Sidney Powell says they have more than enough evidence to overturn the election.

All these folks act like the media is the arbiter of this election; even the media itself feels as though they get to decide it...... (smh)

It's still the voters who decide. This one wasn't even close. Neither was 2016.
If they had evidence, they would show it to the media. The fact that they haven't shown any means that there is nothing there that will stand up to a modicum of scrutiny
The media doesn’t call the election. And all they would do is try to discredit it.
No one needs to attack her credibility. She has none. She is going to be lucky if she isn't looking at fraud and tampering charges when this is all over.
If she had any credible evidence, she'd have presented it and they'd be singing it from the rooftops. What they are trying to do is sow doubt. Because
the minute someone actually calls her on her bullshit, the game is over.
NONE of what you claimed is true. In a changing world you remain a dumb fuck with a big mouth.
Sure it is, remember her histrionics during the Flynn thing? She's just another tRump supporter with orange stained lips.
What "histrionics?" I saw here state the facts of Mueller's sleazy case.
It will be fun watching the fake news try to attack her credibility. She has an impeccable reputation.

Just when the Democrats and the world think they have this all sewn up as old news, a done deal, I expect a thunderclap of reality is going to hit them like a locomotive.

View attachment 417654
At the rate firearms have been flying off the shelves something is likely to happen. Just remember libbies it's the gun owning American patriots that make up the vast majority of our Armed forces and law enforcement. Hiding behind your keyboards shooting barbs at them isn't doing you libs any favors.
If they had evidence, they would show it to the media. The fact that they haven't shown any means that there is nothing there that will stand up to a modicum of scrutiny
Why would any sane person share evidence with the 666 Left Stream Media?
It will be fun watching the fake news try to attack her credibility. She has an impeccable reputation.
I don't give two shits about what people SAY... I want to know what they can prove. Until I see said evidence, it doesn't mean anything.

Russia gate was bullshit. Not enough evidence. People SAY there is enough.. But this is obviously not the case.

Sidney Powell SAYS there is enough evidence... Hey... Say it all you want. I won't support shit unless I can see said evidence. It means nothing when it's not out there.
MSM out for all their BS an new news outlets in along with private individuals reporting. New day new deal.

From the link;
"Pincer Movement

The battle continues. On two fronts, it appears.

On one side Grifter-in-chief Palpatine, and his sidekick Jar Jar Kneepads, abetted in the fraud by their spokesholes at the local versions of Pravda and Isvestia, which is just about every newspaper and broadcast radio and TV station, in every market, coat to coast, save a token opposition and a few stragglers, is amping up their perpetual gaslighting of the challenges to this election, and cranking up the volume and tempo of their relentless drumbeat that the Hidin'/Kneepads ticket was victorious, and that therefore President Trump ought to get it over with and commit political seppuku.

This with zero electoral votes awarded anywhere, and about 90 such in total doubt, with fraud so widespread and rampant it's visible from satellites in space.

Natzsofast, Guido.

There's at least two problems with that: first, it ain't just about President Trump anymore. It's personal now, because the Leftards have already openly called for enemies lists, re-education camps, and worse. The only way for them to walk that back with any good faith is to apologize, and kill themselves. Lest it be in any way misunderstood, that was not a merely rhetorical suggestion. You asked for a fight to the death, you got it. Win, lose, or draw, that goes away only when those who called for it are dead, dead, dead.

Secondly, what's the rush?

If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right's noses in the Left's inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who've actually scored a touchdown don't bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It's that simple.

You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it's a touchdown time after time after time.

So when one team's coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn't score, and you know they know they didn't score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50' tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.

They'll be left losers, with egg on their faces, and be thwarted at achieving what they wanted so badly they could not only taste it, but were willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get.

That's the only and most crystal-clear obvious explanation for their frothing insistence that everybody stop looking, and see things their way. Time lets people come forward, swear affidavits, document vote harvesting, forensically dissect software "glitches" (which miraculously only ever go one way), prove ballot stuffing, find dead people voting in the thousands, and prove beyond any doubt countless other stock-in-trade tricks of the Democommunists, not just in this election, but pretty much since we started voting for leaders on this continent.

But that's not enough for them. We're being flanked by people pretending to be on our side.

We've got the quisling RINO contingent cheering them on, and the old-school lose-gracefully weak-tea pseudo-cons pre-conceding the recounts, the court challenges, and everything else, on our behalf, and wargaming how we do our best to slow walk to the boxcars, and resolve to taste bad when thrown to lions.

Better do a re-think on that on, Fuckwheat, because I don't remember conceding my rights or reality to some half-witted process with somebody's fat ass on the scales, nor electing some lily-livered chickenshit punditry to speak on my behalf, giving first consideration to their own cushy rice bowls rather than the republic.

Obvious fraud is obvious fraud, and it doesn't become magically blessed and sacrosanct just because some committee, or some judge, nor even all of them combined, decides that their own myopia prevents them from seeing it.

Steal this election, and it's war.

I'm sorry, let me be clearer about that:

Steal this election, and it's war.

War to the knife, knife to the hilt, then gouging eyes and biting off ears.

There won't be any mythical "unity" with people who've called for our shaming, rounding up, re-education, and our deaths. Nor any "let's-let-bygones-be-bygones" bullshit. There isn't going to be any kowtowing to a horrendously corrupt process that even let anyone get this close to pulling it off, as though the Marquess of Queensbury Rules would remain in full effect, just because someone got away with it.

We aren't gong to regroup, and hope the Senate, or SCOTUS, or the fucking Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, come to our rescue to keep frothing communists from enacting the Soviet/Cuban/Venezuelan Worker's Paradise they've been salivating over for 80 years.

The minute someone violates democracy, and all due process, the social contract is broken, the Rule of Law is out the window, and any and all allegiance anyone owed or might claim from us to the former republic is null and void, in perpetuity.

Because from that moment forward, that republic has died, and ceases to exist.
I henceforth owe it nothing.

Not nostalgia, not love, not treasure, not true faith nor allegiance, because the party to whom all that was owed is no longer extant.

I will agitate, protest, strike, undermine, monkeywrench, sabotage, and if necessary, kill people and break things to destroy whatever hologram of the former republic anyone tries to prop up, and I won't rest at that until I'm either dead, or I win.

We're not going to hope for miraculous salvation, we're going to shoot m#####f#####s in the face. Those are the stakes, and you said you wanted to play for blood. Game on, girl scouts.

I get only a 1/330,000,000th say in that outcome, but I vote for liberty and freedom, even if I spend my time under bridges and on the run, and anyone opposed to that can go to Hell. The only peaceful transition, at that point, will be transitioning communists into soil supplements. And I'll do it with a smile on my face, and sleep like a baby afterwards.


If this is news to anyone: at DNC HQ, the NYFTimes, Fox News, or anyone inside the Washington DC beltway, bookmark this spot, because I told you so.

You want the allegiance of people, there's but one way to get it:
uphold the rule of law, get your elbows off the scales of justice, throw out the bogus votes, and stop the cheating at elections once and for all time.

Anyone on the other side of that question has entered into a blood feud, and with half of the country.

Ask Fletcher how that worked out.

"Wounds my heart with a monotonous languor..."
If they had evidence, they would show it to the media.
The news media aren't interested in evidence. They are only interested in Biden.

The fact that they haven't shown any means that there is nothing there that will stand up to a modicum of scrutiny
A "modicum" is a veil — someone is hiding something. Modern news media have been told by their leftist bosses not to question or scrutinize the "official" AP/Reuters storyline.
No one needs to attack her credibility. She has none. She is going to be lucky if she isn't looking at fraud and tampering charges when this is all over.
If she had any credible evidence, she'd have presented it and they'd be singing it from the rooftops. What they are trying to do is sow doubt. Because
the minute someone actually calls her on her bullshit, the game is over.
NONE of what you claimed is true. In a changing world you remain a dumb fuck with a big mouth.
Sure it is, remember her histrionics during the Flynn thing? She's just another tRump supporter with orange stained lips.
What "histrionics?" I saw here state the facts of Mueller's sleazy case.
Bullshit. You saw here repeating RWNJ lies. Nothing else.

Oh, it occurs to me you couldn't tell. You tRumplings are factually handicapped.

My bad.
If there is evidence ... then it must be submitted into a court of law ... which makes the evidence a matter of public record ... you, me, the media, the whole world gets to see it ...

I'll wait, but time is running out ... Republicans have 20 days to make their case or the States will certify the election as it stands ... "Learn Chinese in 6 Months" books are flying off the shelves ...
It will be fun watching the fake news try to attack her credibility. She has an impeccable reputation.

No one needs to attack her credibility. She has none. She is going to be lucky if she isn't looking at fraud and tampering charges when this is all over.
If she had any credible evidence, she'd have presented it and they'd be singing it from the rooftops. What they are trying to do is sow doubt. Because
the minute someone actually calls her on her bullshit, the game is over.

One cannot attack that which does not exist.
You know that guy was running as a republican, right?
I could give a damn. Fraud is fraud. But now that you state that, show us where he is a Republican. Wanting to legalize gangs in the US doesn’t sound like something a true Republican would go for. -
Podcasts by Carlos Antonio De Bourbon Montenegro:


If they had evidence, they would show it to the media. The fact that they haven't shown any means that there is nothing there that will stand up to a modicum of scrutiny
Give them a heads up to help them come up with some cockamamie story to explain it away? No.
It will be fun watching the fake news try to attack her credibility. She has an impeccable reputation.

No one needs to attack her credibility. She has none. She is going to be lucky if she isn't looking at fraud and tampering charges when this is all over.
If she had any credible evidence, she'd have presented it and they'd be singing it from the rooftops. What they are trying to do is sow doubt. Because
the minute someone actually calls her on her bullshit, the game is over.
Well, if there is nothing there, why are you all so upset? If truth is on your side, Biden will be the President. So far he is not the President-Elect
as that is done by the Electoral college 12/14/20. So why are you so anxious? If truth is on your side you should at least be quiet about it and not protest. Is a famous writer once said "Methinks thou dost protest too much".
You can't even quote Shakespeare correctly what makes you think anyone but the patsies and gullible will take this sisters word?
It will be fun watching the fake news try to attack her credibility. She has an impeccable reputation.

No one needs to attack her credibility. She has none. She is going to be lucky if she isn't looking at fraud and tampering charges when this is all over.
If she had any credible evidence, she'd have presented it and they'd be singing it from the rooftops. What they are trying to do is sow doubt. Because
the minute someone actually calls her on her bullshit, the game is over.
If Trump loses then screw with the Progs every chance we can get and any way possible. There is no mandate. There was none under Obama. You jit bags better not screw with the price of gas and the energy we use for are hoes to start.
From the link;
"Pincer Movement

The battle continues. On two fronts, it appears.

On one side Grifter-in-chief Palpatine, and his sidekick Jar Jar Kneepads, abetted in the fraud by their spokesholes at the local versions of Pravda and Isvestia, which is just about every newspaper and broadcast radio and TV station, in every market, coat to coast, save a token opposition and a few stragglers, is amping up their perpetual gaslighting of the challenges to this election, and cranking up the volume and tempo of their relentless drumbeat that the Hidin'/Kneepads ticket was victorious, and that therefore President Trump ought to get it over with and commit political seppuku.

This with zero electoral votes awarded anywhere, and about 90 such in total doubt, with fraud so widespread and rampant it's visible from satellites in space.

Natzsofast, Guido.

There's at least two problems with that: first, it ain't just about President Trump anymore. It's personal now, because the Leftards have already openly called for enemies lists, re-education camps, and worse. The only way for them to walk that back with any good faith is to apologize, and kill themselves. Lest it be in any way misunderstood, that was not a merely rhetorical suggestion. You asked for a fight to the death, you got it. Win, lose, or draw, that goes away only when those who called for it are dead, dead, dead.

Secondly, what's the rush?

If Palpatine and Jar Jar won, the Leftards should welcome honest audits and recounts, the better to take another victory lap, while rubbing the Right's noses in the Left's inevitable march to the throne room of power. People who've actually scored a touchdown don't bitch about re-watching the video that proves it. It's that simple.

You can run the tape back and forth, and if the feet are inbounds, and the ball is in control, it's a touchdown time after time after time.

So when one team's coaches, and half the fans in the stadium, boo and catcall the replay, and start agitating loudly to ignore it and just call the touchdown without looking at that pesky video replay, you know they didn't score, and you know they know they didn't score, so all their histrionics and hissyfits beforehand and afterwards is just them being pissed that they lost, refusing to admit it, even to themselves, and terror at having their noses rubbed in you seeing it with your own lying eyes, on a 50' tall jumbotron, in front of millions of eyewitnesses.

They'll be left losers, with egg on their faces, and be thwarted at achieving what they wanted so badly they could not only taste it, but were willing to lie, cheat, and steal to get.

That's the only and most crystal-clear obvious explanation for their frothing insistence that everybody stop looking, and see things their way. Time lets people come forward, swear affidavits, document vote harvesting, forensically dissect software "glitches" (which miraculously only ever go one way), prove ballot stuffing, find dead people voting in the thousands, and prove beyond any doubt countless other stock-in-trade tricks of the Democommunists, not just in this election, but pretty much since we started voting for leaders on this continent.

But that's not enough for them. We're being flanked by people pretending to be on our side.

We've got the quisling RINO contingent cheering them on, and the old-school lose-gracefully weak-tea pseudo-cons pre-conceding the recounts, the court challenges, and everything else, on our behalf, and wargaming how we do our best to slow walk to the boxcars, and resolve to taste bad when thrown to lions.

Better do a re-think on that on, Fuckwheat, because I don't remember conceding my rights or reality to some half-witted process with somebody's fat ass on the scales, nor electing some lily-livered chickenshit punditry to speak on my behalf, giving first consideration to their own cushy rice bowls rather than the republic.

Obvious fraud is obvious fraud, and it doesn't become magically blessed and sacrosanct just because some committee, or some judge, nor even all of them combined, decides that their own myopia prevents them from seeing it.

Steal this election, and it's war.

I'm sorry, let me be clearer about that:

Steal this election, and it's war.

War to the knife, knife to the hilt, then gouging eyes and biting off ears.

There won't be any mythical "unity" with people who've called for our shaming, rounding up, re-education, and our deaths. Nor any "let's-let-bygones-be-bygones" bullshit. There isn't going to be any kowtowing to a horrendously corrupt process that even let anyone get this close to pulling it off, as though the Marquess of Queensbury Rules would remain in full effect, just because someone got away with it.

We aren't gong to regroup, and hope the Senate, or SCOTUS, or the fucking Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny, come to our rescue to keep frothing communists from enacting the Soviet/Cuban/Venezuelan Worker's Paradise they've been salivating over for 80 years.

The minute someone violates democracy, and all due process, the social contract is broken, the Rule of Law is out the window, and any and all allegiance anyone owed or might claim from us to the former republic is null and void, in perpetuity.

Because from that moment forward, that republic has died, and ceases to exist.
I henceforth owe it nothing.

Not nostalgia, not love, not treasure, not true faith nor allegiance, because the party to whom all that was owed is no longer extant.

I will agitate, protest, strike, undermine, monkeywrench, sabotage, and if necessary, kill people and break things to destroy whatever hologram of the former republic anyone tries to prop up, and I won't rest at that until I'm either dead, or I win.

We're not going to hope for miraculous salvation, we're going to shoot m#####f#####s in the face. Those are the stakes, and you said you wanted to play for blood. Game on, girl scouts.

I get only a 1/330,000,000th say in that outcome, but I vote for liberty and freedom, even if I spend my time under bridges and on the run, and anyone opposed to that can go to Hell. The only peaceful transition, at that point, will be transitioning communists into soil supplements. And I'll do it with a smile on my face, and sleep like a baby afterwards.


If this is news to anyone: at DNC HQ, the NYFTimes, Fox News, or anyone inside the Washington DC beltway, bookmark this spot, because I told you so.

You want the allegiance of people, there's but one way to get it:
uphold the rule of law, get your elbows off the scales of justice, throw out the bogus votes, and stop the cheating at elections once and for all time.

Anyone on the other side of that question has entered into a blood feud, and with half of the country.

Ask Fletcher how that worked out.

"Wounds my heart with a monotonous languor..."
"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden


"A Dark Winter is coming! We must make lists of our enemies, round them up and put them in re-education camps!" Joe Biden

21 Reasons why the DemNazis are the same as Them Nazis

1.) Genocide 60 Million Babies murdered- Check
2.) Oppression of Natural Freedoms - Check
3.) They want to ban guns - Check
4.) Opposed to free speech and aggressive with censorship - Check
5.) Cheat in elections - Check
6.) Above the law - Check
7.) Demand uniformity of the populace in thought and action - Check
8.) Dissent is verboten and will be crushed or silenced - Check
9.) Resorts to crime or violence to as leverage to force change - Check
10.) AntiSemetic - Check
11.) AntiChristian - Check
12.) Anti-Israel - Check
13.) Anti-American - Check
14.) Rules by oppressive decree than legislative action - Check
15.) Implements their own agendas rather than do the will of the people - Check
16.) Blood Thirsty and war like, and hungry for power over others at all costs - Check
17.) Creates Hit Lists of their competitors, foes, enemies and carries out attacks to punish them for daring to disagree, vote a certain way, or choosing to live differently than the average DemNazi is told to live - Check
18.) Gains power through Fraud & Deception, Intimidation & Lies and not by any legitimate means - Check
19.) Promotes social controls, believes in getting rid of undesirables by killing them, and believes in population control and depopulation - Check
20.) Believes in Re-educating the populace with revisionist history, promoting their agenda and suppressing truth - Check
21.) They want to segregate people in groups by their differences and not bring them together in unity by those things they have in common - Check


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If they had evidence, they would show it to the media.
The news media aren't interested in evidence. They are only interested in Biden.

The fact that they haven't shown any means that there is nothing there that will stand up to a modicum of scrutiny
A "modicum" is a veil — someone is hiding something. Modern news media have been told by their leftist bosses not to question or scrutinize the "official" AP/Reuters storyline.
Can I ask why you keep on talking about the media? Powell says she has plenty of evidence to overturn the election? Fine then present it. In the venue that is charged with ruling over evidence which is most definitely NOT the media. The fact that this is not happening leads me to pose certain questions. Stuff like. Why so vague? Why if you have such strong evidence, file such laughable evidence first? Evidence that is so meritless that it serves no purpose besides irritating judges? Why not be quick about filing that evidence since their is a time factor?

The lack of logic behind what is happening leads me to infer certain things. Things like. Someone who has a case, would not need to tout it in the media but would rather bring a lawsuit. Or things like. If their really is a strong case to overturn the election, those making the claim would have been able to articulate how exactly the election was stolen from them.

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