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Slacktivism on Orlando.

Which person are you Predfan?


None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.
war between gays and muslims, fight to the death... :popcorn:
As I see it homosexuals are neither male or female. They are somewhere in the middle.
'Bull dyke like Rachael Madcow are seriously pissed off they weren't born with all the male chromosomes and full of testosterone as actual males. This makes for a lifetime of deep seated anger. Notice how 'Madcow' can NEVER stop with the fucking 'snark'. Poor thing.
Gay males are half females. They 'prance' around and lisp and attempt to be more female than your average females. Except they never quite get it right. It's always over the top.
They too are deeply resentful of not being born a natural female.
Anyone muslim 'following orders' from the coran could.......and will, enter any gay bar in the country and murder a hundred gays with a fucking pair of fingernail clippers and the poor babies will cower in the corners until it's their turn to be murdered.
GOD FORBID!! any gay would EVER even TOUCH a real FIREARM!!!!!!!!
Thanks for having the courage to nit pick how others express themselves after something like this, it really takes guts. :rolleyes:
Your condescension and lack of real solutions to real problems is duly noted, Troll.

Oh no! You're right, I instead will complain about the way others express solidarity as being phony and fake. That is the real solution to real problems. Whine about them
You're still trolling.

I'm making a point, you're trolling
Then make your point without insults, it only demeans YOU.

First I didnt insult anyone quoted here. Second, you dont make the rules for me. Third, I can give 2 shits what your judgement of me is? Who are you? A faceless guy on the internet, I think my feelings can take it
The timing is quite extraordinary, right after Ali's funeral, and all the gay parades everywhere, I'm still voting for Hillary and am not joining the NRA or getting a gun.
I guess you will rely on the rest of us to defend you when the shit hits the fan in YOUR town then. Good luck with that.
They always do. A gay has two neighbors living in houses on either side of him.
To his/her left a yard sign says: 'Ban all guns!'. On the right a yard sign has an NRA logo on it.
One night the gay hears someone breaking down his front door! He escapes out the back door.
FUCKING GOLD STAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OP, I am curious, are you actually in some way "insulted" that American's are standing in solidarity against a terrorist attack upon our soil?

Insulted? No. But they aren't really standing in solidarity are they? All they are doing is changing their profile pictures and then carrying on with their lives without giving us another thought. It's "Slacktivism". The only thing that it accomplishes is making people feel like they have done something when they haven't and won't.

How sad that we have become so divided and spiteful.

Yes, it is sad and we all need to come together and do something. That is not doing anything.

It hurts, the wording of your OP hurts

Deal with it. The world is a cruel place.

I'm in Alaska, as far as one can get away, and I am... devastated that the FBI failed you, failed all of us.

The FBI didn't fail us. What could the FBI do? They cannot take away this guy's rights just because they suspect him of something. Do you realize what you are demanding? If you think that all Muslims with ties to terrorist groups should be detained or restricted in some ways and watched closely, then hey, I'm with you., but realize that our government, this president, and most of the people in charge would destroy your life if you tried to propose that.

My cries may be dry, I cannot make tears, but my heart aches for all of those who have suffered because of the failures of our government.

It is a failure of our government and those in charge. You are correct.

But fear not, many of us are quite angry today, many \will\ fight - they will cry for Orlando and it will be remembered just as they still cry from the Oklahoma City Bombing, from 9/11, long after the media abandoned those stories for ratings. And they did fight, they did change things to try to make it safer.

No, they didn't fight, they did nothing. Unless you can explain what they did and how it stopped all of the terrorist attacks that have happened since OKC.

They are the military, police, and FBI, their wives and children. /They/ will always fight for American's - in the streets, on the seas, in foreign countries, and in the voting booth - never doubt that. :/

That is irrelevant really. I'm talking about people who merely post pictures on FaceBook.
The military, the police, all of those brave people you mentioned MUST follow orders. The police cannot arrest someone for being Muslim, the military cannot strafe bomb ISIS villages because the public can't stomach women and children getting killed, and the FBI is too busy investigating Obama's enemies.

I appreciate all who want to pray for us, who have said "sorry for your loss", yada yada yada, but it is slacktivism and will only lead to more of these attacks. Action is needed, not pictures or words.
The timing is quite extraordinary, right after Ali's funeral, and all the gay parades everywhere, I'm still voting for Hillary and am not joining the NRA or getting a gun.
I guess you will rely on the rest of us to defend you when the shit hits the fan in YOUR town then. Good luck with that.

No worries.

When the shit hits the fan, the cops will be there...

in 15-20 minutes
Every LEO KNOWS their patrol boundaries. You call from a known crime infested negro/latino muslim shithole because someone is beating up you fucking brother-in law and see how long it takes to have a decent, normal LEO come running to put their lives at risk.
That 15 minutes is getting to be more like an hour.
Thank the fucking sub-human BLM negro thugs for the 'time delay!'.
Which person are you Predfan?


None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.

Yeah, he's the guy who called me a "faggot". I guess since to him the slur is an insult, being gay must be wrong and insulting.

Not a faggot like the type that likes men, I'm talking about being a fag....a cry baby.

Bull shit liar. You said that because you thought it would insult me. You're too stupid and dishonest to talk to. Dismissed.
Which person are you Predfan?


None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.

Yeah, he's the guy who called me a "faggot". I guess since to him the slur is an insult, being gay must be wrong and insulting.

Not a faggot like the type that likes men, I'm talking about being a fag....a cry baby.

Bull shit liar. You said that because you thought it would insult me. You're too stupid and dishonest to talk to. Dismissed.

Right, I forgot, you know what I really mean. Stop being a fag dude. Its not a good look.
OP, I am curious, are you actually in some way "insulted" that American's are standing in solidarity against a terrorist attack upon our soil?

Insulted? No. But they aren't really standing in solidarity are they? All they are doing is changing their profile pictures and then carrying on with their lives without giving us another thought. It's "Slacktivism". The only thing that it accomplishes is making people feel like they have done something when they haven't and won't.

I hope you underestimate the memory retention of our people. I do not think this will go away, in fact, I am willing to bet that Trump just shot up in the polls. That is more than just changing their facebook pics, it's votes for change.

How sad that we have become so divided and spiteful.

Yes, it is sad and we all need to come together and do something. That is not doing anything.

I agree. I hope the rest of the country does as well.

It hurts, the wording of your OP hurts

Deal with it. The world is a cruel place.

I do deal with it, probably better than most. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, its actually a good thing. Pain is a great motivator.

I'm in Alaska, as far as one can get away, and I am... devastated that the FBI failed you, failed all of us.

The FBI didn't fail us. What could the FBI do? They cannot take away this guy's rights just because they suspect him of something. Do you realize what you are demanding? If you think that all Muslims with ties to terrorist groups should be detained or restricted in some ways and watched closely, then hey, I'm with you., but realize that our government, this president, and most of the people in charge would destroy your life if you tried to propose that.

Uhm yes, they did. Three investigations into suspension of being a terrorist, FB posts ranting like his supposedly were, and they didn't keep tabs on this guy? Didn't notice that he bought some guns and ammo? I thought that was the fucking point of the stupid waiting period for guns shit... Am I wrong, and if so, then why exactly do we have that then? Ohhhh it was another "oh I'll do something useless to shut you up" from the politicians, kind of like they are now pushing for gun control despite the fact that this is a warning of why we /need/ guns.

My cries may be dry, I cannot make tears, but my heart aches for all of those who have suffered because of the failures of our government.

It is a failure of our government and those in charge. You are correct.

Yes. Unfortunately.

But fear not, many of us are quite angry today, many \will\ fight - they will cry for Orlando and it will be remembered just as they still cry from the Oklahoma City Bombing, from 9/11, long after the media abandoned those stories for ratings. And they did fight, they did change things to try to make it safer.

No, they didn't fight, they did nothing. Unless you can explain what they did and how it stopped all of the terrorist attacks that have happened since OKC.

Fighting and trying does not equal never happen again. In order to prevent all of it, we would have to give up our freedom. Freedom has risks, we must balance freedom and safety, there is no one side or the other will win 100%, there never will be. To quote you Life is cruel, deal with it - though I will change that and say people are assholes, we can't change that.

After OKC they amped up security at federal courts around the country, I know my mother worked in one. Those amped up security measures did not go away either. For example, after OKC I could no longer park in the parking garage, I could no longer park on the street outside the court house, I had to park nearly a block away because they have a safety perimeter now where no parking is allowed, and if you pull up to the doors to pick your mother up and sit for more than five minutes, armed guards come outside and police come have a little chat with you, tell you to move along. I have not forgotten OKC.

9/11, really you don't see all the changes after 9/11? Can't bring a damn soda on the plane anymore because of 9/11, no one sells what I drink inside the gate, it pisses me off frankly - I've not forgotten 9/11, I recall it every time I go the airport and realize that some sick bastards took away /my/ right to have a drink I like on my trips. Yea I put up with it, I deal with it and drink sodas I don't like, but damn skippy in my head I'm pissed at those fuckers every time I fly.

They are the military, police, and FBI, their wives and children. /They/ will always fight for American's - in the streets, on the seas, in foreign countries, and in the voting booth - never doubt that. :/

That is irrelevant really. I'm talking about people who merely post pictures on FaceBook.
The military, the police, all of those brave people you mentioned MUST follow orders. The police cannot arrest someone for being Muslim, the military cannot strafe bomb ISIS villages because the public can't stomach women and children getting killed, and the FBI is too busy investigating Obama's enemies.

I appreciate all who want to pray for us, who have said "sorry for your loss", yada yada yada, but it is slacktivism and will only lead to more of these attacks. Action is needed, not pictures or words.

Trust me son, military and police are not "just following orders" I know a lot of them, my father was a 3 star and Commander of the National Guard in my state. I worked with the police for many years in multiple jobs. Of all people, they care more than your average person. They have lost brothers, they have lost friends, and they see first hand every murder, every bomb, every horrible abuse. Trust me, they care, deeply...

I'm afraid for the latter, yes, Americans have gone soft, they are pampered and spoiled little children who do not understand the foundations that create all that makes their lives comfortable and safe. But, again, there are some of us who do not suffer such weaknesses, we would have no qualms about turning the ME to glass should it be asked, and no it would not be because of hate, but rather a matter of self-defense for our country and every other free country in the world. We will not stand idly by in the darkness, we are the light, the becon of freedom, if they continue to back us into the corner we will unleash hell upon them. We are just not at that point yet... I hope we don't get there because the street will have to run red with the blood of our people for it to happen...

I hope that our people will choose wisely in November, that we can prevent this, but I fear they will not and then... it will come to a head, the terrorists will not stop when they think we are weak, and we will be forced to act. The only consolation for me, if that should happen, is that Hilary is a heartless ruthless bitch and I have no doubt she could fuck the shit out of the ME and not give two shits about the women and children she wipes off the face of this earth. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, they say, and that bitch has been scorned so many times she probably transcends hell...
They held a rally to mourn the dead yesterday at the performing arts center. Which is fine, good and appropriate. But then a speaker yelled that they will fight and they will win in the end.

How? By holding vigils? By voting people in power who want to allow terrorists into the country?
On Facebook, people are putting up rainbows and the name of our city. They are demonstrating sadness and trying to pretend to unity. As a citizen of Orlando, and someone who works one block away from Pulse I say if you are simply doing nothing but changing your profile picture, or painting a rainbow somewhere, well you are simply making yourself feel good.

But the worst people, are like Obama, Hillary, and the Hollywood Celebrities who call for stricter gun control. You cannot pass laws that will stop those who obey no law. We don't need these assholes using our dead to further their agenda.

If you really want to help us in Orlando, Join the NRA, ignore the idiots who call to take away our rights, arm yourselves, push for laws that allow the INNOCENT to defend ourselves.

Otherwise, we here in Orlando aren't impressed by your Slacktivism.
What are you talking about?

I wore a silver ribbon while I watched the Tony awards

But they aren't really standing in solidarity are they? All they are doing is changing their profile pictures and then carrying on with their lives without giving us another thought. It's "Slacktivism". The only thing that it accomplishes is making people feel like they have done something when they haven't and won't.
What do you suggest we do? I live several hundred miles away, what do you suggest I do?
Which person are you Predfan?


None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.

Yeah, he's the guy who called me a "faggot". I guess since to him the slur is an insult, being gay must be wrong and insulting.

Not a faggot like the type that likes men, I'm talking about being a fag....a cry baby.
I thought you didn't insult anyone here. Or will you now claim that the words "fag" and "faggot" are not insulting?
Which person are you Predfan?


None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.

Yeah, he's the guy who called me a "faggot". I guess since to him the slur is an insult, being gay must be wrong and insulting.

Not a faggot like the type that likes men, I'm talking about being a fag....a cry baby.
I thought you didn't insult anyone here.

Aww poor you, went to bed dreaming about this thread. But if you were able to read I said that I didnt insult anyone quoted. Here I'll post it again so that you can stop "thinking"

Your condescension and lack of real solutions to real problems is duly noted, Troll.

Oh no! You're right, I instead will complain about the way others express solidarity as being phony and fake. That is the real solution to real problems. Whine about them
You're still trolling.

I'm making a point, you're trolling
Then make your point without insults, it only demeans YOU.

First I didnt insult anyone quoted here.
Second, you dont make the rules for me. Third, I can give 2 shits what your judgement of me is? Who are you? A faceless guy on the internet, I think my feelings can take it

Do you see that stupid? Ok

Or will you now claim that the words "fag" and "faggot" are not insulting?

It absolutely was meant as an insult. So? If I said stop being a bitch are you going to claim I'm a woman hater? If I call you a punk are you going to call me a punk discriminator?

What level of faggotry will they employ next?
Last edited:
None of the above. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
In stark contrast to Closed...Minded.

Yeah, he's the guy who called me a "faggot". I guess since to him the slur is an insult, being gay must be wrong and insulting.

Not a faggot like the type that likes men, I'm talking about being a fag....a cry baby.
I thought you didn't insult anyone here.
Aww poor you, went to bed dreaming about this thread. But if you were able to read I said that I didnt insult anyone quoted. Here I'll post it again so that you can stop "thinking"

You're still trolling.

I'm making a point, you're trolling
Then make your point without insults, it only demeans YOU.

First I didnt insult anyone quoted here.
Second, you dont make the rules for me. Third, I can give 2 shits what your judgement of me is? Who are you? A faceless guy on the internet, I think my feelings can take it

Do you see that stupid? Ok

Or will you now claim that the words "fag" and "faggot" are not insulting?

It absolutely was meant as an insult. So? If I said stop being a bitch are you going to claim I'm a woman hater? If I call you a punk are you going to call me a punk discriminator?

What level of faggotry will they employ next?
So now you're going to hide behind a technicality. Not surprised.

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