Sick of Left's constant attacks and lies, donate a quarter million dollars to support IN Pizza place

that the new generations of journalist 'kgirl' , journalists used to be honorable until the Vietnam war era . -------------------- people oughta Check out the 'forth estate' and see what journalism used to be and is supposed to be .
"ABC57 reporter Alyssa Marino walks through the door of the pizzeria during a Category Five news-storm over RFRA and asks, “Anyone here got a problem with catering gay weddings?” The pizzeria employees slink away, knowing what a “yes” would mean for their careers. But not Memories CEO Crystal O’Connor. As usual, she’s one step ahead of the game. Instantly she recognizes that if she says yes to Marino, the left will go apesh*t, flooding her business with crank calls, death threats, and nasty online reviews. The business will close temporarily. And then enraged conservatives will rally to her side, showering her with solidarity cash beyond her wildest small-town dreams. The GoFundMe take as I write this: $528,000 and counting. It’s a scam, engineered by an unassuming but quietly brilliant pizza-shop owner whose ability to anticipate partisan strikes and counterstrikes really should have her in charge of a Fortune 500 PR company. Coming soon: The Barbara Walters interview and then a bestselling book. She’ll retire by 40. Watch the clip below and you’ll see what I mean. No one as slick and comfortable on camera as O’Connor is could have possibly stumbled innocently into this culture-war clusterfark. She’s the “Gone Girl” of religious liberty.
"Or, alternate theory: The more excitable members of the left’s gay-marriage mob can’t cope with how this Two Minutes Hate for O’Connor and her business played out. So, as conspiracy theorists are wont to do, they’re reaching for an explanation that makes them feel better about it. What I can’t figure out is whether it’s malice or actually some vestigial pangs of remorse about the mob atmosphere that are driving the conspiracy. Maybe they’re angry that the family hasn’t been utterly ruined for their thoughtcrime — or maybe on some level they think, but can’t bring themselves to admit, that people shouldn’t be ruined for politely dissenting from the new norm on gay marriage."

Hot new liberal theory Memories Pizza orchestrated this fiasco because they wanted the online donations Hot Air

And liberals wonder why we think they are absolutely nuts
that the new generations of journalist 'kgirl' , journalists used to be honorable until the Vietnam war era . -------------------- people oughta Check out the 'forth estate' and see what journalism used to be and is supposed to be .

It's been operating this way for more than 40 years. I don't think it can really be blamed on the *new generation* anymore. But you're right..viet nam era is when the country took a huge shit...with the journalists in the forefront.
if nothing else then its old hippies and young hippies responsible for mrobama !!
...So you think it should be illegal for men to bone their wives up the ass?
I don't give a good goddamn what you do behind closed doors... just keep it there, where the rest of us don't have to see that shit, and stop trying to force the rest of us to bake fudge-packer cakes or to recognize your freak-a-zoid dalliances on a par with REAL marriage between a man and a woman.
there it is again, that lame ass rationalization ..
Works for me...
Gee, it's a good thing there's only one restaurant left in America that wants to discriminate against gays.

Imagine if you nuts had to come up with a quarter million each for a hundred of them. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand.

Lucky for you the bigots are few in number.
It's not bigoted, to hold to one's traditional religious beliefs, that homosexuality is deviant and perverse and sinful in nature.

It's not bigoted, to support someone - including the occasional small business owner - with the courage to publicly declare his beliefs in that context.

You seem to be attempting to console yourself with the idea that the number of such businesses presently under a microscope is a small number.

Instead, you should be contemplating the vast numerical response in support of that small businessman.

Therein lies the REAL Soul of America.

Decent folk, rising up against the temporary tyranny of sexual deviants and perverts and degenerates and their supporters.

The side that is now girding itself for a decades-long or generation-spanning legal struggle against you-and-yours.

Enjoy your short-lived and phyrric victories while you can.

They're not going to last.

We're coming for you, in the law courts.

This struggle isn't over.

It's just beginning.
if we are going to do over blown melodrama , why not just scream we're doomed!
It wasn't melodrama...

It was a promise...

Nothing to do with doom and gloom...

Everything to do with the upcoming fight for the Soul of the Nation...
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?
It was over $500,000 earlier today, with about 20,000 donations, if I heard right, which is not a given, since I have a hearing disability.
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?
It was over $500,000 earlier today, with about 20,000 donations, if I heard right, which is not a given, since I have a hearing disability.

$842,000 just under 30,000 donors
Since everyone is feeling so generous today:
NYC Fire Homeless Single Mom 3 Kids by Diane McLean - GoFundMe

Not only can you donate to help this mother and her 3 children, but they also provide links for other families that lost everything in this tragedy. Donate away!

Feel free to donate to who you want to donate to. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

And I already donated to this GoFundMe earlier. But it seems that we have a number of people on here who are really excited about donating to causes today, so I figured I'd help direct some of those generous funds toward a worthy cause.
Since everyone is feeling so generous today:
NYC Fire Homeless Single Mom 3 Kids by Diane McLean - GoFundMe

Not only can you donate to help this mother and her 3 children, but they also provide links for other families that lost everything in this tragedy. Donate away!

Feel free to donate to who you want to donate to. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

And I already donated to this GoFundMe earlier. But it seems that we have a number of people on here who are really excited about donating to causes today, so I figured I'd help direct some of those generous funds toward a worthy cause.

So glad you feel the need to let others know that you donate. Score one for you.
Since everyone is feeling so generous today:
NYC Fire Homeless Single Mom 3 Kids by Diane McLean - GoFundMe

Not only can you donate to help this mother and her 3 children, but they also provide links for other families that lost everything in this tragedy. Donate away!

Feel free to donate to who you want to donate to. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

And I already donated to this GoFundMe earlier. But it seems that we have a number of people on here who are really excited about donating to causes today, so I figured I'd help direct some of those generous funds toward a worthy cause.

So glad you feel the need to let others know that you donate. Score one for you.

Someone in this thread specifically asked earlier if I was going to donate, so I said that I already had. Do you think I should be ashamed of my donation?
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

Over 9500 individuals donated over $265,000 in 24 hours.

Candycorn finds this amusing. Gee I wonder why? Is it because nobody is donating to Hillary lately?

Plenty of donations to Hillary, but that is for a purpose. You are just giving money away for fun. For that kind of free cash, I'll hate gays too. At least until the donations drop off.
nobody hates gays , well not me and I don't think that the pizza people do either Bulldog . Story I hear is that the pizza people just don't want to participate in a gay wedding by catering it if they were asked to cater a gay wedding . Makes sense to me as there is probably a pizza joint down the street that would like to cater the gay wedding and make the money . Yep , lots of people would say that you freedom hating lefties are pretty messed up Bulldog !!
Since everyone is feeling so generous today:
NYC Fire Homeless Single Mom 3 Kids by Diane McLean - GoFundMe

Not only can you donate to help this mother and her 3 children, but they also provide links for other families that lost everything in this tragedy. Donate away!

Feel free to donate to who you want to donate to. Freedom is a wonderful thing.

And I already donated to this GoFundMe earlier. But it seems that we have a number of people on here who are really excited about donating to causes today, so I figured I'd help direct some of those generous funds toward a worthy cause.

So glad you feel the need to let others know that you donate. Score one for you.

Someone in this thread specifically asked earlier if I was going to donate, so I said that I already had. Do you think I should be ashamed of my donation?

I don't tell people who or what I donate to. That is between me and the organization, the idea of giving is for yourself, not others to know.
Glad you can donate to those of your choice.
Last edited:
A fund set up by a local radio station for people to donate to if they want to support Memories Pizza, has gotten donations of more than a quarter million dollars.

All in just one day.

Support Memories Pizza by Lawrence Billy Jones III - GoFundMe

Sounds like the left's attacks and lies about every person or business who dares to do anything the left doesn't approve of, are starting to get the attention of normal Americans. And normal Americans don't like it, at all.

I'd be interested to know how many separate donors have given this money. A few big corporations? Or thousands of ordinary individuals giving small amounts each?

Over 9500 individuals donated over $265,000 in 24 hours.

Candycorn finds this amusing. Gee I wonder why? Is it because nobody is donating to Hillary lately?

Plenty of donations to Hillary, but that is for a purpose. You are just giving money away for fun. For that kind of free cash, I'll hate gays too. At least until the donations drop off.

Good to know that you lack character and will sell yourself for a buck.
no mack , good deal , if you decided to help the NYC lady , well that's a good thing !!

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