Should We Teach Creation As Science In Public Schools?

What the hell is "your rabbit?" I cited the known facts. Anything else is pure moonshine. How does making things up that no one believes prove your theory of creation?

Do you not know who evolutionary biologist and geneticist, JBS Haldane, is and his famous rabbit quote was? He was asked what would convince him evolution was false. I wonder if he's spinning in his grave now.

'“J.B.S. Haldane famously retorted, when asked to name an observation that would disprove the theory of evolution, ‘Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian!’” (Dawkins, Richard, The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, 2009, p. 147.) While certainly not Precambrian, a fossilized rabbit discovered in India is supposed to be 53 million years old, quite close to the time evolutionists think dinosaurs were still alive. (Handwerk, B., “Easter Surprise: World’s Oldest Rabbit Bones Found,” National Geographic News, March 21, 2008.)'

“Modern” Fossils with Dinosaurs | Genesis Park
That proves absolutely nothing.
And you don't have an agenda? Truth is my agenda.

Truth may be your agenda, but it appears that you made some mistakes. For example, the two experiments to counter Miller-Urey and abiogenesis destroyed life forming in primordial soup in geyers. If it was a lightening strike and a sparker was used in Miller-Urey, then it likely would have exploded. What were the gases present in the early atmosphere? Do you want to try the Miller-Urey experiment online to see if you are successful in creating amino acids? The other evos and atheists were too scared to try I guess.

Miller-Urey Experiment

All of this is explained in my video in post #1.
An experiment is not the final word on anything, moron. It's just an experiment.
That proves absolutely nothing.

It may make JBS Haldane change his mind if he were alive. I believed in evolution, too, at one time using the Understanding Evolution website to learn about it. However, some of it did appear circular reasoning and finally I compared it to creation science. Was surprised at all the famous scientists of the past believed in creation. I, too, did some of the things Lee Strobel did except I read about them. It was Miller-Urey vs. Duane Gish. Abiogenesis had that oxygen problem. Then the experiment with just volcanic gases showed no amino acids.

An experiment is not the final word on anything, moron. It's just an experiment.

Hm.. let's discuss. Which experiment are you talking about?
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What the hell is "your rabbit?" I cited the known facts. Anything else is pure moonshine. How does making things up that no one believes prove your theory of creation?

Do you not know who evolutionary biologist and geneticist, JBS Haldane, is and his famous rabbit quote was? He was asked what would convince him evolution was false. I wonder if he's spinning in his grave now.

'“J.B.S. Haldane famously retorted, when asked to name an observation that would disprove the theory of evolution, ‘Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian!’” (Dawkins, Richard, The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution, 2009, p. 147.) While certainly not Precambrian, a fossilized rabbit discovered in India is supposed to be 53 million years old, quite close to the time evolutionists think dinosaurs were still alive. (Handwerk, B., “Easter Surprise: World’s Oldest Rabbit Bones Found,” National Geographic News, March 21, 2008.)'

“Modern” Fossils with Dinosaurs | Genesis Park

While certainly not Precambrian,

No kidding, moron.

a fossilized rabbit discovered in India is supposed to be 53 million years old, quite close to the time evolutionists think dinosaurs were still alive.

Haldane didn't say, when asked to name an observation that would disprove the theory of evolution,
"fossil rabbits in the Eocene"
And you don't have an agenda? Truth is my agenda.

Truth may be your agenda, but it appears that you made some mistakes. For example, the two experiments to counter Miller-Urey and abiogenesis destroyed life forming in primordial soup in geyers. If it was a lightening strike and a sparker was used in Miller-Urey, then it likely would have exploded. What were the gases present in the early atmosphere? Do you want to try the Miller-Urey experiment online to see if you are successful in creating amino acids? The other evos and atheists were too scared to try I guess.

Miller-Urey Experiment

All of this is explained in my video in post #1.

If it was a lightening strike and a sparker was used in Miller-Urey, then it likely would have exploded.

Why would it have exploded?
Paleontologists and other scientists have lied and made up the birds are dinosaurs story to fit evolution. The truth is they have found modern birds in the dinosaurs layers, but they do not want to admit and publicize it.

"Dr Carl Werner’s book and DVD, Living Fossils, reveals that fossil researchers have found many modern bird remains with dinosaurs, yet museums do not display these fossils, thus keeping this information from the public. By keeping this information hidden, children and adults are indoctrinated with the false idea that animals changed over time (since the time of the dinosaurs), and that evolution is true.

'Every time you see a T. rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs.'

In order to test evolution, Dr Werner visited 60 natural history museums and ten dinosaur dig sites in seven different countries. When he asked paleontologists if they had any personal knowledge of modern birds found with dinosaurs, he was in for quite a surprise.

“I interviewed a scientist at the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley who discussed a parrot fossil they had found in Cretaceous layers (‘dinosaur rock’). But the parrot fossil was not on display in the museum.”

With each interview, more modern birds that had been found with dinosaurs were added to his list, including: parrots, penguins, owls, sandpipers, albatross, flamingos, loons, ducks, cormorants and avocets. Carl assembled this list from interviews he did with various paleontologists, as well as from articles by evolutionist scientists and a textbook (the details of the sources can be found in Living Fossils).

It was not long before Dr. Werner noted an important discrepancy: museums were not displaying what the scientists were revealing in their one-on-one interviews. In fact, the natural history museums contradicted reality and were suggesting the opposite. Of the 60 museums he visited, he did not see one single fossil of a modern bird that had been found in a dinosaur rock layer and only one museum out of 60 displayed a modern bird model with a dinosaur: the Milwaukee Museum. In an out-of-the-way corner, the museum had a reconstructed avocet that had been found at Hell Creek (Montana) dinosaur dig site (see photo of avocet reconstruction below)—this is clearly an avocet."

Modern birds with dinosaurs -
ous subjects should not imply some kind of categorical limit. If you described 'invisible light' to a scientist of the 17th century they would say you are talking fantasy.
Because it's an oxymoron. Light, by definition, is visible. If instead 'invisible electro-magnetic rays' was used as a description with the example of radiated heat from a fire then the reaction might have been entirely different.

You're projecting your difficulties with comprehension on to everyone else.
'Death Angel' is a god lover!

Of course! We love God because he loves us and gave us all that is good. You do not even know what is good. Now, we are waiting for the afterlife after spending around 120 years in this one. The atheists and their scientists with their "faith-based" false science will probably have much less life span imho. They think GMO foods are safe. Is it good? According to them, it will help feed the world.

Fake news! get so old so quickly.

It just goes to show what is real seems fake to you because your "faith-based" science is fake.
Paleontologists and other scientists have lied and made up the birds are dinosaurs story to fit evolution. The truth is they have found modern birds in the dinosaurs layers, but they do not want to admit and publicize it.

"Dr Carl Werner’s book and DVD, Living Fossils, reveals that fossil researchers have found many modern bird remains with dinosaurs, yet museums do not display these fossils, thus keeping this information from the public. By keeping this information hidden, children and adults are indoctrinated with the false idea that animals changed over time (since the time of the dinosaurs), and that evolution is true.

'Every time you see a T. rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs.'

In order to test evolution, Dr Werner visited 60 natural history museums and ten dinosaur dig sites in seven different countries. When he asked paleontologists if they had any personal knowledge of modern birds found with dinosaurs, he was in for quite a surprise.

“I interviewed a scientist at the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley who discussed a parrot fossil they had found in Cretaceous layers (‘dinosaur rock’). But the parrot fossil was not on display in the museum.”

With each interview, more modern birds that had been found with dinosaurs were added to his list, including: parrots, penguins, owls, sandpipers, albatross, flamingos, loons, ducks, cormorants and avocets. Carl assembled this list from interviews he did with various paleontologists, as well as from articles by evolutionist scientists and a textbook (the details of the sources can be found in Living Fossils).

It was not long before Dr. Werner noted an important discrepancy: museums were not displaying what the scientists were revealing in their one-on-one interviews. In fact, the natural history museums contradicted reality and were suggesting the opposite. Of the 60 museums he visited, he did not see one single fossil of a modern bird that had been found in a dinosaur rock layer and only one museum out of 60 displayed a modern bird model with a dinosaur: the Milwaukee Museum. In an out-of-the-way corner, the museum had a reconstructed avocet that had been found at Hell Creek (Montana) dinosaur dig site (see photo of avocet reconstruction below)—this is clearly an avocet."

Modern birds with dinosaurs -

Paleontologists and other scientists have lied and made up the birds are dinosaurs story to fit evolution.

Creationism refutes the dinosaur >>> bird theory?
Paleontologists and other scientists have lied and made up the birds are dinosaurs story to fit evolution. The truth is they have found modern birds in the dinosaurs layers, but they do not want to admit and publicize it.

"Dr Carl Werner’s book and DVD, Living Fossils, reveals that fossil researchers have found many modern bird remains with dinosaurs, yet museums do not display these fossils, thus keeping this information from the public. By keeping this information hidden, children and adults are indoctrinated with the false idea that animals changed over time (since the time of the dinosaurs), and that evolution is true.

'Every time you see a T. rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs.'

In order to test evolution, Dr Werner visited 60 natural history museums and ten dinosaur dig sites in seven different countries. When he asked paleontologists if they had any personal knowledge of modern birds found with dinosaurs, he was in for quite a surprise.

“I interviewed a scientist at the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley who discussed a parrot fossil they had found in Cretaceous layers (‘dinosaur rock’). But the parrot fossil was not on display in the museum.”

With each interview, more modern birds that had been found with dinosaurs were added to his list, including: parrots, penguins, owls, sandpipers, albatross, flamingos, loons, ducks, cormorants and avocets. Carl assembled this list from interviews he did with various paleontologists, as well as from articles by evolutionist scientists and a textbook (the details of the sources can be found in Living Fossils).

It was not long before Dr. Werner noted an important discrepancy: museums were not displaying what the scientists were revealing in their one-on-one interviews. In fact, the natural history museums contradicted reality and were suggesting the opposite. Of the 60 museums he visited, he did not see one single fossil of a modern bird that had been found in a dinosaur rock layer and only one museum out of 60 displayed a modern bird model with a dinosaur: the Milwaukee Museum. In an out-of-the-way corner, the museum had a reconstructed avocet that had been found at Hell Creek (Montana) dinosaur dig site (see photo of avocet reconstruction below)—this is clearly an avocet."

Modern birds with dinosaurs -

As goofy conspiracy theories go, this one from the charlatans at the madrassah is less entertaining.
Paleontologists and other scientists have lied and made up the birds are dinosaurs story to fit evolution. The truth is they have found modern birds in the dinosaurs layers, but they do not want to admit and publicize it.

"Dr Carl Werner’s book and DVD, Living Fossils, reveals that fossil researchers have found many modern bird remains with dinosaurs, yet museums do not display these fossils, thus keeping this information from the public. By keeping this information hidden, children and adults are indoctrinated with the false idea that animals changed over time (since the time of the dinosaurs), and that evolution is true.

'Every time you see a T. rex or a Triceratops in a museum display, you should also see ducks, loons, flamingos or some of these other modern birds that have been found in the same rock layers as these dinosaurs.'

In order to test evolution, Dr Werner visited 60 natural history museums and ten dinosaur dig sites in seven different countries. When he asked paleontologists if they had any personal knowledge of modern birds found with dinosaurs, he was in for quite a surprise.

“I interviewed a scientist at the Museum of Paleontology at Berkeley who discussed a parrot fossil they had found in Cretaceous layers (‘dinosaur rock’). But the parrot fossil was not on display in the museum.”

With each interview, more modern birds that had been found with dinosaurs were added to his list, including: parrots, penguins, owls, sandpipers, albatross, flamingos, loons, ducks, cormorants and avocets. Carl assembled this list from interviews he did with various paleontologists, as well as from articles by evolutionist scientists and a textbook (the details of the sources can be found in Living Fossils).

It was not long before Dr. Werner noted an important discrepancy: museums were not displaying what the scientists were revealing in their one-on-one interviews. In fact, the natural history museums contradicted reality and were suggesting the opposite. Of the 60 museums he visited, he did not see one single fossil of a modern bird that had been found in a dinosaur rock layer and only one museum out of 60 displayed a modern bird model with a dinosaur: the Milwaukee Museum. In an out-of-the-way corner, the museum had a reconstructed avocet that had been found at Hell Creek (Montana) dinosaur dig site (see photo of avocet reconstruction below)—this is clearly an avocet."

Modern birds with dinosaurs -

As goofy conspiracy theories go, this one from the charlatans at the madrassah is less entertaining.

I marvel that anyone could believe ridiculous shit like this
For Newtonian and JW believers,

Hope I skimmed over your link correctly...

If not, then there's probably still stuff to discuss as I'm not familiar with all the JW science.
For Newtonian and JW believers,

Hope I skimmed over your link correctly...

If not, then there's probably still stuff to discuss as I'm not familiar with all the JW science.

There's a thorough debunking of the charlatan Jonathan Wells here; Icons of Evolution FAQs

Instead of attacking the source, attack the information they provide. Even fools get things correct from time to time.

Attacking the messenger doesn't help you.
For Newtonian and JW believers,

Hope I skimmed over your link correctly...

If not, then there's probably still stuff to discuss as I'm not familiar with all the JW science.

There's a thorough debunking of the charlatan Jonathan Wells here; Icons of Evolution FAQs

Instead of attacking the source, attack the information they provide. Even fools get things correct from time to time.

Attacking the messenger doesn't help you.

It's a little difficult to "attack" a YouTube video which is all the previous poster provided.

In the introduction to his book, Well carries on with statements such as "students and the public are being systematically misinformed about the evidence for evolution,". If any of the creationists wish to expand on that, something beyond a YouTube video, I'll be happy to pursue it.
For Newtonian and JW believers,

Hope I skimmed over your link correctly...

If not, then there's probably still stuff to discuss as I'm not familiar with all the JW science.

There's a thorough debunking of the charlatan Jonathan Wells here; Icons of Evolution FAQs

Instead of attacking the source, attack the information they provide. Even fools get things correct from time to time.

Attacking the messenger doesn't help you.

It's a little difficult to "attack" a YouTube video which is all the previous poster provided.

In the introduction to his book, Well carries on with statements such as "students and the public are being systematically misinformed about the evidence for evolution,". If any of the creationists wish to expand on that, something beyond a YouTube video, I'll be happy to pursue it.

Easy, attack the statement. Provide the proof we do have of evolutionary theory and let them argue those facts.

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