Shutdown could last years

Don’t you need an emergency to declare a state of emergency?
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
When the rest of the United States sees that these NON-essential personnel are not essential, then there wont be a big fuss over cutting the government PORK. In 24 days welfare gets cut off also, lets see what happens in inner cities.....

If you live in or near a large city, if I were you, I would be buying up some fire insurance and quick, if you dont already have some.


Well, one of the agencies deemed "non essential" is the NTSB. They are unable to investigate the accident today with the church van and 18 wheelers that killed 5 kids and 2 adults because they are on furlough.

Guess local agencies have to temporarily pick up the slack.
See how easy that was?
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
IRS can't issue refunds during the shut down. A million people are going to lose their cars, their apartments, their homes because they are not getting their paycheck.
Hopefully this group working over the weekend while Trump .... golfs?.... can do arm twisting better than Trump does.

Then tell the Democratic side of Congress to do their effing job and protect this country.

It's that simple.
Does that half include border security?
All essential homeland security personnel are at work....this is a partial shutdown...but they won't tell you that on turn that trash off before it rots your brain......
Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
When the rest of the United States sees that these NON-essential personnel are not essential, then there wont be a big fuss over cutting the government PORK. In 24 days welfare gets cut off also, lets see what happens in inner cities.....

If you live in or near a large city, if I were you, I would be buying up some fire insurance and quick, if you dont already have some.

That's fine and Trump's staff will not get the 10k raise..
I don't see why Congress should get paid when it's actually them that are not doing their jobs. This is bullshit!
the administration and congress, are the ones who should not get paid! The two areas that are knee deep in this...

everyone else should get paid.
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
That's pretty much what Hillary said about Trump until he make her into political joke. Every day this shutdown continues, Trump gains support from voters on the right, who have been critical of him lately for not having achieved the border fence, and the longer this goes on the more support he will have in 2020. If Trump ends the shutdown without getting funding for the border fence, he will not be able to run in 2020, so the Democrats have to decide if they are helping themselves or hurting themselves by keeping the shutdown going on and on and on and ....

This is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Dems picked the wrong time and the wrong issue to play chicken with the Prez!

The President is holding 4 aces, Chuck and Nancy's pair of deuces just aren't going to do it.

The president will soon start to do damage to his core supporters in the Ag industry, he will give in before he pisses them off.

Which idiot media pundit did you hear this tripe from?

None, it is what I do for a living. I work with the farmers every single day.

The ones that had not finished the harvest or turned in the paperwork are not getting their trade mitigation payments they were promised. They want their piece of the 12 billion Trump promised them.

This is the time of year they would start filing with the FSA offices for corp insurance for the coming year and for payment if they had a bad crop this previous year. That will not he happening so no money from that.

Many rely on USDA approved loans for their seed or to purchase new equipment or even to make the payments to the bank on the family farm.

They also will not be getting their Conservation payments till it is all over.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Trump threatens shutdown of ‘months or even years’ over border wall, says he could declare national emergency to get it built
President Trump on Friday threatened a years-long shutdown of the federal government to get the money he wants for his U.S.-Mexico border wall, even as he asserted that he could declare a national emergency to build the wall if he chose to.
Trump threatens shutdown of ‘months or even years’ over border wall, says he could declare national emergency to get it built

What does that mean? What powers could he use?
According to
The Atlantic:
"The moment the president declares a “national emergency”—a decision that is entirely within his discretion—more than 100 special provisions become available to him. While many of these tee up reasonable responses to genuine emergencies, some appear dangerously suited to a leader bent on amassing or retaining power. For instance, the president can, with the flick of his pen, activate laws allowing him to shut down many kinds of electronic communications inside the United States or freeze Americans’ bank accounts. Other powers are available even without a declaration of emergency, including laws that allow the president to deploy troops inside the country to subdue domestic unrest
This edifice of extraordinary powers has historically rested on the assumption that the president will act in the country’s best interest when using them. With a handful of noteworthy exceptions, this assumption has held up. But what if a president, backed into a corner and facing electoral defeat or impeachment, were to declare an emergency for the sake of holding on to power? In that scenario, our laws and institutions might not save us from a presidential power grab. They might be what takes us down.
What the President Could Do If He Declares a State of Emergency

Now for most patriotic Americans, using and/or abusing a declared National Emergency could very well signal the end of the United States of America as it has been since 1776.
Based on the fact that Trump is truly painted in a corner and also the plausible fact that he is mentally unstable, we could have a one man coup. The United States could end up a footnote in history.
Now I'm very sure, that many Little Trumpsters would laugh at the possibility. Donald J Trump would never do such a thing, say the gullible, right?
And other Little Trumpsters, would run to the hills and scream for joy. That's because they love Trump more than their country and probably their own family.

The question is, how would you react if a cornered Trump declared a National Emergency, did consolidate power and change America forever?

It certainly wouldn't be the destructive "fundamental change" the Democrats favor. If he were to remove the Democrats from all political power, I would applaud as enthusiastically as if he purged an attacking foreign enemy.
If it carries on too long, the employees who are expected to work without pay will quit. That is pretty much every person working in federal prisons.
But, of course, congress still gets paid.

Hundreds of thousands of federal workers could lose their homes. Many are still going to work every day without knowing when they will see a nickel of their pay.

As for cutting off nonessential jobs, that would be a disaster. If you want to trim jobs based on comprehensive audits and figuring out exactly who is needed and who is not, thats fine. But a LOT of what are called "nonessential" are needed.

Hey but with the jobs market being great again as it is, they could always go find a real job.

Our President is committed to doing the Presidency right, and neither Chuck nor Nancy seem to be willing to cede an inch on this. With Donald J. Trump behind us, we can last as long as needed.

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes - CNN Video
When the rest of the United States sees that these NON-essential personnel are not essential, then there wont be a big fuss over cutting the government PORK. In 24 days welfare gets cut off also, lets see what happens in inner cities.....

If you live in or near a large city, if I were you, I would be buying up some fire insurance and quick, if you dont already have some.

That's fine and Trump's staff will not get the 10k raise..

Is this a 'neener-neener'?
What we need here is for brave Democrat Congressmen to get a discharge petition together and get a real settlement to build the wall passed in the House of Reps.

But its going to be hard to get elected Democrats to put country over party.

Maybe AOC will lead the rebellion against Pelosi?
Does that half include border security?
All essential homeland security personnel are at work....this is a partial shutdown...but they won't tell you that on turn that trash off before it rots your brain......

Yes, they are at work...but they are not getting a pay check till it is over. DHS is not part of the 75% that was already funded. FoxNews will not tell you that, so turn that trash off before it rots your brain.
Does that half include border security?
All essential homeland security personnel are at work....this is a partial shutdown...but they won't tell you that on turn that trash off before it rots your brain......
So the border security entities are now considered “non-essential”? Hmm. That’s odd. They are on furlough until Trump gets a wall funded by tax payers and not Mexico.

Lol the joke that is Trump and his supporters writes itself.
That's what the Orange Idiot said (among a whole lot of other really strange things including left turns and right turns and who the fuck knows what)

The TSA has not gotten a check since this started...they will get one on Jan 3 and then nothing until it is over.

Is ICE getting paid?

The Dem House has passed a continuing resolution to get everyone paid (the Homeland Security portion is good for 30 days).

The Senate is doing nothing.

They have previously passed a clean CR by voice vote (making it unanimous) but with the new Congress that would need to be voted on again. Turtle McConnell has not brought it up for a vote. He has brought NOTHING up for a vote in the new Senate

I watched that news conference and I could feel brain cells committing suicide in the thousands. OMG. The man is a cretin.

Most of the country think he talks like a New Yorker. He talks like a Brooklyn cab driver with a high school education

God Help us
That's pretty much what Hillary said about Trump until he make her into political joke. Every day this shutdown continues, Trump gains support from voters on the right, who have been critical of him lately for not having achieved the border fence, and the longer this goes on the more support he will have in 2020. If Trump ends the shutdown without getting funding for the border fence, he will not be able to run in 2020, so the Democrats have to decide if they are helping themselves or hurting themselves by keeping the shutdown going on and on and on and ....

This is the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Dems picked the wrong time and the wrong issue to play chicken with the Prez!


Um.... wasn't "Mexico" going to pay for the wall?

Didn't some guy promise that, saying "mark my words"? Who was that again?

He must be a liar then huh.

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