Shut down the EPA already. What a racket.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE
There is no reason a government employee in any department merits a salary of $130K or more. That is the kind of money many senior government employees make NOT COUNTING pension or other benees. So not only are these government departments bloated with too many employees, many of them are also grossly overpaid.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
Dear Everyone....

Feel free to dump all your toxic wastes in Eastern Oregon.

Sincerely, the defunct EPA.
Where was the EPA on the BP oil spill? Nowhere. Where was the EPA after the Fuchishima disaster and our government lowering the risk level bar to the West Coast? Nowhere. If they are not protecting the environment after the two greatest disasters in recent history then what good are they? Shut them down.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
And transfer more societal wealth to the substantial people as all third world nations do.
The EPA is an unconstitutional agency that has destroyed lives and economies. They are nothing but thugs who have been given official titles in order to assist various politicians shut down this country's production potential and wipe out rural populations.
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
That's okay. They are no longer interfering in our lives, and they won't be replaced.

You have to pay off thugs and brownshirts if you opt not to kill them. Me, personally...I think they should be killed. But either way, eventually, they'll die. And they are no longer meddling in anybody's lives but their own sad affairs.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
Dear Everyone....

Feel free to dump all your toxic wastes in Eastern Oregon.

Sincerely, the defunct EPA.

He's given the 1% owners of the worst polluters to dump anything anywhere. He openly poisons water, food and air and he's just getting started.

Another area where we need to find ways to work around the 1% in order to protect the working class.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
Dear Everyone....

Feel free to dump all your toxic wastes in Eastern Oregon.

Sincerely, the defunct EPA.

Maybe Eastern Oregon should take care of it's own problems...
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
And transfer more societal wealth to the substantial people as all third world nations do.

I don't care if their wealth grows, as long as mine does as well. Why shouldn't they prosper? I don't care if other people prosper, if I am given the opportunity to prosper as well.

Dogs in the manger commie punks don't get it. They just hate everybody.
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
That's okay. They are no longer interfering in our lives, and they won't be replaced.

You have to pay off thugs and brownshirts. But eventually, they'll die.

You can't be serious.

No wonder you voted for trump and against yourself.

doesnt bother me one single bit to know someone is making sure the water I drink is safe ... RW pukes can drink out of the sewer if they want to, not me.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
Dear Everyone....

Feel free to dump all your toxic wastes in Eastern Oregon.

Sincerely, the defunct EPA.

Maybe Eastern Oregon should take care of it's own problems...

That's what Trump is saying this morning about New Orleans.

World going to hell but he's playing golf. As usual.
This agency is a huge drain on resources and serves no purpose except to harass employers and those who want to benefit from our huge bank of natural resources.

"It turns out that they’ve been paying almost three quarters of their workers in that region more than is allowed by law, compensating them with rates which are only available while doing “emergency or mission-critical” work. And in nearly all of these cases they failed to put in the appropriate requests to have the excessive pay approved. (Government Executive)"

Welcome -

The EPA needs to explain what the "emergency" in Seattle is - Hot Air
Dear Everyone....

Feel free to dump all your toxic wastes in Eastern Oregon.

Sincerely, the defunct EPA.

He's given the 1% owners of the worst polluters to dump anything anywhere. He openly poisons water, food and air and he's just getting started.

Another area where we need to find ways to work around the 1% in order to protect the working class.

OK, how is Trump poisoning food, water and air? Are you stoned?

Joe gets up at 8:00 AM to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some stupid bleeding heart liberal fought for minimum water quality standards.

He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some nanny state loving liberal fought to ensure their safety and work as advertised.

All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe's bacon is safe to eat because some commie liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry.

Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some socialist liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air.

He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some snowflake liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor.

Joe begins his work day; He has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe's employer pays these standards because Joe's employer doesn't want his employees to call the union.

If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he'll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some stupid liberal didn't think he should lose his home because of his temporary misfortune.

It's noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression.

Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that
Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime.

Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dad's; His car is among the safest in the world because some cry baby liberal fought for car safety standards.

He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers
didn't want to make rural loans. The house didn't have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and
demanded rural electrification (those rural Republicans would still be sitting in the dark).

He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home.

He turns on a radio talk show, the host keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good (the host doesn't tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day). Joe agrees, "We don't need those big government liberals ruining our lives; After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."

A Day in the Life of Joe Republican
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
I know...when I heard he said that, I literally laughed out loud at his stupidity.
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
I know...when I heard he said that, I literally laughed out loud at his stupidity.

You guys need to lighten up.... it's Trump being snarky. Geeze Louise.
trump is on a frugality mission. His mother was a Scottish lady. He thanked Putin for
saving him the MONEY that it took to have diplomats in Russia (I like that frugal move)
I want MORE frugality------government jobs are mostly a WASTE

Nothing frugal about that. It will cost us money and even though he hoped he was throwing away more than 700 jobs, he was wrong. As usual. They're still on the payroll. What a stupid stupid man.
I know...when I heard he said that, I literally laughed out loud at his stupidity.

You guys need to lighten up.... it's Trump being snarky. Geeze Louise.

kim invites snarky. in fact----snarky is the only possible approach

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