Slag the President while saying Trump supporters are divisive AT A FUCKING FUNERAL

Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'

And you mistake a group "legitimately criticizing" a sitting president for a genuine show of unity.

Do you really think a funeral was an appropriate place to take political jabs at the president?

McCain refused to give in to the birther movement because he respected his political opponent. I doubt he would have ever approved having his death politicized in such a way. He never deigned to such a level.

But you will. His daughter did.

How disgusting.
How did Trump treat McCain?

The way he deserved to be treated.
And that is exactly how Trump is being treated :)
Trump began his fight with McCain with his uncontrollable filthy nasty mouth and tweets. Fuck Trump and his whining snowflake supporters. They are reaping what they sowed.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'

And you mistake a group "legitimately criticizing" a sitting president for a genuine show of unity.

Do you really think a funeral was an appropriate place to take political jabs at the president?

McCain refused to give in to the birther movement because he respected his political opponent. I doubt he would have ever approved having his death politicized in such a way. He never deigned to such a level.

But you will. His daughter did.

How disgusting.
How did Trump treat McCain?

The way he deserved to be treated.
And that is exactly how Trump is being treated :)
The way he deserves??
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'
Speakers at state funerals should never include "criticism" of a sitting president in their remarks but childish liberals don't know that. Libs also can't wrap their heads around the fact that President Trump is not universally disliked. Hillary Clinton is universally disliked....that's why Trump is president and Hillary is not.
Who mentioned the current so-called president in their speech? Quote it please.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.

You love your white-trash whore this much??? He is worth absolutely nothing.
Slick Willie is your whole
I have nothing to do with Bill Clinton. I did find his performance as POTUS as good. His "performance" with an adult woman was not good, but was private. Your white-trash whore not only flaunts his misconduct in public, and he hates women even though he screws them, as evidenced in his appointment of woman-haters in his government, which Bill Clinton did not.
Correction Trump is a white trash pimp, not a whore

LefTard Logic:
Billionaire = White Trash
Illegal Wetback = Awesome human being fools are so fascinating.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'
The Dims attacking Trump are the pieces of shit. knew it was trump by the description right away, didn't you? Didn't you?
I knew they were talking about Trump because that's always what they say about Trump. It only proves that they are scum, not that Trump is scum.
How does our President qualify as "white trash"? He's a rich city slicker from the mean streets of New York City.

white trash
ˈˌ(h)wīt ˈtraSH/
NORTH AMERICANinformalderogatory
noun: white trash
  1. poor white people, especially those living in the southern US.
Funny, I didn't hear Trump's name mentioned a single time.

Did you really have to, or are you that blind?
Quote where trump's name was mentioned. Or are you admitting you recognize him by what was said......which would be interesting considering it was not at all complimentary. Says a lot about what you support if you recognize trump in the comments.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

When you point at a piece of shit and say "don't step in that" are you 'slamming' the piece of shit.

You mistake legitimate criticism of a Universally disliked person as 'slamming.'
The Dims attacking Trump are the pieces of shit. knew it was trump by the description right away, didn't you? Didn't you?
I knew they were talking about Trump because that's always what they say about Trump. It only proves that they are scum, not that Trump is scum.
Funny ,I didn't hear trumps name mentioned bri Is it what Obama GWB or Clinton always say? 24 years worth of the presidency despise trump Should I believe them or you? BTW McCains daughter brought tears to my eyes Always believed America was ALWAYS great
John McCain’s Office Involved in IRS Targeting Of “Tea Party”, “Patriot” And Other Groups

“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans,” Judicial Watch said in a statement.

Link to Judicial Watch FOIA document

The Tea Party labeled McCain a RINO and tried to take him down.............He joined with Obama to target these groups............He was pissed.......because the TEA PARTY called HIS RINO ASS OUT.............

48 hours of non attacking McCain is over.............

You Fruit cakes want to know what started all of this..........TEA PARTY BABY..........

and we aren't going away til we take out all you sorry ass bought off whores in Gov't............
Good thing to bring up....where's the Tea Party now with the government spending so much?
BTW McCains daughter brought tears to my eyes Always believed America was ALWAYS great

I thought that remark was really telling. Ms. McCain basically said she was glad her dad was a loser, as it allowed the Big O to make America great.
John McCain’s Office Involved in IRS Targeting Of “Tea Party”, “Patriot” And Other Groups

“The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The Obama IRS scandal is not over – as Judicial Watch continues to uncover smoking gun documents that raise questions about how the Obama administration weaponized the IRS, the FEC, FBI, and DOJ to target the First Amendment rights of Americans,” Judicial Watch said in a statement.

Link to Judicial Watch FOIA document

The Tea Party labeled McCain a RINO and tried to take him down.............He joined with Obama to target these groups............He was pissed.......because the TEA PARTY called HIS RINO ASS OUT.............

48 hours of non attacking McCain is over.............

You Fruit cakes want to know what started all of this..........TEA PARTY BABY..........

and we aren't going away til we take out all you sorry ass bought off whores in Gov't............
Good thing to bring up....where's the Tea Party now with the government spending so much?

Tea Party was defeated by Lois Lerner and the Democrats, who taxed them out of existence.
This has been the funniest day EVAH.

No, this is the country developing a spine and taking on a lying criminal who is openly an agent of white supremacists and a friend of dictators everywhere, and in the thrall of and beholding to Vladimir Putin.
How does our President qualify as "white trash"? He's a rich city slicker from the mean streets of New York City.

white trash
ˈˌ(h)wīt ˈtraSH/
NORTH AMERICANinformalderogatory
noun: white trash
  1. poor white people, especially those living in the southern US.
Doesn't mean to be poor is only qualification for white trash ,,,Even you might have a few bucks

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