simple question for the WTC collapse

You keep avoiding two questions that have been asked of you.

1. Where are the ejected heavy core/perimeter columns OUTSIDE of the footprint traveling at 60 to 70 mph due to explosives?

2 Seconds after collapse initiation:

3 seconds after collapse initiation:

The explosives in the core have supposedly all gone of to initiate the collapse therfore should have ejected columns/beams/concrete. Where is it all?

2. Please explain how TakeAStepBack's quote below pertains to the verinage demolition at 3:22 of the video I have posted previously.

(which was three floors) of the building in the verinage video I posted turn to debris. What caused the lower section to shear apart/collapse from the top down?

The upper section was not three was three floors that were removed

Can't count? Here, let me help you...

Now quit being such a chickenshit and answer the question. How come this event occurs even though TakeAStepBack and his understanding of the laws of physics says it can't?

How did the lower section get demolished with NO explosives?

This is not the video you posted this is a photobucket still frame.. and you know it fuck face

[ame=]Balzac Vitry demolition - Verinage technique - YouTube[/ame]

this is the video you posted
what demolished the lower section of the building in the verinage video i posted?

the concrete steel reinforced building was demolished by controlled careful preparation to the entire building ,very precisely pre-cutting all lower supports and removing all supports from multiple floors simultaneously with hydraulics...but somehow you think this can be achieved with random fires in a steel framed building and are in fact trying to use a controlled demolition to disprove controlled demolition..its ludicrous if you actually think about it

what is really ludicrous is that eots cannot provide a single shred of evidence to support his conspiracy theory. He runs away from questions like what was the motive, who paid for this, how were the "pre-cuts" made without anyone ever noticing, how did they manage to guess exactly which floors the planes were going to hit?

Right ..look who running away now and trying to muddy the waters with his imaginings how hard it would be to hide or motive..I do not believe NIST addressed motive or did any test of wtc security
the concrete steel reinforced building was demolished by controlled careful preparation to the entire building ,very precisely pre-cutting all lower supports and removing all supports from multiple floors simultaneously with hydraulics...but somehow you think this can be achieved with random fires in a steel framed building and are in fact trying to use a controlled demolition to disprove controlled demolition..its ludicrous if you actually think about it

what is really ludicrous is that eots cannot provide a single shred of evidence to support his conspiracy theory. He runs away from questions like what was the motive, who paid for this, how were the "pre-cuts" made without anyone ever noticing, how did they manage to guess exactly which floors the planes were going to hit?

Right ..look who running away now and trying to muddy the waters with his imaginings how hard it would be to hide or motive..I do not believe NIST addressed motive or did any test of wtc security

Ever tried to cut any steel yourself, Eots? Ever used a cutting torch? Or an angle grinder? How about just a hacksaw? You don't have a plausible scenario because you don't understand what is actually involved in what you are alleging. Structural steel requires heavy equipment and people who know exactly what they are doing. You are alleging that they made exact "pre-cuts" to 1600 linear feet of steel without anyone being aware of it and not a single sign of it turning up in the debris. You imagine that steel just "turned to dust". You imagine that massive hydraulic jacks were installed on exactly the floors that were going to be hit by the planes while you ignore the weight of those planes on the floors themselves. You deny the reality of the flames on 9/11 while pretending that the smoke and sparks involved in your "pre-cuts" would have been "invisible". Everything you propose requires money, motive, stealth, cover-ups, treachery, specialized skill sets, expensive equipment, perfect timing, expertise and above all, gullibility.
The upper section was not three was three floors that were removed

Can't count? Here, let me help you...

Now quit being such a chickenshit and answer the question. How come this event occurs even though TakeAStepBack and his understanding of the laws of physics says it can't?

How did the lower section get demolished with NO explosives?

This is not the video you posted this is a photobucket still frame.. and you know it fuck face

[ame=]Balzac Vitry demolition - Verinage technique - YouTube[/ame]

this is the video you posted

Wrong you fucking moron!!!! I posted that video once to make fun of your "pyroclastic cloud" horseshit.


Here is the video I posted! I even posted the time at which the building I was speaking of appeared. How many times was the 3:22 time stamp mentioned in subsequent posts!!!

Explain why, using the laws stated above, you think the lower structure should have halted or stopped the upper section.

This should be interesting.

IThat wasn't the issue at hand, though another point that needs to be addressed. The issue at hand is that you're saying the upper section of the building sheered off into debris on its way down. Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.


Please explain how the building at 3:22 of this video completely collapsed.

Again here!
IThat wasn't the issue at hand, though another point that needs to be addressed. The issue at hand is that you're saying the upper section of the building sheered off into debris on its way down. Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.


Please explain how the building at 3:22 of this video completely collapsed.

Days? eots? TakeASteBack? Explain how your "violated" laws of physics apply to the building at 3:22 in the video above.

No explanation?


YOU even knew that here!

Please explain how the building at 3:22 of this video completely collapsed.

Days? eots? TakeASteBack? Explain how your "violated" laws of physics apply to the building at 3:22 in the video above.

No explanation?


lol...its a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION...people made calculations and precise cuts to structural support removing these supports rapidly and in sequence then it appears as if the top HALF of the building crushes the bottom after it has been weakened and sure did not happen from small office fires or random damage that much is for sure

And here:
IThat wasn't the issue at hand, though another point that needs to be addressed. The issue at hand is that you're saying the upper section of the building sheered off into debris on its way down. Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.


Please explain how the building at 3:22 of this video completely collapsed.

Eots, Days, TakeAStepBAck...

I'm dying to know.

At 3:25 in the video above, the "upper section" is no more. What sheared the rest of the "lower section". C'mon now. Don't be shy. What turned the "upper section" into debris?

Let's see you apply your supposed understanding of physics.

And here:

Please explain how the building at 3:22 of this video completely collapsed.

Eots, Days, TakeAStepBAck...

I'm dying to know.

At 3:25 in the video above, the "upper section" is no more. What sheared the rest of the "lower section". C'mon now. Don't be shy. What turned the "upper section" into debris?

Let's see you apply your supposed understanding of physics.

What turned the "upper section" into debris eots?

Are you THAT fucking stupid?! The video you THOUGHT I was talking about doesn't even GO to 3:22! It's only 55 seconds long!!!

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it was turned to dust before it even hit the with it

So you're a follower of Marijuana Barbie's dustification ray theory.

That explains a lot.

I have no Idea what you babbling about

You aren't aware that Dr Tracy, author of the popular "hurricane powered space ray gun turned the Twin Towers into dust" inside job theory, also goes by the name "Marijuana Barbie"?
So Eots has given up on thermite nanothermite and explosives and has now switched to hydraulics....

That's just too funny....That has even less credibility than 911shitforbrains.
verinage requires prep and all the supports to be pulled simultaneously to induce global failure, hence you just proved a demolition.timing is critical, the higher the building the more critical timing is. you need to show that fire can simultaneously remove the supports to create a straight down verinage.

What demolished the lower section of the building in the verinage video I posted?

The concrete steel reinforced building was demolished by controlled careful preparation to the entire building ,very precisely pre-cutting all lower supports and removing all supports from multiple floors simultaneously with hydraulics...but somehow you think this can be achieved with random fires in a steel framed building and are in fact trying to use a controlled demolition to disprove controlled demolition..its ludicrous if you actually think about it
what's ludicrous when you think about it, no evidence of your fantasy was found.
if the pre-cutting (an oxymoron ,when something is cut,
it's cut there is no pre about it.)
if you're gonna sell this shit then partial cutting would be the best choice of phrase.
if the partial cutting had been done, how did the cutters insure that the towers did not collapse ahead of schedule as the support columns and cross braces had to be severely compromised.?

what's your answer to this:"the Verinage technique conclusively disproves the assertion that such a thing is impossible without explosives, so "truther" claims based on that assertion are clearly invalid. WTC1 and 2 were similar to a Verinage, except there is no evidence to suggest that the occupied buildings were rigged with cables and giant hydraulic winches to yank out the support structure."?
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You did not even understand they used hydraulics to drop the building dumb-ass.. the building slowed as they hit each floor .(each floor that was weakened by pre cutting) if this happened to the towers.. all supports would need to fail at the same time ..the bottom section would have to be pre-cut (especially as the towers get thicker from top to bottom).. the top half of the building would have to be dropped on the bottom half and it still would of slowed as it hit each floor below
guess the explosive ploy played out so you went to plan B.

whatever are you babbling about now ?
see guys ...the ultra classic eot's dodge when you've got him by the balls!
can't count? Here, let me help you...

now quit being such a chickenshit and answer the question. How come this event occurs even though takeastepback and his understanding of the laws of physics says it can't?

How did the lower section get demolished with no explosives?

this is not the video you posted this is a photobucket still frame.. And you know it fuck face

[ame=]balzac vitry demolition - verinage technique - youtube[/ame]

this is the video you posted

wrong you fucking moron!!!! I posted that video once to make fun of your "pyroclastic cloud" horseshit.


Here is the video i posted! I even posted the time at which the building i was speaking of appeared. How many times was the 3:22 time stamp mentioned in subsequent posts!!!

Again here!

You even knew that here!

And here:

And here:
eots, days, takeastepback...

I'm dying to know.

At 3:25 in the video above, the "upper section" is no more. What sheared the rest of the "lower section". C'mon now. Don't be shy. What turned the "upper section" into debris?

Let's see you apply your supposed understanding of physics.

what turned the "upper section" into debris eots?

are you that fucking stupid?! The video you thought i was talking about doesn't even go to 3:22! It's only 55 seconds long!!!


you are posting still shots and calling them videos idiot and that video you just posted does not have the top 3 floors fall on to the rest as you has the middle three floors taken out or cant you count ?
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so eots has given up on thermite nanothermite and explosives and has now switched to hydraulics....

That's just too funny....that has even less credibility than 911shitforbrains.
Fuck Ollie I give you too much credit sometimes..the gravity induced demolitions known as verinage are done using hydraulics I never made any statement or suggestion this is what occured at the twin towers
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so eots has given up on thermite nanothermite and explosives and has now switched to hydraulics....

That's just too funny....that has even less credibility than 911shitforbrains.
Fuck Ollie I give you too much credit sometimes..the gravity induced demolitions known as verinage are done using hydraulics I never made any statement or suggestion this is what occured at the twin towers
what is really ludicrous is that eots cannot provide a single shred of evidence to support his conspiracy theory. He runs away from questions like what was the motive, who paid for this, how were the "pre-cuts" made without anyone ever noticing, how did they manage to guess exactly which floors the planes were going to hit?

Right ..look who running away now and trying to muddy the waters with his imaginings how hard it would be to hide or motive..I do not believe NIST addressed motive or did any test of wtc security

Ever tried to cut any steel yourself, Eots? Ever used a cutting torch? Or an angle grinder? How about just a hacksaw? You don't have a plausible scenario because you don't understand what is actually involved in what you are alleging. Structural steel requires heavy equipment and people who know exactly what they are doing. You are alleging that they made exact "pre-cuts" to 1600 linear feet of steel without anyone being aware of it and not a single sign of it turning up in the debris. You imagine that steel just "turned to dust". You imagine that massive hydraulic jacks were installed on exactly the floors that were going to be hit by the planes while you ignore the weight of those planes on the floors themselves. You deny the reality of the flames on 9/11 while pretending that the smoke and sparks involved in your "pre-cuts" would have been "invisible". Everything you propose requires money, motive, stealth, cover-ups, treachery, specialized skill sets, expensive equipment, perfect timing, expertise and above all, gullibility.

I never claimed any one made made exact "pre-cuts" or used hydraulics.. I am saying that is how Vérinage demolition is done...but you seem to think random fires will achieve the same result..and btw I spent many years working as a commercial diver logging thousasnds of hours doing underwater welding and cuttiing
so eots has given up on thermite nanothermite and explosives and has now switched to hydraulics....

That's just too funny....that has even less credibility than 911shitforbrains.
Fuck Ollie I give you too much credit sometimes..the gravity induced demolitions known as verinage are done using hydraulics I never made any statement or suggestion this is what occured at the twin towers

bullshit what loser ?

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