Six Black Women In Six States Running For Governor In 2022

If everybody's against you, maybe some self reflection is in order
Everybody is against us because we can wipe out all the other races. We can wipe out the white race.

You put all the ppl into a pot and mix them up out would pop a black child. And we (Black Ameeircan) are the only race of people who fights white supremacists. And we will fight white supremacists till hell freezes over and then fight them on that fuking ice.
Everybody is against us because we can wipe out all the other races. We can wipe out the white race.

You put all the ppl into a pot and mix them up out would pop a black child. And we (Black Ameeircan) are the only race of people who fights white supremacists. And we will fight white supremacists till hell freezes over and then fight them on that fuking ice.
Paul the Genocider what do you think of the Louisville clown he tried to murder the candidate for mayor?
We need more black femqle activist in power cause white people are wayciss

And none of them have black agenda.

If they came in like

"OK here is what we are going to do

We are going to have


We are going reconstitution of the American economic order and that means Companies) have to do 20% business with black businesses.

White companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business.

Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But don't they do that for a black business? Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? He's gonna have new 50-50 black partner. Every morning he's gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he get fired. If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

Contacts that go 100% to white businesses needs to be stopped.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit".

Now if they came in like that then I'd take them seriously
It's the politics. And the venom that comes with it.
This coming from the white race

That glorifies why white movies Saw, Hostel, I Spit on your Grave are loved by white people ?

That glorifies the mafia who killed thousands and makes them stylish, cool and cunning ....Goodfellas, Capone

That glorifies white tv legends like John Wayne become immortalized in America?

That glorifies tv white shows like Dexter, Breaking Bad, NYPD Blue all have/had a great cult following, primarily by whites?

That glorifies white Serial killers like Gacy, Dahmer, Gary Ridgeway, Manson are made into classroom discussions in psychology class? Always giving them these hour long documentaries with softball interviews. Always telling the audience how smart they are and how high their IQ was.

That glorifies video games for children and teens are becoming more and more sadistic? And the “M” rating on the box guarantees high sales…need I say more?

The highest sales of the grittiest, grimiest, dirtiest, most ruthless rap songs are purchased by white suburban teens?

That glorifies Japanese anime / hentai where the molestation of women by animals and aliens are loved primarily by white middle class boys?

Ever wonder why MOST pederests are white males? When money is introduced, such as Roman polanski and Jerry Sandusky, Prince Andrew .....this abuse mysteriously disappears or goes on for decades?

But black ppl glorfiy thug life ?
Yes. Black people like you...race hustlers.
And the women who are there are married to white men. They are not going to do anything for black people. Because they are just as white supremacist as Richard Spencer.

Most of them are not foundational black American. Most are them are from the Carribbean and Africa. They have the same contempt for black people, especially black Americans as white, Asian and Latino ppl. That's why they were chosen. They ain't gonna do nothing for black people

Clarence Thomas was on the supreme court and what did he did for black people ?

So, let me get this straight, you are saying that people from Africa and the Caribbean whose DNA isn't diluted with White DNA AREN'T BLACK? You'll find damned few American foundational blacks, as you put it, that don't have White DNA mixed into their heritage. As usual, you don't make any sense at all. Those immigrant Blacks look similar to you, in fact based upon your photo, they are all darker than you, they get approached the same way by cops and other minorities as your "foundational black Americans" do but they don't have the same problems that you do. They don't view America the way you do. All that shows is the problem isn't being black, it's believing that everybody is out to get you because you are black.
So, let me get this straight, you are saying that people from Africa and the Caribbean whose DNA isn't diluted with White DNA AREN'T BLACK?

Yes they are black but they are not foundational black Americans

You'll find damned few American foundational blacks, as you put it, that don't have White DNA mixed into their heritage.

All white people have African DNA inside them since that's were all human beings are from but they are still white. Just bcoz a foundational black American has some white in them doesn't change the fact they are not white

As usual, you don't make any sense at all. Those immigrant Blacks look similar to you, in fact based upon your photo,

True but Jews look the same as other white people. But they mark themselves as another group, Jamicans don't refer themselves as African Jamaicans. We are a lineage.

they are all darker than you, they get approached the same way by cops and other minorities as your "foundational black Americans" do but they don't have the same problems that you do.

The difference is we foundational black Americans look at white supremacisys different from them. That's why they come here, Because we fight these white supremacists to the point were we have created a country for immigrntas to come to and a lot (Not all) want to come and show dissrespect.

We foundational black Americans are like what ? 12% and go up against the most powerful militray on earth and we are out numbered, out gunned and out financed but we have fought with the limited resources we have for the opportunities immigrants benefit from.

Whereas they are in places where they are 90% of the pop but let a few white and Asian supremacists run them over. They should be fking SLAUGHTERING those white and Asian supremacist in South Africa.

They see the bravery foundational blk Americans have shown and want some of that.

We don't have that tribal beefs as they do in Africa (And no hate to my brothers n ststers in Africa) but that tribal sh*t ? That's what is allowing these white and Asians to come in and clean up

They don't view America the way you do.

They come here (Not all) with same tribalistic white supremacists points of view as you. That's why most of the people who white people give some muscle to are NON foundational black American EG Obama, Kamala Harris
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So, let me get this straight, you are saying that people from Africa and the Caribbean whose DNA isn't diluted with White DNA AREN'T BLACK?

Yes they are black but they are not foundational black Americans

You'll find damned few American foundational blacks, as you put it, that don't have White DNA mixed into their heritage.

All white people have African DNA inside them since that's were all human beings are from but they are still white. Just bcoz a foundational black American has some white in them doesn't change the fact they are not white

As usual, you don't make any sense at all. Those immigrant Blacks look similar to you, in fact based upon your photo,

True but Jews look the same as other white people. But they mark themselves as another group, Jamicans don't refer themselves as African Jamaicans. We are a lineage.

they are all darker than you, they get approached the same way by cops and other minorities as your "foundational black Americans" do but they don't have the same problems that you do.

The difference is we foundational black Americans look at white supremacisys different from them. That's why they come here, Because we fight these white supremacists to the point were we have created a country for immigrntas to come to and a lot (Not all) want to come and show dissrespect.

We foundational black Americans are like what ? 12% and go up against the most powerful militray on earth and we are out numbered, out gunned and out financed but we have fought with the limited resources we have for the opportunities immigrants benefit from.

Whereas they are in places where they are 90% of the pop but let a few white and Asian supremacists run them over. They should be fking SLAUGHTERING those white and Asian supremacist in South Africa.

They see the bravery foundational blk Americans have shown and want some of that.

We don't have that tribal beefs as they do in Africa (And no hate to my brothers n ststers in Africa) but that tribal sh*t ? That's what is allowing these white and Asians to come in and clean up

They don't view America the way you do.

They come here (Not all) with same tribalistic white supremacists points of view as you. That's why most of the people who white people give some muscle to are NON foundational black American EG Obama, Kamala Harris
I disagree with all white people having African DNA, it would show up in DNA tests, and it doesn’t for everyone.
The real question is how many people will vote for them BECAUSE they are black vs the number who wouldn't for the same reason.

Based upon the current state of identity politics indoctrination in our country, the first group is probably magnitudes greater than the second.
That’s the entire purpose behind the CRT influence on our schoolchildren: convince them that whites are racist and blacks are oppressed, so in 10 years or less, they will vote for any black candidate, regardless of competency, over any white candidate, also regardless of competence, out of a misplaced and false sense of guilt.

As old white politicians retire or die, they will be replaced by blacks way out of proportion to their numbers.

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