Shut up Romney!

The President of the United States has long been the leader of the free world. The president and yes the nominees of the country's great parties help define America to billions of people. All of them bear the responsibility of being an example for our children and grandchildren.

I understand the anger Americans feel today. In the past, our presidents have channeled that anger, and forged it into resolve, into endurance and high purpose, and into the will to defeat the enemies of freedom. Our anger was transformed into energy directed for good.

Mr. Trump is directing our anger for less than noble purposes. He creates scapegoats of Muslims and Mexican immigrants, he calls for the use of torture and for killing the innocent children and family members of terrorists. He cheers assaults on protesters. He applauds the prospect of twisting the Constitution to limit first amendment freedom of the press. This is the very brand of anger that has led other nations into the abyss.

Full transcript: Mitt Romney's remarks on Donald Trump and the 2016 race

Romney is right. Trump obviously hasn't got a clue about what makes America great in the first place.

Obama and his leftist buddies talk down about this country. The first thing he did was go on an apology tour..Hussein Obama is an embarrassment
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?

:uhoh3:What? STFU right? So is her husband.It's not an easy thing to convert to Orthodox Judaism the real way

I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.

I'm a Jew....What about it? Didn't you know Trump's son in-law is a Jew? and his daughter converted and is also now a Jew? :cool:

you know he's anti-Semite pond scum, right?

:uhoh3:What? STFU right? So is her husband.It's not an easy thing to convert to Orthodox Judaism the real way

I'm talking about the poster you were respond to, dear
oh sorry:redface: I know the guy is scum.
Seems like he's involved to me
Let me put it this way, Romney has nothing to lose, by doing this....even if he somehow jumped in to the race, he's not holding a Republican gvt position to lose.
I am sure that Romney paid off a few favors, and like got a nice paycheck, for this speech. He just executed the new world record ass kiss of all time. Most asses kissed with one speech and the worst contortions while doing so.
Here's the thing though, I do think that Romney truly believes every word he said about Mr. Trump...even if he did not write the speech or was called in 'as a favor'.
Romney also has the advantage of having nothing to lose, and speak honestly for a change.
Why didn't you vote for him?
because he is lying about everything he posts here?
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

That's brilliant. The GOP establishment hacks cook up this attack thinking its going to get under Trump's skin and he'll freak out. Instead he waves it off like its nothing :laugh: I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction the GOP establishment was hoping for. Say what you want about Trump but he's 1-2 steps ahead of the GOP establishment, he has them discombobulated.
Hey blues What are you going to call your new party after drumpf gets through soiling the republican one?
I know you want to chat about off-topic feuds and personal stuff. But you can't do that
in a Zone2 thread. Go play in the FZ/Badlands for that stuff. America has important decisions to make here !!! :biggrin:

It has to be topical in every post. 18 posts deleted.
Please stay with the topic.
a conman, mysynogist ,cheater, dangerous to our nation,.....
what else did he call Trump?

What part isn't true?
You left out Phony and racist
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
I didn't change a goddamned thing, fucker.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation. I do believe people like you are exactly why y'all will get exactly what you deserve with the next president. Trump is correct about the filthy mouths people of your ilk have. Mitt Romney has your number too. Too hilarious to watch you all have melt downs as your Clinton's brotherhood buds get tossed out of the country.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
I didn't change a goddamned thing, fucker.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation. I do believe people like you are exactly why y'all will get exactly what you deserve with the next president. Trump is correct about the filthy mouths people of your ilk have. Mitt Romney has your number too. Too hilarious to watch you all have melt downs as your Clinton's brotherhood buds get tossed out of the country.
so when drumph says romney 4 years ago would get on his knees for me isn't total filth?? Filth like that from a man that might be the leader of the free world??? Not on my dime
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
I didn't change a goddamned thing, fucker.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation. I do believe people like you are exactly why y'all will get exactly what you deserve with the next president. Trump is correct about the filthy mouths people of your ilk have. Mitt Romney has your number too. Too hilarious to watch you all have melt downs as your Clinton's brotherhood buds get tossed out of the country.
so when drumph says romney 4 years ago would get on his knees for me isn't total filth?? Filth like that from a man that might be the leader of the free world??? Not on my dime
You gonna play like El Sayed?
thank you, mitt... i agree with just about everything he said...

other than the jabs at hillary's honesty and that she must not be elected.

as a republican he has to jab at her like that... ^

hillary is clearly the best candidate and she's going to make a great president.

and ftr imo many independents voting for trump in the primary were just hoping for the GOP panic we are now seeing.
hillary is clearly the best candidate and she's going to make a great president.
well i guess she did her job with much of her baggage are you willing to carry for her?.....she needs some fresh backs,others are getting tired...
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
I didn't change a goddamned thing, fucker.
You did change the spelling again to reflect your own political desperation. I do believe people like you are exactly why y'all will get exactly what you deserve with the next president. Trump is correct about the filthy mouths people of your ilk have. Mitt Romney has your number too. Too hilarious to watch you all have melt downs as your Clinton's brotherhood buds get tossed out of the country.
so when drumph says romney 4 years ago would get on his knees for me isn't total filth?? Filth like that from a man that might be the leader of the free world??? Not on my dime

It's exactly what Trump intended it to mean:

What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

Typical closed minded rightist - intolerant of dissent and different points of view.
thats kinda like you too prove me wrong.....oh you have to go somewhere right now? about later?....oh its going to take all day....tomorrow?...hello jones?.....CK is thing still working?....
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Romney trying to talk right wingers out of supporting Trump. Only his list of hating Mexicans and Muslims and so on is exactly the reason they support him. Talk about miscalculation.
Do you have any clue what the nationalities are of the people who receive their paychecks from Trump's enterprises?

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