Skeletons in the Closet

It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
So, Obama should be above the law? Obama just needs to shut up and show some class.

So Trump should be above the law?
Half of Trump's tweets over the past 3 years have been about Obama.
You think that's classy, asshole? Or kinda fucking juvenile?
You twits have been going after him for three years and been firing nothing more than blanks.
Hell, I think you're doing as well as the Minnesota Vikings in the Super Bowl. :auiqs.jpg:
"firing nothing more than blanks".....#Becauseitsacult.
And these morons are NOT even pretending to be in charge,,,We lack leadership
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.

Let Trump off, reap what you sow...

Trump investigates Obama then he leaving himself open to be investigated himself.

By the way, he has already left himself open to investigation using his Ukrainian phone call...
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Hey obama told his guys to go after the new president, he put this country thru hell! If
Obama isn’t Gone by next june, i wat him Humiliated on TV I want him tarred and I want him feathered I want a little man to scream like a little bitch she is

“ ohhh it’s so hot!! Ohhhdaddy trump I’m soo sorry!So hot “ lol

So have you got any evidence of a crime...
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Hey obama told his guys to go after the new president, he put this country thru hell! If
Obama isn’t Gone by next june, i wat him Humiliated on TV I want him tarred and I want him feathered I want a little man to scream like a little bitch she is

“ ohhh it’s so hot!! Ohhhdaddy trump I’m soo sorry!So hot “ lol

So have you got any evidence of a crime...
Yes Clapper said they were just doing what Obama
Said to do .. party is over

Let me add to this list: "Obama tapped my phones!"

  • My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.
  • 'All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected.'
  • 'I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.'
  • 'A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10.'
  • 'The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive.'
  • 'I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible.'
  • 'I do know what to do and I would know how to bring Isil to the table or, beyond that, defeat ISIL very quickly. And I'm not gonna tell you what it is.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Hey obama told his guys to go after the new president, he put this country thru hell! If
Obama isn’t Gone by next june, i wat him Humiliated on TV I want him tarred and I want him feathered I want a little man to scream like a little bitch she is

“ ohhh it’s so hot!! Ohhhdaddy trump I’m soo sorry!So hot “ lol

So have you got any evidence of a crime...
Yes Clapper said they were just doing what Obama
Said to do .. party is over

Again... You need a Crime and evidence of Obama ordered it...

Need far more than that...

Lets start... Could you please give us the Crime.
By the actions of the nest of rats, I would say a pretty good chance that there is fire with the smoke.
Of course you would, because what else can you say? You have nothing. So you speculate. Of course, that tendency to speculate all but disappears, for example, when we have the dotard on audio recording breaking laws and leveraging military aid for personal gain.
Still making up shit as you go along, huh, FFI? :auiqs.jpg:
Yes, cackle and dance and prance and put on your little show. Thats what you are best at. Counterarguments are not your strong suit.
Truth hurts? You and your ilk have taken taken your best shots, and you just come out looking stupider than the day before.
The orange man is much smarter than any of you twits.
He's a cagey low life who's hiding behind his 'presidency' is the only reason he's been untouchable so far. His party protected him in the impeachment trial by not allowing witnesses. Even the prosecutors in New York are waiting for his 'presidency' to end so they can do some serious questioning of his tax antics.
It has been an unwritten rule that you don’t prosecute presidents after they leave office.

The most famous case was Ford pardoning Nixon
Reagan was given a free pass on Iran Contra
When Bush 43 left office, Obama refused to investigate 9-11, evidence for invading Iraq and official use of torture.

Now Trump seems intent on starting an investigation of Obama in preparation of the next election

Trump is setting a precedent for future presidents leaving office. Given the mountains of evidence he has been hiding for four years, he is setting himself up for a major fall.
Hey obama told his guys to go after the new president, he put this country thru hell! If
Obama isn’t Gone by next june, i wat him Humiliated on TV I want him tarred and I want him feathered I want a little man to scream like a little bitch she is

“ ohhh it’s so hot!! Ohhhdaddy trump I’m soo sorry!So hot “ lol

So have you got any evidence of a crime...
Yes Clapper said they were just doing what Obama
Said to do .. party is over

Again... You need a Crime and evidence of Obama ordered it...

Need far more than that...

Lets start... Could you please give us the Crime.
Clapper said Obama told them to do it, and what did they do? Spy on trump.. from the evidence we can gather so far this does not look good and there’s going to be even more coming out where are the 302s? Are they in Obama’s basement.. I think we might need a sway team, take Obama’s personal computer
Yuppers ... Republicans are setting themselves up for a nasty fall the next Democrat administration ...

The next Democrat in office will be able to ignore any and all requests from Congress ...
... will be able to take appropriated money and spend it willy-nilly ...
... run up another $10 trillion in debt ...
... the list goes on ...

Time for the Feds to legalize marijuana ... we're going to need it ... ha ha ha ha ...
What Democrats? We have Prog Socialists now. The transition since 1913 has been massive.
You fuckers have been caught lying so many times that no sane person will support you fools any more.
Oh no! How scary!

Meanwhile, in what the rest of the world NOT in the Trump cult calls "reality", democrats got about 10 million more votes than Republicans in 2018.

Unlike you fascists, we don't give a fuck about the rest of the world.

We care about the USA.

Clearly, you don't.

When are you going to show any evidence that you care about the USA?

So far all you show evidence of is worshipping Donald Trump.

We don't worship the president, you fool. That was YOU weirdos.

This crap below is like the fat prick in North Korea. Very similar don't you think?

Well the President didn't have one last week...
How about a short list you would be looking at...
The illegal unmasking of Trump's people.
Illegal spying on Americans.
You should really give up on this "unmasking" thing. Anyone given the reports from NSA has the right to ask the identity of a redacted individual. Of course they wanted to know who was engaging in a deal with the Russians while Obama was still the sitting President. From the conversation, they no doubt knew it was someone on Trump's team. Pretty important, based on what they DIDN'T know yet. I can't believe you think there was anything wrong with that or that it somehow shows a conspiracy.
Well the President didn't have one last week...
How about a short list you would be looking at...
The illegal unmasking of Trump's people.
Illegal spying on Americans.
You should really give up on this "unmasking" thing. Anyone given the reports from NSA has the right to ask the identity of a redacted individual. Of course they wanted to know who was engaging in a deal with the Russians while Obama was still the sitting President. From the conversation, they no doubt knew it was someone on Trump's team. Pretty important, based on what they DIDN'T know yet. I can't believe you think there was anything wrong with that or that it somehow shows a conspiracy.

No, they don't. That's what makes this country the USA, and not some third world shithole you so desire to live in.

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