Since we are quoting the Bible now...

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"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

Keep tearing children away from their parents...Donnie. There is a Special place in Hell for you. Enjoy the swim.....
You guys on the left never fail to quote the Bible when you think it will benefit you.

When you accept the Biblical teaching on homosexuality, I might start listening to you.
Then trump gets up and there and lies and blames it on the Democrats....HYPOCRISY ON DISPLAY! And Mr Magoo is going to Hell with the Orange Turd...

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It
May 8, 2018, 6:16pm Tina Vasquez

A program that detains male Mexican migrants near the border and repatriates them far from their area of origin ramped up under the Obama administration—and often led to family separation.

Before Jeff Sessions Separated Immigrant Families, Obama Did It - Rewire.News
The addendum is to hate their sin. In this case, breaking the law you claim to want enforced..
What sin is that? Surely you aren't saying seeking asylum is a sin now are you?
Breaking the law you claim you want enforced.
What law do you claim I want enforced?
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
What sin is that? Surely you aren't saying seeking asylum is a sin now are you?
Breaking the law you claim you want enforced.
What law do you claim I want enforced?
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
Well, you can post insults just fine. Now could you clarify the other post?
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

Keep tearing children away from their parents...Donnie. There is a Special place in Hell for you. Enjoy the swim.....
These are illegal aliens they have no right to be here, the constitution says so
From Matthew 25

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ ...

You fail trump! Your reward is waiting....along with Nixon's...

I see you have another Twitter quote to bandy about.

How about Matthew 7:2 in which we are taught not to judge lest we be judged. In other words. The same intolerance that you try to justify by quoting from the Bible is the same tolerance that you will receive when you are judged. Since I doubt you are a believer this is not an issue for you.

So that leaves the worst motivation. Using faith as a cudgel against those who believe.

It's the Leninist way. Lenin taught that one of the most effective tools of communists is to force the opposition to heed the letter of the law.

Naturally JimHate and the other stalinist pigs are complete disrepute's who have nothing but contempt for all law and all ethics.

When a Communist quotes the Bible, tell them to fuck off. Don't debate them, don't entertain their idiocy, simply tell them to fuck off.
"It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." Luke 17:2

Keep tearing children away from their parents...Donnie. There is a Special place in Hell for you. Enjoy the swim.....

Did you also tell Barry there was a special place in hell for tearing children from their parents ?

That's different, Obama is gay so he can do no wrong...
Then trump gets up and there and lies and blames it on the Democrats....HYPOCRISY ON DISPLAY! And Mr Magoo is going to Hell with the Orange Turd...

You haven't answered the question there pard.

Were you ever as incensed when Obama was separating kids from parents??

Of course you weren't. You never posted a thread on it and you couldn't have cared less.

Practice the bible somewhere else you fucking hypocrite.

The dishonest OP like the other board libs, refuse to acknowledge the truth.

The Stalinists like JimHate are not here to debate truth, they are here to CRUSH the Americans. JimHate is not the loyal opposition, he is the enemy. The democrats don't want to govern differently, they want to RULE unopposed. They don't want to convince you of their views, they want to kill you.

We have to be honest, the democrats seek the utter and complete destruction of this nation, they have one goal, to burn it all down.
Breaking the law you claim you want enforced.
What law do you claim I want enforced?
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
Well, you can post insults just fine. Now could you clarify the other post?
There is a legal way to apply for asylum. Sneaking into the country illegally and applying when caught is not it.

Deep stuff. :)
What law do you claim I want enforced?
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
Well, you can post insults just fine. Now could you clarify the other post?
There is a legal way to apply for asylum. Sneaking into the country illegally and applying when caught is not it.

Deep stuff. :)
Thye are removing children from people who walk up to the gate and ask for asylum.
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
Well, you can post insults just fine. Now could you clarify the other post?
There is a legal way to apply for asylum. Sneaking into the country illegally and applying when caught is not it.

Deep stuff. :)
Thye are removing children from people who walk up to the gate and ask for asylum.
ICE has no authority to arrest those in foreign countries. :)
Immigration law. Or you want Christians to, for some reason. Do you want Jews and muslims to ignore your laws, as well?
You seem to have.lost the thread somewhere.
I know simple sentences confuse you. Are you with CNN?
Well, you can post insults just fine. Now could you clarify the other post?
There is a legal way to apply for asylum. Sneaking into the country illegally and applying when caught is not it.

Deep stuff. :)
Thye are removing children from people who walk up to the gate and ask for asylum.


They remove children from bank robbers and crack dealers too.

We don't send children to adult prisons creep. Though given that you democrats want children left with Coyotes and pimps, you might actually want them in adult prisons as play things.

DECENT people separate children for their own protection until the facts are known.

But then you democrats aren't decent people, not even close.
There is Law, and there is politic. The Law is given, constant, and unchanging. Politic is whatever the people holding the levers of power say it is. To call our politic Law, is to mock the Law. We should not do that. Nobody has the Law on their side here.
There is Law, and there is politic. The Law is given, constant, and unchanging. Politic is whatever the people holding the levers of power say it is. To call our politic Law, is to mock the Law. We should not do that. Nobody has the Law on their side here.
So the politic is the degree with which you enforce the law. Either laxly, or to the letter, or somewhere in between.
From Matthew 25

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ ...

You fail trump! Your reward is waiting....along with Nixon's...

I see you have another Twitter quote to bandy about.

How about Matthew 7:2 in which we are taught not to judge lest we be judged. In other words. The same intolerance that you try to justify by quoting from the Bible is the same tolerance that you will receive when you are judged. Since I doubt you are a believer this is not an issue for you.

So that leaves the worst motivation. Using faith as a cudgel against those who believe.

It's the Leninist way. Lenin taught that one of the most effective tools of communists is to force the opposition to heed the letter of the law.

Naturally JimHate and the other stalinist pigs are complete disrepute's who have nothing but contempt for all law and all ethics.

When a Communist quotes the Bible, tell them to fuck off. Don't debate them, don't entertain their idiocy, simply tell them to fuck off.

I have no fear of anyone who tries to use faith against me. No one of faith should.
How many threads do we need on this topic?

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