Since there is no test for the Delta Variant, how do they know who has it?

83% of current COVID positives are Delta. How do you think the CDC knows this - SCIENCE maybe? :rolleyes-41:
Be a breeding ground for variants Trumptard - Just stay the hell away from the rest of us.

Your link doesn't say how they got to that number.
Your link doesn't say how they got to that number.
My link showed how you test for Delta. If you run further tests on even 5% of COVID positives, it can be scientifically extrapolated. Now beat it.
The poly chain remarace (forgive the spelling) is also known as a PCR test is what you just described. It's a way of expanding the amount of DNA of a virus multiple times to get enough to sequence the DNA of the virus.
Wait. Couldn't that be considered "Gain of Function"?

Better stop that huh?
No one is being diagnosed with the delta variant, or any other variant. Routine tests that individuals receive to determine whether they have COVID-19 do not reveal whether the disease was caused by the delta variant.

But through what is known as genomic sequencing, public health officials examine samples of cases to estimate what percentage were caused by delta.

Genomic sequencing from a positive test sample, said Stephen Morse, professor of epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center, "would tell you unequivocally what variant infected that person."

I want to know if I have delta.
My link showed how you test for Delta. If you run further tests on even 5% of COVID positives, it can be scientifically extrapolated. Now beat it.
So they are guessing at the number.
If the thread title is true then they are taking shots in the dark
Fauci has moved on from his lethal pet Corona and now the bright shiny Delta he has a boner about.
Really they just don’t know and since they are so feckless they overreact with the euphemistic “abundance of cation”
This true American is tired of being experimented on because they unleashed Frankenstein to defeat Trump but now seem targeted toward punishing everyone because they don’t know what to do. Keeping in mind all the time the atatistical fact than not even .01% of Americans die from it alone. That’s right, 1 in every 10,000.!! Even if you buy the 600k inaccuracy, that’s still just 1 in every 600. Libs and the media have sold the hoax to such an extent that 2/3rd of Americans think 1 out of every 10% is dying and that if you are around other people then you are sure to catch it.
In essence thinkers are being punished by emoters and a feckless government who unleashed a monster and can’t reign it in so their best response is to rob freedom and Liberty over their hideous mistake and being clueless about how to handle it and what it might do next.
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PCR testing, which has been used for Covid-19 is the way they have determined it.

It identifies the virus through it's DNA.

Same test as before... just the slow results instead of the antibody tests which are really fast.

CDC/FDA are confessing there has been a PROBLEM with the PCR test which has been used to detect the virus, starting in February of 2020—right up to this minute.
Yea, well it's not and you're an idiot
It looks a lot like a preplanned self fulfilling prophecy that there’s a new variant, with another and another yet to follow, but they can’t identify it so do some math speculation and reinvigorate the hoaxed panic over the unknown and virtue declare its “an abundance of caution” necessitating more draconian, freedom robbing “actions”
sure it is. There is no testing out there specific to wuhan 19 or the variant. all fking a hoax.
So are you stupid or lying?

The OP showed that the PCR test WILL find the variant.

They don't use it on everyone because as far as the individual is concerned, the rapid test will tell you if you have covid.
Yeah, you really don't understand this.

If we simply let the virus run it's course then we'd have millions dead. We also don't value life solely on who would and who would not survive a virus. You know this right, Doctor Mengele? More people would die and not just those who get COVID but because more people would end up in the hospital at once it would (and did before) clog up our healthcare system so that people who had other medical issues either delayed treatment for and even died due to other health issues.

Also, genius, if we let the virus spread further would mean the chances for it to mutate more and more and become deadlier. Possibly attacking and killing those who had COVID before or are vaccinated. Not a single serious person thinks that getting COVID once means you are immune for life. Virus mutations don't happen due to time necessarily. Vaccines are more likely to mutate the more people get infected, viruses need hosts to change and the more hosts the more likely there will be newer variants. But your retarded ass can't even understand that very simple idea.

We already know many suffer from long haul COVID that will have lingering symptoms and possibly permanently damaging their bodies.

You're an idiot, one of many who is keeping this virus around unnecessarily. Please, go start a country somewhere else call is PseudoLibertarina or something. No one you don't like will try to emigrate there, hell you won't even have undue foreign influence like trade to get in your way of your moronic ideology, I hear some of the Jones Town buildings haven't completely collapsed yet. You will be left alone and happy and everyone else can move on with their lives here.
Milking this out is going to ensure that the virus never ever goes away and will only continue to mutate killing millions more. If you go on a respirator--you are basically dead anyways. There were antivirals that would fight the virus off (not sure now after all the different mutations) and the kids were largely protected ............WERE being the operative word. With the mutations, antivirals lose their effectiveness, the virus never goes away, and eventually it will mutate to where kids are the target victims. We would have been far better off letting the virus run its course early on or atleast earlier once we had most of it studied. Now it will cost far far more in lives and MONEY which is why I think they have milked this shit out. Watching the elderly die--and even the weak die a few days/weeks before their time on average was bad enough---watching this virus take out healthy children is going to be far harder to do.
Since there is no test for the Delta Variant, how do they know who has it?


There is no test for the Delta variant. I quoted your own link saying exactly that, Clown.

This is why they shouldn't let morons like you post.

I was in the hospital recently, and they did a double swab for COVID. One went to their rapid test for patient admission, and the other was sent to the CDC lab for genomic testing for which variant.
So are you stupid or lying?

The OP showed that the PCR test WILL find the variant.

They don't use it on everyone because as far as the individual is concerned, the rapid test will tell you if you have covid.
As I pointed out, I was recently in the hospital and they took two covid swabs. After the first up both nostrils, they sealed up that swab, then they did it all over again. I wondered why they had to take two samples. And seeing this OP, I now understand one was for the hospital, the other was for CDC.
As I pointed out, I was recently in the hospital and they took two covid swabs. After the first up both nostrils, they sealed up that swab, then they did it all over again. I wondered why they had to take two samples. And seeing this OP, I now understand one was for the hospital, the other was for CDC.
CDC says they do 750 samples per week on the genome test. After that, they guess.

How many tests per week are there in the US?

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