simple question for the WTC collapse

are you using an example of controlled demolition in order to refute the controlled demolition theory??

Oh Jesus...

You, TakeAStepBack, and others think that the upper section of the tower could not shear/demolish the lower section of the tower with gravity alone. This is based on:

Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So I asked that you explain, based on TakeAStepBack's explanation above, how the building in the verinage video I posted goes against TakeAStepBack's "understanding" of the laws of physics.
more than 1 million tons of dust enveloped lower Manhattan

The dust "was unlike any dust and smoke mixture I had ever seen before," Lioy said. The fluffy, pink and gray powder "was basically a complex mixture of everything that makes up our workplaces and lives." Six million sq ft of masonry, 5 million sq ft of painted surfaces, 7 million sq ft of flooring, 600,000 sq ft of window glass, 200 elevators, and everything inside came down as dust, said Greg Meeker of USGS. The only thing that didn't get pulverized was the WTC towers' 200,000 tons of structural steel. That was just bent, Meeker said.


And what does weight have to do with figuring out how much SPACE something occupies?


You and numan both...


because much of your alleged weight was spreads over a very wide area starting with the collpase initiation on down
are you using an example of controlled demolition in order to refute the controlled demolition theory??

Oh Jesus...

You, TakeAStepBack, and others think that the upper section of the tower could not shear/demolish the lower section of the tower with gravity alone. This is based on:

Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So I asked that you explain, based on TakeAStepBack's explanation above, how the building in the verinage video I posted goes against TakeAStepBack's "understanding" of the laws of physics.

in your video the top section is not blown into a dust cloud..the instant collapse initiation starts
assumption and imaginings are not a determination of the cause of the collapses..your scenario has nothing to do with physiscs
that's funny! you know jack shit about physics (you can't even spell it )so any claim you make about "THE physics of 911 is false.

I have spelled physics many times..your jumping on a typo only further hi-lites the weakness of your hypothesis...and its not the physics of 9/11 that is is NIST physics that is false
the typo was just the icing on the cake the meat of the statement was you don't know jack shit about physics ..typo or not.
I have no hypothesis I have facts
you have specious conjecture not a hypothesis or facts..
so any claim you make about "THE physics of 911 is false.
lol are you claiming its going 500 mph..are you claiming Boeing is wrong on its flight specs ?...its a video of a plane flying big deal

That 757 is exceeding 400/mph 40ft above the ground because I can see vapor above & coming off it's wings when it turns up. Planes go faster than engines will push them after descending. There are everyday use design specs & then what a plane can actually do. You can dive a plane well beyond it's air-frame design capacity until it explodes in mid-air.

Right you can tell the Air speed from a video
yes you can.
Right you can tell the Air speed from a video

Note the vapor fog above the wings of this B1-B when it turns after it makes a 500/mph pass. It takes high speeds to separate the air like that & create vapor.


I guess decorated fighter pilots that went on to fly 757 commercially and NASA flight directors have never heard of your vapor maybe you should educate them..send them an e-mail
handy hint: when eot's is getting his ass handed to him, he says shit like the above.
15 to 20 metres of debris is miniscule compared to the mass of a WTC building.


The towers were about 95% air. Or can you refute that?

They were I do not think so..the towers were concrete and steel no air was used in the construction of the towers
so shithead you're saying that the TT's were SOLID CONCRETE AND STEEL?
is that the case then why did they collapse?
also if that was an attempt at also collapsed
That 757 is exceeding 400/mph 40ft above the ground because I can see vapor above & coming off it's wings when it turns up. Planes go faster than engines will push them after descending. There are everyday use design specs & then what a plane can actually do. You can dive a plane well beyond it's air-frame design capacity until it explodes in mid-air.

Right you can tell the Air speed from a video
yes you can. Speed & Velocity - The Physics Hypertextbook

that requires measurements its not done with "vapors"

that requires measurements its not done with "vapors"
wrong the vapors can only be created at a certain speed .
the measuring( meaning math) is calculated (on video or film) by how fast an object moves past a given point.

give it up dude! you're wrong!

afraid not, I have Boeing and highly experienced pilots telling me these speeds are not possible at sea level..and "I am not giving that up" because some buffoon on the internet tells me vapor

There is no thermite evidence.

The Problem with Microspheres - Evidence based research

No one can tell the difference between molten aluminum and molten steel just be looking at them but given that there wasn't sufficient heat to melt the steel it was actually aluminum. (Melting point is half that of steel.)

In order to "pre cut" the steel beams in the WTC buildings there would have to be access to them, heavy equipment to do the cutting, people involved knowing exactly where to make the cuts (selecting floors 82 and 98 :confused:), ventilation to clear the smoke, disarming of the fire alarm system, no one noticing the "burning smell" from the cutting and a forensics clean up crew to remove all "evidence" followed by a crew to repair and repaint the walls that were removed/damaged to get access to the structure. What is more is that given the nature of the curtain walls these "pre cuts" would have been necessary on every single one of the vertical steel members.

Even with all of that immense effort being done "in secret" there is still the problem of the concrete core. That cannot be "pre cut". That requires explosives to shatter the concrete. So now Eots has to arrange for another highly specialized team of demolition experts to get their explosive charges into the building (past the bomb detecting security) and into place with the same "stealth" and forensics and clean up crews sworn to "secrecy".

While all of is happening the normal maintenance crew somehow remains completely unaware of what is happening. No one notices anything at all unusual in buildings that have been previously targeted and attacked by terrorists with a bomb. No one sees something out of the ordinary. No smells, no question as to why the fire alarms are disabled, no security triggers set off, no strange wiring. Nothing at all.

But this is what conspiracy theorists like Eots expect us to believe was possible in the middle of some of the busiest buildings in the center of world's largest financial center. They babble on about doing "science" but don't apply it to their own conspiracy scenarios. Basically what Eots want us to believe is that somehow it was possible to prepare some of the largest and most secure buildings in lower Manhatten for total demolition over a period of months with a large crew of specialists who where sworn to total "secrecy". That level of "faith" would make saints envious if it wasn't more akin to paranoia rather than faith itself. The reality is that what Eots is proposing simply doesn't pass the LOL test as far as feasibility is concerned. don't know jack shit about physics ..typo or not.
I have no hypothesis I have facts
you have specious conjecture not a hypothesis or facts..
so any claim you make about "THE physics of 911 is false.
How quaint, Daws, that you should write that, considering that you are not troubled by the free-fall collapse of the towers -- a basic violation of the laws of Newtonian Mechanics, unless the resistance to movement of the lower stories had been eliminated !!

. don't know jack shit about physics ..typo or not.
I have no hypothesis I have facts
you have specious conjecture not a hypothesis or facts..
so any claim you make about "THE physics of 911 is false.
How quaint, Daws, that you should write that, considering that you are not troubled by the free-fall collapse of the towers -- a basic violation of the laws of Newtonian Mechanics, unless the resistance to movement of the lower stories had been eliminated !!


They were not free fall.

Show me a video of the complete collapse that happened in about 9 seconds.
are you using an example of controlled demolition in order to refute the controlled demolition theory??

Oh Jesus...

You, TakeAStepBack, and others think that the upper section of the tower could not shear/demolish the lower section of the tower with gravity alone. This is based on:

Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So I asked that you explain, based on TakeAStepBack's explanation above, how the building in the verinage video I posted goes against TakeAStepBack's "understanding" of the laws of physics.

in your video the top section is not blown into a dust cloud..the instant collapse initiation starts

You're full of shit.

Start at 1:10 of this next video. How come i can see the roof line descend until about 1:15?

I thought the upper section was "blown into dust the instant the collapse initiation starts"?

[ame=]NIST FOIA: WTC2 Collapse (Dean Riviere) - YouTube[/ame]
You guys have no clue.

I suggest you look a femr2's video analysis. His work shows movement of WTC1 9 seconds prior to "release" AND shows that the acceleration was not smooth, indicating a non-freefall descent.

There is no thermite evidence.

The Problem with Microspheres - Evidence based research

No one can tell the difference between molten aluminum and molten steel just be looking at them but given that there wasn't sufficient heat to melt the steel it was actually aluminum. (Melting point is half that of steel.)

In order to "pre cut" the steel beams in the WTC buildings there would have to be access to them, heavy equipment to do the cutting, people involved knowing exactly where to make the cuts (selecting floors 82 and 98 :confused:), ventilation to clear the smoke, disarming of the fire alarm system, no one noticing the "burning smell" from the cutting and a forensics clean up crew to remove all "evidence" followed by a crew to repair and repaint the walls that were removed/damaged to get access to the structure. What is more is that given the nature of the curtain walls these "pre cuts" would have been necessary on every single one of the vertical steel members.

Even with all of that immense effort being done "in secret" there is still the problem of the concrete core. That cannot be "pre cut". That requires explosives to shatter the concrete. So now Eots has to arrange for another highly specialized team of demolition experts to get their explosive charges into the building (past the bomb detecting security) and into place with the same "stealth" and forensics and clean up crews sworn to "secrecy".

While all of is happening the normal maintenance crew somehow remains completely unaware of what is happening. No one notices anything at all unusual in buildings that have been previously targeted and attacked by terrorists with a bomb. No one sees something out of the ordinary. No smells, no question as to why the fire alarms are disabled, no security triggers set off, no strange wiring. Nothing at all.

But this is what conspiracy theorists like Eots expect us to believe was possible in the middle of some of the busiest buildings in the center of world's largest financial center. They babble on about doing "science" but don't apply it to their own conspiracy scenarios. Basically what Eots want us to believe is that somehow it was possible to prepare some of the largest and most secure buildings in lower Manhatten for total demolition over a period of months with a large crew of specialists who where sworn to total "secrecy". That level of "faith" would make saints envious if it wasn't more akin to paranoia rather than faith itself. The reality is that what Eots is proposing simply doesn't pass the LOL test as far as feasibility is concerned.

the newest government disinformation agent to penetrate this what a troll.if you were a serious reseacher,you would know that you can do demolitions now because as Eots has shown MANY times in the past with pics and videos,you CAN do them without wiring now.:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo: oh and the CIA has plants in government agencys and did that day with the cleanup crew obviously.The CIA had plants disguised as workers planting those explosives.

the president at the time WAS the son of a former CIA director you know?:cuckoo: an organization that brought in nazi criminals to carry out tasks for them after world war two ended.:cuckoo: oh and your also ignorant to the fact that Bushs Brother and cousin were head of the security leading up to 9/11.Bushs brother wasnt there all the way up till 9/11,but his cousin was.:cuckoo:

congrats showing you have done NO RESEARCH into this at shot your credibility right here big time below.

No one sees something out of the ordinary. :lol:

if you had done any research,you would know that many employees said they saw MANY unusual things out of the ordinary happen in the prior weeks leading up to 9/11.:lmao::lmao::lmao: many said they heard very unusual activity and very unusual construction going on in the prior weeks.:cuckoo::lol::lol:

for the first time in history,thay had power outages where they were evacuated,one of just MANY things they found to be extremely odd and unusual,:cuckoo::lol:

the normal maintenance crew wasnt allowed to go into certain areas.this fact always goes ignored by you OCTA'S so its a waste of time to post it but any serious researcher knows they had signs that said -keep out,construction under way. workers try and go in there,they get arrested.:cuckoo::lol: not only that.they used service elevaters that the regular workers did not have access to.

oh and you ignore how the evidence was illegally removed and destroyed as well. not to mention many witnesses heard explosions in the basements below.suppressed videos show that as well with black smoke rising from the base of the towers.:lol:

the fire alarms and triggers were disabled by the CIA agents installing the bombs obviously Einstein.:lol: Ever think of that possibility?:lol:

"YOU" are the conspiracy THEORIST.Eots is a conspiracy REALIST. your reality of ignoring witness testimonys of explosions in the basment and the laws of physics that buildings dont come STRAIGHT DOWN in freefall time IN 12 seconds is what doesnt pass feasability.:cuckoo: ignoring that many witnesses that heard explosiosn were firefighters experienced in the sounds of explosives and detonations of buildings.:lol:

oh and using DEBUNKER links where they can type in ANYTHING they want on the net doesnt debunk his videos.sorry charlie.miserable fail.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lol:

oh and those specialists that pulled it off,you think they arent going to keep quiet after being paid off HUGE sums if money,they pay their specialists well in the CIA. and your obviously not aware that many witnesses who gave conflicting versions different than the governments,wound up dying in very mysterious deaths. that there was one lady who came on alex jones radio show and talked about hearing explosives go off in the towers in the basments,and she said on the program,if she does anytime soon,ot not believe the official story the newspapers tell,that she would never take her own life.

well she was found later on hanging from the ceiling of her home and ruled a suicide.guess she changed her mind about killing herself and nobody in the government murdered her? yeah right,and Im going to be the next president of the united states as well.:cuckoo::cuckoo::lol:
Last edited: don't know jack shit about physics ..typo or not.
I have no hypothesis I have facts
you have specious conjecture not a hypothesis or facts..
so any claim you make about "THE physics of 911 is false.
How quaint, Daws, that you should write that, considering that you are not troubled by the free-fall collapse of the towers -- a basic violation of the laws of Newtonian Mechanics, unless the resistance to movement of the lower stories had been eliminated !!

Dawgshit as we know,skipped through junior high school science classes.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
the handlers of these trolls are sure getting worried this information is getting out.Notice how quickly they sent agent Gamolan here?:D

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