Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

I think that the owners daughter was asked a question by a reporter CANDY . Besides that it seems to me that you don't cater until you 'suddenly' decide to cater or not to cater . I mean , there is a first time for everything isn't there . Course that's in a free country . My take is that the girl was asked a question , she answered it honestly and the left went crazy !! Hey , I wasn't there !!
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

Did you ever quote what the pizza shop owner actually said?
think they are over 750 thousand dollars , I made a small donation , I see the 750 thousand as poking the libs in the eye. Its just fun , cheap and easy to do so go to the site and send them 5 or 10 bucks , make these good people millionaires !!

By all means....keep the story going until the 2016 election....every story is like gold to liberals everywhere.
send you money in Mack , you too Candy , send money to whoever you like . Show off your values !! I'm looking to make the pizza people into millionaires , ok with me if the lady with 3 kids in NYC is also made into a millionaire !!
send you money in Mack , you too Candy , send money to whoever you like . Show off your values !! I'm looking to make the pizza people into millionaires , ok with me if the lady with 3 kids in NYC is also made into a millionaire !!

This is the largest display of unforced idiocy since the Chik-Fil-A crusades.... Hope you're successful in your campaign...
its just fun for me Candy as I don't get upset or annoyed by much of anything . I have a couple motorcycles , wife is halfway good looking , beer night is approaching , just got new boots , pork on Easter Sunday in a couple days and I live in a nice area , the world is my oyster Candy !!
and where are ALL the libs in supporting the NYC lady Candy . Always been said that libs are really poor at giving to charity and I guess that the paltry hundred grand sent to NYC lady kinda proves that point !! I try Sarcasm , as a hundred grand sent to the NYC lady is a good hunk of change , probably mostly donated by Christians Candy !!
its just fun for me Candy as I don't get upset or annoyed by much of anything . I have a couple motorcycles , wife is halfway good looking , beer night is approaching , just got new boots , pork on Easter Sunday in a couple days and I live in a nice area , the world is my oyster Candy !!

I'm having a great time myself watching the kickstarter thing....

It reminds me of back in the early auts watching the bidding for beanie babies on EBAY... Fools and their money are soon parted; nothing truer has ever been spoken.

From the political standpoint...I hope the GLBT rights stays on the front burner because it 's a major win for liberals as this week has indicated.
I never watched bidding for 'beany babies' as I had better things to do Candy !! Please describe bidding for 'beany babies' for the board , was the bidding fun and 'educational' Candy ??
I never watched bidding for 'beany babies' as I had better things to do Candy !!
Other things perhaps...better? I doubt it.

Please describe bidding for 'beany babies' for the board , was the bidding fun and 'educational' Candy ??

To you I'm sure it would have been educational....numbers get as high as the 9 in some cases :lol:

For myself, it was intensely profitable....thousands of dollars or so.

Fools and their money.
well , send some of that money to that NYC lady with the 3 kids !! Thousands of dollars ehh [wow] , looks like the new 'memory pizza' millionaires got you beat Candy !!
and where are ALL the libs in supporting the NYC lady Candy . Always been said that libs are really poor at giving to charity and I guess that the paltry hundred grand sent to NYC lady kinda proves that point !! I try Sarcasm , as a hundred grand sent to the NYC lady is a good hunk of change , probably mostly donated by Christians Candy !!

I donated to the mother in NYC earlier today. I also donate blood as often as I can, and donate to cancer research and animal shelters. It's not as much as I'd like to do, but every bit helps.
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

Did you ever quote what the pizza shop owner actually said?

I read a few of the articles and the owners were just being polite to the Reporter and answered the set up questions.................To make this into a political shit storm............................

and so.........................the Reporter and the News station got their few minutes of FAME and RATINGS for FANNING THE FLAMES...........................

That is all..............and it's all BS...........shouldn't have even been a story at all...............

They set this business up to get attacked......................not caring how it would effect them...................just for some ratings.......................

The ones who deserve getting blasted are the Dirty Laundry Reporters...............
I never watched bidding for 'beany babies' as I had better things to do Candy !!
Other things perhaps...better? I doubt it.

Please describe bidding for 'beany babies' for the board , was the bidding fun and 'educational' Candy ??

To you I'm sure it would have been educational....numbers get as high as the 9 in some cases :lol:

For myself, it was intensely profitable....thousands of dollars or so.

Fools and their money.
You guys just hate it when people do what they want with their own money.

Seriously, it makes me feel all fuzzy to watch you guys whine about the fact that we are willing to support our own..and no state entity needs to be involved....
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

Did you ever quote what the pizza shop owner actually said?

I read a few of the articles and the owners were just being polite to the Reporter and answered the set up questions.................To make this into a political shit storm............................

and so.........................the Reporter and the News station got their few minutes of FAME and RATINGS for FANNING THE FLAMES...........................

That is all..............and it's all BS...........shouldn't have even been a story at all...............

They set this business up to get attacked......................not caring how it would effect them...................just for some ratings.......................

The ones who deserve getting blasted are the Dirty Laundry Reporters...............

Journalists are the scummiest people there are.
This Pizza shop didn't start this shit.............It was started by a reporter who wandered into their Pizza Joint looking for Dirty Laundry...................They went in there because they heard the owners were Religious people..............Asked a couple of questions and then MADE A MEDIA EVENT OUT OF IT.....................

Sparking protests.......................having people call them Bigots.............Homophobes....................and disrupted their lives because some DUMB ASSED REPORTER NEEDED A HEAD LINE..................

That reporter didn't care who they hurt in the process.................They wanted FAME, and the HOT STORY.............

There wasn't a dang Hot story..................It was FABRICATED INTO A SHIT STORM................

I'm glad they are getting the money..................Because they didn't ask for this shit.................

They were minding their own business, bothering NO ONE.........until this cheap reporter screwed with their lives..............

That is my stance.............and it is TOTAL BS...................

To those trashing these people.................

Here's your song...............

Did you ever quote what the pizza shop owner actually said?

I read a few of the articles and the owners were just being polite to the Reporter and answered the set up questions.................To make this into a political shit storm............................

and so.........................the Reporter and the News station got their few minutes of FAME and RATINGS for FANNING THE FLAMES...........................

That is all..............and it's all BS...........shouldn't have even been a story at all...............

They set this business up to get attacked......................not caring how it would effect them...................just for some ratings.......................

The ones who deserve getting blasted are the Dirty Laundry Reporters...............

Journalists are the scummiest people there are.

This one sure is....

CBS Affiliate Employee Being Investigated for Bogus Fraud Report against ‘Memories Pizza’

CBS Affiliate Employee Being Investigated for Bogus Fraud Report against Memories Pizza Updated The Gateway Pundit
"ABC57 reporter Alyssa Marino walks through the door of the pizzeria during a Category Five news-storm over RFRA and asks, “Anyone here got a problem with catering gay weddings?” The pizzeria employees slink away, knowing what a “yes” would mean for their careers. But not Memories CEO Crystal O’Connor. As usual, she’s one step ahead of the game. Instantly she recognizes that if she says yes to Marino, the left will go apesh*t, flooding her business with crank calls, death threats, and nasty online reviews. The business will close temporarily. And then enraged conservatives will rally to her side, showering her with solidarity cash beyond her wildest small-town dreams. The GoFundMe take as I write this: $528,000 and counting. It’s a scam, engineered by an unassuming but quietly brilliant pizza-shop owner whose ability to anticipate partisan strikes and counterstrikes really should have her in charge of a Fortune 500 PR company. Coming soon: The Barbara Walters interview and then a bestselling book. She’ll retire by 40. Watch the clip below and you’ll see what I mean. No one as slick and comfortable on camera as O’Connor is could have possibly stumbled innocently into this culture-war clusterfark. She’s the “Gone Girl” of religious liberty.
"Or, alternate theory: The more excitable members of the left’s gay-marriage mob can’t cope with how this Two Minutes Hate for O’Connor and her business played out. So, as conspiracy theorists are wont to do, they’re reaching for an explanation that makes them feel better about it. What I can’t figure out is whether it’s malice or actually some vestigial pangs of remorse about the mob atmosphere that are driving the conspiracy. Maybe they’re angry that the family hasn’t been utterly ruined for their thoughtcrime — or maybe on some level they think, but can’t bring themselves to admit, that people shouldn’t be ruined for politely dissenting from the new norm on gay marriage."

Hot new liberal theory Memories Pizza orchestrated this fiasco because they wanted the online donations Hot Air

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