simple question for the WTC collapse

Fuck Ollie I give you too much credit sometimes..the gravity induced demolitions known as verinage are done using hydraulics I never made any statement or suggestion this is what occured at the twin towers[/QUOTE]bullshit!

bullshit what loser ?

Bullshit.... The way you were posting is exactly what it sounded like you were expressing......
bullshit what loser ?

Bullshit.... The way you were posting is exactly what it sounded like you were expressing......

go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying
Bullshit.... The way you were posting is exactly what it sounded like you were expressing......

go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying
and do be so lame as to just post ..bullshit...if you can find a post where I said anything about hydraulics being employed in the collapse of the wtc towers prove it or admit your mistake
nothing to admit.....the mistake is you own.
to anyone following this thread it appears you went to plan B. EXPLOSIVES TO HYDRAULICS
SO YOU DEAL WITH IT!:lol::lol::lol:
and do be so lame as to just post ..bullshit...if you can find a post where I said anything about hydraulics being employed in the collapse of the wtc towers prove it or admit your mistake
nothing to admit.....the mistake is you own.
to anyone following this thread it appears you went to plan B. EXPLOSIVES TO HYDRAULICS
SO YOU DEAL WITH IT!:lol::lol::lol:

there is no way on earth you could provide a single post that indicates I said any such thing...if you could you would..but you you will babble nonsense instead
go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying

You explained nothing moron.

Let's recap, yet again, so you can figure this out.

You, TakeAStepBack, and others seem to think you understand the laws of physics and that they were violated on 9/11. Hence, TakeAStepBack makes this idiotic post:
Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So, according to the above statement, an "upper section" has to use it's kinetic energy to EITHER destroy itself OR destroy the lower section, not BOTH.

Are you with me so far asshole?

Now, I posted this video...

...and told you to go to the 3:22 time stamp. At this part of the video I posted above (NOT the 55 second video I referenced ONCE. The fact that THAT video only went to 55 seconds meaning you couldn't even GO to 3:22 is a testament to your stupidity), they removed the middle two floors to release the UPPER three floors to descend upon the lower section.

This screenshot...

...was taken from the video above when you started going off the deep end and couldn't follow what the hell we were talking about. It shows three floors (count them, 1, 2, 3. Marked by the red numbers) starting their descent downward toward the lower section after the two floors below are pulled by cables.

Am I going to fast for you or should I wait until you?

Now. if you watch the rest of the video I posted above starting at 3:22, you will see the upper section descend upon the lower section. The upper section becomes debris as it descends. When the collapse of this particular building completes, the entire section is DEBRIS.

So, I am asking you and any other truther who believes or thinks they understand the laws of physics to explain to me that if TakeAStepBack's explanation quotes above of how he "thinks" the laws of physics work is correct, what demolished the lower of the building at 3:22 in the video above?

According to TakeAStepBack, the kinetic energy of the upper section was used up to destroy itself and there was none left to demolish the lower section.

So my question to you is, how the fuck was the lower section demolished if TakeAStepBack's supposed "understanding" regarding the laws of physics quoted above is correct?

Please explain the deceleration of the roof line of the WTC tower as the upper section descended. What caused that?

Where are the ejected beams and columns that were supposed to be traveling at 60 to 70 mph HORIZONTALLY due to the explosives going off in the building. These screenshots are from 2 and 3 seconds AFTER the antenna starts to descend meaning the explosives went off already. Funny, no ejected beams or columns show up. Where are they? They should have been WELL outside the perimeter footprint right?

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and do be so lame as to just post ..bullshit...if you can find a post where I said anything about hydraulics being employed in the collapse of the wtc towers prove it or admit your mistake
nothing to admit.....the mistake is you own.
to anyone following this thread it appears you went to plan B. EXPLOSIVES TO HYDRAULICS
SO YOU DEAL WITH IT!:lol::lol::lol:

To be honest daws, I didn't think he meant they used hydraulics in the WTC towers.
go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying

You explained nothing moron.

Let's recap, yet again, so you can figure this out.

You, TakeAStepBack, and others seem to think you understand the laws of physics and that they were violated on 9/11. Hence, TakeAStepBack makes this idiotic post:
Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So, according to the above statement, an "upper section" has to use it's kinetic energy to EITHER destroy itself OR destroy the lower section, not BOTH.

Are you with me so far asshole?

Now, I posted this video...

...and told you to go to the 3:22 time stamp. At this part of the video I posted above (NOT the 55 second video I referenced ONCE. The fact that THAT video only went to 55 seconds meaning you couldn't even GO to 3:22 is a testament to your stupidity), they removed the middle two floors to release the UPPER three floors to descend upon the lower section.

This screenshot...

...was taken from the video above when you started going off the deep end and couldn't follow what the hell we were talking about. It shows three floors (count them, 1, 2, 3. Marked by the red numbers) starting their descent downward toward the lower section after the two floors below are pulled by cables.

Am I going to fast for you or should I wait until you?

Now. if you watch the rest of the video I posted above starting at 3:22, you will see the upper section descend upon the lower section. The upper section becomes debris as it descends. When the collapse of this particular building completes, the entire section is DEBRIS.

So, I am asking you and any other truther who believes or thinks they understand the laws of physics to explain to me that if TakeAStepBack's explanation quotes above of how he "thinks" the laws of physics work is correct, what demolished the lower of the building at 3:22 in the video above?

According to TakeAStepBack, the kinetic energy of the upper section was used up to destroy itself and there was none left to demolish the lower section.

So my question to you is, how the fuck was the lower section demolished if TakeAStepBack's supposed "understanding" regarding the laws of physics quoted above is correct?

Please explain the deceleration of the roof line of the WTC tower as the upper section descended. What caused that?

Where are the ejected beams and columns that were supposed to be traveling at 60 to 70 mph HORIZONTALLY due to the explosives going off in the building. These screenshots are from 2 and 3 seconds AFTER the antenna starts to descend meaning the explosives went off already. Funny, no ejected beams or columns show up. Where are they? They should have been WELL outside the perimeter footprint right?

I would suggest the tower design tapers from top to bottom therefore requiring less destructive force and less explosives or incendiaries to cause collapse of the top section than the middle or the bottom..
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and do be so lame as to just post ..bullshit...if you can find a post where I said anything about hydraulics being employed in the collapse of the wtc towers prove it or admit your mistake
nothing to admit.....the mistake is you own.
to anyone following this thread it appears you went to plan B. EXPLOSIVES TO HYDRAULICS
SO YOU DEAL WITH IT!:lol::lol::lol:

To be honest daws, I didn't think he meant they used hydraulics in the WTC towers.

He did make it sound like it....gotta give him a hard time over it.....
Right ..look who running away now and trying to muddy the waters with his imaginings how hard it would be to hide or motive..I do not believe NIST addressed motive or did any test of wtc security

Ever tried to cut any steel yourself, Eots? Ever used a cutting torch? Or an angle grinder? How about just a hacksaw? You don't have a plausible scenario because you don't understand what is actually involved in what you are alleging. Structural steel requires heavy equipment and people who know exactly what they are doing. You are alleging that they made exact "pre-cuts" to 1600 linear feet of steel without anyone being aware of it and not a single sign of it turning up in the debris. You imagine that steel just "turned to dust". You imagine that massive hydraulic jacks were installed on exactly the floors that were going to be hit by the planes while you ignore the weight of those planes on the floors themselves. You deny the reality of the flames on 9/11 while pretending that the smoke and sparks involved in your "pre-cuts" would have been "invisible". Everything you propose requires money, motive, stealth, cover-ups, treachery, specialized skill sets, expensive equipment, perfect timing, expertise and above all, gullibility.

I never claimed any one made made exact "pre-cuts" or used hydraulics.. I am saying that is how Vérinage demolition is done...but you seem to think random fires will achieve the same result..and btw I spent many years working as a commercial diver logging thousasnds of hours doing underwater welding and cuttiing

And yet your posts do not reflect any knowledge of that alleged experience. You have claimed that "controlled demolition" was used to bring down the WTC buildings. Controlled demolition includes making "pre-cuts". Once again we see you backpedaling over statements that you made.
go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying

You explained nothing moron.

Let's recap, yet again, so you can figure this out.

You, TakeAStepBack, and others seem to think you understand the laws of physics and that they were violated on 9/11. Hence, TakeAStepBack makes this idiotic post:
Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So, according to the above statement, an "upper section" has to use it's kinetic energy to EITHER destroy itself OR destroy the lower section, not BOTH.

Are you with me so far asshole?

Now, I posted this video...

...and told you to go to the 3:22 time stamp. At this part of the video I posted above (NOT the 55 second video I referenced ONCE. The fact that THAT video only went to 55 seconds meaning you couldn't even GO to 3:22 is a testament to your stupidity), they removed the middle two floors to release the UPPER three floors to descend upon the lower section.

This screenshot...

...was taken from the video above when you started going off the deep end and couldn't follow what the hell we were talking about. It shows three floors (count them, 1, 2, 3. Marked by the red numbers) starting their descent downward toward the lower section after the two floors below are pulled by cables.

Am I going to fast for you or should I wait until you?

Now. if you watch the rest of the video I posted above starting at 3:22, you will see the upper section descend upon the lower section. The upper section becomes debris as it descends. When the collapse of this particular building completes, the entire section is DEBRIS.

So, I am asking you and any other truther who believes or thinks they understand the laws of physics to explain to me that if TakeAStepBack's explanation quotes above of how he "thinks" the laws of physics work is correct, what demolished the lower of the building at 3:22 in the video above?

According to TakeAStepBack, the kinetic energy of the upper section was used up to destroy itself and there was none left to demolish the lower section.

So my question to you is, how the fuck was the lower section demolished if TakeAStepBack's supposed "understanding" regarding the laws of physics quoted above is correct?

Please explain the deceleration of the roof line of the WTC tower as the upper section descended. What caused that?

Where are the ejected beams and columns that were supposed to be traveling at 60 to 70 mph HORIZONTALLY due to the explosives going off in the building. These screenshots are from 2 and 3 seconds AFTER the antenna starts to descend meaning the explosives went off already. Funny, no ejected beams or columns show up. Where are they? They should have been WELL outside the perimeter footprint right?

Having read Gamolon's most recent destruction of TakeAStep and to a lesser degree (Id)eots, and the irrefutable fact that Gamolon does so with regularity and with seeming ease, I am forced to conclude that the "truthers" are either blinded by their need to believe their silliness or that they have a less-than-honest, perhaps even sinister agenda that has nothing to do with the truth. Thanks again Gamolon.
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go back and read...Gamolon posted a a video of Verinage technique and asked What demolished the building. so I explained the process...pre-cuts, hydraulics and gravity...but I guess its much easier for you all to debate an issue if you get to make up what the other is saying

You explained nothing moron.

Let's recap, yet again, so you can figure this out.

You, TakeAStepBack, and others seem to think you understand the laws of physics and that they were violated on 9/11. Hence, TakeAStepBack makes this idiotic post:
Kinetic energy can't be used for two separate works. So it either expelled that energy as it sheered off (meaning that the total mass of the upper section became smaller, along with its potential/kinetic energy along the way), or it used it to pulverize the section below it. One or the other, not both. You would need an energy input for that to occur and we dont have one. Unless you know something we dont.

So, according to the above statement, an "upper section" has to use it's kinetic energy to EITHER destroy itself OR destroy the lower section, not BOTH.

Are you with me so far asshole?

Now, I posted this video...

...and told you to go to the 3:22 time stamp. At this part of the video I posted above (NOT the 55 second video I referenced ONCE. The fact that THAT video only went to 55 seconds meaning you couldn't even GO to 3:22 is a testament to your stupidity), they removed the middle two floors to release the UPPER three floors to descend upon the lower section.

This screenshot...

...was taken from the video above when you started going off the deep end and couldn't follow what the hell we were talking about. It shows three floors (count them, 1, 2, 3. Marked by the red numbers) starting their descent downward toward the lower section after the two floors below are pulled by cables.

Am I going to fast for you or should I wait until you?

Now. if you watch the rest of the video I posted above starting at 3:22, you will see the upper section descend upon the lower section. The upper section becomes debris as it descends. When the collapse of this particular building completes, the entire section is DEBRIS.

So, I am asking you and any other truther who believes or thinks they understand the laws of physics to explain to me that if TakeAStepBack's explanation quotes above of how he "thinks" the laws of physics work is correct, what demolished the lower of the building at 3:22 in the video above?

According to TakeAStepBack, the kinetic energy of the upper section was used up to destroy itself and there was none left to demolish the lower section.

So my question to you is, how the fuck was the lower section demolished if TakeAStepBack's supposed "understanding" regarding the laws of physics quoted above is correct?

Please explain the deceleration of the roof line of the WTC tower as the upper section descended. What caused that?

Where are the ejected beams and columns that were supposed to be traveling at 60 to 70 mph HORIZONTALLY due to the explosives going off in the building. These screenshots are from 2 and 3 seconds AFTER the antenna starts to descend meaning the explosives went off already. Funny, no ejected beams or columns show up. Where are they? They should have been WELL outside the perimeter footprint right?

Having read Gamolon's most recent destruction of TakeAStep and to a lesser degree (Id)eots, and the irrefutable fact that Gamolon does so with regularity and with seeming ease, I am forced to conclude that the "truthers" are either blinded by their need to believe their silliness or that they have a less-than-honest, perhaps even sinister agenda that has nothing to do with the truth. Thanks again Gamolon.

There is nothing "sinister" about believing all kinds of silliness. But you are right about them being "blinded by their need to believe". It is readily apparent in their refusal to deal with reality and address the ludicrous aspects of their own "conspiracy theories".
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Ever tried to cut any steel yourself, Eots? Ever used a cutting torch? Or an angle grinder? How about just a hacksaw? You don't have a plausible scenario because you don't understand what is actually involved in what you are alleging. Structural steel requires heavy equipment and people who know exactly what they are doing. You are alleging that they made exact "pre-cuts" to 1600 linear feet of steel without anyone being aware of it and not a single sign of it turning up in the debris. You imagine that steel just "turned to dust". You imagine that massive hydraulic jacks were installed on exactly the floors that were going to be hit by the planes while you ignore the weight of those planes on the floors themselves. You deny the reality of the flames on 9/11 while pretending that the smoke and sparks involved in your "pre-cuts" would have been "invisible". Everything you propose requires money, motive, stealth, cover-ups, treachery, specialized skill sets, expensive equipment, perfect timing, expertise and above all, gullibility.

I never claimed any one made made exact "pre-cuts" or used hydraulics.. I am saying that is how Vérinage demolition is done...but you seem to think random fires will achieve the same result..and btw I spent many years working as a commercial diver logging thousasnds of hours doing underwater welding and cuttiing

And yet your posts do not reflect any knowledge of that alleged experience. You have claimed that "controlled demolition" was used to bring down the WTC buildings. Controlled demolition includes making "pre-cuts". Once again we see you backpedaling over statements that you made.

actually once agin its you that reflect any knowledge ..controlled demolition does not always included pre-cutting controlled demolition means just what it was a controlled event..the theory of incendiaries like thermite being used would eliminate the need for pre-cutting supports

controlled demolition
Web definitions

Demolition is the tearing-down of buildings and other structures, the opposite of construction. Demolition contrasts with deconstruction...

dem•o•li•tion (ˌdɛm əˈlɪʃ ən, ˌdi mə-)

1. an act or instance of demolishing.
2. the state of being demolished; destruction.
3. destruction or demolishment by explosives.
4. demolitions, explosives.
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I never claimed any one made made exact "pre-cuts" or used hydraulics.. I am saying that is how Vérinage demolition is done...but you seem to think random fires will achieve the same result..and btw I spent many years working as a commercial diver logging thousasnds of hours doing underwater welding and cuttiing

And yet your posts do not reflect any knowledge of that alleged experience. You have claimed that "controlled demolition" was used to bring down the WTC buildings. Controlled demolition includes making "pre-cuts". Once again we see you backpedaling over statements that you made.

actually once agin its you that reflect any knowledge ..controlled demolition does not always included pre-cutting controlled demolition means just what it was a controlled event..the theory of incendiaries like thermite being used would eliminate the need for pre-cutting supports

controlled demolition
Web definitions

Demolition is the tearing-down of buildings and other structures, the opposite of construction. Demolition contrasts with deconstruction...

dem•o•li•tion (ˌdɛm əˈlɪʃ ən, ˌdi mə-)

1. an act or instance of demolishing.
2. the state of being demolished; destruction.
3. destruction or demolishment by explosives.
4. demolitions, explosives.

Woo. For a seemingly bright guy you certainly have a rough time recognizing when you've had your ears pinned firmly to your skinhead. It's over, Princess ... step into the light.

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