Skeletons in the Closet

It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

I think the more relative case is Ford-Nixon. Nixon spied on his political opponents. There are concerns that Obama did the same thing with Trump. Since you are talking precedent, if Biden has a conversation with Xi and company, then Trump will be justified to wiretap his campaign based on Democrat logic. As for Obama NOT investigating Bush, Obama was a smart man motivated by fear and knew not to mess with the Intel system built by Cheney under Bush for 8 years. Namely, Obama simply outsourced the interrogation to proxies.
By all means

If Biden is conspiring with China to fix the election, I would expect the FBI to investigate

If Trump wants to reopen the sordid meetings his people had with the Russians. Let’s do it
Open the books on EVERYTHING and see if the FBI was correct in investigating it

Mueller never declared Trump innocent. He just said he lacked the power to prosecute a sitting President

He won’t be sitting for long
Mueller had nothing, obviously. Trump has been investigated for everything imaginable. Like the "Believe Women" mantra, those investigations will bite Biden and his master in the ass.

Watch, learn and listen. You have so much squirm about, as worms do.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Let theminvestigate Obama. They will find nothing like Hillary’s e-mail, Benghazi, yada, Yada, yada. When the next president comes in they can then prosecute the myriad crimes and corruption of the Trump Administration. Yeah, let those morons open this Pandora’s box.

Having said that, once this Box is opened it will not be easily put back in its place. Prosecuting your predecessor is third world shit hole politics.
There is an old joke about South American democracy. One party is in power. The other party is in jail.

A song written in Jamaica in 1934. This sums things up.

Nice opinion piece lacking facts, just vague TDS conjectures. :rolleyes-41:

Do you disagree?

How so?
Disagree to what? You haven't even articulated a crime. sheesh, RW

I’m talking about investigations of past Presidents

Do you think Trump would be setting a new precedent that he would be subjected to?
I see you're starting to squirm on the possibilities.
I don't play 'what if's' very well.
But, convict Obama's ass as it should be. Maybe some president will pardon him.
But, make no mistake, what went down should never happen in the future, let's
see what Durham digs up and just how corrupt it ends up.
What do you think “went down” ?
Let's just call it, 'Democrat Games'.
Something that you would never understand, or admit to.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.
What law(s) has Former President Obama broken?
You should ask Durham and/or Barr. Only they know for sure.
They seem to be confused.
I am confident Obama will come out Scott free

Can you make the same statement about Trump?
"Scot-free" means without penalty. We do not know if Obama committed a crime yet. That's what we need to find out.
I love watching the orange cultists run around (well, in your case, waddle around) as soon as their lard and master makes up a new con-spiracy....OBAMAGATE.....
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

I think the more relative case is Ford-Nixon. Nixon spied on his political opponents. There are concerns that Obama did the same thing with Trump. Since you are talking precedent, if Biden has a conversation with Xi and company, then Trump will be justified to wiretap his campaign based on Democrat logic. As for Obama NOT investigating Bush, Obama was a smart man motivated by fear and knew not to mess with the Intel system built by Cheney under Bush for 8 years. Namely, Obama simply outsourced the interrogation to proxies.
By all means

If Biden is conspiring with China to fix the election, I would expect the FBI to investigate

If Trump wants to reopen the sordid meetings his people had with the Russians. Let’s do it
Open the books on EVERYTHING and see if the FBI was correct in investigating it

Mueller never declared Trump innocent. He just said he lacked the power to prosecute a sitting President

He won’t be sitting for long

We can reopen the meetings Trump and People had with Russia. At the core will be a hearsay column (Steele dossier) submitted as justification to wiretap Trump. We can go there again but for as much you think it is going to expose Trump, it is going to expose Obama. So, as Bush would say, Bring It On.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

Seriously, trump and his followers are too stupid to realize what one president can do, all after him can too.

So if he really does investigate Obama, he opens the door to being investigated by the next president.

He set the precedence. He should live with the consequences of his actions and words.
Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Yep! But he is such a shallow moron that this hasnt occured to him. And the incompetent people around him dont care.

My guess is that when push comes to shove, he doesn’t have the balls

Or the evidence either. It is easier for Trump to make unfounded accusations than to follow them through
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

No, O already opened up that pandora box when he decided to weaponize spying on an incoming presidency.
"A pass on Iran Contra"? Did the left expect republican George Bush to continue the charade after President Reagan was vindicated? Clinton got a pass for Waco and the mysterious deaths of several political appointees not to mention entrapping an intern not much older than his daughter in a relationship involving sodomy in the oval office. Hillary got a pass for felonies involving National security. Obama dodged the bullet for authorizing the shipment of thousands of illegal weapons to Mexico and the murder of a Border Patrol officer and now it's becoming more evident every day that Obama ordered the FBI (and the CIA?) to engage in a political coup. Senate republicans are reluctant to subpoena the former president but that's not good enough for TDS lefties.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

Not going to happen and you know L.G. already said so.

Trump can't do it....he needs someone to do it for him.

So this thread is like all your other threads....bullshit.
How can it be “Bullshit” when Trump is declaring it the biggest political crime in history?

Are you saying Trump is full of shit?

This whole thread is a "red herring!" Obama, Biden, and Hillary will never be prosecuted. Now maybe Brennan, Clapper, Comey, etc, yes-) And even RW knows it is coming because no matter how partisan he is, I doubt he is stupid. Durham did not hire prosecutors for his health, lol. The only question is not IF, but how many are going to get indicted.

Intelligent people would realize that------------->the only person fireable or removable from office that wasn't, is Bill Priestep. After reading his e-mails that were released, only an idiot would not come to the conclusion that he is singing like a canary, and has been for awhile.

If Leftists on this board, or anywhere else for that matter; actually believe this is just a big made up story, then they are in for a rude awakening. You can despise Barr and Durham all you want, but they are not dumb enough to open themselves up for repercussions should Trump lose. They are being accurate, and that means the Leftists in the know in Washington DC, are getting ready for a political sh**storm. We don't care what Obama knew and when he knew it to be totally honest. We only care about Biden, and the rest of the Democratic leaders still in office, lol. Obama can't run for much of anything now. The rest of them can-)
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

Yeah, obummer kind of led an attempted coup. We The People demand that he be prosecuted for the worst political crime in the history of this country.
Fortunately, future presidents will recognize the Trump aberration to be just that: an aberration – a mistake, a failure, and a lawless presidency devoid of merit.

If only we can be so lucky

Trump has set a new path for the Republican Party
We can only hope that the voters learned a hard, bitter lesson from the Trump debacle, and not make that same dreadful mistake again.
You have more faith than I do

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