Since the left enjoy extinguishing representations of Confederacy and Slavery

IKE passed the civil rights acts prior to LBJ. You do not know history one bit. States are sovereigns. This allows State A to demand all drivers use EV. State B declares they will only allow ICE. It is because states are different it is called states rights.

Every Republican in the senate voted for this. Now LBJ got some of it watered down so to speak.
Didn't I call it a so called law? Well if you don't believe the justices actually vote, I don't know what to tell you.
It is not a so-called law. That was my point. No one voted to overturn it as there are no Republicans on the Supreme Court. They are not elected.
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It is not a so-called law. That was my point. No one voted to overturn it as there are no Republicans on the Supreme Court. They are not elected.

Every Republican in the senate voted for this. Now LBJ got some of it watered down so to speak.
It wasn’t LBJ that got it watered down. It was SOUTHERN racists.

Which is why most have never heard of it. They made it toothless and then felt safe enough to vote for it.

RobertW noted that Goldwater voted for it but then voted against the 1964 CRA.

His claim was that somehow the EFFECTIVE CRA of 1964 was a “state’s rights” issue but the INEFFECTIVE CRA of 1957 wasn’t

What horse shit
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It wasn’t LBJ that got it watered down. It was SOUTHERN racists.

Which is why most have never heard of it. They made it toothless and then felt safe enough to vote for it.

RobertW noted that Goldwater voter for it but then voted against the 1964 CRA.

His claim was that somehow the EFFECTIVE CRA of 1964 was a “state’s rights@ issue but the INEFFECTIVE CRA of 1957 wasn’t

What horse shit
NOTHING went thru the senate at that time without LBJ signing off. He helped water down the law.
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Since the left enjoy extinguishing representations of Confederacy and Slavery​

The question is why don't Repubs? Oh.........wait........never mind.

If that were true you would demand the democrat party change its name. After all the democrats founded the kkk and are the party of slavery.
If that were true you would demand the democrat party change its name. After all the democrats founded the kkk and are the party of slavery.
If this was 1865 you might have a point.

It’s not and you don’t

That’s just stupid
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The confederate army was not American. But they were Democrats.

The south turned democrat over integration. :auiqs.jpg: Must be because blacks had the right to vote, thus, integration. IM2 just explained how the south practiced integration but the north didn't. Wow, just make it up as you go, next think you know you're Democracked.

Blacks were not conservatives, black republicans were part of the Radical Republican faction which was progressive. Do tell, how many blacks were Democracked?

Many blacks turned Democrat after Robert Moton left the party because Herbert Hoover lied to him. Ah, I guess we're flashing forward to after the Democrats lost in the Civil War. Say, what about leaving the party because Clinton, Obama and Biden lie to blacks? Just kidding, you'd have to have your own mind, and operational.

The next level of stupidity is your claim that Republicans freed the slaves when Republicans created an amendment to constitutionalize slavery called the Corwin Amendment. That's just one proposal to avoid the civil war. Why not mention the Democrat's proposals, after all, they fought for slavery? And incidentally, it was you guys who said Democrats are really Republicans and vise versa, thus, Corwin would be a Democrat today.

Lincoln only freed slaves in states in rebellion against the United States. Compare and contrast to what your Democrats did and didn't do.

It just time Republicans stopped lying. Don't you mean Democrats? I can't keep up.
You're right. You can't keep up. So lets get the story straight. No one today owned slaves you and others say in regards to reparations. That includes democrats of today. You say Republicans freed us from slavery, but a republican proposed an amendment that passed congress to make slavery constitutional to keep the south from leaving. OBTW, there was a total of at least 50 different proposals made by members of both parties and congress picked the republican slavery amendment.

American Democrats fought against the confederacy, and blacks aren't leaving the democratic party anywhere near the exaggerated numbers or percentages right wingers use. The south was mad because of the CRA and just like the EP was signed by a republican, the CRA and VRA was signed by a democrat. Republicans had 100 years to end Jim Crow and didn't. Learn this truth and quit lying about the republican party.
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The Democrats had the greater numbers in 1964 and 1965 for civil rights

Every southern GOP senator and representative voted against the CRA and the VA, including Goldwater.

Our kids are carefully parsed on this, because of the GOP lies.
Which means that they had even more significant numbers OPPOSED to civil rights.

If this was 1865 you might have a point.

It’s not and you don’t

That’s just stupid
Nope. If you leftards fly into hysterics over statues, paintings, street and building names and anything that has to do with slavery it makes perfect sense. Of course leftism is the exact opposite of common sense.
Nope. If you leftards fly into hysterics over statues, paintings, street and building names and anything that has to do with slavery it makes perfect sense. Of course leftism is the exact opposite of common sense.
Is that why the right is banning books or any topic that makes whites "feel uncomfortable"?
And we don't need to "ask" if we can destroy Democratic statues, we should just DO IT, like the Democrats have done by DESTROYING 41 statues thus far. :icon_sjung:
Yeah, but haven't you noticed how much better race relations have become since all those statues were destroyed? Oh, that Indian is off the butter wrappers, and Aunt Jemima is off the syrup bottles, too! I noticed the improvement almost immediately!

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You're right. You can't keep up. So lets get the story straight. No one today owned slaves you and others say in regards to reparations. That includes democrats of today. You say Republicans freed us from slavery, but a republican proposed an amendment that passed congress to make slavery constitutional to keep the south from leaving. OBTW, there was a total of at least 50 different proposals made by members of both parties and congress picked the republican slavery amendment.

American Democrats fought against the confederacy, and blacks aren't leaving the democratic party anywhere near the exaggerated numbers or percentages right wingers use. The south was mad because of the CRA and just like the EP was signed by a republican, the CRA and VRA was signed by a democrat. Republicans had 100 years to end Jim Crow and didn't. Learn this truth and quit lying about the republican party.

You're right. You can't keep up. So lets get the story straight. No one today owned slaves you and others say in regards to reparations. It's your fucking Democrats who are marketing reparations, and it's Republicans who are being honest. Oops, I almost forgot, liberals get to declare that Democrats are really Republicans, and vise versa, on demand.

That includes democrats of today. Yeah no shit, but look how you wrote the former, you are projecting.

You say Republicans freed us from slavery, but a republican proposed an amendment that passed congress to make slavery constitutional to keep the south from leaving. A proposal to please your Democracks, and by chance have you heard of the Civil War in the USA? Your point is meaningless.

OBTW, there was a total of at least 50 different proposals made by members of both parties and congress picked the republican slavery amendment. Which was?

American Democrats fought against the confederacy. Well aint that a load of bull shit, biggest one today.

Fact: Southern Democrats led the charge to secede from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America. Fact: Southern Democrats ruled the South up until Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996. Both Bill Clinton and Al Gore were Southern Democrats and ran as Dixie Democrats in what they called “Their Southern Strategy” against the Northerner Moderate Republican George H. Bush.

As the progressives try to tear down Confederate Statues, every History 101 class should be teaching in our country that every Confederate Leader in the Civil War was a Southern Democrat. So all the statues the progressives are trying to tear down are of Democrats. The progressives of today are trying to whitewash the Democrat’s history claiming the mantle of Lincoln as their own and further claiming Republicans of today are the racists of yesterday. Many teachers in public schools are literally teaching that Lincoln would be a Democrat today.

and blacks aren't leaving the democratic party anywhere near the exaggerated numbers or percentages right wingers use. That's out of context. But since you brought it up, I find the black population to be extremely vulnerable to the left/Democrat propaganda. But they are turning away from the party of slavery, trickery and power over humans.

The south was mad because of the CRA and just like the EP was signed by a republican, the CRA and VRA was signed by a democrat. Here we go again, more proposals and cherry-picks.

Republicans had 100 years to end Jim Crow and didn't. FUCK...........Take some history, govt. and logic courses. No, fuck that, the teachers are probably white-washing liberals, so teach yourself.

Your MFing Democrats controlled both houses for ages, yet you blame Republicans, and you had Democracked POTUS too. And again, you cowardly deny it was YOUR FUCKING DEMOCRATS who voted AGAINST civil rights in large numbers, while the Republicans heavily supported it, and it was fucking CIVIL RIGHTS that did away of your Jim Crowe laws that your fucking Democrats wouldn't even support. Remember, Democrats fought for slavery. Are Jim Crowe laws supposed to be worse than slavery now, you guys make up the rules, same chicks have dicks.

Learn this truth and quit lying about the republican party. :bsflag:
I'm pleased finally to have it confirmed that MAGA regard the USSC as an arm of the Republican Party.
As you know, even far-left Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg agreed that the law was unconstitutional. Why is it so difficult for you to accept?

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