Simple question on electric vehicles, where does the electricity to recharge them come from?

I know that, I am trying to get a few dem/libs to actually think about this

Liberals have already given the answers ... we currently burn high sulfur coal and the lowest possible temperature ... which gives us both sulfuric acid rain AND nitrous acid rain ... at the same time ...

The only part of you that needs a passenger vehicle is that fat belly ... the rest of you can walk, or ride a bike ...

That should answer all your questions ... did you honestly have to ask? ...
Where does it come from? Try to answer truthfully if you can.
A few other questions that you ought to get answered first.

What is the sun? Where do babies come from? Why do the leaves fall every Autumn? How are girls and boys different? What makes the wind blow? Why did you put my goldfish in the toilet? Why would people elect someone as stupid as Donald Trump?
A few other questions that you ought to get answered first.

What is the sun? Where do babies come from? Why do the leaves fall every Autumn? How are girls and boys different? What makes the wind blow? Why did you put my goldfish in the toilet? Why would people elect someone as stupid as Donald Trump?
good questions: but you need to substitute senile Biden for Trump then respond.
Liberals have already given the answers ... we currently burn high sulfur coal and the lowest possible temperature ... which gives us both sulfuric acid rain AND nitrous acid rain ... at the same time ...

The only part of you that needs a passenger vehicle is that fat belly ... the rest of you can walk, or ride a bike ...

That should answer all your questions ... did you honestly have to ask? ...
your stupidity is typical of left wing morons. So in your small mind truckers should walk and pull their 18 wheelers across the country?
Where do you think it comes from? And what's the point of such a stupid question?

Try acting like a liberal. Instead of playing dishonest stupid question games, state your point simply and directly.

Think you can handle it?
my questions were simple and easy to answer. the fact that you cannot provide any answers says a lot. How exactly is it dishonest to ask how you recharge your EV? and whether there is a cost for that recharge?
1. The electricity comes from multiple sources from Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydro and Coal producing plants.

If society would focus on Nuclear and Hydro plants then we would have cleaner energy than what we have now while adding Solar and Wind into the equation.

2. Lithium batteries should last ten to thirty years depending on the usage and scientists are working on recycling the old used batteries and it look like a recycle battery could be better than a freshly made one.

3. The damage done by getting the raw materials has been drawn into question and decades from now we must answer for it.

Does that answer your questions?
your stupidity is typical of left wing morons. So in your small mind truckers should walk and pull their 18 wheelers across the country?
No, but better ways to transport should be the main focus from better rail system that uses different ways to operate to local production for mAjor Cities.
We will likely solve or ameliorate the drawbacks of electric vehicles over time, but have to recognize that they are NOT the panacea that many are proclaiming and who are making them a political thing with which they bash others over the head. They are a promising FUTURE transportation mechanism, but are not yet ready to become even the majority of vehicles on the road.
good questions: but you need to substitute senile Biden for Trump then respond.
The point is that the OP's question, rhetorical as it might be, is exceedingly stupid. We all know where it comes from and a few of us even know how its generated. But even the worst case scenario doesn't support the contention you're attempting to make.
your stupidity is typical of left wing morons. So in your small mind truckers should walk and pull their 18 wheelers across the country?

Do you think 18-wheeler semi-trucks are "passenger vehicles"? ... strawman much? ...

Math is hard ... I understand ... but 20 tons at 2 mpg is twice as efficient as a 1/2 ton at 40 mpg ... and railroads are sky-high efficient, but only where there's tracks ...

You stupidity is typical of all morons ... the only reason you're right-wing because it's easier, lazy shit ...
Where does it come from? Try to answer truthfully if you can.

In my case, mostly the sun. I put solar on my house, I generate an excess over what I use for my electric in the house and I charge my car on the excess.

Pretty sweet deal. I don't pay an electric bill and I don't buy gasoline.
Where do you think it comes from? And what's the point of such a stupid question?

Why is it a stupid question? If the electricity used to charge your vehicle is coming from a coal fired power plant it isn't a significant improvement over burning gasoline. I'm sure there's some efficiencies that make it less "bad".

In some cases, like mine, I charge mostly on solar which is a much greener alternative overall.
Why is it a stupid question? If the electricity used to charge your vehicle is coming from a coal fired power plant it isn't a significant improvement over burning gasoline. I'm sure there's some efficiencies that make it less "bad".

In some cases, like mine, I charge mostly on solar which is a much greener alternative overall.
Is it efficient to burn coal at 2,000 to 4,000 F to generate electricity to power an electric heater 100 miles away to heat an apartment to 72 F?

Seems to me that a natural gas fired furnace with an electric blower onsite might be more efficient than that.
1. The electricity comes from multiple sources from Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydro and Coal producing plants.

If society would focus on Nuclear and Hydro plants then we would have cleaner energy than what we have now while adding Solar and Wind into the equation.

2. Lithium batteries should last ten to thirty years depending on the usage and scientists are working on recycling the old used batteries and it look like a recycle battery could be better than a freshly made one.

3. The damage done by getting the raw materials has been drawn into question and decades from now we must answer for it.

Does that answer your questions?
somewhat. I agree on nuclear and hydro. But to think that solar and wind will ever make up the shortfall is ridiculous. Unless you are ready to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills. By the way what fuel is used to melt the silicon to make solar panels? are you aware that every windmill requires 50 gallons of lubricating oil and that many of them leak? Are you also aware that China controls the world lithium market so every dollar we spend making batteries is making china richer and stronger.

What really bothers me about this is the naivete of those who are pushing EVs. As is typical of liberals, they never look at the whole long term picture on anything.
In my case, mostly the sun. I put solar on my house, I generate an excess over what I use for my electric in the house and I charge my car on the excess.

Pretty sweet deal. I don't pay an electric bill and I don't buy gasoline.
hope you don't live in california, they have banned charging EVs at night to keep the grid from blowing up. So how do you store your "excess" solar power? A big battery in your attic? How much did that cost and how long will it last?
somewhat. I agree on nuclear and hydro. But to think that solar and wind will ever make up the shortfall is ridiculous. Unless you are ready to carpet the entire country with solar panels and windmills. By the way what fuel is used to melt the silicon to make solar panels? are you aware that every windmill requires 50 gallons of lubricating oil and that many of them leak? Are you also aware that China controls the world lithium market so every dollar we spend making batteries is making china richer and stronger.

What really bothers me about this is the naivete of those who are pushing EVs. As is typical of liberals, they never look at the whole long term picture on anything.
Yes, I am very aware of all that seeing I have done a few threads on this subject in the Energy forum, so do me a favor and research before preaching to me about subjects I have already posted on.

The fact is Nuclear and Hydro electric along with other technology can benefit humanity and nothing is perfect.

With Nuclear you could have another three mile island incident and with Hydro you run the risk of failure of water become scarce.

In the end it will take a combination of things and let me be clear Oil will deplete sooner or later, so we better start looking hard at the alternative ways to lower ourselves.
Yes, I am very aware of all that seeing I have done a few threads on this subject in the Energy forum, so do me a favor and research before preaching to me about subjects I have already posted on.

The fact is Nuclear and Hydro electric along with other technology can benefit humanity and nothing is perfect.

With Nuclear you could have another three mile island incident and with Hydro you run the risk of failure of water become scarce.

In the end it will take a combination of things and let me be clear Oil will deplete sooner or later, so we better start looking hard at the alternative ways to lower ourselves.
We are pretty much in agreement. Yes, oil will eventually be gone, but the USA has enough untapped oil to last 200 years at the current consumption rate adjusted for growth, so its not an urgent issue as the lefties try to convince us that it is. Humans are polluting our planet, but the left will not attack pollution, instead they try to create an unsubstantiated connection between pollution and climate. Why? because leftists think we should all be their sheep since only they are smart enough to tell everyone else how to live. That is the problem we are faced with, energy can be dealt with and the free market will solve those problems over time.
1. The electricity comes from multiple sources from Nuclear, Wind, Solar, Hydro and Coal producing plants.

If society would focus on Nuclear and Hydro plants then we would have cleaner energy than what we have now while adding Solar and Wind into the equation.

2. Lithium batteries should last ten to thirty years depending on the usage and scientists are working on recycling the old used batteries and it look like a recycle battery could be better than a freshly made one.

3. The damage done by getting the raw materials has been drawn into question and decades from now we must answer for it.

Does that answer your questions?
We aren't going to be building any new hydro plants.

No one has the desire or the will to have giant, expensive dams constructed in this country anymore.

We need to go all in on small modular thorium reactors

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