Slag the President while saying Trump supporters are divisive AT A FUCKING FUNERAL

I just turned on fake news CNN and they are airing some propaganda they must have prepared, months, maybe years ago. Brock Hussaine said that McCain stood for "unity" and that "we are all Americans." Brock is obviously still butthurt The Donald called him out on his fake birth certificate. :p

Yes.....and he called McCain a racist and bigot......
I just turned on fake news CNN and they are airing some propaganda they must have prepared, months, maybe years ago. Brock Hussaine said that McCain stood for "unity" and that "we are all Americans." Brock is obviously still butthurt The Donald called him out on his fake birth certificate. :p

Yes.....and he called McCain a racist and bigot......

We were better off with Barry being elected. At least the 1st time.

I was looking at Hermain Cain in 2012, but Dems kneecapped him early.

If McCain won in 2008, ww3 would already have happened or still be happening.

Every cloud has a silver lining. :dunno:
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'

And you mistake a group "legitimately criticizing" a sitting president for a genuine show of unity.

Do you really think a funeral was an appropriate place to take political jabs at the president?

McCain refused to give in to the birther movement because he respected his political opponent. I doubt he would have ever approved having his death politicized in such a way. He never deigned to such a level.

But you will. His daughter did.

How disgusting.

McCain planned his funeral. He did not invite Trump.
I just turned on fake news CNN and they are airing some propaganda they must have prepared, months, maybe years ago. Brock Hussaine said that McCain stood for "unity" and that "we are all Americans." Brock is obviously still butthurt The Donald called him out on his fake birth certificate. :p

Yes.....and he called McCain a racist and bigot......

We were better off with Barry being elected. At least the 1st time.

I was looking at Hermain Cain in 2012, but Dems kneecapped him early.

If McCain won in 2008, ww3 would already have happened or still be happening.

Every cloud has a silver lining. :dunno:

Rick Perry kneecapped Cain.
Trump crossed lines in the depth of his attacks on McCain - he made it personal, as he does all the time. And his supporters cheer it.

GMAB, TRUMP's comments were in response to McCain attacking TRUMP and his supporters. How many times did Obama cross the line during the 2008 campaign, yet McCain was able to get past the petty attacks from Obama.
I voted for McCain and he lost, perhaps had he gone after Obama with the same amount of vitriol as he has for TRUMP he would have won.
TRUMP won because he along with millions of others who voted for him understood playing nice politics losses elections. So while people like McCain are hung up because of petty comments made during a contentious campaign, TRUMP moves on beyond words with actions.

In war collateral damages are often accepted because the intention of outcome is for the greater good, If McCain was able to accept the collateral deaths caused by the war in Iraq to serve the greater good, he should have been able to get over simple words from TRUMP to serve the greater good for the US.
Trump crossed lines in the depth of his attacks on McCain - he made it personal, as he does all the time. And his supporters cheer it.

GMAB, TRUMP's comments were in response to McCain attacking TRUMP and his supporters. How many times did Obama cross the line during the 2008 campaign, yet McCain was able to get past the petty attacks from Obama.
I voted for McCain and he lost, perhaps had he gone after Obama with the same amount of vitriol as he has for TRUMP he would have won.
TRUMP won because he along with millions of others who voted for him understood playing nice politics losses elections. So while people like McCain are hung up because of petty comments made during a contentious campaign, TRUMP moves on beyond words with actions.

In war collateral damages are often accepted because the intention of outcome is for the greater good, If McCain was able to accept the collateral deaths caused by the war in Iraq to serve the greater good, he should have been able to get over simple words from TRUMP to serve the greater good for the US.

Remember, talk show host Bill Cunningham introduced mccain at a rally.....he was an early supporter of introducing McCain, Cunningham used obama's full name....barak hussein obama....and mccain had a fit, and canned cunningham for using "hussein"....showing that mccain is an idiot, and had less of a problem putting his finger in the eye of a dedicated supporter and conservative than actually taking on a guy who would later call him a racist and a bigot.
When you point at a piece of crap and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of crap. You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'

A funeral is not the time to play politics. Don't you folks have any sense of decency or decorum?

As for "universally disliked," who are all the people who keep attending Trump's rallies all over the country and who fill every venue to capacity? The problem is that liberals operate in a huge echo chamber and don't listen to any other views, so you think that "everybody" agrees with you.
John McCain’s Office Involved in IRS Targeting Of “Tea Party”, “Patriot” And Other Groups

“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans,” Judicial Watch said in a statement.

Link to Judicial Watch FOIA document

The Tea Party labeled McCain a RINO and tried to take him down.............He joined with Obama to target these groups............He was pissed.......because the TEA PARTY called HIS RINO ASS OUT.............

48 hours of non attacking McCain is over.............

You Fruit cakes want to know what started all of this..........TEA PARTY BABY..........

and we aren't going away til we take out all you sorry ass bought off whores in Gov't............

Celia Roady, a prominent tax lawyer in the firm of Morgan Lewis, said she was called personally by Lois Lerner, the IRS head of the tax exempt division, on May 9.

"I received a call from Lois Lerner, who told me that she wanted to address an issue after her prepared remarks at the [American Bar Association] Tax Section's Exempt Organizations Committee Meeting, and asked if I would pose a question to her after her remarks," Roady said in a statement to U.S. News and World Report. "I agreed to do so, and she then gave me the question that I asked at the meeting the next day. We had no discussion thereafter on the topic of the question, nor had we spoken about any of this before I received her call. She did not tell me, and I did not know, how she would answer the question."

Acting IRS commissioner Steven Miller admitted to House lawmakers Friday during an oversight hearing of the controversy that the question was a plant. The IRS was aware of a forthcoming Treasury Department Inspector General Report that would condemn the targeting of groups applying for 501(c)(4) status if they contained the words "tea party," "patriot" or "9/12."

Some groups had been complaining of extraordinary and burdensome questioning from the IRS for their applications, but when lawmakers initially questioned IRS officials last year they denied anything inappropriate.

Following the revelations of the IG report, President Barack Obama condemned the action and fired Miller. Attorney General Eric Holder has said the FBI is investigating whether or not any laws were broken and Congress has vowed to hold numerous hearings into the matter.
Trump crossed lines in the depth of his attacks on McCain - he made it personal, as he does all the time. And his supporters cheer it.

GMAB, TRUMP's comments were in response to McCain attacking TRUMP and his supporters. How many times did Obama cross the line during the 2008 campaign, yet McCain was able to get past the petty attacks from Obama.
I voted for McCain and he lost, perhaps had he gone after Obama with the same amount of vitriol as he has for TRUMP he would have won.
TRUMP won because he along with millions of others who voted for him understood playing nice politics losses elections. So while people like McCain are hung up because of petty comments made during a contentious campaign, TRUMP moves on beyond words with actions.

In war collateral damages are often accepted because the intention of outcome is for the greater good, If McCain was able to accept the collateral deaths caused by the war in Iraq to serve the greater good, he should have been able to get over simple words from TRUMP to serve the greater good for the US.

That's not so.
Judicial Watch is a joke.
Trump crossed lines in the depth of his attacks on McCain - he made it personal, as he does all the time. And his supporters cheer it.

GMAB, TRUMP's comments were in response to McCain attacking TRUMP and his supporters. How many times did Obama cross the line during the 2008 campaign, yet McCain was able to get past the petty attacks from Obama.
I voted for McCain and he lost, perhaps had he gone after Obama with the same amount of vitriol as he has for TRUMP he would have won.
TRUMP won because he along with millions of others who voted for him understood playing nice politics losses elections. So while people like McCain are hung up because of petty comments made during a contentious campaign, TRUMP moves on beyond words with actions.

In war collateral damages are often accepted because the intention of outcome is for the greater good, If McCain was able to accept the collateral deaths caused by the war in Iraq to serve the greater good, he should have been able to get over simple words from TRUMP to serve the greater good for the US.

That's not so.
The Trump-suckers in this thread (and I suspect throughout this entire board) are oddly hypocritical when it comes to criticism of their man-boy-king-in-chief.

The Orange Menace spews hate on Twitter and at rallies, encourages his supporters to treat journalists (a staple of a free nation) as enemies of the state, cheats regularly on his wife with porn stars, lies constantly, and uses every speaking event as an opportunity to brag about himself and say demeaning things about others....

In other words, what do the conservative snowflakes here expect: that Donald should be treated with respect when he doesn’t show an ounce of respect for anyone else?

Sensitive bunch....
If you're participating in the hate & division, complaining about hate & division from the other "side" seems kinda shallow.

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