Slag the President while saying Trump supporters are divisive AT A FUCKING FUNERAL

Only fools believe McCain was a “war hero”....There are lots of total pieces of shits who served..You didn’t know that?
Let’s define “war hero” and political “accomplishments”
And worse pieces of shit who didn't serve!


Didn’t serve til his 70’s....Now he SERVES as the military’s highest ranking officer while you’re at home shitting in your Depends. Pretty cool huh.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?
Good thing to bring up....where's the Tea Party now with the government spending so much?

Tea Party was defeated by Lois Lerner and the Democrats, who taxed them out of existence.
It is still there..........Just not in the same numbers as the beginning...............

The people are the movement................they did not disappear.
You're down to 36% trump approval How much lower can you go? 56% support Mueller investigation

Trump is going to schlong you guys in 2020, ed
I will not follow you trump or trumpettes here down into the swamp Been banned once ,,,Enough
So was trump’s private. So? Knock one, knock em all! JFK too! You just like to be a hypocrite eh?

Calling a politician or a pundit a hypocrite is like calling grass green or the sky blue. It's not like it was ever really a question that needed answering.
Yep, but a leftist on a message board is fun!
And worse pieces of shit who didn't serve!


Didn’t serve til his 70’s....Now he SERVES as the military’s highest ranking officer while you’re at home shitting in your Depends. Pretty cool huh.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.
Didn’t serve til his 70’s....Now he SERVES as the military’s highest ranking officer while you’re at home shitting in your Depends. Pretty cool huh.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
Trump hides his taxes and now this??

White House to Withhold 100,000 Pages of Kavanaugh Records
  • The Trump administration cited executive privilege in its refusal to release records relating to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s time as a lawyer in the administration of George W. Bush.
  • The decision comes just days before the start of Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
Who do you call pathetic? What has she done so far to make her better than all of the other FL's? Those others chose a worthy cause and worked hard for those causes. Even Nancy Reagan, as misguided as her cause was, worked at it and was very vocal and put herself out there to promote it.
I think Melania chose her cause as a direct slam at trump because she knows what a self promoting, thin skinned bully he is, and when she does talk about it, indirectly gives him a poke in the eye.
Trump hides his taxes and now this??

White House to Withhold 100,000 Pages of Kavanaugh Records
  • The Trump administration cited executive privilege in its refusal to release records relating to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s time as a lawyer in the administration of George W. Bush.
  • The decision comes just days before the start of Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday.

There isn't time to review 100,000 pages of Kavanaugh records before the fall session when the new Justic will be seated.

The goal for September is to get the man confirmed, this is just an obstruction technique.
Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce
I totally agree. And, like I said before in a different thread, she probably already has the papers drawn up and will file the instant he's out of the WH.
Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce

Them he could smash all the Liberal Whores his penis desires...huh?
Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce

Melania Trump is married to a Tremendous Husband, ed.

Who do you think she would go for instead? Obama"
Trump hides his taxes and now this??

White House to Withhold 100,000 Pages of Kavanaugh Records
  • The Trump administration cited executive privilege in its refusal to release records relating to Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh’s time as a lawyer in the administration of George W. Bush.
  • The decision comes just days before the start of Judge Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Tuesday.
Don't worry........Hillary is coming by to Bleach Bit them........Louis Lerner is gonna smash the computer after.......and they will run over the Black Berrys with vehicles later..........
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce

Them he could smash all the Liberal Whores his penis desires...huh?
1. No liberal woman would allow him within10 feet of her.
2. The Propecia he's taking for his hair loss causes erectile dysfunction, so his baby penis wouldn't be able to get up even if he wanted it to.
3. You're thinking of the RW whores who go around wearing shirts with arrows pointing down to their crotches and saying he could grab it at any time.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce

Them he could smash all the Liberal Whores his penis desires...huh?
1. No liberal woman would allow him within10 feet of her.
2. The Propecia he's taking for his hair loss causes erectile dysfunction, so his baby penis wouldn't be able to get up even if he wanted it to.
3. You're thinking of the RW whores who go around wearing shirts with arrows pointing down to their crotches and saying he could grab it at any time.
Didn’t serve til his 70’s....Now he SERVES as the military’s highest ranking officer while you’re at home shitting in your Depends. Pretty cool huh.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.
So you form your opinions about peoples private lives and marriages based on rumours and then pass those rumours on.


Good job!

Take that Pycho anal ology where the sun doesn't shine.............Wars aren't fought by children.
And yet, you worship a man who acts like a child and even emulate him.

Nice purse swing cupcake,
Almost as nice as your ass rimming talents

The Ghey is strong with you honey.
You like purses and call people ‘honey’. You may want to start sucking dicks if you haven’t already, because you’re gay, son.

Are you new at this darling, it sure seems like it.

You having caught the Ghey part is obvious sugar,
Didn’t serve til his 70’s....Now he SERVES as the military’s highest ranking officer while you’re at home shitting in your Depends. Pretty cool huh.
Trump has never served for rhe USA. His service for Russia does not count.

Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Ok I'm trying to not to laugh my ass off over this. They all lined up to talk about the division while slamming a sitting President.

A white-trash whore sitting in the Oval Office, not worth even a comparison with John McCain. You do love your whore, don't you.

McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.
Yeah cause you’re the body language expert right? Don’t you ever get tired of being a fk wad?
Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
IMO as soon as trump presidency ends she files for divorce
Again the leftist knowitall . Once a fk always one!
Tell that to the 30 states and 2,623 counties that hired him.
Did the Kenyan Zulu serve Mexico?
Pathetically lame. Why Trump's approval ratings are so low, reaching 25% soon.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
McCain was a pathetic loser, I think everyone can see that. President Trump is richer, lives in a better apartment, has a better looking old lady and is President.
Cindy McCain is in her 60's and was rich when she married John. Donald's wives married him for his money.
Smart lady. She even made First Lady. She made out better. Jealous are you?

A position she never wanted. Watch her body language when she's around him. She's repulsed by him and can't hide it even when in public. She never goes anywhere with him anymore and probably doesn't even live in the WH. The rumor has it that she only shows up there when her attendance is required for something that she can't get out of.

Mrs. Trump is an independent woman, unlike some of the pathetic examples of First Ladies we've had in recent years.

Actually, the left insisted she put her own life on hold, and move out of her beloved family Homestead in Manhattan because of "security costs". Pathetic, IMHO. Mrs. Trump enjoys the shopping and other activities in a NYC Penthouse, just like Eddie Albert's eastern European immigrant spouse on TV.

BTW, for Mrs. Trump, First Lady is a zero pay, Dead End job. Unlike her liberal predecessors, she had no desire to become President in her own right
Who do you call pathetic? What has she done so far to make her better than all of the other FL's? Those others chose a worthy cause and worked hard for those causes. Even Nancy Reagan, as misguided as her cause was, worked at it and was very vocal and put herself out there to promote it.
I think Melania chose her cause as a direct slam at trump because she knows what a self promoting, thin skinned bully he is, and when she does talk about it, indirectly gives him a poke in the eye.
She puts up with fking leftists like you

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