since the left has politicized the virus .....


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
since the left has politicized the Covid 19 out break Trump will be able to compare the results of his response to the response by the Obama administrations h1n1 outbreak response and the stats such as containment [# of cases ] and the number of deaths ! and i agree that making any outbreak political is not something that should be done its much to late in this case ! [the left has already burned that bridge] if the Covid 19 virus is less lethal to the United States than h1n1 then the left will have a lot of explaining to do about their attacks on the Trump administrations handling of a virus with a higher death rate than the one Obama's administration faced in h1n1 . .
I certainly agree with you... The Left has been infected with the most virulent of diseases it's called 'HATE' and there really is only one way to cure that one. Wuhan Covid-19 virus is no more virulent than the flu so far. the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Dem Leftists are exploiting and fear mongering this seasonal virus...

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