Dinosaurs: living evidence of a powerful Creator!

Dinosaur and human tracks
Dinosaur Tracks

Human and dinosaur fossil footprints? -

This is from a creation journal.

You are grasping, give it up . . . .

"The colorations provide strong confirmation that all the trackways on the Taylor site are dinosaurian. Even before these colorations became more prominent, the tracks did not merit a human interpretation. Not only did the Loma Linda team, Booth, and others observe dinosaurian features soon after the original excavation but nonhuman features on the "mantracks" can even be observed in Taylor's film: if one watches carefully, the anterior splaying and indications of the color patterns are visible on some of the Taylor trail tracks in the distant shots of the upriver end of the site and in some of the close-up shots (of which few were shown of the Taylor site tracks). Morris states on page 97 of his book that the Taylor trail tracks showed no evidence of dinosaurian origin, yet photos of these tracks on pages 204 and 205 of his book show examples of anterior splaying and other problematic features.. . . "


". . . I am a Christian and believe in the Creator but have not yet formed definite conclusions about some aspects of the origins controversy, such as the exact age of the earth or the limits to biological change. However, on some issues that I have studied in depth, such as the Paluxy controversy, I have formed definite conclusions, as explained in this article. I chose to publish my research in Creation/Evolution not to attack creationism but to help set the record straight on the true nature of the Paluxy evidence."
A Summary of the Taylor Site Evidence

The article is by Glen J. Kuban. He's an atheist nut jobber and anti-Christian who will say anything to stay in the limelight.

hmmm. . . . by reading his page, he doesn't appear to be. Why would you slander someone in such a way? :dunno:

Are you in league with the dark one? :eusa_think:

The Testimony of a Formerly Young Earth Missionary
Dr. Joshua Zorn
The Testimony of a Formerly Young Earth Missionary

". . . However harmful we think someone's view is, as Christians we must not slander (say negative and untrue things about someone) and we must speak the truth in love.. . . ."


". . . For those of you wanting to see the science, YECS arguments have been refuted in many places by both Christian and secular authors. For starters, let me recommend Creation and Time by former astrophysicist and evangelism pastor, Dr. Hugh Ross. In chapter ten of this book, Ross refutes ten typical arguments for a young earth. In chapter nine, several astronomical evidences for an ancient universe are presented. The books by Young mentioned above, and the books by Newman and Wonderly mentioned in the bibliography below, refute more YECS arguments and give additional scientific reasons to believe in an old universe and earth. All these authors are conservative evangelicals with advanced training in science. A secular critique of YECS is Kitcher's book, Abusing Science."


"Negative Spiritual Implications of YECS
The worst aspect of YECS teaching is that it creates a nearly insurmountable barrier between the educated world and the church. Certainly God in his sovereignty has allowed some to be persuaded to believe in Christ through the arguments of YECSers. But how many more have not accepted the Gospel because of the unnecessary demand that converts believe that the world is no more than 10,000 years old? And how many have unnecessarily gone through a crisis of faith similar to that which I described above? How many have chosen to give up their faith altogether rather than to accept scientific nonsense or a major reinterpretation of Scripture? How much have we dishonored our Lord by slandering scientists and their reputation? How much have we sinned against Christian brothers holding another opinion by naming them "dangerous" and "compromisers"? How much responsibility do we bear for having taught others (James 3:1) things that probably are not even true? Each must search his own heart.. . . "

Evolution has been destroyed. It could not get to ToE. Even Darwin admitted that his tree of life and common ancestor over long time could not happen if life didn't happen. It amounts to a couple thousands of years of lies.

Watch from 12:17 if you have no time. It would be icky if abiogenesis did happen as our food industry would be destroyed. Eww...
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"The assumption that there was no supernatural occurrence during the beginning is unscientific."

. . . but, the counter assumption. . . that there were supernatural occurrences IS somehow scientific?


Don't you get it? You have to prove the Creationist account didn't happen since verifiable evidence is no longer relevant to science. LOL

They may not have evidence, except they have reasons why it makes sense to them to think it occurred.

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