Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

nobody hates gays , well not me and I don't think that the pizza people do either Bulldog . Story I hear is that the pizza people just don't want to participate in a gay wedding by catering it if they were asked to cater a gay wedding . Makes sense to me as there is probably a pizza joint down the street that would like to cater the gay wedding and make the money . Yep , lots of people would say that you freedom hating lefties are pretty messed up Bulldog !!

Teabaggers say a lot of crazy shit. Sane people are used to it.
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

Did you ever quote what the pizza shop owner actually said?

I read a few of the articles and the owners were just being polite to the Reporter and answered the set up questions.................To make this into a political shit storm............................

and so.........................the Reporter and the News station got their few minutes of FAME and RATINGS for FANNING THE FLAMES...........................

That is all..............and it's all BS...........shouldn't have even been a story at all...............

They set this business up to get attacked......................not caring how it would effect them...................just for some ratings.......................

The ones who deserve getting blasted are the Dirty Laundry Reporters...............

Journalists are the scummiest people there are.

This one sure is....

CBS Affiliate Employee Being Investigated for Bogus Fraud Report against ‘Memories Pizza’

CBS Affiliate Employee Being Investigated for Bogus Fraud Report against Memories Pizza Updated The Gateway Pundit

She doesn't look like a queer, does she?
nobody hates gays , well not me and I don't think that the pizza people do either Bulldog . Story I hear is that the pizza people just don't want to participate in a gay wedding by catering it if they were asked to cater a gay wedding . Makes sense to me as there is probably a pizza joint down the street that would like to cater the gay wedding and make the money . Yep , lots of people would say that you freedom hating lefties are pretty messed up Bulldog !!

Teabaggers say a lot of crazy shit. Sane people are used to it.

How would you know?
here you go Bulldog , --- Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe --- think its the final tally of 'memory pizza' money , donation totals !!

Purpose: To relieve the financial loss endured by the proprietors’ stand for faith.

Suckers. They didn't endure any financial loss. They probably don't even hate gays. They are just very clever fraudsters.

And you are a bitter liberal. I'm glad they got some money for having to put up with violent threats.

I dispose people that use or threaten others, they are nothing but bullies. Nice to see someone prosper from their hate and bigotry. Funny how some liberals support violent threats and bigotry
nobody hates gays , well not me and I don't think that the pizza people do either Bulldog . Story I hear is that the pizza people just don't want to participate in a gay wedding by catering it if they were asked to cater a gay wedding . Makes sense to me as there is probably a pizza joint down the street that would like to cater the gay wedding and make the money . Yep , lots of people would say that you freedom hating lefties are pretty messed up Bulldog !!

Teabaggers say a lot of crazy shit. Sane people are used to it.

Bulldog wants him some baggin!

i wonder what the taxes will be on all these donations? or if they will pay taxes...i do not see how they can get away without paying taxes..they are not a non profit....
i wonder what the taxes will be on all these donations? or if they will pay taxes...i do not see how they can get away without paying taxes..they are not a non profit....

The rate is about 35%, however, depending on how the business is setup they could invest that money into that business or another business. The need to talk about to a good accountant.

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