Shut up Romney!

It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.

I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.
But YOU DIDN'T STAY HOME. Which is the LIE that's been perpetuated by the Republican Party ever since.

It's despicable!

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Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.

Like I said, his "trying to move so far to the right" ......
You are a media drone.
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine a few minutes ago. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
Last edited:
Isn't that what liberals have been trying to beat into your thick sculls for decades?

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Clinton is the same damn thing. Liberals want Amnesty as well so these republicans are the same damn thing as the liberals are.

Trump wants to end Illegal Immigration. He's the only Candidate being honest and clear on the issue. The rest in both Parties want the status-quo or Amnesty. He's the right Candidate at the right time.
Sure Trump wants to end illegal immigration. He said so in 2016. All those decades of not holding that position before is just water under the bridge.

Trump supporters are just like the Obama lemmings. Just play your flute and they'll follow you off the cliff.

He's at least attempting to tackle the issue. What are the other Candidates in both Parties doing? They're saying and doing nothing. They want want the status-quo or Amnesty. I give Trump a lot of props for being brave enough to take a stand. He wants to end Illegal Immigration, and so do i.

come on paul NOBODY wants illegal immigration Thats just another arrow in your leaders quiver of lies And drumph will tell you anything you want to hear Meanwhile he disses the world

Just watched his incredible speech in Maine today. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. He's on it. And that's much more than i can say about any of the other candidates in both Parties.
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:
I hope now on Ted Cruz in 50 final series or Mitt Romney in final stage against Cruz or Trump, Rubio isn't it and no way the Kasich.
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

Did you watch his speech? I thought it was brilliant. Romney's a pathetic waste. I truly believe it is Trump's time.
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

Did you watch his speech? I thought it was brilliant. Romney's a pathetic waste. I truly believe it is Trump's time.
I listened to it. Yeah he approached it in a way I would of never thought he would. Cool and measured, didn't make a big deal about it but definitely addressed it head on.
Now we know who Rightwanger is...the real Mittster....what a fucking farce. Hard to argue that this split might allow Hillary a victory...if she is not in jail come November.

I doubt this will harm Trump, anyone paying attention sees what is happening, the establishment has lost control and the populace is eating it up. Now if only the loons on the left could muster up some courage and do the same....real change might take place
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
Now we know who Rightwanger is...the real Mittster....what a fucking farce. Hard to argue that this split might allow Hillary a victory...if she is not in jail come November.

I doubt this will harm Trump, anyone paying attention sees what is happening, the establishment has lost control and the populace is eating it up. Now if only the loons on the left could muster up some courage and do the same....real change might take place
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
kmi 1885 brain

I'm well aware where KMI is, that's last weeks news and if you were a trader you'd know today's news....fraud
I was taught patience is a virtue,,,,,,,,too bad you weren't
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

Did you watch his speech? I thought it was brilliant. Romney's a pathetic waste. I truly believe it is Trump's time.
I listened to it. Yeah he approached it in a way I would of never thought he would. Cool and measured, didn't make a big deal about it but definitely addressed it head on.

Yeah, i really enjoyed it. He hit on everything, including Romney. I feel he is the right candidate at the right time.
I doubt this will harm Trump, anyone paying attention sees what is happening, the establishment has lost control and the populace is eating it up. Now if only the loons on the left could muster up some courage and do the same....real change might take place
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
I doubt this will harm Trump, anyone paying attention sees what is happening, the establishment has lost control and the populace is eating it up. Now if only the loons on the left could muster up some courage and do the same....real change might take place
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
kmi 1885 brain

I'm well aware where KMI is, that's last weeks news and if you were a trader you'd know today's news....fraud
I was taught patience is a virtue,,,,,,,,too bad you weren't

Doesn't take away from the fact you're spewing about old news, I got in, made my money and got out, next up is an even bigger one. You're typical of frauds on the internet, always talking what happened and never mentioning what could happen. KMI is old, now what's the new one, JP Getty? You won't know because you have no contacts and I'm not giving it to you go play Monopoly
We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo.
I don't understand this black/white, either/or argument.

The reason why the GOP wants to stop Drumpf can only be, HAS TO BE, because they want to stay in power. This makes no sense. A Drumpf presidency doesn't kick them out of office, doesn't diminish the power of the Legislative Branch, or prevent them from blocking everything he wants to do, as they've done with Obama.
You don't get it because you're looking at it through the lenses of emotion. You don't like Trump and wish nothing but failure for him so you will not HONESTLY acknowledge whats going on. This isn't about my politics or your politics Synth.

If you're willing to step away from your disdain of Trump we can have a real discussion on whats going on. Otherwise we'll go no where.
I just want you to explain how a Drumpf presidency diminishes GOP status quo/power. McConnell and Ryan will still have control of the Legislature.

I think the TPM explained it nicely in August 2015:

So why is Trump the enemy, really? The GOP will say it’s because he’s a clown, he has no experience, he can't win, he’s more a celebrity than a politician. This might all be true. But there’s another big reason they’d rather not talk about.

At the debate and numerous public appearances, Trump has matter-of-factly stated that he is an equal opportunity donor to Republican and Democratic candidates—not for the purpose of civic duty or altruism, but in exchange for influence. He has openly deemed his gifts to politicians a business expense. He went so far as to declare, before 24 million viewers at the debate, that he uses his donations to obtain favors from legislators who are all too eager to bow to his requests. He not-so-subtly implies that politicians are bought and paid for by him and other financial moguls. And he expects a fair return for those dollars, measured in policy rewards like zoning adjustments, subsidies for building projects and long-term tax relief.

In short, he lets the cat out of the bag about something the political system has spent more than a century to disguise.

Representative democracy can only remain legitimate in the eyes of its citizens if they believe that those who seek and hold public office are independent actors. We have tolerated well-funded lobbying organizations, most of which get their money from rich donors and corporate investments. Hillary Clinton admits she receives huge contributions to her campaign from Wall Street titans. But she adamantly denies that these millions of dollars influence her political decisions.

It is an open secret that the overwhelming majority of U.S. senators and a substantial portion of members of the House of Representatives are rich. In some instances, like Trump, they enter politics as “independently wealthy” candidates. But in many if not most cases their money comes from high-end speakers fees from corporations and their non-profit foundations and institutions. Senators and Congresspeople often participate in insider trading, getting lucrative investment advice from Wall Streeters or congressional financial and economic staffers.

Many of us know all this. Yet we are still asked to hold up the myth that the government should be free of direct influence. Trump shatters this tacit agreement into a million pieces. This kind of honesty has no place in the political marketplace.""""

The Real Reason Donald Trump Embarrasses The GOP
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
if drumph ever becomes president you'll see real change all right ,,,america becoming a 3rd world country

Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
kmi 1885 brain

I'm well aware where KMI is, that's last weeks news and if you were a trader you'd know today's news....fraud
I was taught patience is a virtue,,,,,,,,too bad you weren't

Doesn't take away from the fact you're spewing about old news, I got in, made my money and got out, next up is an even bigger one. You're typical of frauds on the internet, always talking what happened and never mentioning what could happen. KMI is old, now what's the new one, JP Getty? You won't know because you have no contacts and I'm not giving it to you go play Monopoly
like buffet says ,,he can't tell you what a stock will do tomorrow or next week but he can say the market will be up in 5 years Seems you have the patience of a flea but I'm through with you for a while Your humor has worn itself thin,,,,,,keep making your pennies a day ,,,see how far that gets you
Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
Get lost, sock....I'm tired of your nonsense....serious
kmi 1885 brain

I'm well aware where KMI is, that's last weeks news and if you were a trader you'd know today's news....fraud
I was taught patience is a virtue,,,,,,,,too bad you weren't

Doesn't take away from the fact you're spewing about old news, I got in, made my money and got out, next up is an even bigger one. You're typical of frauds on the internet, always talking what happened and never mentioning what could happen. KMI is old, now what's the new one, JP Getty? You won't know because you have no contacts and I'm not giving it to you go play Monopoly
like buffet says ,,he can't tell you what a stock will do tomorrow or next week but he can say the market will be up in 5 years Seems you have the patience of a flea but I'm through with you for a while Your humor has worn itself thin,,,,,,keep making your pennies a day ,,,see how far that gets you

It's obvious you know nothing of trading, I trade on swings, patience is the last thing I want to do. Now go play Monopoly or on some fantasy trading site and stop bothering me

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