Since the left enjoy extinguishing representations of Confederacy and Slavery

... which mean that the Dems did turn it around and the GOP gave up.
Crackers. You mean Crackers.

I get it. Thus we can conclude the Union was purely black. Good to know. Thank you blacks for ridding us of slavery.

Interesting to note that today, the only black slaves belong to other blacks. But everyday is opposite day right? Blacks are crackers now.
I'm pleased finally to have it confirmed that MAGA regard the USSC as an arm of the Republican Party.
Well, I bet you are sorry you lost control of that court.
You're right. You can't keep up. So lets get the story straight. No one today owned slaves you and others say in regards to reparations. It's your fucking Democrats who are marketing reparations, and it's Republicans who are being honest. Oops, I almost forgot, liberals get to declare that Democrats are really Republicans, and vise versa, on demand.

That includes democrats of today. Yeah no shit, but look how you wrote the former, you are projecting.

You say Republicans freed us from slavery, but a republican proposed an amendment that passed congress to make slavery constitutional to keep the south from leaving. A proposal to please your Democracks, and by chance have you heard of the Civil War in the USA? Your point is meaningless.

OBTW, there was a total of at least 50 different proposals made by members of both parties and congress picked the republican slavery amendment. Which was?

American Democrats fought against the confederacy. Well aint that a load of bull shit, biggest one today.

Fact: Southern Democrats led the charge to secede from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Fact: Southern Democrats ruled the South up until Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996. Both Bill Clinton and Al Gore were Southern Democrats and ran as Dixie Democrats in what they called “Their Southern Strategy” against the Northerner Moderate Republican George H. Bush.

As the progressives try to tear down Confederate Statues, every History 101 class should be teaching in our country that every Confederate Leader in the Civil War was a Southern Democrat. So all the statues the progressives are trying to tear down are of Democrats. The progressives of today are trying to whitewash the Democrat’s history claiming the mantle of Lincoln as their own and further claiming Republicans of today are the racists of yesterday. Many teachers in public schools are literally teaching that Lincoln would be a Democrat today.

and blacks aren't leaving the democratic party anywhere near the exaggerated numbers or percentages right wingers use. That's out of context. But since you brought it up, I find the black population to be extremely vulnerable to the left/Democrat propaganda. But they are turning away from the party of slavery, trickery and power over humans.

The south was mad because of the CRA and just like the EP was signed by a republican, the CRA and VRA was signed by a democrat. Here we go again, more proposals and cherry-picks.

Republicans had 100 years to end Jim Crow and didn't. FUCK...........Take some history, govt. and logic courses. No, fuck that, the teachers are probably white-washing liberals, so teach yourself.

Your MFing Democrats controlled both houses for ages, yet you blame Republicans, and you had Democracked POTUS too. And again, you cowardly deny it was YOUR FUCKING DEMOCRATS who voted AGAINST civil rights in large numbers, while the Republicans heavily supported it, and it was fucking CIVIL RIGHTS that did away of your Jim Crowe laws that your fucking Democrats wouldn't even support. Remember, Democrats fought for slavery. Are Jim Crowe laws supposed to be worse than slavery now, you guys make up the rules, same chicks have dicks.

Learn this truth and quit lying about the republican party. :bsflag:
Since slavery really didn't end until the 1940's and in fact a person can still be enslaved if they commit a crime, which is why high black incarcerations are being questioned, you might want to drop that argument on that basis alone. Secondly reparations are not just for slavery, but the continuing racism afterwards. Then finally there is this that shuts down your dumb excuse laden argument entirely:

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S.government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

The precedent has been set. So your excuses have no merit. You Republicans need to shut the hell up. Your claims are dishonest and in fact, lies. You guys are todays republican party and you're racists. This ain't 1860 and today it is the Republicans who would support slavery. Republicans today oppose anything that advances the interests of blacks and any other non white group. In the 1860's democrats didn't let blacks learn how to read, in 2023 Republicans are banning books written by blacks, oppose any teaching of history that is complete, unless its shows there were benefits to slavery, voted against modern voting rights bills to the extent of using the filibuster like was done in the 60's for the voting rights act. So just shut the fuck up with that Republicans are the savior of blacks bullshit. Republicans were no better than democrats in the past and todays republican party is the home of modern racism.
If Ikes CRA was effective there would have been no need for one in 1964. Ike made concessions with southern racists to get it passed. So he was complicit. You Republicans just need to quit the lying.
I get it. Thus we can conclude the Union was purely black. Good to know. Thank you blacks for ridding us of slavery.

Interesting to note that today, the only black slaves belong to other blacks. But everyday is opposite day right? Blacks are crackers now.

There are no blacks owning black slaves in America. This is a thread about America.
So was the whole country for allowing it. Funny how the party of personal responsibility ducks all responsibility there.
Yeah, they only want to give themselves credit but everything wrong is the democrats fault. That gets tired.
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Hey dipshit… the South was solidly Dem until about 1965. Now it’s solidly GOP.

Know why it switched? Because Dems pushed through the Civil Rights Act and racist Southerners freaked out
You mean they moved away.
Yeah, they only want to give themselves credit but everything wrong is the democrats fault. That gets tired.
Do you feel victimized as if you did something wrong? Why defend other Democrats?
Since slavery really didn't end until the 1940's and in fact a person can still be enslaved if they commit a crime, which is why high black incarcerations are being questioned, you might want to drop that argument on that basis alone. Secondly reparations are not just for slavery, but the continuing racism afterwards. Then finally there is this that shuts down your dumb excuse laden argument entirely:

I am quite sure no one living in 1980 was alive when the U.S.government made the Fort Laramie treaty with the Sioux Nation or were participants in Custers violation of that treaty. Nor were they alive when President Grant decided it was OK to let settlers and people prospecting for gold tresspass into land promised to the Sioux thereby violating the treaty. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to take the land from the Sioux by military force. No one in 1980 was alive when the U.S. government decided to cut off supplies they promised the Sioux as condition for their surrender after whipping the U.S. Army at The Battle of Little Bighorn. But in 1980, the government of the United States decided reparations were due to the Sioux Nation for what was done to them in the 1800’s. They awarded the Sioux nation 105 million dollars.

The precedent has been set. So your excuses have no merit. You Republicans need to shut the hell up. Your claims are dishonest and in fact, lies. You guys are todays republican party and you're racists. This ain't 1860 and today it is the Republicans who would support slavery. Republicans today oppose anything that advances the interests of blacks and any other non white group. In the 1860's democrats didn't let blacks learn how to read, in 2023 Republicans are banning books written by blacks, oppose any teaching of history that is complete, unless its shows there were benefits to slavery, voted against modern voting rights bills to the extent of using the filibuster like was done in the 60's for the voting rights act. So just shut the fuck up with that Republicans are the savior of blacks bullshit. Republicans were no better than democrats in the past and todays republican party is the home of modern racism.

Oh I get it, you want reparations. Gives you an excuse not to earn it like everyone else, huh? Your ancestor's aren't the same as native Americans who lost their land to white men.

ILMAO, "Republicans are RACIST". IM2 flashes the wild card, how original.

ILMAO X2, "Republicans would support slavery today". Pisses you off your party of preference supported slavery huh? Their position on civil rights doubles that itch, am I right? But "Democrats were Republicans" and vise versa, liberal rules, liberal definitions.

ILMAO, "Republicans oppose anything that advances the interests of blacks". Ooooo, ahhhh, you can really tell too. What you want is black segregation. Ever wonder why the Democrats consistently segregate blacks as though they're different, while Republicans dicuss what's best for PEOPLE regardless of color? There's a clue, but no, not to you. The left singles blacks out and you call it integration, while declaring oh my, the Republicans must be racist, because geez, no talk of segregating blacks. The rest of your post is like what's above it, only deeper in a pile of bull shit.

"Republicans oppose books written by blacks". What a dumbshit.

Interesting how you leftists consistently tell everyone how RACIST Republicans are. Speak of the elephant in the room. If the left says it's it's twisted, an antonym, projection and/or a confession.
Since slavery really didn't end until the 1940's and in fact a person can still be enslaved if they commit a crime, which is why high black incarcerations are being questioned, you might want to drop that argument on that basis alone.

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