Skeletons in the Closet

Yes, Trump is definitely setting himself up for the fall. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! Can't wait to see him in handcuffs in NY!
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

Yeah, obummer kind of led an attempted coup. We The People demand that he be prosecuted for the worst political crime in the history of this country.
Ruh Roooooh! How'd that Special Counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton work out? How odd that your thread predicting that seemed to disappear after about two years..................................:eusa_think:
Nice opinion piece lacking facts, just vague TDS conjectures. :rolleyes-41:

Do you disagree?

How so?
Disagree to what? You haven't even articulated a crime. sheesh, RW
Pretty much describing "OBAMAGATE" there.
Be patient, be patient, dear.
RUH ROOOOOH! Where have we heard that before? :auiqs.jpg:
By the actions from the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.

I’m ready to go there

Let’s abandon the precedent of making ex presidents immune from prosecution.

I am confident Obama will come out Scott free

Can you make the same statement about Trump?

Guess that would depend on how much imaginary BS you loons want to make up.
Good...then let’s go there
Go ahead and investigate Obama and we will open the books on Trump without his Executive Privilege

Great, let's open the doors on all of them, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, etc.
Trump has his own personal Attorney General

If he has anything but threats, why isn’t he investigating?
By the actions of the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
Of course you would, because what else can you say? You have nothing. So you speculate. Of course, that tendency to speculate all but disappears, for example, when we have the dotard on audio recording breaking laws and leveraging military aid for personal gain.
Fortunately, future presidents will recognize the Trump aberration to be just that: an aberration – a mistake, a failure, and a lawless presidency devoid of merit.

If only we can be so lucky

Trump has set a new path for the Republican Party
We can only hope that the voters learned a hard, bitter lesson from the Trump debacle, and not make that same dreadful mistake again.

The same thing was said in 2008 with the bush boy.

Republicans will never, ever learn from their horrible actions. Or at least they won't learn anything positive or ethical.

All they will learn is they were right, the American people don't want them in office so they will ramp up their lying and cheating to win elections.

They will remove millions of legal American voters from the rolls. trump is already in his war with the post office because most people want to vote by mail this year. He knows if that happens, republicans will lose big time. He's already proposing to defund the post office even though the post office gets very little money from the federal government. Even though the post offices is federally mandated by the constitution. It says right there in Article I, Section 8 and Clause 7.

It's going to be an extremely ugly election season. The republicans will go to new lows no one even imagined they would go.

People should now start making arrangements to vote by mail. Make sure you're still on the voting rolls and that the state has your correct address. Find out the date your ballot will be sent out. If it doesn't reach you by the date you're supposed to get one, go to your county auditor's office to demand a ballot.

Don't let the republicans take your vote from you.
By the actions of the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
Of course you would, because what else can you say? You have nothing. So you speculate. Of course, that tendency to speculate all but disappears, for example, when we have the dotard on audio recording breaking laws and leveraging military aid for personal gain.
Still making up shit as you go along, huh, FFI? :auiqs.jpg:
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.

So Trump should be above the law?
Half of Trump's tweets over the past 3 years have been about Obama.
You think that's classy, asshole? Or kinda fucking juvenile?
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.
So...when will demand that of Trump who continuously, through out his term, has attacked the prior administration?
By the actions of the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
Of course you would, because what else can you say? You have nothing. So you speculate. Of course, that tendency to speculate all but disappears, for example, when we have the dotard on audio recording breaking laws and leveraging military aid for personal gain.
Still making up shit as you go along, huh, FFI? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, cackle and dance and prance and put on your little show. Thats what you are best at. Counterarguments are not your strong suit.
Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Yep! But he is such a shallow moron that this hasnt occured to him. And the incompetent people around him dont care.
Short attention spans.
Nice opinion piece lacking facts, just vague TDS conjectures. :rolleyes-41:

Do you disagree?

How so?
Disagree to what? You haven't even articulated a crime. sheesh, RW
Pretty much describing "OBAMAGATE" there.
Be patient, be patient, dear.

I'm still waiting for all the evidence trump's investigators found in Hawaii that was supposed to blow everyone's mind about Obama's birth certificate.

When are we going to finally learn what trump's investigators found in Hawaii?

I'm still waiting for the real crimes of Bill Clinton. We all were assured in the 90s by ken starr that charges for real crimes were any day now.


We will wait a long time before any of what trump lies about ever comes to fruition.
I am confident Obama will come out Scott free

Can you make the same statement about Trump?
"Scot-free" means without penalty. We do not know if Obama committed a crime yet. That's what we need to find out.

Let’s do it
Open a four year old case on an ex President

Removes any expectation of protection that Trump May have next year when he leaves office
Let''s go. Trump's already been investigated six ways from Sunday. and nada. Obama's turn.

You've got it backwards.

The inspectors general have already investigated Obama/FBI/surveillance/Comey and found nothing to prosecute, all settled by November 2019.

In the meantime Trump has fired four inspectors general since the coronavirus crisis began, because HE doesn't want them looking into how badly he's fucked up the pandemic response.

""""These sustained attacks against the federal government’s watchdogs fly in the face of Mr. Trump’s campaign promise to “Drain the Swamp,” and further destabilize the government’s ability to identify waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct. The nation’s 74 IGs should be among his favorite actors in government; instead, he has doled out significant criticism of these officials.""""
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.
So...when will demand that of Trump who continuously, through out his term, has attacked the prior administration?
You don’t understand

Trump is allowed to blame the poor Coronavirus response on Obama

But if Obama responds by explaining what Trump did wrong.....that is unpresidential
Nice opinion piece lacking facts, just vague TDS conjectures. :rolleyes-41:

Do you disagree?

How so?
Disagree to what? You haven't even articulated a crime. sheesh, RW
Pretty much describing "OBAMAGATE" there.
Be patient, be patient, dear.
RUH ROOOOOH! Where have we heard that before? :auiqs.jpg:
By the actions from the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
Sure....any day now...any day now...any day now...any day now...Ruh Roooooh!
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.

So Trump should be above the law?
Half of Trump's tweets over the past 3 years have been about Obama.
You think that's classy, asshole? Or kinda fucking juvenile?
Trumpanzees have been groomed to love their orange lard and master....the more juvenile, the better.

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