Sidney powell

I know, Xiden won is a big one.

Again, for the third time now, is it Xiden's economy?

BTW, your dance is truly amazing.

How can it be Biden's economy if he lost the election? You make no sense. But in all fairness, you never do.
How can it be Biden's economy if he lost the election? You make no sense. But in all fairness, you never do.
is xiden in the WH? Are his policies being enforced? is it his economy?
Can't be his economy, you said he's not the president.
so who is in the WH?

BTW, I never said that. I said he cheated to get there. Coup!!!! so accuracy isn't your thing I see. Now is it his economy? seventh time.
so who is in the WH?

BTW, I never said that. I said he cheated to get there. Coup!!!! so accuracy isn't your thing I see. Now is it his economy? seventh time.

Trump, according to you. You claim he won the election. :cuckoo:
Trump, according to you. You claim he won the election. :cuckoo:
cool, let him back in the WH then!! I'm all in. I'll take his economy. no inflation and 2.50 gas. suppliers working and supplying and gas cars for all to travel successfully with. Energy independent.
cool, let him back in the WH then!! I'm all in. I'll take his economy. no inflation and 2.50 gas. suppliers working and supplying and gas cars for all to travel successfully with. Energy independent.

Oh? What would he do to make that happen?
his presence


Sorry to burst your sycophantic delusions, but his presence alone is not going to lower inflation or the price of gas. If it could, his presence now would have done that.

Sorry to burst your sycophantic delusions, but his presence alone is not going to lower inflation or the price of gas. If it could, his presence now would have done that.
the fk it wouldn't. You don't even understand the repercussions of a demofk in office. lifting restrictions and regulations is miraculous
the fk it wouldn't. You don't even understand the repercussions of a demofk in office. lifting restrictions is miraculous


You're literally claiming him doing nothing would fix everything. You really are that stupid.

You're literally claiming him doing nothing would fix everything. You really are that stupid.
indeed. again, confidence is overwhelming.

It's funny how the first day sleepy joe was behind the wheel the shit hit the fan. Day fking one. So yeah, trump as president would be a relief for actual working americans and lifting confidence.
indeed. again, confidence is overwhelming.

It's funny how the first day sleepy joe was behind the wheel the shit hit the fan. Day fking one. So yeah, trump as president would be a relief for actual working americans and lifting confidence.

By doing nothing, according to a nut like you.

exactly, did I stutter? this is now the fourth time I've said it. How many more you need?

No, your brain is too dead to stutter.

Moron, he's doing nothing now. So why isn't is presence fixing the economy now? Why is inflation still around 6½%? Why is gas still $3.40 a gallon?
No, your brain is too dead to stutter.

Moron, he's doing nothing now. So why isn't is presence fixing the economy now? Why is inflation still around 6½%? Why is gas still $3.40 a gallon?
well let's put him back in the WH and let me show you.
is xiden in the WH? Are his policies being enforced? is it his economy?
Hey guys. I’m watching a 2 part documentary on hollywood fixer Anthony Pellicano. Lawyers pay him $25,000 to help them win. He helps guys like Michael Jackson get away with being a pedo. So none of us like these guys. The rich who are scum hire/use these guys.

Trump used Michael cohen similarly. In fact stormy got the threat just like the ladies in this documentary are saying they got.

And all the best lawyers work with these guys.

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