Shut up Romney!

Was Romney the heaviest piece of artillery the Republicans could muster on behalf of its survival? Seeriously? Milquetoast Mitt?

The GOPe is surrendering.

Poor Mitt. The father of Obamacare is so jealous of Trump that he can't see straight. . He sees a strong successful candidate that could win the whole shebang, and he imagines what might have been....if only he had a spine! . If only he wasn't so polite and politically correct. He was very gracious when he accepted Trump's endorsement in 2012. He needed him then.

Oye.... Mitt's a disappointment on every level.
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
RINOS failed, because they all are progressive career politicians...

Republicans lost twice against Obama, twice against Clinton.

BUT, there was not a more conservative Republican in any of those 4 elections who could have beaten either Obama or Clinton, in fact,

every more conservative potential candidate in any of those races would have done worse.

Try to prove that wrong.
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Do you have any clue what the nationalities are of the people who receive their paychecks from Trump's enterprises?
Doesn't mean he likes them. Only means he exploits them.
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Do you have any clue what the nationalities are of the people who receive their paychecks from Trump's enterprises?
Doesn't mean he likes them. Only means he exploits them.
Do you have an authority on that? Hell I did not like all the people that used to work for me. I made money making sure everyone was properly doing their job, things were paid and the contracts were bid so did I exploit the employees because they worked to get a paycheck? Try to be realistic.
Are you a church goer?

Fuck no.

Do you try to live a moral and upstanding life, regardless of what "liberties" you may think you have?

I don't "try" - I do.

If you have no morals in the first place, then you can't criticize anyone for failing to live up to theirs.
I do have morals, and ethics, but this statement is false.
The Real Reason Donald Drumpf Embarrasses The GOP
People who have no shame cannot be embarrassed.

If it didn't embarrass the GOP to refuse to fund health care for 9/11 responders, nothing will embarrass them.

they were also real big on paying for hurricane damages until the damages were in NY/NJ.
...while being total hypocrites:

After Calling Sandy Aid Wasteful, Ted Cruz Asks For All Available Resources for Texas
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
RINOS failed, because they all are progressive career politicians...

Republicans lost twice against Obama, twice against Clinton.

BUT, there was not a more conservative Republican in any of those 4 elections who could have beaten either Obama or Clinton, in fact,

every more conservative potential candidate in any of those races would have done worse.

Try to prove that wrong.
Na, not really
The Real Reason Donald Drumpf Embarrasses The GOP
People who have no shame cannot be embarrassed.

If it didn't embarrass the GOP to refuse to fund health care for 9/11 responders, nothing will embarrass them.

they were also real big on paying for hurricane damages until the damages were in NY/NJ.
...while being total hypocrites:

After Calling Sandy Aid Wasteful, Ted Cruz Asks For All Available Resources for Texas
You got 60 BILLION........what's the problem.............Your side wanted more..........more earmark attachments...................some wanted accountability with the money........some wanted slush funds........

$60 Billion Sandy Bill Larded with Pork - Breitbart
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
RINOS failed, because they all are progressive career politicians...

Republicans lost twice against Obama, twice against Clinton.

BUT, there was not a more conservative Republican in any of those 4 elections who could have beaten either Obama or Clinton, in fact,

every more conservative potential candidate in any of those races would have done worse.

Try to prove that wrong.
Na, not really

Thank you for staying in character with that totally incoherent response.
I think the RNC needed someone to be the spokes person that was not involved in an election....?

The Republican field is so bad that the corporate gangs are going to put their money on Romney again. The only qualified Republican is Kasich but he's not nearly a big enough asshole, liar and lunatic to appeal to the Republican voters. Romney is a sleazy as they come and liberal as hell. Republican voters may just be deranged and stupid enough to vote for him. After all he's a professional scumbag.
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Do you have any clue what the nationalities are of the people who receive their paychecks from Trump's enterprises?
Doesn't mean he likes them. Only means he exploits them.
Do you have an authority on that? Hell I did not like all the people that used to work for me. I made money making sure everyone was properly doing their job, things were paid and the contracts were bid so did I exploit the employees because they worked to get a paycheck? Try to be realistic.
There is a difference between employing people and exploiting them. Sorry you don't understand the difference.
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Do you have any clue what the nationalities are of the people who receive their paychecks from Trump's enterprises?
Doesn't mean he likes them. Only means he exploits them.
Do you have an authority on that? Hell I did not like all the people that used to work for me. I made money making sure everyone was properly doing their job, things were paid and the contracts were bid so did I exploit the employees because they worked to get a paycheck? Try to be realistic.
There is a difference between employing people and exploiting them. Sorry you don't understand the difference.
If he exploits them prove it.

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