Single vs Married

I don't believe there is any single "right" person to marry.

There are many people to marry and they range from: "wildly wrong to marry" up to probably okay to marry if you're feeling lucky and willing to work very hard at being married."

Happily ever after only happens in fairy tales.

First off realize that "happy" doesn't factor into the equation I'm looking at. "Love" doesn't even factor into it very much. Right and Wrong are much more important factors in the relationship I'm looking for than either of those previous concepts. I see relationships the same way most people see business partnerships and financial investments. It's about being able to work together properly and for both people to get what they need out of it. So in my mind there really are "right" and "wrong" options. My problem is that humanity stopped making the women who fall into that "right" category in any significant number back in the early 1950's.
I am not married to a woman.
But I have a 'new' partner and so far I like her and I'm going to give her a real chance unlike the other ones before her. I have to study her a little bit more if she's worth it before I really open up. At the moment it's just a casual relationship to serve my needs.
I sat there in the kitchen one afternoon and said, "Dad, he's asked me to move in with him and I really want to." His response was, "If you want to live with him, then marry him."

Nine months later we said our vows. Almost 23 years later, I still consider marrying him as one of the best decisions I made. He is my friend, my lover, my life-long companion and a great father to our two children.
I have been married before for 5 years and the last year was so utterly miserable I went to my commander in the Military and asked to be deployed to Iraq just so I could get away from her, I'm not going to ever do that again. The divorce cost me thousands, would have been 100 times easier if we just lived together and we could just split up.
Suspiciously? why?

In previous eras single men were looked upon with suspicion because society really didn't have a place for them. Single women remained with their parents until they either found a Husband or became spinsters. Single Men were suspected of being unable or unwilling to follow societal norms, thus being unable to find a family that would give him their daughter in marriage.
Personally, my wife is the single best thing that has ever happened to me and I feel honored and privileged to be married to her.

I wouldn't feel like that if I were still single
Suspiciously? why?

In previous eras single men were looked upon with suspicion because society really didn't have a place for them. Single women remained with their parents until they either found a Husband or became spinsters. Single Men were suspected of being unable or unwilling to follow societal norms, thus being unable to find a family that would give him their daughter in marriage.

Oh thats true, however things have changed alot now, odds are if you are a man you are going to end up single whether you like it or not, whether its in your 20s or when you are 45 after 20 years of marriage when your wife wants to divorce you and relive her 20s and sleep with college kids.
Oh thats true, however things have changed alot now, odds are if you are a man you are going to end up single whether you like it or not, whether its in your 20s or when you are 45 after 20 years of marriage when your wife wants to divorce you and relive her 20s and sleep with college kids.

Either that or there are some of us who just don't see much use in the modern woman and end up being bachelors for life because of that.

In the past marriage was a necessary societal concept. Modern American society has essentially removed all need for marriage by removing all vestiges of morality and values from society.
Oh thats true, however things have changed alot now, odds are if you are a man you are going to end up single whether you like it or not, whether its in your 20s or when you are 45 after 20 years of marriage when your wife wants to divorce you and relive her 20s and sleep with college kids.

Either that or there are some of us who just don't see much use in the modern woman and end up being bachelors for life because of that.

In the past marriage was a necessary societal concept. Modern American society has essentially removed all need for marriage by removing all vestiges of morality and values from society.

I have been married Anachronism and I really don't believe in it anymore, besides our society just wants to keep having fun and everyone wants to live like they are 22 for the rest of their life. When I got a divorce I slept with a few divorcees in their 40's who were going out every night looking for a man in his 20s to sleep with and they wanted no real relationship, they had been married for about 20 years and had kids almost my age, they had no interest in men their age, I met ALOT of women like this in California. It is alot easier, cheaper, and more mentally stable to be a bachelor than married thats for sure.
Oh thats true, however things have changed alot now, odds are if you are a man you are going to end up single whether you like it or not, whether its in your 20s or when you are 45 after 20 years of marriage when your wife wants to divorce you and relive her 20s and sleep with college kids.

Either that or there are some of us who just don't see much use in the modern woman and end up being bachelors for life because of that.

In the past marriage was a necessary societal concept. Modern American society has essentially removed all need for marriage by removing all vestiges of morality and values from society.

Don't see much USE in the modern woman?

What a douche you are. Hard to believe you're still single.
I've been married and single, with and without kids.

When I was younger, I really enjoyed having another adult in the household..another pair of eyes with the kids, another pair of hands. But when their own parent isn't in the household for whatever reason, I think families are MUCH better off with a single parent than a parent and step parent.

A step parent necessarily draws attention from the kids and for some reason, that is a negative thing when that parent isn't a real parent. There's a delicate balance and kids don't mind being upstaged by their parents...but they suffer when they're upstaged by anyone else.

I was thinking of this just last night on my way home from vacation. My oldest son who has his own family is THRILLED that I am single, and whenever anyone suggests I find someone he is adamant that I don't need to. I know my younger children, who have never had to deal with me dating or bringing another adult into the home, are much more stable and secure than my two oldest were. I thought it was a good thing to provide them with a father figure, but the fact is, if it's not their real father, it really isn't necessary or even desirable to do so.
Oh thats true, however things have changed alot now, odds are if you are a man you are going to end up single whether you like it or not, whether its in your 20s or when you are 45 after 20 years of marriage when your wife wants to divorce you and relive her 20s and sleep with college kids.

Either that or there are some of us who just don't see much use in the modern woman and end up being bachelors for life because of that.

In the past marriage was a necessary societal concept. Modern American society has essentially removed all need for marriage by removing all vestiges of morality and values from society.

I have been married Anachronism and I really don't believe in it anymore, besides our society just wants to keep having fun and everyone wants to live like they are 22 for the rest of their life. When I got a divorce I slept with a few divorcees in their 40's who were going out every night looking for a man in his 20s to sleep with and they wanted no real relationship, they had been married for about 20 years and had kids almost my age, they had no interest in men their age, I met ALOT of women like this in California. It is alot easier, cheaper, and more mentally stable to be a bachelor than married thats for sure.

It all depends on what you and your better half want. I know they are in the minority, but being married works for lots of folks. I will say this, for my Wife and I, we have stayed married because of our kids. Hell, we got married because of our kids. We both wonder what we will do after there gone.
The down side is I think there is additional anxiety for children of single parents. They worry about whether or not their parent is lonely, overwhelmed, sad, unhappy, in a way they don't when that parent is married.
I find the most consistent and enduring happiness, to be when I am single. I am bound by no restraints nor do I place any on another.

"You cannot capture happiness no matter how much you chase after it. Happiness is something that follows you; it follows your positive actions."
I have been single for a long time. After the breakup, my children where still young and I didn't want anything to upset their homelife. Sure I had dates, but that's as far as things went. Home was just us, no one to complicate things. Fast forward 10 years and now the kids are older, one still at home, but in college and the other finding his way and out more and more.

I am now looking to see if maybe Mr. Right is still around and maybe give it a shot, but being single for a long time and so use to my space (her's and her's sink and closet) not sure how it will work.

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