Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

Half the guys on Stormfront are 20 bucks poorer today.
The law has been changed. Now they can't use it as a defense for not doing the wedding. That version of discrimination was banned for this new law, which now serves no purpose.

Which changes nothing of what happened, they were bullied by people that believe that their opinion trumps others. Law or no law, it changes nothing on how the pizza parlor operates, except the pizza parlor is over $500,000.00 richer because of intolerant bigots threatening a private business.

You do realize that the protests effectively killed the Indiana law, right?

No it didn't dumb ass, the change was in play on Monday and it was predicted that the law would align itself with the federal law. This didn't happen until Wednesday. Please quit lying.

The fact is a bunch of bigoted bullies threatened a person with a differing opinion. This is a bunch of bigots that have no conviction in their beliefs. Nothing else.

The protests started the day the bill was signed.

I'm all for protesting, I'm against threatening violence because others have a difference of opinion.

It's the fucking internet for chrissakes. Who doesn't get threatened with all sorts of BS nowadays?
So this pizza parlor has 600k raised for them, and meanwhile a mother and her 3 small children who lost everything in the buildings that collapsed in NYC only has 87k raised in a GoFundMe so far. I know which cause I'm donating to.

Go ahead. In a free country, you can spend your money where you like. However, in this one you are forced to associate with people you don't want to associate with.

And I prefer not to reward bigotry, because I have a functioning moral compass.
However, you do reward bigotry. All libturds support bigotry against any group that isn't PC.
Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice, Racism, Conservatism

Are racists dumb? Do conservatives tend to be less intelligent than liberals? A provocative new study from Brock University in Ontario suggests the answer to both questions may be a qualified yes.

The study, published in Psychological Science, showed that people who score low on I.Q. tests in childhood are more likely to develop prejudiced beliefs and socially conservative politics in adulthood.

I.Q., or intelligence quotient, is a score determined by standardized tests, but whether the tests truly reveal intelligence remains a topic of hot debate among psychologists.

Dr. Gordon Hodson, a professor of psychology at the university and the study's lead author, said the finding represented evidence of a vicious cycle: People of low intelligence gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies, which stress resistance to change and, in turn, prejudice, he told LiveScience.

Why might less intelligent people be drawn to conservative ideologies? Because such ideologies feature "structure and order" that make it easier to comprehend a complicated world, Dodson said. "Unfortunately, many of these features can also contribute to prejudice," he added.

Dr. Brian Nosek, a University of Virginia psychologist, echoed those sentiments.

"Reality is complicated and messy," he told The Huffington Post in an email. "Ideologies get rid of the messiness and impose a simpler solution. So, it may not be surprising that people with less cognitive capacity will be attracted to simplifying ideologies."

Intelligence Study Links Low I.Q. To Prejudice Racism Conservatism
Half the guys on Stormfront are 20 bucks poorer today.
Which changes nothing of what happened, they were bullied by people that believe that their opinion trumps others. Law or no law, it changes nothing on how the pizza parlor operates, except the pizza parlor is over $500,000.00 richer because of intolerant bigots threatening a private business.

You do realize that the protests effectively killed the Indiana law, right?

No it didn't dumb ass, the change was in play on Monday and it was predicted that the law would align itself with the federal law. This didn't happen until Wednesday. Please quit lying.

The fact is a bunch of bigoted bullies threatened a person with a differing opinion. This is a bunch of bigots that have no conviction in their beliefs. Nothing else.

The protests started the day the bill was signed.

I'm all for protesting, I'm against threatening violence because others have a difference of opinion.

It's the fucking internet for chrissakes. Who doesn't get threatened with all sorts of BS nowadays?

Good god you are a sicker SOB then I originally thought.
Conservatives sending money in support of ignorance, hate, and stupidly - how typical.

It is in support of being able to have a differing opinion. Threatening and bullying others is wrong and that is what happened. The leftwing bigots went to far.

The Progs are Neo-McCarthy-ites.

So, you're accusing Cruz of McCarthyism because of a resemblance?

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt when it came to your intense ignorance ......
Conservatives sending money in support of ignorance, hate, and stupidly - how typical.

It is in support of being able to have a differing opinion. Threatening and bullying others is wrong and that is what happened. The leftwing bigots went to far.

The Progs are Neo-McCarthy-ites.

Wow. You won the biggest Turd prize! How many Courics do you weigh?
the pizza parlor is over $500,000.00 richer because of intolerant bigots threatening a private business.
rich how? they will have to pay the tax on that money the same as if they won the lottery.
it will most likely be more than their profits for the year....
Is it possible that this liberal is so stupid, he doesn't notice they get to keep the rest?
who stupid here is you ...if the tax is 35%......

So the guy gets $500,000 he pays 35% and he gets $325,000 which is probably 7-8 years of profits. He could reinvest in his building, which he could write off, build a new restaurant which he could write off or donate the money to charity, which he could write off.

He has a lot of options that he didn't have just two days ago.
Half the guys on Stormfront are 20 bucks poorer today.
You do realize that the protests effectively killed the Indiana law, right?

No it didn't dumb ass, the change was in play on Monday and it was predicted that the law would align itself with the federal law. This didn't happen until Wednesday. Please quit lying.

The fact is a bunch of bigoted bullies threatened a person with a differing opinion. This is a bunch of bigots that have no conviction in their beliefs. Nothing else.

The protests started the day the bill was signed.

I'm all for protesting, I'm against threatening violence because others have a difference of opinion.

It's the fucking internet for chrissakes. Who doesn't get threatened with all sorts of BS nowadays?

Good god you are a sicker SOB then I originally thought.

Me too.
So this pizza parlor has 600k raised for them, and meanwhile a mother and her 3 small children who lost everything in the buildings that collapsed in NYC only has 87k raised in a GoFundMe so far. I know which cause I'm donating to.

Go ahead. In a free country, you can spend your money where you like. However, in this one you are forced to associate with people you don't want to associate with.

And I prefer not to reward bigotry, because I have a functioning moral compass.
However, you do reward bigotry. All libturds support bigotry against any group that isn't PC.

Very interesting claim since you know nothing about me.
Conservatives sending money in support of ignorance, hate, and stupidly - how typical.

It is in support of being able to have a differing opinion. Threatening and bullying others is wrong and that is what happened. The leftwing bigots went to far.

The Progs are Neo-McCarthy-ites.

So, you're accusing Cruz of McCarthyism because of a resemblance?

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt when it came to your intense ignorance ......
I've known you're an imbecile since your first post.
the pizza parlor is over $500,000.00 richer because of intolerant bigots threatening a private business.
rich how? they will have to pay the tax on that money the same as if they won the lottery.
it will most likely be more than their profits for the year....
Is it possible that this liberal is so stupid, he doesn't notice they get to keep the rest?
who stupid here is you ...if the tax is 35%......

So the guy gets $500,000 he pays 35% and he gets $325,000 which is probably 7-8 years of profits. He could reinvest in his building, which he could write off, build a new restaurant which he could write off or donate the money to charity, which he could write off.

He has a lot of options that he didn't have just two days ago.
true. he could do that but if he ,as you said is only making 50 grand a year in a low income area and does not expect to do a much better business why take the risk?
It is in support of being able to have a differing opinion. Threatening and bullying others is wrong and that is what happened. The leftwing bigots went to far.

The Progs are Neo-McCarthy-ites.

So, you're accusing Cruz of McCarthyism because of a resemblance?

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt when it came to your intense ignorance ......
I've known you're an imbecile since your first post.
Story that Memories Pizza Vowed to Reject Gay Weddings Was Fabricated Out of Nothing PJ Tatler

ABC-57 reporter Alyssa Marino’s editor sends her on a half-hour drive southwest of their South Bend studio, to the small town of Walkerton (Pop. ~2,300). According to Alyssa’s own account on Twitter, she “just walked into their shop [Memories Pizza] and asked how they feel” about Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Owner Crystal O’Connor says she’s in favor of it, noting that while anyone can eat in her family restaurant, if the business were asked to cater a gay wedding, they would not do it. It conflicts with their biblical beliefs. Alyssa’s tweet mentions that the O’Connors have “never been asked to cater a same-sex wedding.”

What we have here is — as we called in journalism school jargon — “no story.” Nothing happened. Nothing was about to happen.

If I were forced to mark out a story line, it would be this: A nice lady in a small town tries to be helpful and polite to a lovely young reporter from “the big city.”

In other words, Memories Pizza didn’t blast out a news release. They didn’t contact the media, nor make a stink on Twitter or Facebook. They didn’t even post a sign in the window rejecting gay-wedding catering jobs. They merely answered questions from a novice reporter who strolled into their restaurant one day – who was sent on a mission by an irresponsible news organization.

Next: ABC-57 anchor Brian Dorman leads the evening newscast dramatically with this:

Only on ABC-57 News tonight. We went into small towns looking for reaction to the Religious Freedom Act. We found one business, just 20 miles away from a welcoming South Bend…with a very different view.
So this pizza parlor has 600k raised for them, and meanwhile a mother and her 3 small children who lost everything in the buildings that collapsed in NYC only has 87k raised in a GoFundMe so far. I know which cause I'm donating to.

Go ahead. In a free country, you can spend your money where you like. However, in this one you are forced to associate with people you don't want to associate with.

And I prefer not to reward bigotry, because I have a functioning moral compass.
However, you do reward bigotry. All libturds support bigotry against any group that isn't PC.

Very interesting claim since you know nothing about me.

You're making it clear that you're a liberal, and that's all I need to know.
They thrive on division. It's how they grow their political power. They pit the young against the old, mothers against their children, husbands against wives, men against women, whites against the other ethnic groups, straight people against gays. This is their primary political strategy in general. Of course they're going to use it every chance they get.
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, a manifesto of political power, Rule No. 12 says, in part:

Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)

The Left doesn’t care who gets hurt, so long as they get what they want. They’re willing — no, they’re eager — to sacrifice a small-town business, and it’s owners.

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