Sidney powell

Thanks for letting the forum know that when you call Biden a child molester, even YOU know it's not a fact.


Remember they don't care about facts or truth. I just told someone else it's very hard to discuss politics with people who don't believe or care about the truth.

"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. When pressed during the interview with Chuck Todd to explain why Spicer would "utter a provable falsehood", Conway stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts".

So this guy is giving you facts. Alternative Facts. Basically lies.
Remember they don't care about facts or truth. I just told someone else it's very hard to discuss politics with people who don't believe or care about the truth.

"Alternative facts" was a phrase used by U.S. Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway, during a Meet the Press interview on January 22, 2017, in which she defended White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer's false statement about the attendance numbers of Donald Trump's inauguration as President of the United States. When pressed during the interview with Chuck Todd to explain why Spicer would "utter a provable falsehood", Conway stated that Spicer was giving "alternative facts".

So this guy is giving you facts. Alternative Facts. Basically lies.

Even worse, he admitted they're just saying shit like that KNOWING it's not factual. Of course, that was from the same putz who admitted he lies to the forum just to irritate Liberals...

yes, I did lie about that. I said it simply to trigger morons like you, and it worked.
Even worse, he admitted they're just saying shit like that KNOWING it's not factual. Of course, that was from the same putz who admitted he lies to the forum just to irritate Liberals...

I think him and JC456 know they are liars. Two types of Republicans. The ones lying and the ones who believe. There are no other types.

Maybe Arnold Swartsanigger is an exception. He went on Howard Stern and admitted of course Global Warming is real.

And I never mind rich people who vote Republican because they believe (wrongfully unless they are really rich) that they do better financially when Republican policies are implemented. If I believed that, I might be a Republican too. I'd be like Bruce Jenner. I would have to ignore how I hate Republicans social policies. That would be tough but if the GOP could make me an extra $10K a year? Maybe I would vote for them. And then I'd come on here and have to lie about all the shit I don't really believe like global warming is fake, masks don't work, Democrats are destroying America, etc. Even though I didn't believe all that bullshit I would just defend the GOP because I want to sucker dummies who don't know any better into voting along with me, a guy who benefits from GOP policies. But the people I'm trying to dupe don't benefit financially. So they are getting suckered with social wedge issues.

Suddenly I'd be a NRA member. LOL
I think Bruce Jenner and Ben Carson are rich enough that MAYBE they do benefit more from Republican policies. But then again my brother is rich and he voted for Biden. He may vote for Disantis next time but I don't think he believes Republicans fatten his portfolio.

“no reasonable person would conclude that [Powell's] statements were truly statements of fact.”

Fox News stars and executives privately reviled their newsroom colleagues who told viewers that such claims were baseless, because such fact-checks alienated viewers.

Yet in some of the same conversations, the hosts and executives ridiculed Powell and her election-fraud claims. Their private communications and sworn testimony were also part of Dominion's filings.

"Sidney Powell is a bit nuts," Fox host Laura Ingraham wrote to stars Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity on Nov. 15, 2020.

"Sidney Powell is lying," Carlson told his producer in a note the next day.

"Terrible stuff damaging everybody, I fear," Murdoch texted to Fox News chief executive Suzanne Scott on Nov. 19, after seeing Powell and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani relaying unfounded claims of election fraud on the air. Scott agreed.

Others admitted under oath that they also shared those sentiments.

"[T]hat whole narrative that Sidney was pushing, I did not believe it for one second," Hannity said in a deposition conducted nearly two years later by Dominion's lawyers.

Privately, Tucker Carlson texted to an associate that night, "[t]he software sh-- is absurd... Half our viewers have seen the Maria clip."

By Nov. 8, Fox Business Network senior vice president Gary Schreier was warning the channel's president, Lauren Petterson, that Bartiromo "has GOP conspiracy theorists in her ear and they use her for their message sometimes."

"We've got evidence of corruption all across the country in countless districts," Powell told Hannity on Nov. 30, without presenting any evidence. "The machine ran an algorithm that shaved votes from Trump and awarded them to Biden. They used the machines to trash large batches of votes that should've been awarded to President Trump. And they used the machines to inject and add massive quantities of votes for Mr. Biden."

So much more interesting details showing Fox knowingly lies to their listeners. Now they are in deep trouble. Finally!

Fox viewers are not reasonable people.
I'm talking about when he sent his men to murder people. He should have gone to jail for murder no?

Well this is the same argument you are making for Don Trump. He didn't commit the murders. His underlings did.

You're such a fucking fool.
Who did Trump have murdered, lunatic?
Even worse, he admitted they're just saying shit like that KNOWING it's not factual. Of course, that was from the same putz who admitted he lies to the forum just to irritate Liberals...

Dims have been deliberately misinterpreting that statement ever since Conway made it. It's a form of lying.
Who did Trump have murdered, lunatic?
If you must know, Jeffrey Epstein.

He was after all in charge of the prison system at the time of his death. And remember you guys IMMEDIATELY blamed the Clinton's. You wanted to add Jeffrey to the list of people you claim they have murdered. But not so fast. Could have been Trump.
  • Insisting DeSantis would have never been elected governor without his endorsement
  • Declaring that he “sent in the FBI” to ensure DeSantis beat out his Democratic opponent
  • Dubbing DeSantis “Ron DeSanctimonious”
  • Claiming the governor had rewritten history regarding Florida’s early handling of COVID-19
  • Threatening to reveal “things about [DeSantis] that won’t be very flattering”
  • Suggesting he’d do to DeSantis what he did to Ted Cruz—meaning he might insult the guy’s wife and imply his father killed Kennedy
And while we’d never suggest that Trump is above insinuating that one of his opponents is a pedophile—the ex-president is, after all, not above anything—one might have expected him to at least wait until DeSantis had officially announced his candidacy to do so. But apparently, one would be incorrect.

ahahha you all claimed he conspired with Russia to steal the was compete your Bush lies.

You couldn't accept the results, tried to get military absentee ballots not counted, filed law suit and after law suit....ultmately losing, because the Court found you were attempting to violate the Constitutional rights of the people of FL.
What's funny about this is you claim Trump didn't resort to illegal tactics to win 2016. He didn't collude with Russia. Okay fine.

But he's definitely guilty of illegal shit in 2020 right?

What's funny about this is you claim Trump didn't resort to illegal tactics to win 2016. He didn't collude with Russia. Okay fine.

But he's definitely guilty of illegal shit in 2020 right?

no i see no evidence he did anything. Huffington Post propaganda not withstandng…haha yeah they got a quote from a foreperson of grand jury! hahaha
ahahha you all claimed he conspired with Russia to steal the was compete your Bush lies.

You couldn't accept the results, tried to get military absentee ballots not counted, filed law suit and after law suit....ultmately losing, because the Court found you were attempting to violate the Constitutional rights of the people of FL.

5 days ago

  • A Georgia grand jury said one or more witnesses in a criminal probe of former President Donald Trump may have lied under oath while testifying.
  • The panel recommeded that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis pursue indictments for perjury in those cases.
  • The grand jury, which investigated Trump for possibly illegal meddling in the state’s 2020 presidential election, said it found no significant fraud in that race, which President Joe Biden won.
  • The section of the report that will reveal if the panel believes that Trump, his lawyers or political allies should be indicted remains under seal.

no i see no evidence he did anything. Huffington Post propaganda not withstandng…haha yeah they got a quote from a foreperson of grand jury! hahaha

So you lie about

a. Trump trying to steal the election
b. Democrats stole the election

See? You lie constantly. You think the opposite of reality. Bizarro world. Alternative facts. Never to be taken seriously ever again. Struth. More like Sliar.
i admit he won. I don’t think it was fair…he slipped out on a. debate, rules were changed due to lies about covid etc

but i belief he won. it certainly was a tough pill to shallow because i knew the damage the demafasict were gonna do. see i love america…i didn’t want the xidenflation, the human rights crisis on the border, surrendering to terrorist, and simply being weak on foreign affairs. I’ve accepted it though and realize this dark chapter will come to and end too at some point…
What damage are we doing now that we won? Remember we are fixing inflation. Inflation happened before the 2020 election. Trump wasn't going to fix it any faster.

Human rights on the border? You didn't care when Trump kept them in cages. ........

But I will give you this. And I'm not going to argue with you anymore on this. Because I now believe you are a true believer. You aren't lying. I was wrong to call you Sliar. You truly believe what you say. I think you are wrong mostly but I also agree you have valid concerns. Yes we do need to fix the crisis on the border. Surrendering to terrorists? Do you mean getting us out of Afganistan? See right there is right wing spin. If Trump would have just quickly and abruptly pulled us out of Afganistan and a few people died, you wouldn't have blamed him. You would have celebrated him. Sad you can't see that.

But I change my mind about you. You're not a liar. You really believe the things you say. And I can respect that. But know this. Most of the time you're only about half right. Or, the solution is probably somewhere in the middle.

Also I'm sure I'm a little duped too by my left wing sources. I feel I am keenly aware of when they are being a little more WOKE for my taste. Sanctuary cities, forcing someone to get vaccinated or can't work when that wasn't necessary, socializing too much. I'm not against capitalism. I just want it well regulated. And the government is the referee. It should be fair/impartial but we all know the rich have taken it over.

They divide us with social wedge issues like god, gays, guns and racism.
Sell stupid elsewhere.

Okay so Struth is a bit of a liar huh? I just read a reply from him to me and it made me feel like he passionately believes the shit he's saying.

But then again, he is STILL saying that he truly believes the election was stolen from Trump. Then he rambled on and one of the things he mentioned was Biden "skipped out" on debates. As if our candidate owes them a debate. If Trump thought a debate would hurt him, he wouldn't show up either. And no one would claim the election was "stolen" from Joe because Trump didn't debate. That would be ludicris.

If not debating always helps us, I would never debate them again. Fuck them. Because it gives credibility to them when they deserve none. Then the way Trump acted towards Hillary. Getting up and invading her space. What a fucking asshole.
What damage are we doing now that we won? Remember we are fixing inflation. Inflation happened before the 2020 election. Trump wasn't going to fix it any faster.
you're not worth the effort to go into all that's wrong. you are insincere and dishonest to the bone.
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