Slavery Reparations is immoral

Dr Phil has a better chance of growing an affro than for the Democrats to convince the majority of Americans that we need to institute reparations!
Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.
It’s not immoral. In fact it is the definition of morality.

That said it’s impractical and stupid both politically and fiscally.

How does one put a value on the legacy of slavery? You could no more do that than figure who deserves what slice of that pie
So why is making DACA kids pay for the crimes of their parents immoral?
huh. What else of mine do you think you are entitled to?
Stop looking for handouts, and vote for Trump. He has you up and working for a living again. You aren't entitled to the rewards of my hard work.
I have never owned slaves and you have never picked cotton, so get over yourself...
What are you referring to as "yours?"

Not the government, right?
The reality of this situation is that all of those people involved have been moldering in their graves for over a century, and YOU don't deserve shit for something you weren't involved in. The window of opportunity on this has long since closed.
When was the right time for blacks to get reparations?

List the years.
I’ve got a feeling that after the Trump nonsense finally settles down that this is where the crazies will go next.
Slavery Reparations is immoral and unreasonable

Cory Booker introduces Senate bill on slavery reparations

Cory Booker was introduced a Senate bill on slavery reparations. There are also other 2020 Democrat candidates who are talking about reparations. Booker, Harris, Warren and Sanders are all talking about Slavery Reparation.

Candidates edge toward discussing slavery reparations

Not all people of color in the United States are descended from slaves, and not all are impoverished. It’s also expensive and would cost the U.S. government $6 trillion to as much as $14 trillion. University of Connecticut professor Thomas Craemer arrived at that range by calculating the value of slave labor at prevailing wages from 1776 to 1865, compounded at 3 percent annually.

Slavery Reparations is immoral because it would punish innocent people and it would reward non-victims. There are no living slaves and there are no living slave owners. It would be like punishing a person for something that their friend did or a sibling did. It’s immoral to punish people for something that they had no control of. The Dem candidates are not just pandering for votes, they are trying to buy votes with your money. The constitution treats people as individuals, not as groups.
It’s not immoral. In fact it is the definition of morality.

That said it’s impractical and stupid both politically and fiscally.

How does one put a value on the legacy of slavery? You could no more do that than figure who deserves what slice of that pie
So why is making DACA kids pay for the crimes of their parents immoral?
Because they are brown.
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.
So wait a sec, Blacks went from building mud huts in Africa, to precision, Greco-Roman buildings using the golden ratio once they arrived in America. :p Afro-centrism is in the same family of mental illnesses as TDS. Totally insane. Get over it. Blacks kind of picked some cotton after the Jewish slave traders bought them from the Black slave traders, but that was about it. Oh yeah and they obviously had a lot of sex with all the free time the plantations offered them.
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The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

Dear TroglocratsRdumb and Dont Taz Me Bro
Nothing wrong with Democrats paying for all these reparations owed to people they agree to pay.
Reparations can work on a voluntary basis, unless you can prove a specific party
such as Chase Bank had ties to profits from slavery which they agreed to settle:
From J.P. Morgan Chase, an Apology And $5 Million in Slavery Reparations

The ironic hypocrisy pointed out to me was
Why do the SAME Democrats insist on reparations paid by future generations that did not commit those past wrongs,
while indemnifying CHILDREN of illegal immigrant parents, and refusing to penalize them for the wrongs of their parents?

Can anyone explain this to me?
Why "future generations" are blamed collectively in one case,
yet exonerated in another?

Why is it called "racist" to treat all immigrants the same as criminals because of the wrongs committed by ancestors.
But it's okay to treat all future generations as responsible for slave owners because of wrongs committed by ancestors?

Isn't that equally racist to judge by affiliation and punish "collectively" without regard for which people committed wrongs?
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

There is no excuse to still be paying native americans. What you need to do is drop your white opinion about this and go study how you have benefited from slavery. On top of that you need to go study the impact of white racist policy from slavery to right now. You are ignorant to that information and it's easier for those like you to hide behind the malarkey you just posted. Why should we continue to be forced to have less wealth than whites because we were made to work for no pay for over 200 years. What could we have been able to build for successive generations had blacks been able to earn the same money as whites?

I'm not making anybody resent me that doesn't already resent me if I wasn't for reparations. And whites like you need to jump off that horse you ride relative to your importance. I don't give a fuck what whites such as you like. You appear to think that what whites have done and keep doing has not created resentment. The argument for reparations goes far beyond slavery and it does include things I have suffered.

But let's address that excuse also. Whites like you are all about things you never have experienced. Funds are set aside for descendants of the revolutionary war and at last check nobody alive has fought in that war. Every July 4th you celebrate something you had not part in. I can go on and on. There are laws that supersede the constitution. When those laws are broken you face a penalty. There is no statute of limitations on these laws. Excuses for breaking them do not get accepted.

So you can repeat the same mealy mouthed bullshit all white racists repeat when this topic comes up. And your opinion on this matter is irrelevant to the ultimate decider. You and those like you are the ones doing more harm than good. You owe us a generational debt and you will either pay what you owe or lose what you got.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

Dear TroglocratsRdumb and Dont Taz Me Bro
Nothing wrong with Democrats paying for all these reparations owed to people they agree to pay.
Reparations can work on a voluntary basis, unless you can prove a specific party
such as Chase Bank had ties to profits from slavery which they agreed to settle:
From J.P. Morgan Chase, an Apology And $5 Million in Slavery Reparations

The ironic hypocrisy pointed out to me was
Why do the SAME Democrats insist on reparations paid by future generations that did not commit those past wrongs,
while indemnifying CHILDREN of illegal immigrant parents, and refusing to penalize them for the wrongs of their parents?

Can anyone explain this to me?
Why "future generations" are blamed collectively in one case,
yet exonerated in another?

Why is it called "racist" to treat all immigrants the same as criminals because of the wrongs committed by ancestors.
But it's okay to treat all future generations as responsible for slave owners because of wrongs committed by ancestors?

Isn't that equally racist to judge by affiliation and punish "collectively" without regard for which people committed wrongs?

Emily republicans are complicit in this. A republican ended reconstruction. 4 out of the 7 votes for separate but equal were republican. Lincol felt blacks were inferior. Republicans allowed segregation. Whites who did not own slaves have benefited from a country built by slaves..
The fact it is 2019 and we still have people asking for reparations for slavery is ridiculous. No one alive today was a slave, and pretty much at least 3+ generations removed from slavery. Not to mention, what reparations do people want? Would it ever be enough? If people were given reparations, will the next generation of people want them too? The generation after that?

As far as these politicians are concerned that are agreeing that reparations should be paid, they are full of shit and know it will never happen, and are just using it as a political tool to try and capture the Black vote. Fucking stupid.

The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

There is no excuse to still be paying native americans. What you need to do is drop your white opinion about this and go study how you have benefited from slavery. On top of that you need to go study the impact of white racist policy from slavery to right now. You are ignorant to that information and it's easier for those like you to hide behind the malarkey you just posted. Why should we continue to be forced to have less wealth than whites because we were made to work for no pay for over 200 years. What could we have been able to build for successive generations had blacks been able to earn the same money as whites?

I'm not making anybody resent me that doesn't already resent me if I wasn't for reparations. And whites like you need to jump off that horse you ride relative to your importance. I don't give a fuck what whites such as you like. You appear to think that what whites have done and keep doing has not created resentment. The argument for reparations goes far beyond slavery and it does include things I have suffered.

But let's address that excuse also. Whites like you are all about things you never have experienced. Funds are set aside for descendants of the revolutionary war and at last check nobody alive has fought in that war. Every July 4th you celebrate something you had not part in. I can go on and on. There are laws that supersede the constitution. When those laws are broken you face a penalty. There is no statute of limitations on these laws. Excuses for breaking them do not get accepted.

So you can repeat the same mealy mouthed bullshit all white racists repeat when this topic comes up. And your opinion on this matter is irrelevant to the ultimate decider. You and those like you are the ones doing more harm than good. You owe us a generational debt and you will either pay what you owe or lose what you got.

I've studied quite a bit about this, and all different problems involving race. If you would have been paying attention, you've even liked and given other positive rep on many of my posts.

There is NO FUCKING reason to give reparations at this point in time when NO ONE ALIVE has ever been a slave, and NO ONE ALIVE has ever owned a slave.

Yes, you are doing a TON of harm to the movement towards equal treatment for all people, because you are putting too much energy in a fight for a ridiculous idea that does nothing but cause negative resentment. Celebrating independence for the country on the 4th of July has nothing to do with this discussion and is just ignorant to even bring up. It is a celebration of the country's independence.

Let me give you one big fucking hint. Telling people they are wrong just because they aren't Black will get you nowhere, and calling me a racist just showed how ignorant you are. Feel free to point out ONE racist statement I have ever made on this forum. I had been told by people that YOU are the racist, and right now I'm starting to believe that.
So wait a sec, Blacks went from building mud huts in Africa, to precision, Greco-Roman buildings using the golden ratio once they arrived in America. :p Afro-centrism is in the same family of mental illnesses as TDS. Totally insane. Get over it. Blacks kind of picked some cotton after the Jewish slave traders bought them from the Black slave traders, but that was about it. Oh yeah and they obviously had a lot of sex with all the free time the plantations offered them.

None of this is true.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

Dear TroglocratsRdumb and Dont Taz Me Bro
Nothing wrong with Democrats paying for all these reparations owed to people they agree to pay.
Reparations can work on a voluntary basis, unless you can prove a specific party
such as Chase Bank had ties to profits from slavery which they agreed to settle:
From J.P. Morgan Chase, an Apology And $5 Million in Slavery Reparations

The ironic hypocrisy pointed out to me was
Why do the SAME Democrats insist on reparations paid by future generations that did not commit those past wrongs,
while indemnifying CHILDREN of illegal immigrant parents, and refusing to penalize them for the wrongs of their parents?

Can anyone explain this to me?
Why "future generations" are blamed collectively in one case,
yet exonerated in another?

Why is it called "racist" to treat all immigrants the same as criminals because of the wrongs committed by ancestors.
But it's okay to treat all future generations as responsible for slave owners because of wrongs committed by ancestors?

Isn't that equally racist to judge by affiliation and punish "collectively" without regard for which people committed wrongs?

Do you know the can of worms you are talking about?

This would allow those who die from gun shots to sue
The government of this country owes us for about 243 years of human rights violations against our people from 1776 until now. You racists don't get to tell us that we need to be republicans because the democratic party was the party of slavery 3 generations removed then talk the retarded ass bullshit in this quote.

I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

There is no excuse to still be paying native americans. What you need to do is drop your white opinion about this and go study how you have benefited from slavery. On top of that you need to go study the impact of white racist policy from slavery to right now. You are ignorant to that information and it's easier for those like you to hide behind the malarkey you just posted. Why should we continue to be forced to have less wealth than whites because we were made to work for no pay for over 200 years. What could we have been able to build for successive generations had blacks been able to earn the same money as whites?

I'm not making anybody resent me that doesn't already resent me if I wasn't for reparations. And whites like you need to jump off that horse you ride relative to your importance. I don't give a fuck what whites such as you like. You appear to think that what whites have done and keep doing has not created resentment. The argument for reparations goes far beyond slavery and it does include things I have suffered.

But let's address that excuse also. Whites like you are all about things you never have experienced. Funds are set aside for descendants of the revolutionary war and at last check nobody alive has fought in that war. Every July 4th you celebrate something you had not part in. I can go on and on. There are laws that supersede the constitution. When those laws are broken you face a penalty. There is no statute of limitations on these laws. Excuses for breaking them do not get accepted.

So you can repeat the same mealy mouthed bullshit all white racists repeat when this topic comes up. And your opinion on this matter is irrelevant to the ultimate decider. You and those like you are the ones doing more harm than good. You owe us a generational debt and you will either pay what you owe or lose what you got.

I've studied quite a bit about this, and all different problems involving race. If you would have been paying attention, you've even liked and given other positive rep on many of my posts.

There is NO FUCKING reason to give reparations at this point in time when NO ONE ALIVE has ever been a slave, and NO ONE ALIVE has ever owned a slave.

Yes, you are during a TON of harm to the movement towards equal treatment for all people, because you are putting too much energy in a fight for a ridiculous idea that does nothing but cause negative resentment. Celebrating independence for the country on the 4th of July has nothing to do with this discussion and is just ignorant to even bring up. It is a celebration of the countries independence.

Let me give you one big fucking hint. Telling people they are wrong just because they aren't Black will get you nowhere, and calling me a racist just showed how ignorant you are. Feel free to point out ONE racist statement I have ever made on this forum. I had been told by people that YOU are the racist, and right now I'm starting to believe that.

No lewdog I am not doing harm to anything. You guys are paying native americans today for things that happened when none of us were alive. I tell you that you are wrong because you are wrong. There are plenty of whites who I have agreed with on this issue. Your entire opposition to reparations are based on well known racist opinions. These racists who have called me an ape, the n word and other associated racist terms or who clamor with fake statistics using per capita calling me a racist is of no concern to me. You thinking I am a racist because I support reparations shows your ignorance not mine. You guys live now off the backs and deeds of your ancestors just like everybody else. White wealth was created by robbing us.

You don't get it. Harm has been done. By whites. To us. You will pay native americans reparations every year as long as you live for things you did not do. So the precedent has been set. And your excuses and opinions do not change that.
Nobody is getting slavery reparations.

Dear TroglocratsRdumb and Dont Taz Me Bro
Nothing wrong with Democrats paying for all these reparations owed to people they agree to pay.
Reparations can work on a voluntary basis, unless you can prove a specific party
such as Chase Bank had ties to profits from slavery which they agreed to settle:
From J.P. Morgan Chase, an Apology And $5 Million in Slavery Reparations

The ironic hypocrisy pointed out to me was
Why do the SAME Democrats insist on reparations paid by future generations that did not commit those past wrongs,
while indemnifying CHILDREN of illegal immigrant parents, and refusing to penalize them for the wrongs of their parents?

Can anyone explain this to me?
Why "future generations" are blamed collectively in one case,
yet exonerated in another?

Why is it called "racist" to treat all immigrants the same as criminals because of the wrongs committed by ancestors.
But it's okay to treat all future generations as responsible for slave owners because of wrongs committed by ancestors?

Isn't that equally racist to judge by affiliation and punish "collectively" without regard for which people committed wrongs?

Do you know the can of worms you are talking about?

This would allow those who die from gun shots to sue
I'm no where near a racist, and if you were fucking paying attention you'd know that by my post in the other thread about racism you gave rep points to.

You are not a slave, I'm not a slave owner nor do I know anyone in my family that has ever been one, and there is absolutely no reason why people that have nothing to do with slavery should have to pay for the sins of people that have been dead for many, many decades. Reparations for slavery 150 years after the fact is a completely ignorant idea. My family is from the North, which means my family FOUGHT and more than likely someone in my family lost their life fighting to end slavery.

It's 2019, fucking move on and worry about shit that matters NOW, like fair pay, equal representation, and the environment.

Those excuses don't cut it. In 2019 whites are still racist. And every white person who graduates from Ivy League and many other U.S. colleges right now benefit from slavery because slaves built those colleges.

Give it a rest. There are no excuses for slavery, but there also are no excuses to be still wanting reparations from slavery in 2019. You want reparations for people being racist? You want someone to cut you a check from tax payer money because you are Black? Fuck that. There are lots of people that aren't racist that pay taxes. I'm not paying you money just because you are Black.

I think the real issue here is, you want top punish EVERYONE, including people that have never done anything wrong to you or any other Black person. All you are doing at this point is making lots of people have resentment towards you and the Black people like you who want paid for something you never suffered from, nor has your parents, grandparents and possibly many more generations.

You are now causing more harm than good.

There is no excuse to still be paying native americans. What you need to do is drop your white opinion about this and go study how you have benefited from slavery. On top of that you need to go study the impact of white racist policy from slavery to right now. You are ignorant to that information and it's easier for those like you to hide behind the malarkey you just posted. Why should we continue to be forced to have less wealth than whites because we were made to work for no pay for over 200 years. What could we have been able to build for successive generations had blacks been able to earn the same money as whites?

I'm not making anybody resent me that doesn't already resent me if I wasn't for reparations. And whites like you need to jump off that horse you ride relative to your importance. I don't give a fuck what whites such as you like. You appear to think that what whites have done and keep doing has not created resentment. The argument for reparations goes far beyond slavery and it does include things I have suffered.

But let's address that excuse also. Whites like you are all about things you never have experienced. Funds are set aside for descendants of the revolutionary war and at last check nobody alive has fought in that war. Every July 4th you celebrate something you had not part in. I can go on and on. There are laws that supersede the constitution. When those laws are broken you face a penalty. There is no statute of limitations on these laws. Excuses for breaking them do not get accepted.

So you can repeat the same mealy mouthed bullshit all white racists repeat when this topic comes up. And your opinion on this matter is irrelevant to the ultimate decider. You and those like you are the ones doing more harm than good. You owe us a generational debt and you will either pay what you owe or lose what you got.

I've studied quite a bit about this, and all different problems involving race. If you would have been paying attention, you've even liked and given other positive rep on many of my posts.

There is NO FUCKING reason to give reparations at this point in time when NO ONE ALIVE has ever been a slave, and NO ONE ALIVE has ever owned a slave.

Yes, you are during a TON of harm to the movement towards equal treatment for all people, because you are putting too much energy in a fight for a ridiculous idea that does nothing but cause negative resentment. Celebrating independence for the country on the 4th of July has nothing to do with this discussion and is just ignorant to even bring up. It is a celebration of the countries independence.

Let me give you one big fucking hint. Telling people they are wrong just because they aren't Black will get you nowhere, and calling me a racist just showed how ignorant you are. Feel free to point out ONE racist statement I have ever made on this forum. I had been told by people that YOU are the racist, and right now I'm starting to believe that.

No lewdog I am not doing harm to anything. You guys are paying native americans today for things that happened when none of us were alive. I tell you that you are wrong because you are wrong. There are plenty of whites who I have agreed with on this issue. Your entire opposition to reparations are based on well known racist opinions. These racists who have called me an ape, the n word and other associated racist terms or who clamor with fake statistics using per capita calling me a racist is of no concern to me. You thinking I am a racist because I support reparations shows yor ignorance not mine. You guys live now off the backs and deeds of your ancestors just like everybody else. White wealth was created by robbing us.

You don't get it. Harm has been done. By whites. To us. You will pay native americans reparations every year as long as you live for things you did not do. So the precedent has been set. And your excuses and opinions do not change that.

So white people can't understand slavery because they are white? Let me fill you in on something, just because you are Black YOU can't understand slavery. You know why? YOU'VE NEVER BEEN A SLAVE.

Do you know who the man in this picture is?


Can he understand slavery?

I'll let you answer that before I show you just how fucking ignorant YOU are, and why people resent you, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you being Black.

By the way, I said I am starting to believe you are a racist like people have told me, because despite the fact I have never said a single racist thing on this forum, I say I'm against reparations and you fucking call me a racist. THAT'S WHY.
The question the fake "reparations" brings up is what if Blacks and Browns were not in the USA? Over 90% of violent crime would not exist. Public schools would not be dumbing down the content to make Blacks and Browns have equal outcomes, etc., etc. "Diversity" campaigns would not be making medical care, fire departments, police departments, district attorneys, politicians and legislation unreliable and to the detriment of Western Civilization. So obviously Blacks and Browns should pay reparations for Whites for creating a country that is safe for them to act out when if behaved in their inbred manner in their savage home country they would be chopped up into pieces.

Just a random hilariously ironic vid of Blacks claiming racism when they assault White people. Folks, Al Sharpton is the most infamous, racist, fake crime hoaxer and he is actually employed by a fake news channel and POS democrat politicians like horseface Kamala seek his blessing. :p

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On the reparations question: who gets them? is it anyone with X% black genes? anyone who can prove to be a decendent of slaves? Micheal Jordan? Oprah? Cosby? How about the white Irish who were brought here as slaves? and who pays it? every american? only white americans? how about recent immigrants?

this whole idea is a racist attempt to further divide the country and try to buy some votes for dems. Anyone who cannot see that is a compete idiot.
It's not immoral. Here's the deal. Every motherfucker who calls themselves African- American. Remove the American part and send the motherfucker to Africa. Give them about $25 grand a piece and wish them good luck.

“There is no room in this country,”Roosevelt bellowed,“for hyphenated Americanism…German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian-Americans or Italian-Americans. There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a good American. The only man who is a good American is the man who is an American and nothing else.”

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