Shut Islam Down In America

um.... so the first amendment doesn't apply to non-Christians? you gonna stick with that?
I never said that. And the reason why, is because I'm smart enough to know that both the first amendment & non-Christians are OFF TOPIC of this thread, which you need to read (especially posts 28 and 30) Then come back when you have some idea of what you're talking about.

I'll take a break too now. I'm off the computer.
And yet 75% of American's are members of a religion who's central theme is a man named Jesus being executed on a wooden cross. .... :cool:
But as Christians, we don't subscribe to engaging in sacrifice of lives, regardless of how much we may revere the sacrifice that was done for us 2016 years ago. And the thread TOPIC is about Islam, not Christianity, so please refrain from going OFF TOPIC. You have the right and capability to start your own thread with Christianity as the subject matter if you wish. This thread is about Islam.

You're about as Christian as I am Buddhist.
Btw an amendment to the constitution will always trump the original text. Because that's what an amendment does by definition
Btw an amendment to the constitution will always trump the original text. Because that's what an amendment does by definition
But there is no amendment that trumps the Supremacy Clause. It is unthinkable that any amendment or anything could say that something (anything) would be supreme other than the Constitution, and thereby supercede it. If that were to happen, it would be the end of the USA - and that is precisely why it cannot and will not happen, and why there had never been a single exception made to the Supremacy Clause in 227 years.
Islam, a murderous, immoral lunacy, masquerading as a religion, has no business functioning in America. While its Koran principles are violations of scores of US laws, one really need look no further than the Constitution, to see how Islam is totally out of place in America. As the world's # 1 supremacism, Islam is banned by the Constitution which does nor permit supremacisms in the US (other than the Constitution itself)

In addition to this, Islam is in violation of US Code 18, Section 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) and US Code 18, section 2385 (Overthrow of govt).. if all that weren't enough, Islam is in violation of scores of US laws (murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination, animal cruelty, etc)

As with immigration, this is simply a case of Government not enforcing its laws. The US govt should close all the mosques, close down all Islamic centers, eliminate all Korans from libraries, bookstores, schools, etc. All Muslim immigration into the US should cease, and Muslim emigration should be encouraged, and funded to help Muslims be able to leave the country.

Article 6, Section 2

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing [sic] in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2384

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both

Well that makes the DemoKKKrats illegal!!!!


poor lying nutter.... the kkk is yours now. they have been since the 60's... so wtf are you talking about, psycho?

Rubbish you fool!! The KKK has and always will be a DemoKKKrat base!! Obama is refusing to enforce MANY Laws that are within his responsibility. Particularly on illegal immigrants. Now do stop being a jerk!!

Religious Freedom, as a Constitutionally Protected Right and Guarantee is not limited to any singular Religion or Religious Group. No person or group of person, no Religion or Religious Group has the right to deny person or group of persons their right to worship their version of their of the god based solely on hate. That would make you no better than the people you seek to hurt or damage.

No Political Party, or individual within a Political Party has the right to deny Religious Freedom to any person or group of persons. That is what all you RWNJ are always bitching about in the first place.

Your belief in your version of your god does not in anyway, shape and/or form make you special. Christians are just as guilty of intolerance, hate and violence as any other religion.

Killing, maiming, wounding, hurting Muslims is just as wrong as Muslims doing exactly the same damn to Christians. Only difference is the day you set aside to worship your non-existent male god head magic sky man.

Christianity is suppose to be about the so-called love your so-called and yet every so-called "Christian" I've seen posting to thread has more hate than love going.

Being accused of being Muslim is now your stock and trade insult.

Just as there can be "No Religious Test" for any person seeking public office, or holding public office, or working for the Government, there is no question or legislate laws "Respecting An Establish of Religion or the Free Exercise Thereof".

That is what Religious Freedom Means.

You people seem to only that freedom your version of your god, which means you do not believe in Freedom of Religion at all.
um.... so the first amendment doesn't apply to non-Christians? you gonna stick with that?
I never said that. And the reason why, is because I'm smart enough to know that both the first amendment & non-Christians are OFF TOPIC of this thread, which you need to read (especially posts 28 and 30) Then come back when you have some idea of what you're talking about.

I'll take a break too now. I'm off the computer.

what's off topic about pointing out that you're awfully selective in what you want protected by the first amendment.

have a good break
Protectionist, is a stupid prejudiced ignorant dumb ass .
Now if only you presented SOMETHING upon which to base that, somebody might actually pay a little attention to you.

Protectionist is so erratic that at times I believe he is actually Trump.
um.... so the first amendment doesn't apply to non-Christians? you gonna stick with that?
I never said that. And the reason why, is because I'm smart enough to know that both the first amendment & non-Christians are OFF TOPIC of this thread, which you need to read (especially posts 28 and 30) Then come back when you have some idea of what you're talking about.

I'll take a break too now. I'm off the computer.

what's off topic about pointing out that you're awfully selective in what you want protected by the first amendment.

have a good break

Oh Now....he's all about Religious Freedom, as long as it is his Religion and His Freedom...others not so much.
Not a religion? Looks like the vast majority of Americans disagree with you as well 1.6 billion Muslims but don't let that stop you. Crazy posts like this keep the USMB interesting.
1. Of the so-called 1.6 Billion "Muslims", most are not really Muslims. In America, many people included in this number are gay, have a dog, drink alcohol on a regular basis, and wouldn't recognize the Koran if it fell on their heads. So why do they call themselves "Muslim" ? Because the parents dumped that on them when they were born.

2. 99% of the people around the world who are among the so-called 1.6 Billion "Muslims", have ancestors who were Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and of various African religions. The only reason why these people today are "Muslim" (if you dould say they are) is because their ancestors were killed refusing to convert, or they were forced to become Muslims. Hell of a way fro someone to call themself a Muslim.

3. Where do you get the idea that the "vast majority of Americans disagree" with me ? Actually, all over the world, the vast majority of people do NOT accept Islam as being a religion, and I suspect the USA is no different. Even some entire nations have classified Islam as not a religion, and deny it religious tax status, which is granted to REAL religions (Example > Italy) Islam is not an officially recognized religion in Italy, even though other religions like Buddhism and Judaism, which have far fewer followers, are. That lack of recognition not only allows Italy to control the number of mosques and prayer facilities being built and registered, but it stops the Islamic community from fully integrating. It also allows authorities to more easily monitor the mosques.

Many argue that the difficulty which members of the Muslim community have integrating and the near impossibility they face when trying to build legitimate places of worship, is precisely what has led to the increase in so-called "garage mosques", since it is virtually impossible for Muslims to pray legally.

In addition to closing the garage mosques, Italian Interior Minister Angelino Alfano says Italy will dedicate more than $1 billion to enhance security, including hiring more Arab translators to help with telephone and Internet surveillance.

All of this (and more) is what we should be doing in the United States.

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status

Italy Drives Muslims Underground - The Daily Beast
Regardless of whether that 1.6 billion Muslims includes those that are gay or drink alcohol, they're not going to agree that Islam is not a religion nor are the 67% of Americans who have favorable opinion of Muslims nor 51% of Americans who have a favorable opinnion of Islam.
American attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel
Congress shall make no law restricting the free exercise of religion.

I agree it's a sick cult of slavery and death, but as soon as we give government the power you're advocating the left will use that power to ban every religion they hate.

Islam is more a form of oppressive government than it is a religion.

Carter cancelled the visas for Iranian citizens due to the danger. He didn't ban immigration, per se, but understood the threat posed by allowing Iranians in the country. Did anyone complain? Of course not because it was the wise thing to do at the time. It's not banning a religion. It's about minimizing the danger to American citizens, which is the duty of government. There are many Middle Eastern men who pose a threat. Yes, they are likely Muslims. The politically correct idiots choose to look at the religion more than any other factor just so they can blame Islamophobia.

It is telling that while many women have been photographed in military gear preparing to fight ISIS (especially the Kurdish women), we see mostly young males posing as refugees.

Jimmy Carter Banned Iranian Immigrants?
Btw an amendment to the constitution will always trump the original text. Because that's what an amendment does by definition
But there is no amendment that trumps the Supremacy Clause. It is unthinkable that any amendment or anything could say that something (anything) would be supreme other than the Constitution, and thereby supercede it. If that were to happen, it would be the end of the USA - and that is precisely why it cannot and will not happen, and why there had never been a single exception made to the Supremacy Clause in 227 years.
An amendment can certainly change or delete anything in the constitution, including the supremacy clause. There is no such thing as an unconstitutional amendment.
Liberals are too mentally sick to ever understand that Pisslam is a praised-by-Hitler, genocidal hate ideology that has killed 300 million people and still counting. And that after muslims' 50-60 generations of cousin-inbreeding, the muslim brain is no longer genetically human. And liberals are too willfully historically ignorant to get that Pisslam has ruined EVERY society it's ever touched and has never peacefully co-existed with anyone. A 1400 year unbroken track record.

I've been studying this murderous, gutter rat death cult for years and I find Islam to be a vile bag of garbage that's so sick, so loathsome, so reprehensible, I believe only a clinical psychopath could find that theocratic cesspool attractive. Seriously, every single detail of this mud-slime subhuman culture is an exercise in EVERY odious quality known to man. This religion isn't even interesting enough to make me sick.
And most conservatives are too ignorant and bigoted to understand First Amendment case law.[/QUOTE

My post of personal revulsion for Islam, you atrocity-apologist, has NOTHING to do with laws. It's about my own moral revulsion for a human-rights-atrocity HATE ideology that is the only way you liberal pigs can sexually get it up. I'm not talking about the Constitution, you moron, I'm talking about Islamic values.
Islam, a murderous, immoral lunacy, masquerading as a religion, has no business functioning in America. While its Koran principles are violations of scores of US laws, one really need look no further than the Constitution, to see how Islam is totally out of place in America. As the world's # 1 supremacism, Islam is banned by the Constitution which does nor permit supremacisms in the US (other than the Constitution itself)

In addition to this, Islam is in violation of US Code 18, Section 2384 (Seditious Conspiracy) and US Code 18, section 2385 (Overthrow of govt).. if all that weren't enough, Islam is in violation of scores of US laws (murder, rape, pedophilia, slavery, sex discrimination, animal cruelty, etc)

As with immigration, this is simply a case of Government not enforcing its laws. The US govt should close all the mosques, close down all Islamic centers, eliminate all Korans from libraries, bookstores, schools, etc. All Muslim immigration into the US should cease, and Muslim emigration should be encouraged, and funded to help Muslims be able to leave the country.

Article 6, Section 2

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing [sic] in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding."

U.S. CodeTitle 18Part IChapter 115 › § 2384

"If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both."

Article VI.

"But no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States."

1st Amendment United States Constitution.

"Congress Shall Make No Law Respecting An Establishment of Religion or Prohibiting The Free Exercise Thereof".


The Right To Religious Freedom in the U.S. is not limited to any singular religion.

You do not get to decide who worships what version of god other people wish or do not wish or worship.

There is NO CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ALLOWING NON-AMERICANS CARTE BLANCHE TO ENTER AMERICA!!! Immigrating to the US is a privilege, not a right and can be revoked at any time. As Carter did with Iranian muslims, in obedience to the 1952 Presidential Immigration law. The American Constituion DOESN'T apply to other countries, do you get it?
Congress shall make no law restricting the free exercise of religion.

I agree it's a sick cult of slavery and death, but as soon as we give government the power you're advocating the left will use that power to ban every religion they hate.

its not a religion, its a political system.

Still covered by first amendment

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