Shut up Romney!

It looks like the GOP is trying the death by a thousand cuts idea.

Nothing else is working.
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Note that Romney made this speech from Utah with a conservative, dignified backdrop of the Hinckley Institute, and not California where he has posh digs in La Jolla that only a Trump could afford. Trying to visually disassociate himself with vast wealth made by nefarious means....Too much kettle and pot calling here.

I dunno', I think it's about him jumping into the race since Cruz is detested almost as much as Trump and Rubio looks like he's too young to vote or drink.

Cruz isn't detested but I'm sure the looney toons here would like to think that.
You don't think the RNC would pull this shit with a possible Cruz nomination?

I think a lot of them are just in guess and by golly mode. the RNC has had some idiots on their team giving out bad advice. God makes fools of the fools in their own time.
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

That's brilliant. The GOP establishment hacks cook up this attack thinking its going to get under Trump's skin and he'll freak out. Instead he waves it off like its nothing :laugh: I'm pretty sure that's not the reaction the GOP establishment was hoping for. Say what you want about Trump but he's 1-2 steps ahead of the GOP establishment, he has them discombobulated.
I love it.

The guy is finally doing something for his country (taking down trump) and the so-called patriots are upset.

Why would he even give a shit decades before? He wasn't a politician
Thanks for making my point. You have nothing to back up the rhetoric he has made in the past year.

Mr "the Bible is my favorite book" who says Two Corrintians and can't name a verse from the Bible is the best salesman since PT Barnum.
So you keep voting for the same bullshit artists that have given us what we have now. Good luck with that.
What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump

Typical closed minded rightist - intolerant of dissent and different points of view.
This is unheard of to have a former nominee, a looser ,come out against the Republican front runner. Romney praised Trump when he got his endorsement. Now? Romney is a useless shill for the establishment
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Let me turn to national security and the safety of our homes and loved ones. Trump's bombast is already alarming our allies and fueling the enmity of our enemies. Insulting all Muslims will keep many of them from fully engaging with us in the urgent fight against ISIS. And for what purpose? Muslim terrorists would only have to lie about their religion to enter the country.

What he said on “60 Minutes” about Syria and ISIS has to go down as the most ridiculous and dangerous idea of the campaign season: Let ISIS take out Assad, he said, and then we can pick up the remnants. Think about that: Let the most dangerous terror organization the world has ever known take over a country? This is recklessness in the extreme.

Donald Trump tells us that he is very, very smart. I'm afraid that when it comes to foreign policy he is very, very not smart.

I am far from the first to conclude that Donald Trump lacks the temperament of be president. After all, this is an individual who mocked a disabled reporter, who attributed a reporter's questions to her menstrual cycle, who mocked a brilliant rival who happened to be a woman due to her appearance, who bragged about his marital affairs, and who laces his public speeches with vulgarity.

Donald Trump says he admires Vladimir Putin, while has called George W. Bush a liar. That is a twisted example of evil trumping good.

There is dark irony in his boasts of his sexual exploits during the Vietnam War while John McCain, whom he has mocked, was imprisoned and tortured.

Dishonesty is Trump's hallmark: He claimed that he had spoken clearly and boldly against going into Iraq. Wrong, he spoke in favor of invading Iraq. He said he saw thousands of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating 9/11. Wrong, he saw no such thing. He imagined it. His is not the temperament of a stable, thoughtful leader. His imagination must not be married to real power.

The President of the United States has long been the leader of the free world. The president and yes the nominees of the country's great parties help define America to billions of people. All of them bear the responsibility of being an example for our children and grandchildren.

Think of Donald Trump's personal qualities, the bullying, the greed, the showing off, the misogyny, the absurd third grade theatrics. We have long referred to him as "The Donald." He is the only person in America to whom we have added an article before his name. It wasn't because he had attributes we admired.

Now imagine your children and your grandchildren acting the way he does. Will you welcome that? Haven't we seen before what happens when people in prominent positions fail the basic responsibility of honorable conduct? We have, and it always injures our families and our country.

Watch how he responds to my speech today. Will he talk about our policy differences or will he attack me with every imaginable low road insult? This may tell you what you need to know about his temperament, his stability, and his suitability to be president.

Trump relishes any poll that reflects what he thinks of himself. But polls are also saying that he will lose to Hillary Clinton.
Romney's correct about Trump, many Republicans are too blind to see it.

Says the Hillary voter ..You should be rooting for Trump to win the primary if you think Hillary will beat him.:thup:
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What the hell is the looser running his mouth for? I went door to door for this guy and he failed to get people out to the polls and lost to Obama. Who's going listen to this guy really? I'm a Cruz guy but think Romney should STFU about Trump
Were you and DarkFuy told by your masters at Trump HQ to start identical topics?

I'm a Cruz supporter you moron. Can you read? Although, if Trump is the nominee, i'll be going door to door for him to beat the witch:thup:

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

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I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.

I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.

Another rightwing Republican myth is that Conservatives stayed home because of Romney, when the FACTS point out that more Republicans voted for Romney than voted for Bush II.

They simply don't want to face the TRUTH of the matter. That Obama simply had MORE votes!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.
But YOU DIDN'T STAY HOME. Which is the LIE that's been perpetuated by the Republican Party ever since.

It's despicable!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

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Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Just watched Trump's brilliant speech in Maine. Romney really is a milquetoast lightweight. Time to dismiss him and move on. His speech laid it out very clearly that we do need to dump the career politicians. It's Trump's time.
I like that he's not making a big deal about it. Nobody on his campaign is either lol. They had hoped to shape the narrative today with Trump and his campaign and it fell flat :lol:

Romeny's speech will probably help Trump more than hurt,
We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo.
I don't understand this black/white, either/or argument.

The reason why the GOP wants to stop Drumpf can only be, HAS TO BE, because they want to stay in power. This makes no sense. A Drumpf presidency doesn't kick them out of office, doesn't diminish the power of the Legislative Branch, or prevent them from blocking everything he wants to do, as they've done with Obama.
You don't get it because you're looking at it through the lenses of emotion. You don't like Trump and wish nothing but failure for him so you will not HONESTLY acknowledge whats going on. This isn't about my politics or your politics Synth.

If you're willing to step away from your disdain of Trump we can have a real discussion on whats going on. Otherwise we'll go no where.
I just want you to explain how a Drumpf presidency diminishes GOP status quo/power. McConnell and Ryan will still have control of the Legislature.
Let me ask you this. Do you see, or will you acknowledge that the entire DC system is corrupt? Meaning run by bought and paid for politicians via special interests/lobbyist and big corporations.
Yes, but that doesn't answer my question.

And I don't know how Drumpf's election would change that. The Legislative Branch has the power to pass laws that restrict/limit lobbying and campaign contributions, not the Executive.
It's good that you're practicing your excuses! Other good ones are "Liberal Media" and "Drumpf wasn't a TRUE conservative".
You should not be changing what people said by altering a quote box. It shows how desperate you are.
I didn't change a goddamned thing, fucker.
Yes you did you changed the spelling as to cram your shit onto my post. Glad to see you so easily show what a liar you are.
You're a fucking liar. And you deleted your post so that I can't prove that you're a fucking liar.

Why did you delete your post?
I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.

I supported Romney in 2008 but not in 2012. In 2012 he moved too far to the right trying to appease the neanderthals of the Republican Party. His trying to move so far to the right was the impetus for me switching parties.
LOL Romney and Far Right are 2 words that should never be mentioned in the same sentence. Romney isn't on the right. He is BARELY to the right of Obama.
I sure in the hell didn't vote for Romney. Only person I know did was my parents. I voted for Gary Johnson.
But YOU DIDN'T STAY HOME. Which is the LIE that's been perpetuated by the Republican Party ever since.

It's despicable!

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Eh that's how they try and play it. Simply put a large minority of republicans HATED Romney.
I want you to acknowledge that the Republican Party has been lying to you and that you've been lapping it up for decades.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Its why I was never a republican....never called myself one nor registered as one. Both parties lie absolutely.

Good, they don't need racist, scum, in the party anyways
Yeah just more jew lovers who put a foreign country before their own.
This should wake the entire nation up to the fact that it really is "us" vs "them". The American people be damned. We as a nation are bearing witness to the Washington elites trying desperately to maintain their power and the status quo. It's truly a sad day.

This 'stunt' that the GOPe and Romney just pulled is going to blow up. Strap yourselves in...

I think it means Rubio will win Utah. :lol: What baffles me is that the evangelicals wouldn't vote for a Mormon but are turning out in droves for a con man who: "Goes to church on Easter and Christmas Eve....oh, and "on Sundays" (he threw that in and looked around to see if anybody was snickering)
It should demonstrate to everyone that evangelicals are full of shit liars.
Hilarious, considering that you zero moral standing by which to criticize them.
Why not?
Says the Hillary voter ..Yyou should be rooting for Trump to win the primary if you think Hillary will beat him.:thup:

in that sense i should, as are many independents who are propping him up for that very reason.

i happened to be on vacation so i missed voting in my primary.

i personally would have voted for hillary regardless of that maneuvering opportunity. ^

it is my opinion that donald trump getting the republican nomination would be bad for our country.

even though i am rooting for hillary, that's still how i feel about it...

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