Shut up Romney!

Mitt Romney and other establishment types are not 'running' for President, if they are serious about trying to block Trump nomination at the convention at least Romney should have entered the chase, instead of being a SPOILER>

What they actually would be doing is running interference on the behalf of The Hildebeast with the intent to guarantee she's the President. Many of the GOP establishment congressional members and staff have hinted anonymously last year to the media that they would prefer a Hildebeast Presidency over a very conservative or insurgency candidate, in fact many anti-Trump establishment commentators said just last week that they would vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee..

Right now a plurality of the voters so far are choosing Trump and if he has the majority of the delegates by the time of the convention and the GOP try to steal the nomination from him by all kinds of shenanigans, then even those conservatives that don't like Trump will be outraged, and all hell will break loose everywhere.

They would rather lose some power and work with Hellery with what they think they can control than have power, and work with what they think they cannot control in a Trump presidency
Mitt Romney and other establishment types are not 'running' for President, if they are serious about trying to block Trump nomination at the convention at least Romney should have entered the chase, instead of being a SPOILER>

What they actually would be doing is running interference on the behalf of The Hildebeast with the intent to guarantee she's the President. Many of the GOP establishment congressional members and staff have hinted anonymously last year to the media that they would prefer a Hildebeast Presidency over a very conservative or insurgency candidate, in fact many anti-Trump establishment commentators said just last week that they would vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee..

Right now a plurality of the voters so far are choosing Trump and if he has the majority of the delegates by the time of the convention and the GOP try to steal the nomination from him by all kinds of shenanigans, then even those conservatives that don't like Trump will be outraged, and all hell will break loose everywhere.

They would rather lose some power and work with Hellery with what they think they can control than have power, and work with what they think they cannot control in a Trump presidency
you do know of course that drumph is the only republican that hill will beat?? trump will be a disgrace as our president
Mitt Romney and other establishment types are not 'running' for President, if they are serious about trying to block Trump nomination at the convention at least Romney should have entered the chase, instead of being a SPOILER>

What they actually would be doing is running interference on the behalf of The Hildebeast with the intent to guarantee she's the President. Many of the GOP establishment congressional members and staff have hinted anonymously last year to the media that they would prefer a Hildebeast Presidency over a very conservative or insurgency candidate, in fact many anti-Trump establishment commentators said just last week that they would vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee..

Right now a plurality of the voters so far are choosing Trump and if he has the majority of the delegates by the time of the convention and the GOP try to steal the nomination from him by all kinds of shenanigans, then even those conservatives that don't like Trump will be outraged, and all hell will break loose everywhere.

They would rather lose some power and work with Hellery with what they think they can control than have power, and work with what they think they cannot control in a Trump presidency
you do know of course that drumph is the only republican that hill will beat?? trump will be a disgrace as our president

You do realize that we have 8, that is EIGHT months, before the election and that The Hildebeast has been losing support of the electorate ever day as more shit that she has done comes to light, such as her IT man given IMMUNITY to testify against her!
Mitt Romney and other establishment types are not 'running' for President, if they are serious about trying to block Trump nomination at the convention at least Romney should have entered the chase, instead of being a SPOILER>

What they actually would be doing is running interference on the behalf of The Hildebeast with the intent to guarantee she's the President. Many of the GOP establishment congressional members and staff have hinted anonymously last year to the media that they would prefer a Hildebeast Presidency over a very conservative or insurgency candidate, in fact many anti-Trump establishment commentators said just last week that they would vote for Hillary if Trump is the nominee..

Right now a plurality of the voters so far are choosing Trump and if he has the majority of the delegates by the time of the convention and the GOP try to steal the nomination from him by all kinds of shenanigans, then even those conservatives that don't like Trump will be outraged, and all hell will break loose everywhere.

They would rather lose some power and work with Hellery with what they think they can control than have power, and work with what they think they cannot control in a Trump presidency
you do know of course that drumph is the only republican that hill will beat?? trump will be a disgrace as our president

You do realize that we have 8, that is EIGHT months, before the election and that The Hildebeast has been losing support of the electorate ever day as more shit that she has done comes to light, such as her IT man given IMMUNITY to testify against her!
I need to hear what outrageous shit she was supposed to be responsible for not the bs you pubs seem to throw at all dems where were you btw when the scumbag bush killed 1000's of ours??
Good, you see it and it does answer your question. All that bullshit will come to an end. He'll get in office and put an end to it.

And I'm asking: how?

Just give me a scenario where Drumpf can effect change on the entire system, like you claim he will.

They know this, this is what they fear, this is why they are doing everything humanly possible to wrangle the nomination away from him. He's already proven he gives zero fucks about either party. He's beholden to no one but the American people. That is a dangerous person to have in office Synth. Especially in the White House!

I think the fact that he could be very dangerous to democracy and rule of law worries many people. Even elites don't want an immature, impetuous megalomaniac in charge of the nuclear football.

Imagine if you had a posh little club where EVERYONE benefited from corruption, lobbyist, special interests and the big corporations. Then some one comes along that threatens that very institution. What do you think is going to happen? You're going to round up all your buddies to take this guy down. You aren't going to lose your gravy train..hell no. You're going to fight tooth and nail to make sure that person does not get in position to take down your little club.

Again: HOW?

Think about this as well. This is VERY telling. The GOPe rants and raves about a SCOTUS nomination and is doing everything to stop it. Right? We won't go into how they are a bunch of douchebags who won't even vote on a nomination but thats a whole other thing. Anyway, its the end of the world if a Dem gets in office and gets a choice for SCOTUS right? In their minds that is. The GOPe is saying they are going to vote for Hillary if Trump gets the nomination or they will write in their choice (which is essentially a vote for Hillary) Does that not strike you as fucked up? Here they are in one breath fighting to keep Obama from getting a SCOTUS nom in place because it will be the end of the word, BUT they will abandon that to keep Trump out of office. Why? Because Trump isn't a Conservative? He'll ruin the economy? It's a sham dude. They do not want to lose the gravy train they got going. They don't give a fuck about anything else. Hell gridlock and talking points keeps them employed. Why would they want to fix anything?

Perhaps because he may not support Republican policy, whether it's low taxes, interventionism abroad, friendship with the Saudis or Israelis, opposition to abortion, and a host of other issues. Why aren't those legit concerns for Republicans? Why have you decided that it's all about preserving their gravy train of money? Drumpf is all about money - I haven't seen him attack Wall Street or Citizens United, have you?

It's over for them if he gets in office and that my friend is what they are panicking over. He isn't conservative enough and he'll ruin the economy? LOL Yeah thats what they are worried about. It's so blatantly obvious whats going on.

Other than what he can do with Executive Orders (which is only about enforcement of existing laws) there is nothing he can do.
Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?

:uhoh3:What? STFU right? So is her husband.It's not an easy thing to convert to Orthodox Judaism the real way

I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Jroc isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you haven't already noticed.
Was Romney the heaviest piece of artillery the Republicans could muster on behalf of its survival? Seeriously? Milquetoast Mitt?

The GOPe is surrendering.
You were an enthusiastic supporter of Mittens in 2012.

You never see Democrats doing this shit. I still say John Kerry was a better choice than Bush in 2004 - you will never see me trashing him for losing like Republicans do to their nominees.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation.
You're a fucking liar, and deleted your post, which proved it.
You missed the memo... 18 post deleted including many of yours. If you want to keep lying the administration told you 'take it to the badlands'. Don't alter another persons post when you quote it.
The Real Reason Donald Drumpf Embarrasses The GOP
People who have no shame cannot be embarrassed.

If it didn't embarrass the GOP to refuse to fund health care for 9/11 responders, nothing will embarrass them.

they were also real big on paying for hurricane damages until the damages were in NY/NJ.
...while being total hypocrites:

After Calling Sandy Aid Wasteful, Ted Cruz Asks For All Available Resources for Texas
You got 60 BILLION........what's the problem.............Your side wanted more..........more earmark attachments...................some wanted accountability with the money........some wanted slush funds........

$60 Billion Sandy Bill Larded with Pork - Breitbart
#1 - fuck dead Andy. He was a lying piece of shit, and God noticed.

#2 - this ain't Texas/Oklahoma wasteland, this is a densely populated, heavily infrastructured part of the country. $60 billion doesn't sound off the mark at all.

But if Republicans could ever get their heads out of their asses about climate change they could help to build up the existing infrastructure to better hold off superstorms like Sandy.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation.
You're a fucking liar, and deleted your post, which proved it.
You missed the memo... 18 post deleted including many of yours. If you want to keep lying the administration told you 'take it to the badlands'. Don't alter another persons post when you quote it.
I didn't alter shit, you POS motherfucker.
It's fun to hear all these Republicans admit their party is a failure.
RINOS failed, because they all are progressive career politicians...

Republicans lost twice against Obama, twice against Clinton.

BUT, there was not a more conservative Republican in any of those 4 elections who could have beaten either Obama or Clinton, in fact,

every more conservative potential candidate in any of those races would have done worse.

Try to prove that wrong.
Clinton never received 50% of the vote genius..Perot gave Clinton the elections he won
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

That's brilliant. The GOP establishment hacks cook up this attack thinking its going to get under Trump's skin and he'll freak out. Instead he waves it off like its nothing :laugh: I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction the GOP establishment was hoping for. Say what you want about Trump but he's 1-2 steps ahead of the GOP establishment, he has them discombobulated.
Hey blues What are you going to call your new party after drumpf gets through soiling the republican one?

The Eddiew party.
Hey Mitt! Guess what you did?


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