Shut up Romney!

I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
But YOU DIDN'T STAY HOME. Which is the LIE that's been perpetuated by the Republican Party ever since.

It's despicable!

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Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.
Yeah just more jew lovers


a trump supporter
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
First, I think Trump is the next Mussolini.
That said, the GOP sending Romney out proves the GOP doesn't have a clue as to what is going on.

it's pretty clear he went out at the behest of the GOP.
I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
But YOU DIDN'T STAY HOME. Which is the LIE that's been perpetuated by the Republican Party ever since.

It's despicable!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

Ivanka Trump Opens Up About Converting to Orthodox Judaism
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

I think it means Rubio will win Utah. :lol: What baffles me is that the evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon but are turning out in droves for a con man who: "Goes to church on Easter and Christmas Eve....oh, and "on Sundays" (he threw that in and looked around to see if anybody was snickering)
It should demonstrate to everyone that evangelicals are full of shit liars.
Hilarious, considering that you zero moral standing by which to criticize them.
Why not?
Are you a church goer?

Do you try to live a moral and upstanding life, regardless of what "liberties" you may think you have?

If you have no morals in the first place, then you can't criticize anyone for failing to live up to theirs.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?

:uhoh3:What? STFU right? So is her husband.It's not an easy thing to convert to Orthodox Judaism the real way
Why would he even give a shit decades before? He wasn't a politician
Thanks for making my point. You have nothing to back up the rhetoric he has made in the past year.

Mr "the Bible is my favorite book" who says Two Corrintians and can't name a verse from the Bible is the best salesman since PT Barnum.
So you keep voting for the same bullshit artists that have given us what we have now. Good luck with that.
Good luck with your Clinton and Planned Parenthood and Big Government loving atheist Trump.
it's pretty clear he went out at the behest of the GOP.

these guys would rather put their heads in the sand and pretend guys like sununu, romney and mccain are the party frauds.

they're crony capitalist, establish, tools and McCain is a nutter, who wants are troops fighting all over the friken world for people we don't even know
trump should start his own political party and call it the Ignorant Buffoon Party.

Trump for IBP - kind of has a ring to it.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

Ivanka Trump Opens Up About Converting to Orthodox Judaism
Ah well then why don't you take the American flag out of your signature and move back to Israhell? BYE! Yes I know his son in law is a juden and his daughter is a race mixer. Trump himself is not.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

Ivanka Trump Opens Up About Converting to Orthodox Judaism

Why would he even give a shit decades before? He wasn't a politician
Thanks for making my point. You have nothing to back up the rhetoric he has made in the past year.

Mr "the Bible is my favorite book" who says Two Corrintians and can't name a verse from the Bible is the best salesman since PT Barnum.
So you keep voting for the same bullshit artists that have given us what we have now. Good luck with that.
Good luck with your Clinton and Planned Parenthood and Big Government loving atheist Trump.
ROFL who you gonna vote for then? You keep crying its fucking hilarious. PP does do SOME good just not the abortion part and Trump agrees 100% with me. Atheist OH MY! HORRIBLE! Big Government! OH GAWD!
About 2 years from now I'm going to tell all the Trumpsters I told you so, he is just a big government leftist wolf in sheeps clothing with no intention of pursuing his promises.

And like the Obamaites today shrug off all of Obama's campaign lies and crappy governing, so will all the Trumpsters.

-Weatherman, Prophet extroidinaire.
The President of the United States has long been the leader of the free world. The president and yes the nominees of the country's great parties help define America to billions of people. All of them bear the responsibility of being an example for our children and grandchildren.

I understand the anger Americans feel today. In the past, our presidents have channeled that anger, and forged it into resolve, into endurance and high purpose, and into the will to defeat the enemies of freedom. Our anger was transformed into energy directed for good.

Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less than noble purposes. He creates scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants, he calls for the use of torture and for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. He cheers assaults on protesters. He applauds the prospect of twisting the Constitution to limit first amendment freedom of the press. This is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.

Full transcript: Mitt Romney's remarks on Donald Trump and the 2016 race

Romney is right. Trump obviously hasn't got a clue about what makes America great in the first place.

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?

I love these people who just post on a thread, some stupidity, with nothing to back it up, then scamper off. Useless really.
We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo.
I don't understand this black/white, either/or argument.

The reason why the GOP wants to stop Drumpf can only be, HAS TO BE, because they want to stay in power. This makes no sense. A Drumpf presidency doesn't kick them out of office, doesn't diminish the power of the Legislative Branch, or prevent them from blocking everything he wants to do, as they've done with Obama.
You don't get it because you're looking at it through the lenses of emotion. You don't like Trump and wish nothing but failure for him so you will not HONESTLY acknowledge whats going on. This isn't about my politics or your politics Synth.

If you're willing to step away from your disdain of Trump we can have a real discussion on whats going on. Otherwise we'll go no where.
I just want you to explain how a Drumpf presidency diminishes GOP status quo/power. McConnell and Ryan will still have control of the Legislature.
Let me ask you this. Do you see, or will you acknowledge that the entire DC system is corrupt? Meaning run by bought and paid for politicians via special interests/lobbyist and big corporations.
Yes, but that doesn't answer my question.

And I don't know how Drumpf's election would change that. The Legislative Branch has the power to pass laws that restrict/limit lobbying and campaign contributions, not the Executive.
Good, you see it and it does answer your question. All that bullshit will come to an end. He'll get in office and put an end to it. They know this, this is what they fear, this is why they are doing everything humanly possible to wrangle the nomination away from him. He's already proven he gives zero fucks about either party. He's beholden to no one but the American people. That is a dangerous person to have in office Synth. Especially in the White House!

Imagine if you had a posh little club where EVERYONE benefited from corruption, lobbyist, special interests and the big corporations. Then some one comes along that threatens that very institution. What do you think is going to happen? You're going to round up all your buddies to take this guy down. You aren't going to lose your gravy train..hell no. You're going to fight tooth and nail to make sure that person does not get in position to take down your little club.

Think about this as well. This is VERY telling. The GOPe rants and raves about a SCOTUS nomination and is doing everything to stop it. Right? We won't go into how they are a bunch of douchebags who won't even vote on a nomination but thats a whole other thing. Anyway, its the end of the world if a Dem gets in office and gets a choice for SCOTUS right? In their minds that is. The GOPe is saying they are going to vote for Hillary if Trump gets the nomination or they will write in their choice (which is essentially a vote for Hillary) Does that not strike you as fucked up? Here they are in one breath fighting to keep Obama from getting a SCOTUS nom in place because it will be the end of the word, BUT they will abandon that to keep Trump out of office. Why? Because Trump isn't a Conservative? He'll ruin the economy? It's a sham dude. They do not want to lose the gravy train they got going. They don't give a fuck about anything else. Hell gridlock and talking points keeps them employed. Why would they want to fix anything?

It's over for them if he gets in office and that my friend is what they are panicking over. He isn't conservative enough and he'll ruin the economy? LOL Yeah thats what they are worried about. It's so blatantly obvious whats going on.

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