Slavery Reparations is immoral

So white people can't understand slavery because they are white? Let me fill you in on something, just because you are Black YOU can't understand slavery. You know why? YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A SLAVE.

Do you know who the man in this picture is?


Can he understand slavery?

I'll let you answer that before I show you just how fucking ignorant YOU are, and why people resent you, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you being Black.

By the way, I said I am starting to believe you are a racist like people have told me, because despite the fact I have never said a single racist thing on this forum, I say I'm against reparations and you fucking call me a racist. THAT'S WHY.

You're starting to believe he's racist? There's no doubt about it. He's proven it time and time again.

I kept trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but damn he acts like the knowledge of slavery is genetic, and that no one else can be educated on the history of a subject and have empathy. I've probably studied the subject just as much or more than he has.

I doubt if you have studied this subject more than me, but that's irrelevant because no matter how much empathy you have, the one thing you have not done is live as a black person in this country. Had you done so without suffering from internalized racism, you would understand how this argument you make has no validity. When I was born children of slaves still existed. Slavery era laws were still overtly enforced. Today it is covertly done and those doing it want to gaslight once they are caught.

And other whites who don't want to believe these things still go on believe the gaslighting.

People don't resent me. These few assholes don't represent all people. And since I have not said that all white people don't understand slavery, your ass is a liar. The fact is that these people here arguing that reparations are immoral are racists. There are whites who have organized to fight for reparations. There are white law professors at our leading law schools who provide legal justification for reparations. But in here, we have a thread started by a person who has consistently barked racism claiming reparations are immoral and this minority opinion primarily held by racists is what you repeat.

Impuretrash believes whites are being replaced which is a prime white supremacist belief. And he calls me a racist for arguing against the racism he practices. This is the type of toilet bowl crust that resents me. People who other self respecting well educated and successful whites cannot stand.

What is immoral is the fact that blacks did not get reparations when freed. What's immoral was the 100 years of apartheid after slavery. What's immoral is the aversive racism some whites practice today. You want me to ignore those atrocities and ignorantly say we are asking to get checks cut because we are black, but still today blacks put taxes in the pot from a nearby 2 trillion dollar annual economy and we never get the return on our taxes than we put in. Our tax dollars annually go to develop white communities and to expand white business via TIFFS and tax abatements. Our tax dollars go to white schools and people like you and others here don't seem to see the true immorality in that.

I'm not a liar, and you totally contradict yourself.

In one line you say, "the one thing you have not done is live as a black person in this country. Had you done so without suffering from internalized racism, you would understand how this argument you make has no validity."

Then in the next you say, "And since I have not said that all white people don't understand slavery, your ass is a liar."

You still didn't answer my question about the picture of the man.

When you were born children of slaves still existed? The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865. Now I understand slavery still existed after that in other forms, but for you to be born when children of slaves, they would have been nearly 100 years old and you born in the 1940's or 1950's.

So let me ask you a question, how do you know I'm White? You just assumed so. At no point did I tell you I was. How do you know I haven't dealt with my own problems with racial discrimination?

Do you know why a lot of white professors and white politicians are saying the U.S. government should still do reparations for slavery? It's called, PR, and as far as the politicians? They are just trying to gain the Black vote and get elected.

One thing on this topic we agree on is that President Johnson was a scum bag for canceling General Sherman;s plan to give newly freed slaves a large portion of land along the Atlantic Coast and the tools needed to farm the land and have their own representatives in government. The problem is, YOU are not a freed slave. NO ONE living right now is a freed slave.

So once you answer my fucking question instead of ignoring it. Can the man in the picture understand slavery? Once you answer that I'll tell you how much I know about slavery, discrimination, and racial disparity in the criminal justice system.

No lew I did not contradict myself. You can understand slavery and not know how it is to be black. My grandmother on my moms side was born in 1875 and her parents had been slaves. She died in 1968 when I was 7. There are quite a few people I met as a young child who fit that description. Furthermore slavery did not end in 1865 by practice. My grand parents on my fathers side were "sharecroppers."

I know that you are white by your argument. And these professors are not arguing for reparations for PR nor are the people volunteering to work in organizations fighting for reparations politicians trying to get the black vote. Your argument about me not being a slave is the sorry excuse whites like you attempt to use thinking it has validity. But you're paying native americans annually for things you tell us we have no right to ask for.

And I answered your question. I don't really care how much you know about much of anything lew. I'm tired of whites like you.

Sharecroppers by definition are not slaves, and the 13th Amendment was passed in 1865. You aren't being honest, while calling me a liar. There are people who are being treated like slaves, even still today. You just got called out on a statement you made to try and legitimize yourself.

How about we make a bet? Since you are so into making assumptions, like the one where you called me a racist, let's put it to the test. It's a loser leaves the forum bet. You find and show ONE racist post I made, that wasn't a sarcastic post to make fun of the real racist on this forum, and I'll leave the forum. If you can't, YOU leave the forum. You need to answer this bet in the next 5 minutes however because I'm not going to let you look over all the forum before you take the bet. Then if you accept the bet you have one day to look, and if you don't find one, you leave the forum FOREVER. So, now you can either take the bet since you called me a racist, not take the bet and show you are just a racist coward that calls all white people that doesn't agree with you a racist, or you could create an entire thread where you apologize for calling me a racist without any evidence of it.

How do you know I'm WHITE? You assume I'm white just because I don't agree with everything you say. And no you didn't answer my question... so since you won't, THAT WHITE MAN is the author of "Worse than Slavery," an award winning book about the horrible results of Jim Crow laws and sharecroppers. His name is David M. Oshinsky. Have you ever read his book? I wonder if you read his book and just assumed he was Black since he wrote such a wonderful book that showed how shitty life was back then.


"In this sensitively told tale of suffering, brutality, and inhumanity, Worse Than Slavery is an epic history of race and punishment in the deepest South from emancipation to the civil rights era—and beyond.

Immortalized in blues songs and movies like Cool Hand Luke and The Defiant Ones, Mississippi’s infamous Parchman State Penitentiary was, in the pre-civil rights south, synonymous with cruelty. Now, noted historian David Oshinsky gives us the true story of the notorious prison, drawing on police records, prison documents, folklore, blues songs, and oral history, from the days of cotton-field chain gangs to the 1960s, when Parchman was used to break the wills of civil rights workers who journeyed south on Freedom Rides."

[PDF] Worse Than Slavery By David M. Oshinsky - Free eBook Downloads

I have taken SEVERAL Graduate level courses that have been based around unequal treatment of minorities by the U.S. criminal justice system, including the past Jim Crow Laws, sharecroppers, indentured servitude, and even the current prison system and how minorities arrested and incarcerated at higher rates so that they can be used for contracted prison labor.

You have some issues you need to work out, including the way you perceive and discriminate against people. How can you expect people to treat you equally when you are always attacking people unfairly?
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

I don't get IM2.
In some aspects I thought we agreed on reforms and corrections needed including reparations.
But then we go in circles arguing over "whose fault it is" where that becomes an "excuse" to blame some group out of reach
in order to justify not doing anything.

I don't get that mentality. Is it victimhood?

I thought IM2 would jump at the chance to be part of a real solution to use as a national model.
But this "wait and blame other people and groups" seems to be the easiest path of least resistance.

As Gladys House would ask: Where are the REAL men? Why all these boys?
IM2 I wish you would just bypass arguing in circles with me and contact Gladys Directly 832-781-9724
She would likely AGREE with you on the Racism issues where I can never be in your positions.

I thought I was helping by summarizing the history, but if I am just getting in the way I need to get out of the way and let you lead instead. if you want to conference call, let me know and I'm honored to introduce you. but if you just don't trust my judgment or bias, please contact Gladys directly and I'm sure you will relate as both being descendants of Freed Slaves who already know the history and what you are up against with both "racism" and party politics. Thanks!
So white people can't understand slavery because they are white? Let me fill you in on something, just because you are Black YOU can't understand slavery. You know why? YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A SLAVE.

Do you know who the man in this picture is?


Can he understand slavery?

I'll let you answer that before I show you just how fucking ignorant YOU are, and why people resent you, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you being Black.

By the way, I said I am starting to believe you are a racist like people have told me, because despite the fact I have never said a single racist thing on this forum, I say I'm against reparations and you fucking call me a racist. THAT'S WHY.

You're starting to believe he's racist? There's no doubt about it. He's proven it time and time again.

I kept trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt, but damn he acts like the knowledge of slavery is genetic, and that no one else can be educated on the history of a subject and have empathy. I've probably studied the subject just as much or more than he has.

I doubt if you have studied this subject more than me, but that's irrelevant because no matter how much empathy you have, the one thing you have not done is live as a black person in this country. Had you done so without suffering from internalized racism, you would understand how this argument you make has no validity. When I was born children of slaves still existed. Slavery era laws were still overtly enforced. Today it is covertly done and those doing it want to gaslight once they are caught.

And other whites who don't want to believe these things still go on believe the gaslighting.

People don't resent me. These few assholes don't represent all people. And since I have not said that all white people don't understand slavery, your ass is a liar. The fact is that these people here arguing that reparations are immoral are racists. There are whites who have organized to fight for reparations. There are white law professors at our leading law schools who provide legal justification for reparations. But in here, we have a thread started by a person who has consistently barked racism claiming reparations are immoral and this minority opinion primarily held by racists is what you repeat.

Impuretrash believes whites are being replaced which is a prime white supremacist belief. And he calls me a racist for arguing against the racism he practices. This is the type of toilet bowl crust that resents me. People who other self respecting well educated and successful whites cannot stand.

What is immoral is the fact that blacks did not get reparations when freed. What's immoral was the 100 years of apartheid after slavery. What's immoral is the aversive racism some whites practice today. You want me to ignore those atrocities and ignorantly say we are asking to get checks cut because we are black, but still today blacks put taxes in the pot from a nearby 2 trillion dollar annual economy and we never get the return on our taxes than we put in. Our tax dollars annually go to develop white communities and to expand white business via TIFFS and tax abatements. Our tax dollars go to white schools and people like you and others here don't seem to see the true immorality in that.

I'm not a liar, and you totally contradict yourself.

In one line you say, "the one thing you have not done is live as a black person in this country. Had you done so without suffering from internalized racism, you would understand how this argument you make has no validity."

Then in the next you say, "And since I have not said that all white people don't understand slavery, your ass is a liar."

You still didn't answer my question about the picture of the man.

When you were born children of slaves still existed? The 13th Amendment abolished slavery in 1865. Now I understand slavery still existed after that in other forms, but for you to be born when children of slaves, they would have been nearly 100 years old and you born in the 1940's or 1950's.

So let me ask you a question, how do you know I'm White? You just assumed so. At no point did I tell you I was. How do you know I haven't dealt with my own problems with racial discrimination?

Do you know why a lot of white professors and white politicians are saying the U.S. government should still do reparations for slavery? It's called, PR, and as far as the politicians? They are just trying to gain the Black vote and get elected.

One thing on this topic we agree on is that President Johnson was a scum bag for canceling General Sherman;s plan to give newly freed slaves a large portion of land along the Atlantic Coast and the tools needed to farm the land and have their own representatives in government. The problem is, YOU are not a freed slave. NO ONE living right now is a freed slave.

So once you answer my fucking question instead of ignoring it. Can the man in the picture understand slavery? Once you answer that I'll tell you how much I know about slavery, discrimination, and racial disparity in the criminal justice system.

Dear Lewdog and IM2
Two areas where I will totally acknowledge there is inherent disparity with African Americans:

1. the disparity in experience and access to credit with PROPERTY ownership and management
There is a huge gap and FEAR, almost phobic, of certain Black districts especially churches
where they get exploited and oppressed politically and economically because of unequal ownership.

2. disparity in legal education, experience and ENFORCEMENT of Constitutional rights that get
run over by bigger corporate or political interests.

This is especially sad, distressing and destructive when conservatives who DO learn the laws and their rights
get RUN OUT as "Uncle Toms" and other namecalling, bullying, ostracism, and rejection when the knowledge
they have of laws, government and property ownership is what is missing from the equality equation.

See my msg above to IM2 where he seems "content" to accept all abuses and violations as lawful.

While the Black leaders in Freedmen's Town from Lenwood Johnson to Gladys House taught
themselves and others the LAWS and PROCESS for defending rights and laws from violations, but don't have equal
legal and public support because of people like IM2 who are content to let oppression continue unchecked.

Sorry but that is the saddest part in all this.

The leaders who rally to expose the wrongs get silenced by their own.
I've run into this as well, where people try to discredit me instead of addressing the violations of law they don't want to look at.

Then they "wonder" why others don't support them in overcoming injustice
if they are too busy censoring each other.

No his problem is, he is hate filled and assumes all non-Black people that don't agree with everything he says is a racist. He then spends all of his time complaining and attacking people, especially on radical ideas, rather than tackling the realistic ones first, and doing so from a position of understanding and colorblindness. When you try to solve an issue, and you take this position that if the other side will not bend to every one of your commands, you are the aggressor and are doing so because you are a racist, you aren't going to accomplish anything.

Look how far South Africa has come. Are they perfect? Nope, not even close, but look where they used to be. Did they jail or kill all the whites that were a part of Apartheid? Nope, they had a program called Truth & Reconciliation Commission (TRC). It is an important lesson to learn.

Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Healing: Lessons from South Africa | Pepperdine School of Law
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

I don't get IM2.
In some aspects I thought we agreed on reforms and corrections needed including reparations.
But then we go in circles arguing over "whose fault it is" where that becomes an "excuse" to blame some group out of reach
in order to justify not doing anything.

I don't get that mentality. Is it victimhood?

I thought IM2 would jump at the chance to be part of a real solution to use as a national model.
But this "wait and blame other people and groups" seems to be the easiest path of least resistance.

As Gladys House would ask: Where are the REAL men? Why all these boys?
IM2 I wish you would just bypass arguing in circles with me and contact Gladys Directly 832-781-9724
She would likely AGREE with you on the Racism issues where I can never be in your positions.

I thought I was helping by summarizing the history, but if I am just getting in the way I need to get out of the way and let you lead instead. if you want to conference call, let me know and I'm honored to introduce you. but if you just don't trust my judgment or bias, please contact Gladys directly and I'm sure you will relate as both being descendants of Freed Slaves who already know the history and what you are up against with both "racism" and party politics. Thanks!

It's because he is a person that will never be satisfied. If you gave him a steak, he'd ask you why you didn't give him a baked potato too. Did you do that because you don't think he deserves it? Then after feeling ashamed, you give him a baked potato, and he asks why you didn't ask if he wanted butter on his potato. So once again you feel bad for not being hospitable, so you get him a tub of butter where he can put as much butter on it as he wants. Then he would look at you and ask if you think he could eat a steak and baked potato without something to drink, you must not respect him and didn't give him a glass of win to have with his meal because you think you are better than him. Then this goes on and on until he asks why you won't donate your land and your home as reparations.

Of course this is sensationalized, but I think you get the point.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

There is no excuse to still be paying native americans. What you need to do is drop your white opinion about this and go study how you have benefited from slavery. On top of that you need to go study the impact of white racist policy from slavery to right now. You are ignorant to that information and it's easier for those like you to hide behind the malarkey you just posted. Why should we continue to be forced to have less wealth than whites because we were made to work for no pay for over 200 years. What could we have been able to build for successive generations had blacks been able to earn the same money as whites?

I'm not making anybody resent me that doesn't already resent me if I wasn't for reparations. And whites like you need to jump off that horse you ride relative to your importance. I don't give a fuck what whites such as you like. You appear to think that what whites have done and keep doing has not created resentment. The argument for reparations goes far beyond slavery and it does include things I have suffered.

But let's address that excuse also. Whites like you are all about things you never have experienced. Funds are set aside for descendants of the revolutionary war and at last check nobody alive has fought in that war. Every July 4th you celebrate something you had not part in. I can go on and on. There are laws that supersede the constitution. When those laws are broken you face a penalty. There is no statute of limitations on these laws. Excuses for breaking them do not get accepted.

So you can repeat the same mealy mouthed bullshit all white racists repeat when this topic comes up. And your opinion on this matter is irrelevant to the ultimate decider. You and those like you are the ones doing more harm than good. You owe us a generational debt and you will either pay what you owe or lose what you got.
Nobody owes you a fucking debt generational or otherwise.

We have been paying reparations for years in the form of welfare

You are the only racist hear.

Reparations are immoral and will never be tolerated or paid as you wish them to be
Uncle Toms Cabin is Fiction
When operating a large farm the last thing in earth you do is beat , starve, allow to be sick, and mistreat your workers Because they can’t work if you do.
Owning a person is grotesquely immoral but, for the umpteenth time, it was the way of the world 150+ years ago and today’s mores are far far more enlightened but cannot be applied to what happened centuries ago.
Think about it: If founding fathers didn't allow slavery, we would hardly have blacks in US today. We would also have 50% less crime.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

Dear Lewdog if you compare settlements such as Freedmen's Town to the Native American tribal settlements, yes, I'd say the native settlers who created these towns deserve return of their lands and heritage to their descendants that was taken away by eminent domain and other encroachments they did not have "equal protections and representation" to defend. Thus they were taken advantage of while they were not citizens and not considered as having equal legal and human rights.

People of minority socioeconomic classes who end up in jails with prison records unable to work
in part because they didn't have equal access to LEGAL defense as well as equal experience with property and financial business management also have a disadvantage that gets exploited politically.

If you look at the history, of a lineage of people going from being considered "property" of others
to getting emancipated in either 1863 or 1865 for Texas, and finally getting equal civil rights as late as 1964 or later, there are whole communities that are disadvantaged and behind on the learning curve regarding property ownership, financial credit and business experience, and participation in government.

As Obama concluded when he looked into the reparations issue, by the time you address the poverty issues and education to address socioeconomic disadvantages, this would not only uplift and help the Black populations but ALL people suffering from disparity and unequal defense and protection of rights as other people who have more experience with financial management and government participation over generations. So if you focus on socioeconomic development, this will naturally address the damage done to Black populations without having to target that specific demographic.

So there are ways to address this issue effectively that bypass the legality problems.

Both Ben Carson and Obama advocate for microlending and financial education/business training programs to break the cycle of poverty and dependence on welfare handouts.

When I read that Obama was taking on criminal justice reform, I just wish he had done that as the means of freeing up resources to finance health care reform. Then he could have sold both ideas as part of the same solutions. And reforming criminal justice by investing in preventative care, teaching hospitals and medical education to diagnose and treat criminal disorders, abuse and addiction early to cut the costs of crime would have solved both the health care funding issues, education, and this reparations issue of ending the genocidal oppression of poor minorities, not just Black but Latino, Native Americans, and others lacking equal legal defense, education and experience as populations that are not still suffering aftermath from slavery, genocide, trafficking, and other disruptions of their family lineage and heritage.
Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.

What about this proposal for a better response?
Add up all the costs, debts and damages for unconstitutional legislation
passed by Democrats that violated equal civil rights and beliefs of Constitutionalists.

Add triple damages for mental anguish, stress and suffering,
and costs of lobbying to defeat such unconstitutional legislation
including campaign costs to advertise to hire other leaders to replace and repair the damages and debts.

Plus interest.

Then charge that to the Democratic Party leaders, members, voters, supporters, donors and advocates caught misrepresenting in public that any such rulings or legislation* was constitutional when it wasn't because it violated beliefs and discriminated by creed. Because Democrats did this as a collective group of members, argue this constitutes FELONY conspiracy to violate civil rights.

So ask for costs to pursue and prosecute FELONY charges, including misrepresentation and fraud.

Even this bill proposal for collective punishment without due process to prove which parties committed which acts constitutes FRAUD by misrepresenting it to the public as "constitutional" for the sake of SOLICITING votes or donations.

Add that all up and let's argue to pursue reparations to taxpayers from Democrats
responsible for misrepresenting legislative campaigns as constitutional when these are discriminatory against Constitutional beliefs in due process before depriving anyone of liberty, and in representation before taxation!

* EX of unconstitutional legislation: DOMA signed by Clinton, ACA signed by Obama and voted on by Democrats in Congress, any legislative campaigns pushing to establish LGBT beliefs through govt when these are faith based and can't discriminate against other beliefs. If you want Reparations for oppression and discrimination against Black descendants of Freed Slaves, look into Freedmen's Town a national historic district destroyed at taxpayer expense by Democrat administration politics in collusion with corporate developer interests:
Bull Ring - Anonymous1977: emilynghiem is Asian I support Freedmen's Town plan for Constitutional equality

None of the things you mention are unconstitutional or just on democrats. Republicans are part of the problem and that include freedmans town which was destroyed by democratic and republican administrations and I have done the research.

Okay great! name the people specifically and we focus there.
While I was there, the administration ie City of Houston was under leaders
supported by more Democratic Party voters and supporters.
I cannot vouch for more than I witnesses, so when I stick to
the abuses on records, this runs from 1993 to the present.

I also hold that ALL taxpayers whose money got used to destroy the history
should be responsible for arguing for restitution and corrections or else
THOSE TAXPAYERS are enabling the abuses using those resources and authority.

If the City won't take responsibility, then the taxpayers funding the City should
be held to decide if they want to be plaintiffs or defendants to legal complaints and corrections.

And yes you are right, both Republicans Democrats and independents paid the City State
and Federal dollars that got abused to destroy national history.

The Mayors since I started volunteering there were all elected and funded by Democratic support bases
(even though Houston claims not to run partisan election races, if you follow the money it's clearly
divided by liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans):

1. Mayor Bob Lanier
2. Mayor Lee P. Brown
3. Mayor Bill White
4. Mayor Annise Parker
5. Mayor Sylvester Turner

NONE of these Mayors are associated with Republican support
but have been clearly biased toward Democratic party and liberal politics.

Also Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee is a longstanding Democrat
and this is under her District 18, the whole time I've been volunteering there.

NOTE: I plan to work with her office on trying to salvage the remaining history
which was recently recognized as a top Endangered historic site.

Here is the nonprofit medical Cooperative where the founding partners
have offered to work with me, Gladys House and other community leaders
to set up means for reorganizing support to restore and develop the district
according to the original plans by Gladys, Lenwood Johnson Darrell Patterson
and other church and community leaders:

Sorry IM2 this wasn't clear
but the main people who redirected funds away from Freedmen's Town
and into corporate developer and Third Ward interests were
* Garnet Coleman Democratic State Rep
* Mayor Bob Lanier and Bill White both Democrats

So those are the violations I focus on to launch the restitution plans
which I can cite records and documentation through Gladys House.

She can give you the rest, and yes she blames Democrats the most
and then Republicans for not supporting Black business interests either.

The best support we got from Republicans was when Kay Bailey Hutchison
secured a multimillion dollar federal grant for the Gregory School,
with Al Davis in her office who was chair of the Harris Co. Historical Commission.
But after Bill White got a hold of the grant, it wasn't managed right and the grant was lost. He had to get other
sources of funding, and messed those up too. There is a whole website complaining of the corruption this involved.
They lost multimillions on failed or corrupted plans before they finally got the building restored for $51 million
which was way over budget and took funds from other projects that could have been saved with that money.

So unfortunately no Republican gets the credit for that
which was originally done through Senator Hutchison.

It was destroyed by the "Democrat" Mayor Bill White
who still claims credit for a botched job that to this day
gets as many complaints as credits for doing a bad job
saving a good historic project. the historic preservationists
were so grateful the city didn't totally botch this, they have
trouble complaining because so much worse was destroyed.
This is considered an achievement, although the people who
know the real politics and waste behind it protested the
loss of history and resources from botched planning and corrupt abuses behind the scenes.

Emily your city reneged on promises to that community beginning at least in the 1930's and both democratic and republican administrations were responsible. Also from what I read, the council member representing the district was republican and voted for the developers. The entire city council voting was not democrats. You have republicans representing you at the state house and a republican governor who won't listen to you. So lets not just blame democrats. I live in a republican state ruined by a republican governor. Republican governments in our cities destroyed black communities and still are. So it's on both parties. Yet you republicans are so damn dishonest that you don't want to hold your own party accountable for it's racism.

1. the reason I happen to focus on Democrats is I share responsibility for that party.
So I pay more attention to what I am planning to assess and help pay restitution for.
For Republicans, I let GLADYS track and handle and represent that part.
She's Republican, she can hold her own party responsible.

2. If you notice, I list specific abuse issues that can be tracked to SPECIFIC Mayors
or grants this misspending happened under. So I am being SPECIFIC PER INCIDENT.
yes, it just so happens these people from Bob Lanier to Bill White were Democrats.
But I'm not targeting just them for that, I'm targeting the SPECIFIC incidents where
misspending can be quantified, documented and used to justify reimbursement to taxpayers
and use the funding to invest in restoration plans to repair some of the destruction.

So I AM being specific to the people, events and amounts that were abused to cause destruction.

3. The reason Party makes a difference is if the leaders elected are NOT ABLE or willing to
take responsibility for paying back the money abused, that's where I would address their PARTY
constituents and ask PARTY members to join me in taking responsibility.

Since I am committed to work with Democratic Party leaders and members, that's who I would address as my peers I am asking to take responsibility for the misconduct and abuse of leaders the Party helped to elect.

The same goes for whoever Gladys wants to address as fellow Republicans.

Is this more clear?

We still hold the SPECIFIC wrongdoers responsible for the specific amounts of tax dollars
abused and misdirected.

But if this rebuke fails we go to the PARTY that ELECTED that leader and ask support
to take responsibility that way.

After all, that's how they got away with it. if their party helped elect them but then didn't take
responsibility for their actions,

So I'm working that system to trace the accountability, in asking for corrections to damage done.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

Dear Lewdog if you compare settlements such as Freedmen's Town to the Native American tribal settlements, yes, I'd say the native settlers who created these towns deserve return of their lands and heritage to their descendants that was taken away by eminent domain and other encroachments they did not have "equal protections and representation" to defend. Thus they were taken advantage of while they were not citizens and not considered as having equal legal and human rights.

People of minority socioeconomic classes who end up in jails with prison records unable to work
in part because they didn't have equal access to LEGAL defense as well as equal experience with property and financial business management also have a disadvantage that gets exploited politically.

If you look at the history, of a lineage of people going from being considered "property" of others
to getting emancipated in either 1863 or 1865 for Texas, and finally getting equal civil rights as late as 1964 or later, there are whole communities that are disadvantaged and behind on the learning curve regarding property ownership, financial credit and business experience, and participation in government.

As Obama concluded when he looked into the reparations issue, by the time you address the poverty issues and education to address socioeconomic disadvantages, this would not only uplift and help the Black populations but ALL people suffering from disparity and unequal defense and protection of rights as other people who have more experience with financial management and government participation over generations. So if you focus on socioeconomic development, this will naturally address the damage done to Black populations without having to target that specific demographic.

So there are ways to address this issue effectively that bypass the legality problems.

Both Ben Carson and Obama advocate for microlending and financial education/business training programs to break the cycle of poverty and dependence on welfare handouts.

When I read that Obama was taking on criminal justice reform, I just wish he had done that as the means of freeing up resources to finance health care reform. Then he could have sold both ideas as part of the same solutions. And reforming criminal justice by investing in preventative care, teaching hospitals and medical education to diagnose and treat criminal disorders, abuse and addiction early to cut the costs of crime would have solved both the health care funding issues, education, and this reparations issue of ending the genocidal oppression of poor minorities, not just Black but Latino, Native Americans, and others lacking equal legal defense, education and experience as populations that are not still suffering aftermath from slavery, genocide, trafficking, and other disruptions of their family lineage and heritage.

Those are all issues that are important and need to fixed, but when people like IM2 focus on fighting for reparations instead criminal justice reform, getting rid of jail sentences for non-violent offenses, and pushing ban the box initiatives... he is making people resentful and thus get a negative view of the rest of the issues, and it makes it harder to get them accomplished.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.

You certainly wouldn't even people knew what kind of things you say when you post online.
The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

Dear Lewdog if you compare settlements such as Freedmen's Town to the Native American tribal settlements, yes, I'd say the native settlers who created these towns deserve return of their lands and heritage to their descendants that was taken away by eminent domain and other encroachments they did not have "equal protections and representation" to defend. Thus they were taken advantage of while they were not citizens and not considered as having equal legal and human rights.

People of minority socioeconomic classes who end up in jails with prison records unable to work
in part because they didn't have equal access to LEGAL defense as well as equal experience with property and financial business management also have a disadvantage that gets exploited politically.

If you look at the history, of a lineage of people going from being considered "property" of others
to getting emancipated in either 1863 or 1865 for Texas, and finally getting equal civil rights as late as 1964 or later, there are whole communities that are disadvantaged and behind on the learning curve regarding property ownership, financial credit and business experience, and participation in government.

As Obama concluded when he looked into the reparations issue, by the time you address the poverty issues and education to address socioeconomic disadvantages, this would not only uplift and help the Black populations but ALL people suffering from disparity and unequal defense and protection of rights as other people who have more experience with financial management and government participation over generations. So if you focus on socioeconomic development, this will naturally address the damage done to Black populations without having to target that specific demographic.

So there are ways to address this issue effectively that bypass the legality problems.

Both Ben Carson and Obama advocate for microlending and financial education/business training programs to break the cycle of poverty and dependence on welfare handouts.

When I read that Obama was taking on criminal justice reform, I just wish he had done that as the means of freeing up resources to finance health care reform. Then he could have sold both ideas as part of the same solutions. And reforming criminal justice by investing in preventative care, teaching hospitals and medical education to diagnose and treat criminal disorders, abuse and addiction early to cut the costs of crime would have solved both the health care funding issues, education, and this reparations issue of ending the genocidal oppression of poor minorities, not just Black but Latino, Native Americans, and others lacking equal legal defense, education and experience as populations that are not still suffering aftermath from slavery, genocide, trafficking, and other disruptions of their family lineage and heritage.

Those are all issues that are important and need to fixed, but when people like IM2 focus on fighting for reparations instead criminal justice reform, getting rid of jail sentences for non-violent offenses, and pushing ban the box initiatives... he is making people resentful and thus get a negative view of the rest of the issues, and it makes it harder to get them accomplished.

Reparations is not all I focus on. But this thread is about reparations so why should I discuss something else. You think that we should concern ourselves with the fact that as we are demanding economic equality whites will get resentful. Apparently those like you don't care about the resentment we as blacks have knowing that the shape a lot of our communities are in is due to whites cutting themselves checks with our money. Nothing I am saying is making anything more difficult. Most of these people oppose any of the initiatives you are talking about and never will support them.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.

You have no respect for anyone including yourself. You're just a miserable old man. I almost feel sorry for you.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.

You certainly wouldn't even people knew what kind of things you say when you post online.
They have because I have said the same things. Those like you have a problem. You want us to discuss this the way you want to hear it, and provide solutions that will work on your terms. That's just not how things are going to be done. And calling me a racist for pointing out continuing white racism in a section about race while whites are making all kinds of racist comments stinks of an attitude of white paternalism at best.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.

You have no respect for anyone including yourself. You're just a miserable old man. I almost feel sorry for you.
If I had no respect for myself, I would act like you. You are the miserable one, I'm happy and satisfied with my past accomplishments and those to come. I know that I am on the right track when people like you do what you are doing.
I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

Dear Lewdog if you compare settlements such as Freedmen's Town to the Native American tribal settlements, yes, I'd say the native settlers who created these towns deserve return of their lands and heritage to their descendants that was taken away by eminent domain and other encroachments they did not have "equal protections and representation" to defend. Thus they were taken advantage of while they were not citizens and not considered as having equal legal and human rights.

People of minority socioeconomic classes who end up in jails with prison records unable to work
in part because they didn't have equal access to LEGAL defense as well as equal experience with property and financial business management also have a disadvantage that gets exploited politically.

If you look at the history, of a lineage of people going from being considered "property" of others
to getting emancipated in either 1863 or 1865 for Texas, and finally getting equal civil rights as late as 1964 or later, there are whole communities that are disadvantaged and behind on the learning curve regarding property ownership, financial credit and business experience, and participation in government.

As Obama concluded when he looked into the reparations issue, by the time you address the poverty issues and education to address socioeconomic disadvantages, this would not only uplift and help the Black populations but ALL people suffering from disparity and unequal defense and protection of rights as other people who have more experience with financial management and government participation over generations. So if you focus on socioeconomic development, this will naturally address the damage done to Black populations without having to target that specific demographic.

So there are ways to address this issue effectively that bypass the legality problems.

Both Ben Carson and Obama advocate for microlending and financial education/business training programs to break the cycle of poverty and dependence on welfare handouts.

When I read that Obama was taking on criminal justice reform, I just wish he had done that as the means of freeing up resources to finance health care reform. Then he could have sold both ideas as part of the same solutions. And reforming criminal justice by investing in preventative care, teaching hospitals and medical education to diagnose and treat criminal disorders, abuse and addiction early to cut the costs of crime would have solved both the health care funding issues, education, and this reparations issue of ending the genocidal oppression of poor minorities, not just Black but Latino, Native Americans, and others lacking equal legal defense, education and experience as populations that are not still suffering aftermath from slavery, genocide, trafficking, and other disruptions of their family lineage and heritage.

Those are all issues that are important and need to fixed, but when people like IM2 focus on fighting for reparations instead criminal justice reform, getting rid of jail sentences for non-violent offenses, and pushing ban the box initiatives... he is making people resentful and thus get a negative view of the rest of the issues, and it makes it harder to get them accomplished.

Reparations is not all I focus on. But this thread is about reparations so why should I discuss something else. You think that we should concern ourselves with the fact that as we are demanding economic equality whites will get resentful. Apparently those like you don't care about the resentment we as blacks have knowing that the shape a lot of our communities are in is due to whites cutting themselves checks with our money. Nothing I am saying is making anything more difficult. Most of these people oppose any of the initiatives you are talking about and never will support them.

There you go again. You keep building strawman arguments about me on subjects you have no idea what my position is.

You didn't take my bet, nor did you apologize for calling me a racist. You know what your problem is? You are used to someone who is educated in these subjects responding to you with facts and the sources to back them up.
I have proven none of that. You call me a racist because I call you out on yours.

You're a hate filled radical extremist that no rational person will ever take seriously and that's your own fault. People like you are your own worst enemy.

No. I'm an unapologetic blank man who refuses to kiss white racist ass. You want to see radical black extremism? Talk to a black Israelite. This is the race and racism section. Not the whites get to spew racism and everybody else say yessir section. You make no sense asian. I have respect on my name where I live and would have respect on my name in your town and among your fellow asians.

You certainly wouldn't even people knew what kind of things you say when you post online.
They have because I have said the same things. Those like you have a problem. You want us to discuss this the way you want to hear it, and provide solutions that will work on your terms. That's just not how things are going to be done. And calling me a racist for pointing out continuing white racism in a section about race while whites are making all kinds of racist comments stinks of an attitude of white paternalism at best.

No I want to discuss this issue like human beings, not talked at by people like you that want to discuss subjects and try to find solutions. You want to stand in front of people and make demands. There is a huge difference between those two things.
I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

Dear Lewdog if you compare settlements such as Freedmen's Town to the Native American tribal settlements, yes, I'd say the native settlers who created these towns deserve return of their lands and heritage to their descendants that was taken away by eminent domain and other encroachments they did not have "equal protections and representation" to defend. Thus they were taken advantage of while they were not citizens and not considered as having equal legal and human rights.

People of minority socioeconomic classes who end up in jails with prison records unable to work
in part because they didn't have equal access to LEGAL defense as well as equal experience with property and financial business management also have a disadvantage that gets exploited politically.

If you look at the history, of a lineage of people going from being considered "property" of others
to getting emancipated in either 1863 or 1865 for Texas, and finally getting equal civil rights as late as 1964 or later, there are whole communities that are disadvantaged and behind on the learning curve regarding property ownership, financial credit and business experience, and participation in government.

As Obama concluded when he looked into the reparations issue, by the time you address the poverty issues and education to address socioeconomic disadvantages, this would not only uplift and help the Black populations but ALL people suffering from disparity and unequal defense and protection of rights as other people who have more experience with financial management and government participation over generations. So if you focus on socioeconomic development, this will naturally address the damage done to Black populations without having to target that specific demographic.

So there are ways to address this issue effectively that bypass the legality problems.

Both Ben Carson and Obama advocate for microlending and financial education/business training programs to break the cycle of poverty and dependence on welfare handouts.

When I read that Obama was taking on criminal justice reform, I just wish he had done that as the means of freeing up resources to finance health care reform. Then he could have sold both ideas as part of the same solutions. And reforming criminal justice by investing in preventative care, teaching hospitals and medical education to diagnose and treat criminal disorders, abuse and addiction early to cut the costs of crime would have solved both the health care funding issues, education, and this reparations issue of ending the genocidal oppression of poor minorities, not just Black but Latino, Native Americans, and others lacking equal legal defense, education and experience as populations that are not still suffering aftermath from slavery, genocide, trafficking, and other disruptions of their family lineage and heritage.

Those are all issues that are important and need to fixed, but when people like IM2 focus on fighting for reparations instead criminal justice reform, getting rid of jail sentences for non-violent offenses, and pushing ban the box initiatives... he is making people resentful and thus get a negative view of the rest of the issues, and it makes it harder to get them accomplished.

Reparations is not all I focus on. But this thread is about reparations so why should I discuss something else. You think that we should concern ourselves with the fact that as we are demanding economic equality whites will get resentful. Apparently those like you don't care about the resentment we as blacks have knowing that the shape a lot of our communities are in is due to whites cutting themselves checks with our money. Nothing I am saying is making anything more difficult. Most of these people oppose any of the initiatives you are talking about and never will support them.

Dear IM2 it depends HOW you go about demanding equality economically and politically.

Conservatives I know would LOVE if everyone learned equal self-government
by knowledge of the laws, and all became financially self-sufficient by
knowledge and experience with business, property management, etc.

Then they wouldn't have to worry about dependence on govt and political exploitation of the poor.

So if you seek liberation and equality by equal EMPOWERMENT in business,
community development and management, and self-government
that's how Conservatives like Booker T Washington pushed for independence.

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