Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

I hope these owners get millions in donations.....................

Kick them when their up....................

Kick them when their down...............

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.
when getting your ass handed call up the ghost of Saul Alinsky ........damn!
Up to $690,000 in 1 day folks!
Oh little friend, being proud of bigot bucks, maybe not the best idea.

Now she can afford these I bet. BTW Jesus, sorry but what can you do when they call the day you died Good Friday.
In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.
when getting your ass handed call up the ghost of Saul Alinsky ........damn!
I quoted the article.........................they said it...............

oops I agree...............Just got to the thread anyway..................according to pops their money is growing..........

sniff sniff...............Now enjoy your dirty laundry.......................:funnyface:
So this pizza parlor has 600k raised for them, and meanwhile a mother and her 3 small children who lost everything in the buildings that collapsed in NYC only has 87k raised in a GoFundMe so far. I know which cause I'm donating to.

Go ahead. In a free country, you can spend your money where you like. However, in this one you are forced to associate with people you don't want to associate with.

And I prefer not to reward bigotry, because I have a functioning moral compass.
However, you do reward bigotry. All libturds support bigotry against any group that isn't PC.

Very interesting claim since you know nothing about me.

You're making it clear that you're a liberal, and that's all I need to know.

Classic. :lol:
In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.
when getting your ass handed call up the ghost of Saul Alinsky ........damn!
I quoted the article.........................they said it...............

oops I agree...............Just got to the thread anyway..................according to pops their money is growing..........

sniff sniff...............Now enjoy your dirty laundry.......................:funnyface:
best dodge in this thread!
In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.
when getting your ass handed call up the ghost of Saul Alinsky ........damn!
I quoted the article.........................they said it...............

oops I agree...............Just got to the thread anyway..................according to pops their money is growing..........

sniff sniff...............Now enjoy your dirty laundry.......................:funnyface:
best dodge in this thread!
Which part of this was a set up..............blown out of proportion news station......................event..............for little people like you to attack these people................

They didn't ask for this............a lady came in asked a couple of questions while they were working and BLEW THE DAMNED THING UP..................

That's all this is......................It's BS.................and since they started the shit storm..............

I hope these people get millions....................POETIC JUSTICE................

THAT'S IT BUB...................and that's all you retards are going to get from me.
How many times have you felt the need to post this? I believe everyone knows that a modified bill passed today, yet that isn't stopping the donations from flowing in for support of this pizza guy, who was threatened and bullied by the left wing nuts.
So, bigots are sending in cash to someone who now can't legally do what he said he would do. Why exactly are they still dropping coins in his pencil cup?
Bigots are on both sides. The pizza parlor will never do a wedding reception, never has from what I read, yet the bigots on the left threatened to harm them and tried to bully them to change their opinion, which they have every right to have. Then those that felt that the left was bulling have responded.

We are free to express and have differing opinions, we are not allowed to threaten others who do not have the like opinion.
The law has been changed. Now they can't use it as a defense for not doing the wedding. That version of discrimination was banned for this new law, which now serves no purpose.

Which changes nothing of what happened, they were bullied by people that believe that their opinion trumps others. Law or no law, it changes nothing on how the pizza parlor operates, except the pizza parlor is over $500,000.00 richer because of intolerant bigots threatening a private business.
rich how? they will have to pay the tax on that money the same as if they won the lottery.
it will most likely be more than their profits for the year....
They are bigot millionaires

What community wouldn't welcome them?
think they are over 750 thousand dollars , I made a small donation , I see the 750 thousand as poking the libs in the eye. Its just fun , cheap and easy to do so go to the site and send them 5 or 10 bucks , make these good people millionaires !!
think they are over 750 thousand dollars , I made a small donation , I see the 750 thousand as poking the libs in the eye. Its just fun , cheap and easy to do so go to the site and send them 5 or 10 bucks , make these good people millionaires !!
I'm sure the pizza bigots thank you for rewarding their bigotry. That is what you meant to do right, since that is what you did.
I don't think they Denied service to anyone Paint . They just said that they won't cater a 'gay' wedding or other event that they oppose due to their religious beliefs . Seems fair to me as they send the gays down to street the Halal Muslim Falafel store that would just love getting the extra business , wouldn't they ?? Next up , should a Jewish Kosher deli be financially destroyed [or burnt down] because they don't serve ham or pork sausage on their breakfast menu !!
I don't think they Denied service to anyone Paint .They just said that they won't cater a 'gay' wedding or other event that they oppose due to their religious beliefs .
They didn't deny anyone service. They just said they would be denying services to people that are contrary to their religious beliefs. Makes sense...
Next up , should a Jewish Kosher deli be financially destroyed [or burnt down] because they don't serve ham or pork sausage on their breakfast menu !!
Their case is that businesses should sell everything they carry to any prospective customer and that Muslim businesses wouldn't carry haram products at all. I disagree, but I can see where they're coming from. If you're going to outlaw socially unacceptable opinions, then you're going to be consistent and outlaw any expression of them as well. Refusing to sell cake to gay people because you don't like gays is homophobic. Refusing to sell pork because you don't have pork to sell is simply expected.
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Yeah, I know.
They aren't they, IMHO, dishonestly said they wouldn't cater a wedding. You applaud that type of dishonesty?

Anyway, it wasn't hard to see what would happen next. Like that yokel who said he wouldn't hire anyone until Obama left office, the Bundy fellow out in Nevada, Ted Nugent, and Joe the's free publicity which was sucked up in whole by the RWNJs.... The kickstarter was probably not expected. I went to their page and their donations are now at $312,782 of $200k....meaning their income taxes are going to be a nightmare next year. Maybe the RWNJs can host a telethon for them to help get someone to prepare their taxes.

They asked a young employee. NOT THE OWNER

Where do the owners stand on the subject?

That they don't cater.

Oh, they said anyone, straight or gay may come into their business and buy a pizza.

So, they will be refusing that money.....or returning it....right?

Why would they. They were closed by a radical group that claimed discrimination when none happened.

I hope they use the money well.

Yeah but they did so under false pretenses since they do no YOU said.

It sort of reminds me of the lady that claimed she had cancer and needed $$$ for an operation. The town collected thousands of dollars to only find out she didn't have the disease.
hey Pedro : story I go by is that they won't cater a GAY wedding party [specifically] . The way I see it that's cool !! --------- Course Paint probably has a case according to USA law if a buncha gays came into the restaurant and ordered pizza and the owner refused to serve them because they were gay . Course if the gays were normal in behavior and demeanor it would be no ones business that they were gay . He11 , if the gays were normal then how would a person know that they were Gay ?? Point is that some 'normal' gay people walk in the door looking to buy pizza and pizza and money exchange hands in the normal everyday fashion
So this pizza parlor has 600k raised for them, and meanwhile a mother and her 3 small children who lost everything in the buildings that collapsed in NYC only has 87k raised in a GoFundMe so far. I know which cause I'm donating to.

Republican family values at work....

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